God's Deacon

Chapter 33 Mouse Avoiders

Dogs and beasts grinned, greedily looked at their prey, and made a few low howls from time to time.

Although the five people in black surrounded were blindfolded and couldn't see their faces, they were absolutely not good-looking. Although this dog beast is only the most common and lowest machine beast, the number is often large. These five people in black have not yet learned the ability of group attack magic, and they can only mourn at this moment. What's more, there is a strong old man behind the dog and beast, who is at a disadvantage!

Uncle Wu was not in a hurry to let the dogs and beasts rush up to tear up five people, but sneered and said sarcastically, "Five people, do you think it's so easy to get the things of the government? What's wrong now? Are you afraid?"

One of them pressed his trembling body and said stiffly, "What are you afraid of? Just your puppies, I'm afraid I won't have enough to fight!"

"Ha," Wu Bo smiled faintly and made a move with his right hand. A dog and beast came to his feet obediently and fiercely showed its sharp teeth to the five people in black. "Poor guy, you are still trying to show off!"

"What's the strength of...?" Lao Si's voice began to tremble, "It's just... just a few broken teeth."

"Is it a broken tooth? You can try it yourself!" Uncle Wu stroked the sharp iron teeth of the dog beast with his hand. Then, his face darkened and he snorted coldly at the five people: "You five, you broke into the mansion at night and still want to open the secret door!" What on earth is your intention? Who told you to do this!"

One of the tall man in black took a step forward with a fearless face and sneered, "Old Wu, I really didn't expect that your descendant Wu would be a loser's lackey! Even if you are attached, you still have to be decent! The public loser has long been..."

"Bear-mouthed!" Wu Bo roared angrily and showed his figure, and he had bullied the man in front of him. Then Uncle Wu's right hand clawed and pinched the neck of the man in black! Then, Wu Bo raised his right hand lightly and hung the man in black in mid-air.

"Ah..." The man in black's throat was locked, waving his hands and feet in mid-air in pain, struggling. Seeing that their companions were restrained, the other four people all held the dagger in their hands and shouted at Uncle Wu. Wu Bo didn't care at all. He kicked a man in black and knocked down the oncoming man in black with one punch. Then he showed his figure again and returned to the dog beast with the man in black!

This speed, this body method is more popular than Morin at the beginning! Zhong Cheng saw a big shock in his heart, and he really didn't expect that an old man who seemed to be in the lingering years had such strength!

Uncle Wu returned to the array, hung the man in black in his hand higher, glanced at the four people in black opposite him coldly, and hummed, "It's just a few magic soldiers who dare to break into the public defeat! I'm tired of living. I'll let you see the end of self-righteousness today!" With that, his right hand tightened and crushed the neck of the man in black!

But with a click, the head of the man in black tilted to one side unreasonably, and blood flowed out of his mouth. Wu Bo didn't look at it, and casually threw the man in black into the herd. Although the dog is not an animal, it is infused with animal soul, and there is naturally a cruel nature. Immediately after the man in black landed, several ferocious dogs and beasts rushed up and bit his body at will.

Bloody splash, broken body, extremely horrible!

The other four looked at the bloody scene in front of them with a colorful face and could not speak timidly. Big eyes are staring, and his eyes are full of fear.

Uncle Wu looked at the flying blood drops and frowned, "These stinky dogs are making trouble for me again. Miss has to have nightmares again when she sees it." He said to the four people surrounded, "Don't blame the old and ruthless if you four don't say your purpose and point to the messenger. Say it now, I may leave you a whole body!"

The four people looked at each other in con's face and didn't know what to do. One of the thick man in black scolded angrily, "You old man! If you say it, it's just a whole body! It's strange for me to say that you have such a condition!"

Wu Bo's face was expressionless and said coldly, "You broke into the government at night and wanted to open the secret door without permission. There is no doubt that you are guilty of death! Leave all your corpses, it's all old, I'm grateful!"

"It's okay if we don't want such a gift! Brothers, die! Anyway, when we took over this, we didn't expect to go back alive!" Lao Si raised the dagger in his hand and encouraged everyone with high morale!

Wu Bo's eyes were fierce, moved his fingers, and said in a low voice, "It seems that there are really a few 'good men' who are not afraid of death. Anyway, the old man will fulfill you today!"

Seeing that the war was imminent, at this moment, a free and easy laugh suddenly came behind Uncle Wu, and a thick voice slowly floated.

"You are really an outstanding son of the Wu family, Wu Lian, you are so awesome!" When he spoke, Uncle Wu only felt a strong wind passing by, and the speaker had quickly run past his side. When Wu Bo reacted, I don't know when there was a short man in black and a beautiful woman with a frightened face among the four people in black!

"Little butterfly!" After Wu Bo looked at the woman's appearance, he couldn't help exclaiming. That woman is not strange to Zhong Cheng. She is the maid Xiaodie that Zhong Cheng saw today!

