
Chapter 287 Entering the house, important person

When the young man heard the words, he frowned and said, "Just know it?"

The man pondered for a moment and said with fear, "I'm 70% sure I know."

The young man loosened the right hand on the man's shoulder, and then took a step back slightly. He stretched out his hand and gently spread out the white paper scroll, then looked at the motionless man and said, "Now, you can turn around and have a look."

The man did not turn around as soon as the young man let go. I don't know whether he was still afraid that the young man would kill him, or whether he felt that he should wait for this opportunity. At this time, after getting the young man's recognition, he finally slowly turned around.

is such a turn. The man saw the picture scroll hanging in front of the young man and the woman's pattern depicted in the scroll change. The pattern was very beautiful, the woman was beautiful, the green silk was like a waterfall, and the beauty was like a flower. No matter how gloomy the alley at this moment, the man seemed to see the woman in the picture very clearly.

He was immersed in the beautiful picture scroll and was unmoved.

Brush and pull!

Suddenly, the beautiful picture suddenly disappeared, and the man was stunned when he found that he was intoxicated and thrilled.

The young man slowly rolled up the white picture scroll.

He didn't look at the slightly angry man in front of him. He just said leisurely, "I have seen the painting, but your heart has a bottom?"

When the man regained consciousness, he found that the man in front of him was really handsome. He quickly put away his slightly evil eyes and nodded repeatedly and said, "There is a bottom, there is a bottom!"

The young man asked, "Have you seen her?"

The man replied, "I haven't seen her."

"Where's the painting?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never seen it."

"Then how can you be sure? Do you know that the next sentence is likely to kill you?"

After listening to the young man's words, the man standing opposite him smiled openly and said, "I have never seen the painting in the prince's hand, but I know that this is the painting that everyone in the city longs for. Even if I am, I have the mission to find it. There are countless officials and merchants in the city, but in fact, these are special The points are all the same.

"Oh? What are the characteristics?"

"They all like what they can't get."

"For example, this painting?"


"Why do you want to get this picture? Has anyone seen it?"

"This picture book was written by Mr. Chang Wei's students. According to people in the city, when this person painted at that time, it could be said that he was so unrestrained, and he completely wrote down this woman silently by his own ability. As for whether he had seen the person who drew it, it is unknown and there is no legend."

When the young man heard this, he hesitated for a moment and then said disdainfully, "As a student, why do people in this city have to love this person's paintings so much? Isn't his teacher more powerful?"

Hearing the other party's ignorant speculation, the man standing at this moment really despised him from the bottom of his heart. He looked at the other party's ignorant and handsome face. Although he couldn't wait to cut the other party and take the painting in his arms, reason finally occupied everything. The man smiled and explained, "The prince doesn't know anything. Although the painter is a disciple of Mr. Chang Wei, it is well known that Mr. Chang Wei does not draw at all, and the main reason why people like his handwriting is that he defeated Mr. Chang Wei's other student before!"

"Another student?"

The man continued, "It's Mr. Chang Wei's other student, and he is also a painting idiot in Dachi."

"So that's it. I don't know who this Mr. Chang Wei is and how many disciples he has?"

The man shook his head, clenched his fist and said, "I can't answer the questions that the prince wants to ask. I'm afraid even the king of the Dachi Kingdom can't answer them. After all, this gentleman has always been extremely mysterious, and no one knows where he comes from. It is said that the king of Dachi once gave three concessions to this person when he saw this gentleman. , and personally took up a pen to set up a plaque for his painting workshop, so that it can accept apprentices in Liaocheng.

"Let the imperial king also give three points of courtesy, but it seems that this man has something to do."

The young man smiled softly and his tone seemed a little contemptuous. He looked up at the man in front of him who told so much, and then said, "The painting is indeed in my hands, and you can't take it from my hand, but you can say it. Will you tell it out?"

The man quickly hugged his fist and bowed and said, "I dare not. Please rest assured that I will never say anything about it."

"I'm afraid it's hard for me to believe it."

"Please forgive me. I am willing to keep this matter in my heart forever. During this period, I will live as a mute until the prince completely leaves here."

"This... is not enough."

"Does the prince want this?"

The man raised his head and his eyes were a little annoyed. He had repeatedly tolerated enough, but he did not expect that the seemingly handsome young man in front of him was so advanced. However, at this time, after seeing the young man in front of him, his angry eyes became more and more shocked.

"No...no!" The man muttered, but his whole body seemed to be unmoved.

His body did not move, or did not dare to move. On his face, there was a sense of fear, and his wrinkled forehead seemed to be covered with layers of skin, and in these skins, there was countless flowing sweat.

The young man raised one of his empty hands with a faint smile on his face.

His fingers quietly raised in the air, with dazzling light on his fingertips, and it was because of the sudden appearance of these lights that the man opposite suddenly became afraid.

The light kept shining from the young man's fingertips, and the stars were particularly beautiful. The man watched him draw strange traces in the air and see those traces constantly condense a huge force. He knew in his heart that the other party must be using some mysterious power, and then poured this force to himself.

The man wanted to escape at this moment. He trembled his heart but not his legs.

However, the alley behind him had no way to go. No matter how he looked at it, he looked like a turtle in a urn, more like a hunter falling into his trap, waiting for his prey to kill him. At this time, what the man wanted to solve most was how to escape from the clutches of the other party.

Escape, can't escape.

, etc., can't wait.

So, under the man's frightening eyes, the young man's fingers finally stopped moving.

A complete and beautiful mysterious pattern floated in the air, with a faint light on it. The young man looked at the light with great satisfaction, and then gently touched the man in front of him.

is the point, and this pattern suddenly pushes forward to the man who is begging for mercy.

