First-class immortal

Chapter 5: The evil dragon preyed on its nest

[Mid-Autumn Festival outbreak, the fourth update!! Please collect, red ticket!]

The weather is getting hot, and Fengkui's head refuses to come out of the cold pool. He also feels bored in the mountains. However, if there is a Lingzhi fairy grass, those spirit birds and beasts are always guarding them to prevent outsiders from approaching. Fengkui's head is now weak, and he can't help but see those spirit birds and beasts. He is drooling at good things, but he is helpless. He often just cove for two things from afar and will be chased away all over the mountains.

So he was also too lazy to go around. He thought in his heart that after he dealt with the evil dragonfly in the cold pool, he would get all the precious herbs that he had favored before, so he practiced in the cold pool all day long. When he was hungry, he would eat the fish in the pool. Now the red fish has been eaten by this guy, and the goldfish may be cut off for a year and a half. The smaller silverfish still disdains to catch it to satisfy his hunger, but it is expected that the final outcome will not be much better.

On this day, Feng Kui's head was practicing "Zunlong Out to the Sea" in the water and reached the state of fascination. The blood in his body flowed rapidly and his body operated flexibly everywhere. At that moment, the goods seemed to feel that he had turned into a dragon, and his heart was suddenly full of noble and arrogant domineering, furious and graceful, noble but not rotten. His body moved under the cold pool, and his legs bounced like a real dragon's tail. He came out of the water and rose nearly a hundred feet from the ground. He was excited in the clouds above his head. He danced in the air for a while and looked down. The strong wind brushed his face, and his body began to fall rapidly. Under his feet The cold pool is also constantly enlarging.

Suddenly, the already calm cold pool suddenly made a big wave. A layer of white waves surged up three feet. The pool seemed to be a boiled rice pot. The goods were surprised in mid-air. At this time, he saw a huge thing in the pool suddenly poked out his head, looking left and looking forward, opening his teeth and dancing his claws. The huge black and purple body jumped to the shore, looked at the depths of Lingxiu Peak, and rushed in.

The wind head did not dare to come out. He finally saw the shape of the evil dragonfly. Only then did the guy realize the horror of the monster. The evil dragonfly in front of him walked away, and the wind dragonfly fell into the cold pool. He turned over and quickly climbed up and hid on a ten-foot tree by the pool. In about half an hour, the evil dragon was holding it in his mouth. A huge green cow came back, jumped into the cold pool, sank to the bottom of the water and never came out.

The evil dragonfly disappeared for a long time, and the wind came down from the tree and muttered, "The dragon is sleepy. Why did this evil dragon wake up? Is it possible to hatch its children?"

The evil dragonfly woke up in winter and found that the bottom of the pool was empty and food was scarce. He was so hungry that he turned out of the cold pool to catch food in the mountains. It is not the green cow that should be killed, but the broken fish, because its food has been robbed by this.

Feng Kui had such a conjecture in his heart. He rarely practiced in this cold pool for a period of time, but observed secretly. After a month, the guy found that the evil dragonfly came out to look for food every half a month, and every time he came out, he didn't return half an hour later. The guy gradually had a ghost idea in his heart and thought about the evil dragonfly. He is also the overlord in this cold pool. He has always heard that dragons like shiny treasures, so he guessed that this evil dragon must have some collections, and he has a desire to cove it.

So the broken fish practiced in the dark while secretly waiting for the opportunity. Half an hour is enough for him to do evil in the cold pool several times.

"Zunlong Gos to Sea" has been cultivated in a good way. Gradually have experience. When he touches the key point of cultivation, he can launch it with difficulty. When he jumps on the land, he is more than a hundred feet, and it seems to fly in the sky. When this guy's painstaking efforts **, he keeps jumping into the sky for that moment of flying in the air. A detached feeling.

He is also trapped and too boring. He always sees people driving flying swords and magic weapons in the sky on other peaks in the distance. He is really envious. In the depths of his heart, he also boldly thinks that one day he will escape from Lingxiu Peak and escape outside without knowing the ghosts. At worst, he will not sneak back until his cultivation reaches the realm of Taoism. . It's also because this guy's eyesight is so good that he always sees figures in the sky dozens of miles away, and he always flies in the sky. He can't help but envy him.

It's not that he didn't want to use the black cloud from Yao Shaobao's place. He had thought that Yao Shaobao could fly away from the Taoist realm, but this guy didn't know how to stimulate it at all. The magic weapon was also hidden in his body and there was no movement anywhere on weekdays. This guy had no choice but to give up, and he was always annoyed. Piao Xianjun deprived him of his freedom with one sentence.

This product has also opened more than a dozen acupuncture points, all along the way to the spine, and there are several places on the soles of his feet, but the practice of "Taishang Zunlong True Body" can't touch the doorway, and there is no eyebrows. This guy always has a little arbitrary in everything, but only he can last for a long time in practice, and his head always thinks about the bottom of the world. There is a sister who has to pursue him after becoming stronger and stronger. She can't see the person who often appeared in the dream at that time. How to make him feel at ease, but he doesn't want to hold this regret for a lifetime. Moreover, Sister Yi wants him to be a first-class figure to catch up with the immortals. How can he disappoint the woman who supports him to live well?!

