God's Deacon

Chapter 32 Night Attack in Black

Zhong Cheng and Gan Thin talked about the god ler and unconsciously walked through the corridor outside the house. Coincidentally, the thin room was next to Zhong Cheng, which surprised Zhong Cheng. After saying goodbye to Gan Thin, Zhong Cheng returned to his room, thinking about the conversation with Gan Thin just now, and was more curious about the divine deer.

Everything that has happened so far is enough to make Zhong Cheng feel weak, so he hurriedly washed up after returning to the room and fell into ** and closed his eyes to sleep. Although his mind and body have long been in an extremely tired state, Zhong Cheng, who is in **, tossing and turning and making it difficult to sleep.

The cold moon is in the sky, and the night is like a hook. The night of the public loser is lonely, but how can Zhong Cheng, who lives in the public loser, not be lonely? This is a completely strange world. The houses around him, the people around him, and even the poplar trees outside the house make Zhong Cheng feel strange from the bottom of his heart. He is just an outsider, but he can't be a passer-by.

With Zhong Cheng, there is no family, no lover, no friends, only the stinky and bad-tempered supervisor - Bauhinia! How does this satisfy Zhong Cheng?

Although this bed is not soft, it is comfortable to sleep.

"Wow..." Zhong Cheng collapsed on **, pillowed his head with his hands, looked up at the black bricks above his head, his mind was messy, and he had no intention to enjoy sleep at all. He opened his dark eyes and stared at the sky in a daze.

After repeatedly turning over ** several times, Zhong Cheng sighed helplessly, got up and sat on **, and looked at the moonlight cast out of the south window. Zhong Cheng spent more than three hours in **. By this time, it was almost midnight. The public lost mansion was silent, and the window was even more silent.

After lowering his head for a while, Zhong Cheng finally decided to go out for a walk and adjust his mood. He quickly put on his clothes and put the pistol in his arms. Don't blame Zhong Cheng for being suspicious. After being a special forces soldier for so many years, it is very basic and important to carry weapons with him! Of course, Zhong Cheng knows that this pistol is now extremely close to decoration. Because in front of powerful gods, pistols do not pose any threat at all.

Zhong Cheng came outside the house and stopped by the small pool outside the corridor. The green pool water in the viewer's pool felt the gentle breeze, supported the guardrail next to the small pool, closed his eyes very pleasantly, opened his mouth and smiled.

This public loser is indeed declining. In the past, the public loser mansion would never be so deserted at this time. Of course, Zhong Cheng is not clear about the decline of the public loser. He just enjoys the tranquility of the public loser family, which can give his heart a break occasionally.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng's eyes opened, and he** sensed that an unusual gaze was shooting at him from the roof behind him! Zhong Cheng was shocked and maintained his movements and calmly launched his actions.

His head was slightly biased, as if he were observing the rockery in front of him, but in fact he had quietly turned his eyes behind him. In the moon night, a masked man in night clothes was quietly half squatting on the roof with a bright dagger in his hand. He cat his body and stared at Zhong Cheng warily.

I was targeted! Zhong Cheng's face was not good-looking. He cursed bad luck. He wanted to encounter such a thing even if he went out to breathe fresh air. How weak he was!

But when he was angry, he was helpless. Zhong Cheng didn't plan to stand so stupidly and still be slaughtered. He wants to change the situation, but he is not stupid enough to turn around and bump into each other. The ghost knew whether the man in black was still carrying a hidden weapon or something. If there is a hidden weapon, and there is poison on it, Zhong Cheng can't imagine the ending.

Zhong Cheng maintained a casual posture and secretly observed for a while, and found that the other party's purpose seemed to be simply to monitor himself, not to take human life. Thinking of this, Zhong Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. But his eyebrows immediately climbed up to the eyebrows. In the middle of the night, what was the purpose of the man in black sneaking into the public losing house? Is he alone? Or **?

After thinking for a long time, Zhong Cheng sadly found that his mind was blank, because he knew too little about the public losers and had no basis for analysis at all. With his own experience and ability, he can only conclude that there is absolutely no one person in black. The reason is very simple: since the man in black is in the outer hall and is just monitoring; then it is reasonable that there is absolutely a man in black who sneaks into the inner hall to carry out some kind of action.

Otherwise, isn't it meaningless for the man in black to squat on the roof? But then there was another question. What on earth was he wary of when the man in black waited here so carefully? This is a safe bedroom! There are all ordinary servants living there. What can be worthy of vigilance?

Zhong Cheng was still watching the small pool as he wanted. He gently stroked his chin with his hand. It seemed that the rockery in front of the tasting was actually thinking about the questions in his heart just now.

Who are you wary of? First of all, this person can't be Zhong Cheng, because Zhong Cheng has just arrived today, and they can't have Zhong Cheng's information at all. Secondly, it is impossible for the five servants. Zhong Cheng has been with them one by one, and there are no powerful-looking figures among them!

