Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 5 The Horror of the Dead Hole

Zhou Xirui saw that he could not go outside any further. He just moved deeper under the ground and kept urging Li Wen to go back. But Li Wen was fascinated by those murals. She realized what she had found and what unknown secrets might be hidden in this deep ground?

She stubbornly insisted on going down to see what was going on, and said angrily to Zhou Xirui, who was constantly urging, "If you don't want to go down, you can go back by yourself!"

Zhou Xirui looked back at the dark tunnel behind him in fear. His tight nerves made him dare not go back alone. He also did not want Li Wen to go down alone, worried that there was danger below. It's just Li Wen's stubbornness that he had no choice but to follow her step by step, but he didn't forget to remind Li Wen that their flashlight would not last long. What if the power went down and he couldn't see it in danger?

Li Wen pondered for a moment and said, "You turn off the flashlight. If I run out of power, can I call your flashlight back immediately?" Zhou Xirui quickly nodded and turned off the flashlight. They walked forward for about half an hour. The light of the flashlight was getting weaker and weaker, but there was still an endless tunnel in front of them.

"TMD, this is not a bottomless hole!" Zhou Xirui cursed impatiently. Li Wen was silent and obviously a little disappointed. Just as the light of the flashlight was about to go out, they heard the faint sound of running water in front of them.

Li Wen suddenly became excited and dragged Zhou Xirui to run forward. Zhou Xirui turned on the flashlight while running, and was so scared that he quickly grabbed Li Wen. Oh my God! Below is a cliff more than ten meters high, and two people were only one step away from falling down. They took a flashlight to shine down. At the bottom of the cliff were large and small stones. What was more terrible was that the light of the flashlight seemed to sweep some people.

Shadow? The hearts of the two suddenly tightened? Zhou Xirui resisted his fear and trembling to take pictures of people, ah! Those are a few dead faces with sunken eyes and dry skin. Dong!" He was so scared that he took a step back and the flashlight fell to the ground. He turned around and wanted to run out of the hole.

Li Wen grabbed him, picked up the flashlight and scolded, "Why run! Aren't they just a few mummified corpses?" Dry corpse!" Zhou Xirui stammed in a trembling voice, "Wen...sister... shall we... go out? It's so scary!"

Just now, Li Wen almost fell down. She felt a little afraid of her recklessness, but she didn't agree to return immediately. She felt that she had walked such a long way, because several mummified corpses were too worth it. What's more, she couldn't find a way out to go back. Now she can hear the sound of water. Maybe if she walks forward, she can find it. Go to the hole leading to the outside.

Zhou Xirui trembled anxiously and said, "Sister Wen, my hand... doesn't have much electricity. The terrain here is so complicated that it's scary. Let's get out quickly!" Li Wenbai glanced at Zhou Xirui and said, "It's all here. Are you still retreating?" We came here to explore, but we retreated from such difficulties. Are you still a man? With a coward like you, it's better to come alone!"

After saying that, Li Wen didn't look at him, so he climbed down the slope on the edge of the cliff with a flashlight. Zhou Xirui looked at the dark tunnel behind him and the flashlight in Li Wen's hand. He had no choice but to follow her carefully down the gentle slope on the edge of the cliff.

Li Wen went down to the bottom of the cliff and took a flashlight to shine around. This is a huge cave with a football field. The top of the cave is some strange-shaped stalactites, but there are not at the bottom of the cave. There are only large and small piles of stones. These uneven stones are full of mummified corpses of various postures. There is a cold and musty smell in the cave. Walking here, it seems to be walking through a mass grave full of corpses, which is creepy. Zhou Xirui followed Li Wen almost half-closed, stepping on and tripping over the bodies, and diving deep as if walking in hell.

Although the temperature of this cave is lower than outside, it is not enough to keep the bodies to the extent that they are not rotten. Why are these bodies not rotten? Did someone deliberately use anti-corrosion technology to preserve it? Why do you keep so many bodies here? Li Wen squatted down and shone on the mummified corpse with a flashlight. Looking carefully, Zhou Xirui saw that under the light of the flashlight, a red centipede-shaped thing suddenly shrank into the mummified body's mouth. He felt that something was rolling in his stomach, "Wow!" With a sound, he vomited.