The man couldn't escape, as if at the moment the other party stretched out his hand, his body was tied to the gambling wall behind him. He watched him suddenly want to fly in, and his heart was completely cold to the extreme, and there was no longer any extravagant hope of living.

There is nothing more than seeing something of fear fly to him, and a man is not surprised.

The pattern hit him and hit him on the face. His muttering lips suddenly closed, and suddenly his whole body became dull.

So, the pattern should not enter his face or his body.

The man felt that his body had no chance to move, and he felt a muddy salty taste in his mouth, which was not a strange taste and was not worth his nostalgia and nostalgia. After a long time, the man's fingers began to tremble and his lips finally opened.

The blood spit out in his mouth like a spring.

The minced meat spit out in his mouth like mud.

He didn't feel that he could have any other taste.

The previous salty taste has become the most cherished memory in his life. The man knelt to the ground and lay his hands on the ground like a pious pilgrim. He knelt down to the young man with an indifferent smile at this moment. His whole body looked extremely painful. He buried his head deep under his knees and felt more and more meat in his body. Mud and blood spit out of his throat, and the man had no mood to describe his helplessness and confusion at this moment.

He wants to die completely.

His tongue turned into blood mud.

His intestines are turning into blood mud.

His body is also constantly turning into blood mud.

The young man looked at the crying man in front of him with a smile and said, "Only you are the real mute now!"

"Don't blame me for being cruel. I know everyone has seen this painting and will never forget it."

"It's just... Compared to those ignorant people, you don't have any chance to betray me."

After saying this, the young man ignored the man who was bending over and spitting blood. He raised his steps and walked forward without walking to the alley, and walked to the wall in front of him. He walked to the wall and suddenly seemed to think of something. He looked back at the one whose arms were dissipating. The man smiled like the wind.

The body jumped up and fell.

It's a dead end. Jump on the new street.

At the end of the street, there is a Lufu.

In front of the gate of Lufu, some familymen waited alone. The young man looked at the candlelit Lufu, put away the white paper picture scroll he had been holding in his hand, and then walked to Lufu together.

The young man's footsteps did not stop, or he could not stop. He wanted to leave as soon as he wanted. He walked to the door of the Lu Mansion. He took a look at the huge wooden plaque on the door of the mansion, looked at the indifferent families, and then stepped up the steps with his own steps, like stepping up in the Lu Mansion.

He was not strong enough to step, but he still welcomed the unmoved family members.

The young man looked at the man in front of him who blocked his way and hesitated for a moment and said, "You must stop me?"

Jiading asked with a cold face, "Who are you and why did you come here uninvited?"

The young man did not explain, and then walked straight forward. Seeing that he was so arrogant, he sneered and rushed to the young man in front of him with his fists and feet. They did not hit the young man's body, but they were bounced away by a force around the young man, which bounced far away.

The family man stood up from the confusion, but the young man at this time had already walked into the house.

The young man still continued to walk without any disorder, regardless of the beautiful maids and family rustling around him. He walked through the leisurely floral courtyard and an extremely elegant corridor. He came to the living room in the Lu Mansion, then stood in the living room, turned his head and smiled at a family member of the Lu Mansion and said, "I I have something to do with your owner. Please come out and meet him.

When the family heard this, he turned his head and left in confusion. He walked to the backyard of Lufu and finally saw Lu Changyun in the backyard.

He hugged Lu Changyun respectfully and said, "Master, is there anyone in the hall asking for a meeting?"

When Lu Changyun heard this sound, he recovered from his thinking. He took a look at the family in front of him, and then frowned and asked, "It's too late. Is there anyone else to ask for a meeting? Are the family outside the door useless?"

When the family heard this, he was a little frightened and said, "The other party is a young man, about the size of a young master."

"I see, you step back!"

Lu Changyun stood up slightly from the stone chair, and the family retreated safely from his side.

Lu Changyun kept going to the front hall of his house and came to the living room where only one young man was sitting alone at this moment.

The young man sat on a sandalwood chair in the living room, raised his one foot and drank a cup of hot tea in his hand. He ignored the middle-aged man with a long beard. He drank the tea by himself, and then put the quilt with only three leaves left back on the tea table. Then he raised his head and looked at it very seriously. A glance at Lu Changyun.

Lu Changyun looked at the wind and light clouds and secretly said that this man was really bold, but that's it. He still put on a smiling face and said tentatively, "This young man came uninvited at night. I don't know what it means. It seems that he has never met the prince, has he?"

When the young man heard the words, he smiled faintly and said, "I came to you naturally to find you. As for the reason why we didn't know each other, it doesn't matter if we didn't know each other now. After all, we will know each other soon, won't we?"

When Lu Changyun heard this, his face was restrained and smiled. He went straight to his own main seat in the hall, and then looked at the young man in front of him and said, "The prince said very well, but I'm still very curious. What did you do when you come to my house at night?"

The young man turned his head and looked back at him and said, "Come and ask for someone!"

When he heard the important person, Lu Changyun was puzzled. He thought silently for a long time and then asked curiously, "The important person, I don't know who the prince wants from Lu?"

"Who is not, but five people?"

"Five people!" Lu Changyun pondered, raised his eyebrows and said in disbelief, "Is it...?"

"They are dead, and I hope you can give me an explanation!"

"What, they are dead. How can it be? How can the five elders die?"

"There is a strong middleman. Who in the world dares to say that he is invincible in the world? Moreover, the five of them do not have strong cultivation, but they do not have any cultivation, but they are vaguely from my Five elements sect, so I hope you can give me a sound explanation."