In the final analysis, how can powerful people condescend to be slaves?

However, the light suddenly flashed in Zhong Cheng's mind and vaguely thought of a person. By the way, and the old man who calls himself Uncle Wu! The old man has not been in contact with Zhong Cheng for a long time, so Zhong Cheng has every reason to suspect that he is a hidden master. Aren't there many people who don't look good, but their strength is amazing?

But immediately, Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and dispelled his idea. It's not that Zhong Cheng can be sure that Uncle Wu is not strong, mainly because the man in black is squatting in the wrong position. If the man in black isware of Uncle Wu, then they can't wait here. They should wait at the top of the room further ahead.

Since it's not Uncle Wu, who is it? Zhong Cheng's brain is indeed a little dizzy, and there is no basis at all. In this way, there will be no exact answer at all. Moreover, a sense of anxiety gradually rose in Zhong Cheng's heart and scolded, "Damn, when will this man in black leave?" It's very tiring for me to pretend to enjoy the pool!"

However, although Zhong Cheng was anxious, he was still calm and did not express his thoughts on his limbs. At this moment, Zhong Cheng, who had nothing to do, could only comfort himself silently: "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, I can't sleep. Just think of it as a little exciting after-show."

Zhong Cheng's anxiety did not last long. Just as Zhong Cheng was hypnotizing himself, there was a crackling sound in the inner hall! But with a roar, the earth trembled! Zhong Cheng and the man in black on the roof were shocked at the same time and looked at the sound.

I saw a burst of fire there, obviously after a strong explosion. Then, the man in black immediately turned his head, and all he could see was the rockery in the pool! Seeing that the rockery was still exactly the same as before, and there was no movement, the eyes of the man in black dimmed a little and cursed, "Damn it!"

At this time, the man in black turned around, and Zhong Cheng also turned around, so the two naturally looked at each other. The man in black saw Zhong Cheng, his eyes were fierce, and when he threw it with his left hand, three cold stars shot at Zhong Cheng! Fortunately, Zhong Cheng had been prepared for a long time. Before the other party threw out the hidden weapon, Zhong Cheng had stepped away from his position.

Ding three times, the three steel needles hit the ground. The man in black didn't care when he saw that he was hit. He just jumped and fell into the courtyard lightly. Then he didn't pay attention to Zhong Cheng beside him and ran straight to the gate! Zhong Cheng was puzzled, pondering for a moment, took out a pistol from his arms, opened the safety, and ran to the courtyard door.

The speed of the man in black is very fast. Although Zhong Cheng once practiced running hard, he still can't keep up with the speed of the man in black. The distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, in the north courtyard, several untidy servants came out of the room one after another. I guess they were all awakened by the loud noise just now! And those who came out were surprised to see a galloping man in black and Zhong Cheng, who was chasing the man in black crazily. The two floated quickly like a hurricane and did not give others time to react at all.

It was not until the two of them lost their appearance that they lazily gasped, went back to the room, closed the door and continued to sleep. A day's work makes them physically and mentally exhausted. At this time, sleeping is the most attractive thing.

Zhong Cheng is still chasing the man in black in front of him with all his strength, and doesn't care about the servants who pass him by. The two were extremely fast. Although the corridor of the North Courtyard was not short, it was soon run by the two of them.

When he arrived at the exit of the North Courtyard, Zhong Cheng was surprised to find that there were already four people in black standing at the exit. The four people in black looked around nervously and had no time to take care of the accomplices running towards him.

The man in black chased by Zhong Cheng saw his companions, and the speed was happier, and the five men in black soon gathered together. After seeing the four people who had just squatted on the roof, he immediately cursed without saying a word: "You four stupid pigs! Unexpectedly, I didn't open the door of the secret channel, which made me squat on the roof for so long in vain! It's freezing!"

"Fourth, what are you talking about! It's none of our business! The old man of the public lost noticed our action and released the 'tyrannical king'! If our brothers hadn't run fast, I'm afraid they would have died in it!" One of the sharp-voiced man in black replied angrily.

"Uh-huh, that's it. This 'wind step' magic method is not only very demanding, but also very easy to use. Thank you very much, boss! However, why doesn't the boss come? If he doesn't come, the five of us will have to feed the dogs here today!" A thick man in black looked around, swallowed his saliva and howled.

After listening to the man in black, Lao Si also followed him to look around. At this glance, he was so scared that he trembling and sweated coldly.

At this time, it was surrounded by dog-shaped beasts. These beasts called "dog beasts" are made of special wood. They are about 130 cm long and about half as tall as adults. They have blue eyes, fangs, thick limbs, and four sharp teeth made of metal. They look fierce.

In the dog-shaped machine beasts, a gray-haired old man is commanding the machine beasts around him in an easy manner. It is Uncle Wu! Zhong Cheng's judgment is good. This Uncle Wu is really not simple!