Therefore, there is no progress in practicing "Taishang Zunlong Zhenjue", and this product is still persistent and tireless. Even if the benefits of each cultivation are pitifully ridiculous, this guy continues with the determination of grinding the iron pestle into a needle.

Feng Kui sat in the bushes on a mountain in the distance of the cold pool and practiced against the cold pool. Maybe he felt sleepy for a long time. He bounced up and rushed straight into the clouds until the highest point was about to fall. This guy's sudden painstaking efforts** again at the moment when he did not see the high rise and had not yet fallen. Suddenly launched "Zunlong Going to Sea" again, and unexpectedly rose more than ten feet in the air. The guy's heart pounded excitedly and felt that several acupuncture points in his body were smooth. The true qi in his body was poured in, and the bending and extension of the whole cervical spine was more than ten times stronger. "Taishang Zunlong's True Body Decision" suddenly slowed down. For a moment, the goods took advantage of the inspiration in his heart and failed to launch "Zunlong to Go to Sea" again. His body fell from the sky and fell to the sky, but the goods immediately found something wrong and there was no pain all over his body. Instead, he felt some unusual changes on his back. He touched his backhand behind his back. He seemed to hold something like a fish fin in his hand and touched it all the way. He found that the erected foreign body had been growing on his spine from the cervical spine to the tail vertebrae. The guy was shocked and quickly touched his back and felt cold and rough like scales.

Feng Kui screamed, "What kind of monster am I going to become?"

This guy could no longer care about anything else. He ran to the cold pool to shine the shadow of the water. Seeing the picture behind him, he was surprised and said, "How can this back look the same as that evil dragon?! I'm not going to become that waiting monster!" After being surprised, he shook his head and said, "In the "Taishang Zunlong Road" I practiced, the white turtle boasted that it was the supreme road. At least it would become a real dragon. It should not be that kind of ugly thing. Maybe I haven't practiced deeply and haven't completely changed. However, the cultivation of "Taishang Zunlong Zhenjue" has finally begun, and it is actually necessary to learn "Zunlong Sanshiki" first.

This guy didn't guide him at all. He explored all by himself and finally achieved success. He practiced more crazily and didn't know how to put away the scales on his back. All day long, I thought about "Zunlong Out to Sea" in the sky against that strange thing, and gradually I can jump in the air three or four times, experiencing the pleasure of soaring in the sky for a moment, and then I tried my best to come down from the air.

If other Taoist disciples see such a situation, I'm afraid that their frightened chins will fall to the ground and stay in the sky for a while, even if the Taoist stream does not rely on magic weapons, they can't do it. It was also the white turtle who really hated him at the beginning and left without saying "I'm too lazy to see you again" without saying clearly.

It's also strange that Feng Kui's first knowledge is really shallow, but he doesn't know that anyone who is stained with the word "Taishang" is an ancient thing a few years ago. It is often the most simple and closely related to the truth of the Tao, and the wonders can't be calculated.

This guy was tossing happily in the air, and he also had the fun of his own practice. Suddenly, he saw the ferocious dragonfly in the cold pool below jump out of the water and ran to the depths of Lingxiu Peak for predation. An evil smile appeared on his face, and he twisted a dragon directly from the sky and threw it back to the cold pool. More than ten feet into the water, with the strength, it went deeper, more than a dozen feet beyond the depth of the black fish's survival. The goods gradually felt pressure, and the water was also cold and uncomfortable.

Feng Kui was surprised and thought, "This evil dragonfly is in good health. Such coldness and deep water pressure can also be safely below. I don't know how long it will take to hone to come and go freely like this evil dragonfly." This guy thought to drill down with his hands and feet hard, and then went down more than ten feet. The guy suddenly felt chest tight and his mind was not as clear as the plain field. When he saw a black hole on the edge, he got in, and his Yang's eyes only had a vision of four or five feet. Feng Kui boldly went in and bent and went deep for a period of time. Suddenly, he was enlightened and saw a treasure light. It turned out that many clam shells opened their shells to reveal the pearls inside, emitting bright brilliance, and those clam shells were actually spitting aura one by one.

This guy was stunned and was not sure that he had entered the cave of the evil dragonfly, but so many clam shells showed the baby's leisurely spitting aura in his stomach. It was not long before Lingxiufeng would give birth to a few clam demons.

This guy is careful not to touch those mules, let alone rush to get those fist-sized pearls. This guy also knows that it is not easy to get them. He has to be clamped by the seemingly dull clam shell, and he will break his hands and feet if it is not good.

He carefully went inside and saw a big stone-blue egg lying quietly in a stone nest in the distance, with some strange water plants next to it. He didn't know if it was a baby, but he was particularly interested in the egg. He secretly held it in his arms and pulled the water grass by the way, and wanted to Taking a little back, he didn't think that he couldn't stop pulling it. The guy was surprised. He found a small root next to dig it up, used the dragon in the water and went to sea two or three times. He quickly flew out of the cold pool to a secret place, hid the stone cyan egg, and carefully returned to the stone house to find out Kyushu Records and inquire about it.