
Chapter 118 The beautiful shadow under the reins of the horse

After listening to the words of the ugly camel in front of him, the big dark horse was in an extremely bad mood, but at this time, it lowered its arrogant head and began to recall the scene of blood killing with its master on the battlefield.

That was its regretless choice, but the ending was very sad, because it did not die, but its owner died in the battlefield.

The big dark horse knows that he can't be arrogant forever, and he knows that what the teenager in front of him says is by no means a joke. Since the mediocre people who came to train him in the past could not meet the requirements, and although the camel in front of him was not as powerful as his master, at least the other party had an atmosphere that was enough to subdue himself, so he decided to bow his head.

There are two intentions to bow your head. For the big dark horse, one is to submit to each other, and the other is to eat the fresh green grass under its feet. After all, this is a delicious food that it has not tasted for a long time.

The tender grass is very sweet and delicious, and the big dark horse is very satisfied. Its long ponytail begins to swing softly, and its ink-colored eyes have returned to purity, and there is no previous madness and irritability on its body.

Lin Yi watched it become extremely tame. Looking at it bowing his head and softening, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, he can't really kill the other party. Even if the other party still doesn't follow him in the end, he can't kill him.

It's just that there is a difference between humans and animals. For example, the big dark horse can indeed understand Lin Yi's words, and it can even really feel the murderous intention in the other party's eyes, but what can this mean?

It can't be as cunning and shrewd as human beings, and it is even more unlikely to be as full of thoughts as the human brain. Naturally, it can't know that it is actually placed by the stinky camel in front of him, losing to the other party's eyes that seemed to kill itself, and finally it chose to submit.

The big dark horse is very unwilling, but there is nothing it can do. It doesn't want to die, or it instinctively wants to live.

Lin Yi looked at it eating grass and smiled proudly. His face was full of the kind of tishness before the big dark horse, as if the positions between the two had been exchanged.

"Since you have chosen to bow your head, and I can't directly call you the big dark horse. After all, the name of the big dark horse is too unpleasant, why don't you let me give you a loud name?" Lin Yi said.

The big dark horse eats tender grass and ignores it. What can it do about naming itself?

It can't tell Lin Yi that I actually had a name for a long time, and that name is very powerful. You don't need to take it at all?

The big dark horse can't speak. It just eats tender grass, but it expects what kind of name its hateful master will give.

Lin Yi's face was full of meditation and silence, and countless names about it flashed in his mind, but his literature was really not very good, so he couldn't help but feel that he hated himself at this time.

"What a headache. You look so black. How about calling you Xiaohei?" As soon as Lin Yi said, the ecstasy eyes of the big black horse eating the tender grass were stopped, and then the half-sui grass leaves chewed out directly and almost spit on Lin Yi's old cloth shoes.

"You don't seem to like the name Xiaohei?" Lin Yi looked at the expression of the big dark horse's refusal and asked softly.


The big black horse raised its head with a long roar, and then nodded and shook its tail. It suddenly ran around Lin Yi, as if to say to Lin Yi: How can a burly and vigorous purebred war horse like me match such a vulgar name?

Lin Yi saw the other party's running and strong body and knew its intention, so he couldn't help thinking about it very seriously. Then he also felt that the other party was really not suitable for the name, and gradually frowned and thought deeply.

Until a long time later, a witty look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and even his heart was full of joy, but at this moment, the big dark horse was no longer in place.

Lin Yi turned his head to look for the big dark horse and looked at the one that had already run to the white horse. He wanted to tell him his own name, but the next moment, he suddenly stopped thinking, because he saw that the big dark horse was rubbing his senior sister with its arrogant head, and the cute Don't mention how much you want to be beaten!

So, Lin Yi became very angry and scolded fiercely, "Why don't you flatter me so much when facing me?"

The big dark horse heard someone behind him scolding, turned his head and looked at him with his spare light. He couldn't help but feel a trace of timidity. But at this moment, the disguised senior sister who was gently stroking the head of the big dark horse in the distance heard Lin Yi's words and couldn't help reply coldly, "How can you brainless guy be better than it?"

Lin Yi was despised by his senior sister. How dare he have a temper? Then he smiled and replied, "Actually, I just don't like its proud temper. After all, how can a low-key person like me have such a powerful wild horse?"



In the Moyan painting workshop.

An extremely burly man sat in the painting workshop, and a young man carrying a knife stood outside the door.

Mr. looked at the man quietly and said calmly, "I knew the king asked you to come, but I am often used to wandering around the world, I don't like to be bound, and I don't like the life in the court. After you return to the imperial capital, you might as well tell the king that the status of the national teacher is really not suitable. Please ask him to choose another person!"

