
Chapter 286 Questioner, Answerer

Listening to this sentence, the senior sister's eyes moved slightly. She slowly sat her body on the stone under the tree, and then reached out to pick up a green grass leaf.

The show finger was as slender as green onions, and the grass leaves rotated slightly in her hand. After pondered for a moment, the senior sister suddenly looked up at the honest sword and asked, "So, do you know what you mean?"

A sword slowly rolled up the reins of the big brown horse, and then watched it and two other horses walk to the stream to drink water and eat grass. Then he turned around and said seriously, "Sister, the little brother is actually a sensible person."

When the senior sister heard this, she nodded with approval, and then asked, "Then what's his reaction?"

A sword paused and said, "My little brother asked me to let him go, but I didn't say anything about going back to Liaocheng."

"It seems that he has understood the seriousness of the matter!"

"Is the elder sister going to let him go? After all, the little brother is tied up like this. No matter how you look at him, he is uncomfortable!"

The senior sister looked back at Lin Yi and found that the other party was also looking at herself, but when she looked at the other party's dull figure, she suddenly smiled and said, "No, we shouldn't let him go. We tied him up like this so that he could restrain some anger and pride, and then wait for the gentleman to come back. "

Lin Yi's body has been imprisoned, or a sword has been planted in his body.

In his chest, there was a transparent sword suspended. The senior sister and he knew that it was the sword that trapped him. This sword was the cage planted by the other party on his body. With it, there was no active Lin Yi, and if he hadn't untied the sword himself, he could not escape.

It is impossible to untie the sword beside him.

Lin Yi's eyes stared at his senior sister's smiling face, but there was no emotional color. However, even if he was imprisoned, even if he could not see anything at this moment, his consciousness could still clearly feel his changes, the changes of the other party, and all the changes around him.

He knew that his sister was laughing, and he heard the other party's words.

He didn't want to revenge again in Laocheng, but he knew that his senior sister's behavior was done by idiots.

The reason why he thought the other party was an idiot was not to hate the other party for trapping him. Lin Yi knew that the other party would do so was also out of necessity, so Lin Yi did not blame his senior sister for planting a sword in his body, a sword that made him unable to move, but for this reason, Lin Yi's 40-year-old personality and experience To ensure that the other party trapped himself is definitely a stupid idea.

If you don't go to Liaocheng for revenge.

Lu Changyun saw the elders of the Five-eous Sect's delay in returning.

Then he will definitely be wary of inviting people to investigate and deduce.

If there is a method of practice in the world, then there will be a method of deduction. Sir is not born to know it. He is a person who has been cultivated over countless years. He can know everything in the world. So even if the great practitioner invited by Lu Changyun is not good, it will not be too difficult to calculate the death of the five Elders of the Five Eism, and Even if ordinary practitioners can't count, the people of the Five elements will know sooner or later that the five elders have died.

Since the other party can know that he is not dead, and since the other party can know that the people who come to kill him and others are dead, Lu Changyun will not wait for Lin Yi to kill him, but will choose new ways to continue to kill Lin Yi.

Things were so varied that Lin Yi's memory of more than 40 years can naturally be easily speculated, but the senior sister can't. Although she is different from the previous cold temperament, and the white-haired woman should also know a lot about the world, but she still can't be like Lin Yixiang wandering on the edge of life and death in the world. Than.

Therefore, it would be foolish for her to imprison Lin Yi here and wait for her husband to come back.

Lin Yi was very angry, not his body, not his eyes, nor his heart. His consciousness was extremely angry. He was scolding his senior sister as an idiot. If they had been sitting under this big tree waiting, then I'm afraid it won't be long before Lu Changyun's people will come back.

If the latter sends someone to kill.

If the latter sends powerful practitioners to kill.

Then even if the senior sister has the cultivation of half a step five realms, even a sword also has the cultivation at the peak of Qi, the former can vaguely block most of the great practitioners, but the latter still can't help the former.

A sword is a swordsman, but he doesn't kill people, or he won't kill people at all.

Lin Yi and his senior sister have told him how to kill, but Lin Yi knows that it will take a long time to really kill people with a sword. No one can become ruthless in an instant and become a murderous demon in an instant. Even if Lin Yi kills, he has gained experience through hunting and seeing blood from childhood. .

If you see too much blood, you will go crazy.