The man in black grabbed Xiaodie's wrist with one hand, looked at the angry Uncle Wu proudly, and said with a treacherous smile, "It's worthy of Wu Lian. He is indeed an outstanding son of the Wu family!" The two magic methods of "Dragon's Claw" and "Wind Walk" are really amazing. I'm afraid that Mr. Wu has reached the peak of the 'God's level'! Such a strong opponent dare not compete with you. And..." The man paused, glanced at the dogs and beasts around him, and sneered, "There are so many miscellaneous soldiers!"

The other four people in black saw the people and cheered in surprise: " boss!" The boss nodded to the four people and smiled, "Ha ha, don't worry!"

"Big boss, that old man killed the second!" The thick man in black said sadly to the boss.

"What!" After hearing this, the boss also frowned and glanced at it. He noticed the bloody body in the group of dogs and animals, and his face became a little ugly. "What's going on? Didn't I tell you not to act rashly before I come?" Naturally, Xiaodie also saw the corpse on the ground. She was so scared that her face turned pale, closed her eyes tightly, and her heart was frightened

"We..." Lao Si wanted to explain something, but he didn't know how to explain it.

The boss sighed and said sadly, "You don't need to say that I also know. It's definitely the second brother's own cheap mouth that made Mr. Wu angry!" Really, bastard, how do I usually teach you? Alas... I have nothing to say about the second brother going to die by himself. Four of you, if you want to live later, you have to follow my orders. Don't act rashly! Do you understand?"

The other four nodded to show their understanding.

When saying, a beautiful woman with a ponytail and silk clothes ran over from behind Uncle Wu in a hurry and shouted, "Hey! Give me back the little butterfly!" Seeing this woman, Wu Bo immediately leaned down respectfully and said, "Miss, why are you here? Didn't the old slave say that it would be handed over to me?"

"Wu Bo," Fei Xue gasped, pointed to the short man in black, and said anxiously, "He... he... buckled away Xiaodie. I was anxious, so I followed."

"So, miss, please rest assured that the little butterfly girl will definitely come back!" Uncle Wu bowed down again, looked back to the short man in black opposite him, and snorted coldly, "Give over the little butterfly quickly, otherwise, you will live worse than death!"

After listening to this, the boss just smiled disdainfully, raised his right hand that held the little butterfly's wrist and threatened, "I'm afraid not!" Mr. Wu, although I am just a 'divine order', it should not be difficult to take the life of this little girl in an instant with the magic trick of 'heart lock'. Or is it none of your business, this little girl's life or death?

"Heart lock?" Uncle Wu's face turned black and the dry wrinkles squeezed together. "Absurd, the superior divine method, how can you learn it!"

The boss smiled faintly and said, "How did I learn it? Mr. Wu, you don't have to guess. Anyway, it's your business whether you believe it or not. We can bet on it, but we feel sorry for this little girl!" With that, the boss gently pinched the little butterfly's smooth cheek with his hand.

Xiaodie moaned gently, closed her eyes with resistance, her eyes full of tears, and resisted the impulse to cry.

"You...you are a scoundrel!" Fei Xue looked at Xiaodie's suffering and immediately cursed. But this lady has never crawled at the bottom, and the swearing words are also painless!

"Do you want to die?" Wu Bo's eyes were fierce, and his hands had already secretly applied "dragon claw skills". Who is he? When have you been so openly threatened?

Fei Xue was very nervous. She pulled the corner of Uncle Wu's clothes and said, "Uncle Wu, you can't let him kill Xiaodie! It's all because I'm not optimistic about Xiaodie that I let him have the opportunity to take advantage of it!" At that time, Fei Xue was also angry and stared at the man in black known as the boss with hatred.

"Miss, don't say that. It's Xiaodie who was careless..." Although Xiaodie's voice choked, she still wanted to do her best to comfort Fei Xue, who blamed herself.

Looking at Xiaodie's poor appearance, Fei Xue was even more worried and comforted him softly, "Don't worry, I won't let you have anything wrong." After saying that, she turned her eyes back to Uncle Wu with a look of expectation.

Wu Bo naturally understood what his young lady meant and sighed helplessly. He knew that Fei Xue had compromised, and it would be meaningless for him to stick to it. Nowadays, I'm afraid these five people can't be caught today!

On the other hand, Zhong Cheng, who has been observing the situation of the people in the corridor, also clenched his fist at this moment and was very anxious. He frowned, his eyes were deep, and his brain rotated quickly, thinking about countermeasures. He was very clear that if he went on at this pace, he was afraid that the initiative would completely flow into the other party's hands. At that time, I was afraid that I couldn't help but lose a lot, and even Xiaodie's life might not be able to save it!

You must quickly find a way to turn passive into active, otherwise, everything will get worse and worse!