
Chapter 119 Just after stepping on the snow, the shadow comes again

Looking at the black shadow that disappeared from the street in the distance, the sound of the fast horse's hoofs on the corner of the street gradually calmed down. Lin Yi, who was sitting on the wide back of the big dark horse, was still unhappy, and there was no panic on his beautiful face.

He gently put his legs on the abdomen of the big black horse, slightly sideways, holding the reins of the horse in one hand, and said happily, "My senior sister has been told to run away, and your crush has also been ridden away by her. If even you don't think you need to catch up, then I really don't care!"

The big dark horse, full of laziness and leisure, bowed its head and walked gently, and the four slender hooves seemed unable to walk. However, when it heard a population talking about its secret love, it was suddenly shocked and raised its dark head.

The dark eyes paused slightly, inexplicably stunned, and then woke up!


The big dark horse suddenly roared in his mouth, and his two slender calves jumped directly high, full of roaring anger.

In the face of this sudden scene and so quickly, Lin Yi sat on the back of the big dark horse and almost fell directly from the horse.

Two black hooves as hard as iron trampled on the bluestone board in the long street, making a loud sound. Lin Yi struggled to sit up from the horse's back, but immediately tightened the black and flexible horse's rein in his hand.


The chaotic and dancing wind blew head-on, and ** the man had already run wildly. If it hadn't been for this cool wind blowing on himself, Lin Yi even felt that he had been thrown into the street by the thing of **.

The galloping horse, Lin Yi sat and leaned forward, secretly glad that he was lucky that he did not fall on the horse's back, and that he was still sitting on its back at this moment, otherwise he would never know that the big dark horse was running so fast.

"You are so unbred. I just said one thing about your partner, and you are so anxious to look like this?" Lin Yi bowed forward and shouted angrily.

He sat on the horse, and his body trembled with the four hooves of the big black horse. He clenched the reings of the horse with both hands, but he did not dare to relax and carelessly. At this time, the big dark horse heard Lin Yi's words again. I don't know whether he was anxious or angry. The frequency of his hooves stepping on the ground couldn't help but fly faster.


A trivial sound of horseshoe drives the whole wild rhythm, and the wind blowing in my ears keeps echoing.

Lin Yi sat on the back of the big dark horse, as if he felt like he was shuttling in the arrow rain at this moment, and the airflow of arrow feathers pierced the air actually made the green silk on his head dance wildly, as if he had been pulled by an invisible big hand, and his hair completely grew backwards.

"Run well, run very fast, worthy of Mercedes-Benz does not leave a picture for thousands of miles, hahaha, good pow, good pow!" Lin Yi's idiot's words came from the street, which couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and dissipated his anger.

The momentum on the street slowly stopped, and then a gust of wind danced. The wind raised the tablecloths on the roadside stalls, floated the clothes of people walking on the street, and also brought a diffuse smoke and dust around.

"Where did the despicable and shameless come from? Why don't you choose a flat grassland if you want to ride a horse? You choose Liaocheng Street. What is your intention? You are a stubborn person who can't die, die as soon as possible!!" A wandering beggar had a gray face. He roared at the end of the street swept away by the wind, and disgusting saliva splashed from his mouth and cursed.

The sudden surprise of the big dark horse scared the beggar's calm wandering heart. Even if the big dark horse had deftly flashed past him, the sense of crisis that touched the conditioned reflex of nerve cells still lingered in his heart, making him feel that his back was cold and Cold sweat came out, so the beggar was so angry and cursed angrily.

The dirty words of the beggar fell and the momentum dispersed, but at this moment, where is there a shadow at the end of the street?

Lin Yi's reins and galloped across the wide streets. The big dark horse was as fast as electricity, and it was spiritual. Not only did it run fast on its four hooves, but its body did not hit the walking person.

There were complaints and abuse in the rear, but Lin Yi, who was on horseback, did not hear their shouts clearly. He was only excited because he found the best horse, as if he had no longer paid attention to the complaints of people in the world.

In the distance ahead, a white figure fell into the dark eyes of the big dark horse, and above the white figure, Lin Yi saw the senior sister in black.

Therefore, the eyes of one person and one horse suddenly shine.

"If you catch up with them, you can eat tender grass in the evening. Otherwise, you can't eat hay!" Lin Yi rode a big dark horse and threatened to say that he couldn't help but frighten it.


A heavy breathing sound snorted from the nose of the big dark horse. Lin Yi did not see the heat steaming, because at the moment he exhaled, he had already been blown away by the flashing wind.

The big dark horse is working harder and running fast, leaving a shadow on the wide ancient street. Lin Yi felt the other party's desire for tender grass and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "commonly known as the hero is sad about the beauty. This horse is not only extremely lustful, but also its tattered temper is as high as the moon. Fortunately, I have palm of my hand. Hold its drawbacks, otherwise there is really nothing you can do about it.