Lin Yi and Zil hunted countless times in previous years and saw countless blood, but human blood is ultimately different from animal blood.

Killing is an unacceptable thing for a person. If it weren't for the world full of illusions, and if the world didn't have no legal provisions for Lin Yi, he wouldn't dare to kill at all. But as the saying goes: dogs jump over the wall, rabbits are in a hurry and bite people. Once people are forced, people will subconsciously resist.

Lin Yi was once forced to be anxious, and some people killed him, so if others don't offend me, I won't offend him, so his murderous heart gradually grew, and his magic idea grew.

As long as someone wants his life, he will take the other party's life in advance.

Only in this way can the road of practice be maintained and will not die young.

However, he knows how to survive, but he doesn't understand it. According to Lin Yi's understanding of him, he is afraid that the enemy wants the life of a sword again and again, but if he can still live, he will still not kill the other party.

The concept of not killing has been stored in the mind of a sword for too long. From childhood to large, it has been deeply rooted, as if it has been made an invincible brand. The brand is stronger than the sword that imprisons his body and any movement in Lin Yi's chest, as if it is indelible, but Lin Yi is confident that if the other party keeps following him and Sister, even if this mark is harder than diamond, it will one day be worn out and dissipated.

Unfortunately, Lin Yi did not have time to teach how to kill with a sword at this moment. What he was worried about was when his senior sister, a stupid woman, would untie him, otherwise he could not calculate when Lu Changyun would send people to kill him.

If the other party really dares to kill before the gentleman comes back.

Then the result...



In Liao City.

The bustling streets, various shops with colorful lights, and all kinds of people visiting the night market.

A young man walked through the west gate of Liao City. He walked through the stinky street selling cattle, sheep and horses, but he did not feel uncomfortable because of these disgusting smells. Soon after, the young man left the West City far away from the long-losing atmosphere.

The young man's footsteps were very fast, and he still held the scroll of white paper in his hand. The scroll was no longer opened by him, but carefully rolled together. The young man held the scroll in his arms and did not put it into the storage bag. He looked happily and looked at the scroll in his hand from time to time, as if the woman in the words had entered his heart.

Through the secluded alley with dim lights, we came to the bright Liaocheng Avenue.

The young man is walking with a white roll.

There are countless pedestrians and merchants on the road. Many people pass by. The young man is curious about everything here. He is more curious about why many people are staring at the picture scroll in his hand.

At this time, a man also stared at him curiously, staring at the painting in his hand.

The young man knew that the man was looking at him, but he continued to walk forward indifferently. He kept walking away on Liaocheng Street, walked through the whole bustling street, and then turned to the alley.

The man still followed the young man. He carefully wanted to avoid the young man's sight, but after the next transfer, the man came out and found that there was a dead end in front of him. There was no way forward in this alley. He didn't know when it was built on a brick wall. The man looked left and right, but the environment here was even darker.

He didn't see the young man, but the young man saw his figure.

So, the young man looked at the man's figure looking left and right and couldn't help jumping down from the roof. He jumped behind the man and then gently put his hand on the man's shoulder.

The young man said calmly, "Do you know this painting?"

seemed to anticipate what the other party would do, or resist and struggle, or draw a knife, so the young man suddenly paused and continued to say, "Don't try to turn around, and don't think about this painting. As long as I answer, do you know this painting?"

The man's shoulder was pressed by the other party, and his heart was a little cold.

There is fear of young people. The other party can quietly hold their shoulders, and the other party can bring themselves to this dead end without flaws. The other party can know that they have been paying attention to him, so the other party is definitely not a simple person, so the man is afraid that the other party will kill him.

Of course, the coldness in his heart also has its own factors.

That's the calmness he has.

The man was very calm. His shoulder was held down by the young man. Although he had never felt any sense of strength, he knew that if he dared to have any dissatisfaction and resistance, then these light hands of the other party would become huge hands, or even heavier hands. If he wanted to crush himself with his own body, it would be too much. It's so simple.

The man was silent for a long time. He recalled what had happened recently in Laocheng. He recalled the items he was looking for by the rich families in the city. He recalled the orders he received and thought about how to answer each other's words. The young man did not wait for the answer in any hurry when he saw that he was unmoved. .

After a moment, the man holding his shoulder said slowly, "I don't know this picture, but if I see what's in the picture, I should know it!"

