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Chapter 291 Wolf


When Shuiyue turned around, the magic soldier had surrounded the army and stabbed the army with weapons. Shuiyue had no time to grieve. He ran towards the woods. Behind him, the magic soldiers chased him, but there was no speed at the foot of Shuiyue. In addition, it was difficult for a large number of troops to maneuver in the narrow space of the woods, and Shuiyue could not go around a few circles. Leaving the demon army behind and finding a safe place, Shuiyue began to blame himself for the death of the army. Why did the army break free from its arms and why did it die? Shuiyue would never bypass these beasts.

Taking the arm of the army out of the ring, Shuiyue dug a hole in the woods with a long sword, just as if it had buried the army. Shuiyue could not return to find the body of the army. The magic soldier must have disposed of the body of the army.

After Shuiyue buried the remnants of the army, she observed the surrounding scenery and wrote down this place, "Brother, I'm sorry, I can only bury you here first, but one day I will come back to invite you out, believe me!"

In front of Shuiyue, an extremely unnatural smile appeared on the scar's face.

In order to avoid the magic soldiers, Shuiyue walked deeper into the forest and felt thirsty. She happened to see the stream in the forest. Shuiyue lay down and took a sip of the clear spring and looked at the forest. The birds singing, the cicadas. The wood was in glory, and the spring trickled. Shuiyue didn't know which direction to go, because Because she ran too fast just now, Shuiyue lost her way in the woods.

When Shuiyue looked up at the sun, the sun was still blocked behind the dark clouds. Shuiyue was dumbfounded for a moment. He didn't know where the city Hua Shao went to was, and he couldn't return. The magic soldiers must still be searching for himself in the woods.

The best way for people to get lost in the woods is to look at the sun, and the moon can't sit and wait for the sun to come out. The sky is suddenly gloomy, and it may rain. The moon can only rely on their own feelings.

Walking to the side of the stream, the water moon suddenly pays attention. The water goes down and follows the stream by itself. It can always walk out of the woods. Generally, the stream is not too long, and the end of the stream must be a larger water flow. Baihui becomes a river, and the general city will be built near the river. Thinking of this, the water moon is smooth. Flowing down and paying attention to the movement of the woods, it was also a coincidence that his previous plan was not perfect, and that the two magic soldiers were caught in the middle. For this reason, the army sacrificed his life, so that Shuiyue acted more cautiously and could not distinguish the direction of the water flow, but the water moon could feel that the forest was getting denser and denser, almost inaccessible, and the stream The rocks on the side are covered with moss, and the empty forest is quiet. I can't hear any movement of the magic soldiers. The sky is still gloomy. Shuiyue has not experienced the beauty of this deep forest for a long time.

Shuiyue walked and felt a little worried. In case the sky could not sink and it rained, wouldn't she become a drowned chicken? Shuiyue had walked very fast and trotted.


The sky is muffled.

Shuiyue complained, "What do you really want!"

A few drops of light rain fell, first hitting the leaves, and then the leaves trembled a few times, couldn't stand it, and finally fell on the head of the moon.


The heavy rain poured down, and the stream blistered. The water moon hid under a big tree and was shrouded around. In the dark rain, the birds did not bark. At this time, the woods were quiet and a little scary, as if something was going to happen. Shuiyue held her arms and felt a little cold.

She hid from the rain under the tree and inevitably got wet. Shuiyue turned her back to the tree and remembered to put the scarf sent by Xiao Xue in the ring. Since she couldn't make the road, Shuiyue simply took out the Book of Warrior in the ring. This is still the book given to her by Snow God, but water As soon as Yue took it out, he heard a wolf call.


Shuiyue panicked and put the Book of Warriors back. He actually forgot that there were not only birds in the woods, but also other fierce beasts, such as wolves, and wolves were still gregarious animals. When they found their prey, they would call other companions and persistently pursue them.

Have you been found by a wolf?

