First-class immortal

Chapter 6: The Disaster of Lingxiu Peak

After first consulting Kyushu Records, according to the relevant description, Feng Kui picked up the handful of water grass and chewed it hard and chewed it in his mouth. He tasted it and said with satisfaction: "Sure enough, it is dragon tendon grass. Only in the water coiled by dragons can it grow. It has the effect of nourishing muscles and bones. The longer the year, the better the effect is. If you take it for a long time, your muscles and bones will be as strong as Jiaolong. Unfortunately, the dragon tendon fruit it produces has been eaten by the evil dragon, which is the first-class fruit to strengthen the muscles and bones.

This guy chewed the dragon tendon grass as a snack little by little, while continuing to turn over Kyushu Records to determine what egg it was, but he didn't figure out what it was. In his opinion, it is quite similar to the Yimu green dragon egg mentioned in "Jiuzhou Records", but he does not believe that a dark ugly dragon egg can give birth to Yimu green dragon eggs. It is not known whether the animal is male or female. Moreover, he can only see such a lonely appearance, and it takes at least a pair to give birth to eggs. Eggs made from a single head can't hatch.

This guy didn't bother to think too much about it. He thought about one day when he was hungry and smashed it and drank it. He knocked on it and found that he had no choice but to do this green egg. This guy did 250 behaviors in other eyes. He picked up a stubborn stone and smashed it down. This time, he was not small. Fengyuan thought that no matter how hard an egg was, he was afraid. If you want to break it into a bag of slag, you don't know that the one broken into a bag of slag is actually a stubborn stone in your hand.

Feng Kui was shocked. He grabbed the stone cyan dragon egg and looked left and right. He also found something extraordinary. There was not even a trace of impact on the egg shell. Feng Kui pouted and said, "In the future, when I practice, I will throw you around, so that you can get a little real dragon smell, and maybe a small dragon can crawl out of it. "

Feng Kui then decided to find another place to live. He stole the precious egg of the evil dragonfly. It turned out that the place was no longer safe. He was leaving to find a quiet and remote place to settle down when he heard a bang in the cold pool and knew that the evil dragon had returned to the nest.

The guy left boldly, found a bare stone cliff near the water, piled up the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and turned it into a stone nest that could no longer be simple. He planned to throw the dragon egg in it during the daytime practice, meditating at night and then picked it up beside him.

The stone nest has been built here, and there is a big movement in the mountains.

Feng Kui climbed to the top of the stone cliff and saw a black dragon showing its power in the mountains and forests. When he saw the living creatures in front of him, he killed them to death. He was extremely irritable. The spirit bird and beast like Lingxiufeng was not an opponent of the evil dragon at all, and was killed in a few rounds. The evil dragonfly did not eat them. After killing them, he continued to jump around. Feng Kui saw that the evil dragonfly was looking for its precious eggs.

Feng Kui said with a pair of gloating on the stone cliff: "Ling Xiufeng is very lively now. Those disciples in Piaomiao Mountain should always have a drill object! I can also have a good time. Anyway, the evil dragonfly can't find the egg, and I won't let those Piaomiaoshan disciples kill the evil dragonfly. Both must be mine."

The abnormality of the death of a large number of spirit beasts on Lingxiu Peak was quickly detected. It was found that the evil beast was actually a black evil dragonfly. Piaomiao Mountain immediately organized a group of excellent disciples to come to practice in an attempt to kill the evil dragonfly.

I don't know that the real scourge is not the evil dragonfly, but the inconspicuous prisoner's head.

Feng Kui squatted on the top of the stone cliff and squinted at the first team of aggressive disciples entering Lingxiu Peak. Seeing them scattered to search for the whereabouts of the evil dragonfly, Feng Kui smashed his head and finally laughed.