Naturally, the middle-aged man is Tang Guoliang, the great general of Daqi Kingdom. He returned to Liao City this time. On the surface, he was supposed to receive personal students for the king's celebration, but in fact, no one knew that he was still entrusted by the king and investigated something very important.

This entrustment is that the king wants Mr. to be the national teacher of the empire.

Tang Guoliang is very shrewd. Even when he accepted this instruction from the king in the empire, he had already guessed that he would not accept the position of national teacher when he cut off the Internet. But as a minister, he dared not offend the king, so he had to come to the Moyan Painting Workshop with injury and began this meaningless persuasion.

Persuasion obviously didn't work, so Tang Guoliang's face couldn't help but become a little embarrassed and ugly. He said, "Sir, do you really don't think about it anymore?"

"I have made up my mind. General Tang doesn't have to say more!" The gentleman gently brushed his sleeves and answered affirmatively.

"Oh, Mr. Tang knew that he did not value fame and power, but the king really loved talent, so he let him come to be a lobbyist. Since he did not intend to be the national teacher of the country, Tang said goodbye first!"

"General Tang, have a good journey!" The gentleman hugged him slightly and said goodbye. Seeing this, Tang Guoliang also bowed back respectfully, and then left the 13th alley of the ancient street with his little boy.

When Mr. Tang Guoliang left, he did not make any waves in his heart. As a great practitioner, he did not pay much attention to the interests of the mortal empire, and his purpose of coming to the earth was not for glory and wealth, because he came here only to find people.

Looking for people is to find people who must be found, so the gentleman began to collect a personal student, but who knows what his purpose is to find these people?

What's more, so far, every student of Mr.'s family has an excellent talent to describe evil and an excellent Taoist.



Tang Guoliang left Moyan Painting Workshop and went straight back to the Tang Mansion, but after arriving at his own house, his murderous face still looked a little ugly.

He went to his study and sat down, looking directly out of the window with tiger eyes until a long time later, a man in casual clothes came out of the courtyard of Tangfu.

The man wore a black veil, so no one could see his face clearly. He kept approaching the inner courtyard of the Tang Mansion. It was not until he turned many paths that he stopped in front of the door of the Tang Mansion's study and said, "General, it's coming down!"

"Come in!" Tang Guoliang, who was in the study, heard of outsiders and spoke slowly.

"Yes, General!" After saying that, the man opened the door of the study and walked in. The man came to the study, stood respectfully in front of Tang Guoliang, and continued, "General, I have found the exact information of the goods!"

"Let's talk about it in detail." Tang Guoliang took a look at him and said with a changed face.

"The goods were transported back from the northern region by the hands of the blood wolf gang in the black market in Liaocheng, and then hidden in sacks of rice and sorghum. However, on the third day they received the goods, the goods were purchased by the servants sent by the Lu family. As for why the Lu family bought the goods, the small ones are unknown!" The man said slowly.

"Lu family, are you sure? This matter is of great importance, and there is no room for mistakes!" Tang Guoliang asked in surprise, looking very grim.

"The small one is very sure, and the subordinates of the Lu family responsible for purchasing the goods know each other!" The man in front of him said very seriously.

"Lu family, it seems that Lu Changyun can't stand loneliness?" Tang Guoliang narrowed his eyes and said fiercely. Well, you step back first. Remember to always pay attention to the movements of the Lu family and the situation of the Blood Wolf Gang. If anything special happens, write to the imperial capital immediately!"

"I understand, and I will leave first!" After listening to Tang Guoliang's words, the man immediately bowed and left Tangfu and left from the long street.



The stinky West City is full of the stench of feces, and the dirty feces still flow down the blocked river, but above the river at this moment, two people are riding good horses on the stone bridge.

The good pears come side by side, not crowded.

On the back of the white horse, there is a woman in black. The woman's figure is enchanting and golden; on the back of the black horse, there is a teenager in blue, but the appearance of the teenager will not be very good compared with it, because he is a young ugly camel.

Naturally, the teenager is Lin Yi. He rides on the back of the big dark horse and looks inexplicably tall, but the senior sister next to him is still cold, and his beautiful eyes have never looked at him directly.

For this reason, Lin Yi's heart suddenly had an idea and wanted to ease the dull atmosphere at this moment. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Sister, you look so beautiful with only holding the rein!"

When the dressed senior sister heard the words, her cold eyes turned to look at him, snorted coldly, and then gently kicked the horse's abdomen and galloped away.

Lin Yi witnessed the senior sister's walk away and the familiar back left by the other party, and his face was actually showing off.