The water moon looked around, and the rain dimmed the light in the woods. The water moon enabled the Qingming, but it had no effect. Now there is still sunshine. Qingming only has a role in the darkness. With a long sword, the moon leaned against the tree trunk and suddenly saw a few pairs of blue eyes in the distance.

It was the wolf's eyes. They were staring at themselves. Shuiyue moved, and the blue eyes followed. Shuiyue was not afraid of magic soldiers, but out of people's own fear, Shuiyue was afraid of this kind of animal. She often heard that wolves cannibald people. Shuiyue's legs were a little weak and waved a long sword and shouted, "You Don't come here!"

The more blue eyes gathered, there were more and more pairs. Shuiyue got up and jumped on the tree trunk and squatted down. Then she was relieved and took a long breath. Then she thought that she was not afraid of these animals with her own strength.

The wolf clan started and walked under the tree of Shuiyue. The trunk of the tree was seven or eight meters away. It was not easy for the leopard to come up. Shuiyue did not want to fight with the wolves, but stayed on the tree honestly, did not provoke or bombard it.

There were sixteen wolves, some old and some young, began to wander under the tree, waiting for Shuiyue to go down by herself. Shuiyue rushed down and said, "Anyway, it's raining. I'm not in a hurry. If you want to wait, wait here. When the rain stops, you can't help me!"

When no one is around, human beings can even speak to a small grass. The wolves below grin and show their canine teeth, which are extremely fierce. Although they look fierce, the wolves themselves are not strong. They can only rely on the strength of the team to gain a foothold in the deep forest, especially when they are angry. Dare to fight against tigers.

The wolves circled under the tree several times. The leader may be the wolf king. The boss of this team lay down first, and the other wolves also lay down, stared up at Shuiyue, and closed their mouths.

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Hey, you are really, just sit and wait for me to go down and die? Please, I'm a human being, either a fool, or a fool knows that I can't go down."

The wolves did not move. As time passed, the old wolf suddenly stood up and made a low cry, like a sad howling, but the sound was very low, like a puppy, begging for food, and other wolves also shouted like this, which made Shuiyue upset. "You are too unreasonable. You want to eat me, and I'm going to die!"

Shuiyue opened her mouth, and then the rain fell from the tree.

Under the tree, the wolves were still roaring, as if they were begging. Looking at the water and the moon, all the wolves were drenched by the rain.

Shuiyue feels a little wrong. There seems to be no such sound in the blood of wolves. They have always been roaring and arrogant. What's going on now?

With a wave of Shuiyue's long sword, he boldly jumped down from the tree.

The wolves retreated and stopped screaming. Unexpectedly, they did not attack themselves. The leading wolf king turned around and walked towards the woods. All the wolves followed him. Shuiyue was not a wolf, but also followed him. Shuiyue understood what the wolf king meant. It was leading itself into the woods.

When the wolf king stopped, all the wolves were patted into two rows. The water and moon boldly came to the wolf king. There is a deep pit. There are some grass in the deep pit, artificial partitions. The deep pit is about two meters deep and smooth around it. It should be arranged by hunters. It is called a hunting trap. The trap is covered with weeds, similar to the ground. When the wild Pigs and other animals will fall inside when they pass by. Hunters will go to the mountain forest every few days to see if these traps are harvested. There is a little wolf in the deep pit, screaming and trying to climb up, but no matter how hard it is, it can't climb out.

Shuiyue understood the meaning of the old wolf. The little wolf cub accidentally fell into the trap. With the power of the wolf clan, it could not be saved. After all, they were not human, so it found itself in the woods and hoped that it could save the wolf cub, which is what it meant.

Shuiyue didn't say anything. She jumped into the deep pit, jumped up with the little wolf cub in her arms, and put down the little wolf cub. The little guy automatically went to find his mother. The female wolf lay down to breastfeed the little wolf ball. Shuiyue covered her face and said shamelessly, "Don't look at it if you are rude, don't look at it if you are rude."

The wolves whispered, and Shuiyue smiled and said, "It's nothing. If you don't eat me, it's fine."