Nan had already told him that there were more than 500,000 disciples in Piaomiao Mountain, more than 10,000 disciples in the inner door, and 100 true disciples. In this Baili Fairy Mountain, there are so many people who are working hard to learn art and ask for immortals. The disciples of the outer door tried their best to squeeze into the inner door in order to get better sect rewards, more elixirs, better methods, and could go further on the road of cultivation. The disciples of the inner door thought that one day they would become true disciples, get the true transmission of the ethereal mountain town, and be able to stand out and proudly practice the true world. The disciples of Zhenchuan are turbulent, and they are all the proud sons of heaven. It is not surprising that they want to leave a name on the list of ethereal immortals and fight for the powerful magic weapon rare elixir, and lose their lives for the head of a place to enter the ethereal sky.

The fierce competition is cruel, but it also makes people have nothing to say. In the way of cultivation, stopping is retreating. Who doesn't try their best to go against the current, just to seize their own chance.

Most of the disciples sent to Lingxiufeng for this kind of experience are external disciples. Most of the disciples of the inner disciples and true disciples disdare such boring experience. Only by withstood the test and excellent talent can they be promoted to inner disciples.

So Feng Kui is confident to deal with these low-level disciples who are similar to his own strength, and a lot of elixir and the next exciting time have come to his mind.

At this moment, Lingxiu Peak, most of the birds and beasts with wings are flying in the sky or resting high places. Those who can't leave the ground are scattered around, trying to avoid the evil dragonfly looking for eggs to avoid the disaster.

The evil dragonfly rushed around like a headless fly on Lingxiu Peak, which made it more difficult for those outside disciples to search. Feng Kui relied on his amazing eyesight and hearing and secretly followed this group of fat sheep who were spinning around in the dark.

He actually looks like a monster. The scale on his back has long been stabbed and worn out, and his hands and feet are also covered with a layer of yellow scales, but the texture is much softer than that of his back, which does not hinder his movement. On the contrary, it is an extremely tough layer of protection.

He only hopes that these people will not find the black dragonfly in the daytime, and it is a good time for him to act at night.

At sunset, someone has found traces of the evil dragon. Three or five people have stopped the fierce dragon and is falling into a hard battle. Feng Kui thought that these people can't help the evil dragon for a while, saying that someone will be injured. He only followed a few unlucky people around the mountains. As long as it was dark, he would tease these fat sheep.

When I was a mountain thief, I couldn't go out to grab money. Instead, I had a good opportunity to be a prisoner in Lingxiufeng. I have long been aware of being a robber, but I was not soft at all. This guy has been so active that he always plays with him more than others. Now it's finally time to break the two evenly. Feng Kui decided not to let go of any of them and scrape them all before giving up.

Those disciples were still confident looking for the culprit of the evil spirit beast on Lingxiu Peak, but they did not know that they had already become prey in other people's eyes, and their eyes had been staring at them in the dark for a long time.

The sky finally darkened, and the warm summer wind came, and several people still felt comfortable and went to a dense pine forest without knowing it.

Feng Kui squatted on the crown of an old pine tree and held a stubborn stone in his hand. His eyes narrowed into a line. He looked at the unlucky man who fell behind him. Suddenly, he hit the stone in his hand and hit him straight on his leg. The man screamed and staggered down, shocking the front several companies. Looking back, I only saw my companions getting up awkwardly from the ground and sneered one by one, "Are your legs weak when walking at night?"

The man blushed and argued, "Something hit me..." He was also surprised. Suddenly, I felt a rustle of the pine trees. These people were alert and looked around. They only heard a strange sound behind the rocks in the distance, like a running sound. Everyone had doubts, hoping that it was the evil dragonfly they were looking for, and quickly chased them to see.

Feng Kui's head had already gone up the canopy from behind the rocks, and still held the stubborn stone in his hand. The young man who was plotted once must have a flying stone. Several people were rushing to the rocks. Unexpectedly, the companion who fell down once fell to the ground again and exclaimed. Several people stopped impatiently considering their companions. He came down and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Don't hold on if you are afraid. It's not for you to drag you back this time. We are going to exchange the credit of killing the evil dragonfly in exchange for elixir."

The young man was full of grievance and said aggrievedly, "A stone hit me, so..."