"Aren't you unruly? It's not sad about the food. Run, my good donkey!" Lin Yi was complated and said secretly.

Looking at the white figure in the distance getting closer and closer to him, he felt that the speed of the dark horse was getting faster and faster, and the speed of Lin Yi's heart became more unresistible. However, how could he know everything in front of him? In fact, it was stimulating the simple thinking of the big dark horse.

Because he was greedy, he worked hard. The big dark horse was aggressive, and his dark eyes rose a few crimson blood again.

It stared closely at the white figure in front of it, with four feet longer than the crotch, jumping hard steps between its hooves and galloping forward bravely, as if there was nothing to stop it.

It's just that it didn't know that because of its hard work, it got the man on its back with a proud smile.



There is a teahouse somewhere on the ancient street, which stands on the side of the street.

At this time, the climate is already a little hot. After all, the summer solstice has just passed. Therefore, there are several handsome rich men sitting in the teahouse at this moment.

The rich men drank tea and shook the paper fan in their hands, with a bright smile on their faces. Suddenly, they only heard one person say, "Brothers, I just came back from the imperial capital yesterday night. Today, let's drink tea instead of wine. Let's toast my brothers first!"

Everyone heard this and raised their glasses to show their goodwill. Someone echoed, "It's rare for me to come back. There is no need to be courteous. Come and drink tea!"

After raising a glass and drinking all the tea in one gulp, everyone recalled the fragrance of tea. At this time, the young man who took the lead in drinking the tea couldn't help but continue to say: "It was not long before I returned to Liaocheng, and I heard that there was a person in the mouth of the people's merchants in Liaocheng, and they spread the story of this person. It is said that what is Liao A great talent in Chengmoyan Painting Square, my brothers told me, but can this matter be serious?

"Indeed, this person's painting skills are very good, and he has been in the Tao for a longer time than the Lu family. I have seen him paint twice, both of which are extraordinary works in the world!" A handsome prince replied.

"What my brother said is the truth. Is there really such a powerful person in the world? Isn't it the brother who makes fun of his brother?" The first man to ask the question didn't believe it and said unbelievable.

"Everyone knows this matter. Why should I lie to you? Besides, his second painting is in the Shangguan Mansion and is being collected by Shangguan Laodao. According to my father, Shangguan Laodao had a temper with the prince in order to keep the man's painting at that time. I think his days in Liaocheng will be terrible in the future!" The man who answered the previous youth question was a little unhappy and said slowly.

"For the sake of a teenager's painting, he offended the prince. The owner of the Shangguan family is indeed a little confused. Everyone knows that although the Xiao family was ordered by the emperor of the empire to rest and recuperate in Liaocheng, as the saying goes, the thin camel is bigger than a horse. The prince is always the prince, and how can his little Shangguan government offend!" The young man shook his head slowly, as if lamenting the stupidity and intelligence of Shangguan Mode.

"What the two virtuous brothers said is different!" Another man suddenly replied.

"My brother has never seen that painting, so I don't know how good it is. If it were me at that time, maybe I would have refused the prince's unreasonable request! And I think Shangguan Mode's choice is also very shrewd. Although he refused to sell the painting to the prince and did not hesitate to offend the prince's mansion, at least the position he chose was hard enough!"

"Brother, what's the solution?" The young man asked.

"Brother, think about it carefully, who made the painting in Shangguan Mode's collection? And why did he spare a lot of money to stand out from dozens of rich families in Laocheng and become a place to celebrate his personal students? The man said with a faint smile.

"Brother means that Shangguan Mode wants to take Moyan Painting Workshop as his backer?" The young man suddenly became cheerful and asked in surprise.

The man did not answer the young man's words, but shook the paper fan in his hand and smiled softly.

The answer was clear at a glance, and he didn't think there was any need to answer any more. At this time, many young people next to him bowed to him, including the young young man who was full of questions.

In the antique teahouse, there was a young man sitting with a smile. The young people answered questions, but they didn't know that there was a fast sound of horses' hoofs in the distance of the ancient street.

The sound of horseshoe became louder and louder, which shocked the young people in the teahouse, so someone began to look outside the teahouse and the source of the horseshoe sound.

The shadow of a small white horse ran far away, and on the back of the white horse, riding on a woman in black, her face was covered with black veil and she could not see her face clearly, but only her two eyes were cold and lightless.

Everyone looked at this man curiously and looked at the white horse running forward. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the horse had flashed past the door of the teahouse, quickly like a wind shadow.

"What a fast horse, I can't see the people on the horse clearly!" A leader turned slightly and looked sideways in the direction of the disguised senior sister's departure, and said in surprise.


The young people in the teahouse were still talking. At this time, there was a loud sound of horses' hoofs in the rear. Everyone wanted to turn to see what was going on, but this time they only saw a black shadow flash, and even the people on the horse did not see it clearly.

Because the people driving behind came like a light and shadow, so fast that it was indescribable!