Most of his companions snorted coldly, ignored him, and left him. The young man felt uncomfortable. He got up from the ground and looked around warily. He didn't see any clue. He looked at his companion who had arrived in front of him and chased after him.

Feng Kui's evil smile swept out of the side like lightning. A big hand covered the young man's mouth first, and the other hand greeted him directly on the back of his head. The young man was so wronged that he was unconscious by Feng Kui's head. This young man hid the young man who had fainted in the past and hid it elsewhere and cleaned it quickly. Following up, he still hung behind several people not far away.

Not long after, someone finally realized that there was one missing in the team, and the leader ordered, "Brother Li Xin, you have to go back to see what's wrong with Tianyou. We will walk slowly and wait for you to keep up. Go back quickly!"

Feng Kui heard everything clearly in secret. Seeing that the teenager named Li Xin turned back, he quietly followed. In this way, a trick of "Zunlong Going to Sea" suddenly came out and was about to cover Li Xin's mouth to greet him, but this man was much stronger than the previous unjust man named Tianyou. Unexpectedly, he dodged sideways and dodged away. Feng Kui was shocked. He came from behind with a ready slap and staggered Li Xin, but did not fall down. Surprised, he quickly made up for another note. Finally, he overturned Li Xin without any danger. He still collected it, hid a faint person in a hidden place, and followed again silently.

Two of the five people went in a blink of an eye. The remaining three had not seen the two brothers Li Xin and Tianyou follow up after moving forward for a long time. Some people suspected: "Brother Cheng Jun, Brother Li Xin's strength is not weak and he hasn't returned for a long time. Isn't it been plotted by the other two groups of people? The sect rewards each of the disciples who kill the evil dragonfly with a round elixir. Those like us who are trapped in the realm of Taoist disciples must rely on it to swallow and soften the true qi to reduce the danger when opening the acupuncture point of the brain. Such ** The disciples of the other two teams are not guaranteed to have bad intentions.

Feng Kui sneered aside, but they suspected each other. The more the water mixed with him, the more opportunities there were. At the same time, he secretly marveled at the welfare of these formal disciples. Compared with his unguided guidance, there are elixirs that can be earned, which reduces the danger of many cultivation. This has strengthened the determination of Fengqi's head to plunder them.

The one named Cheng Jun is the leader of this team of five people. He thought about it and said solemnly, "Lingchun's guess is not impossible! Let's go back and see what's going on!"

When Feng Kui first saw that the three began to be alert, he abandoned them and looked for another goal.

This night has just begun!

Feng Kui had a plan in his mind to make one or two disciples of the three teams faint. He wanted to amplify the suspicions between these people and mix a pool of clear water to see the clam cranes competing, so that he could benefit from it.

After a while, he found that there were also five disciples of the other team looking for evil dragons, so he quietly followed him as usual. As he did, he also made two of the team disappear before leaving satisfied.

Feng Kui smiled secretly and said, "None of these disciples actually knew that there was me on Lingxiu Peak. Humph, it's all a virtue. I'm happy to see you suspect each other.

There were also "smart people" in this team who began to suspect the other two teams after their teammates disappeared. Feng Kui was too lazy to listen. He went directly to the team that was lucky to find the evil dragonfly and watched them fight anxiously with the evil dragonfly. One of them had been scratched and fought on the periphery. Feng Kui Shou waited for the key. Suddenly, a flying stone hit out, knocked the injured one to the ground, and hid himself aside to see the movement.

The disciple who was knocked over and got up glared at the place and knew that he had been plotted, so he shouted, "Brother Cheng Jun is still Brother Su Liao. Don't be a villain in the dark."

Naturally, no one responded to him. After drinking coldly, the young man threw himself into the battle again. Seeing that he had hurt the evil dragonfly and had a chance, the five hearts were all on the evil dragonfly, and Feng Kui's head unconsciously passed by a flying stone.

I didn't expect that others seemed to know nothing this time. In fact, they had been careful for a long time and actually pinched the stone that flew over and followed the trajectory to give up the evil dragonfly.