Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 141 Uncle Wick

"Uncle Wick! You're back!" Hearing Leo's excited shouts, Aunt Hannah, who was sitting in Uncle Wick's arms, quickly stood up embarrassedly, straightened her collar and went to clean up the dishes. Leo rushed in like a gust of wind, jumped into his uncle's arms, put his arms around his uncle's neck like a monkey and said, "Uncle, why have you been there for so long?"

"Haha, because the uncle went to Jiamusi and watched the boxer audition!" Uncle Wick laughed and said, "What else are you going to watch? The family is so poor that you can't open the pot. You are free outside." Aunt Hannah glanced at her man.

The uncle smiled awkwardly and covered up his embarrassing situation. He took out a pipe from his pocket and wiped it. Leo also sat on the stool, snuggled up to the uncle and begged him to talk about Jiamus.

The uncle said happily, "This Jiamusi is the nearest city to us. There are many things for sale in the city, such as delicious food and fun. "Are there any beautiful clothes for girls?" Leo remembered to buy a beautiful new dress for his sister and asked, "Of course there is. There is everything you want. Good things, and there are many fun things you haven't seen before," Uncle Wick said intoxicatedly.

"No wonder the uncle doesn't want to come back. It turns out that there is everything there," Leo said enviously. "Of course, there is everything, and there are charming foxes, right?" Aunt Hannah said, "Alas! What do you say in front of the child? Cough, cough!" The uncle was choked by the aunt and coughed twice. Aunt Hannah gave him a white look and finished washing.

"Don't listen to your aunt's nonsense. Women just like to be suspicious." The uncle said to Leo, "This time I'm going to watch the trials. I'm an eye-opener." Did the uncle go to the audition? Leo asked excitedly and yearningly. Alas! After I looked at it, I found that my tripods couldn't get on the table at all," Uncle Wick said depressedly.

"So I decided to give up my dream and decided to farm well at home," Uncle Wick said. Leo thought, no wonder he didn't see Aunt Hannah kicking him out this time. He asked curiously, "Uncle, how powerful are those people who participate in the competition that even you will give up?"

Uncle Wick shook his head and said, "Let's put it this way, the boxer selection in Jiamusi City is only the bottom audition. When watching the game, I obviously feel that my strength is only in the first stage, or even weaker. If the level of the boxer is divided into twelve levels, the first level that stays can be understood in this way.

The fist is far away from the opponent and can't be beaten. The fist hit the perimeter of the target, which was closer, but still did not hit the opponent, just making the opponent feel a little airflow. Or the fist is slightly stained with the skin of the opponent, but there is still no obvious feeling.

Even if you hit the opponent, there is an obvious feeling, but it is only the surface contact of the boxing. The bones of the hand are not obviously touched and painless, so in general, at this stage, the confrontation with the master is too weak, without lethality and strike strength.

Uncle Wick said: "In addition to skills, boxing is not only limited to superficial understanding. Many people in the boxing world know that if you want to become a top boxer, you need to go to the jungle wilderness to get the inner elixir of monsters. The inner elixir has all the skills and power of monsters and can perfectly integrate with the boxers. In the level boxing competition, it is also a competition of monster spiritual power.

"Monster? Nedan?" These are amazing for Leo. No one has ever told him these things. Children's hearts are always full of curiosity about magical things. He pestered Uncle Weike to tell himself a story about monsters.

The uncle thought for a moment and said, "Generally, when you enter the first realm of the boxer I just mentioned, you can go to the forest to capture more docile monsters such as yellow-haired toad essence. Generally, the cultivation is about 100 years, and rarely more than 200 years, so that you can have a black inner elixir.

It is said that if the effect group of the yellow-haired toad essence is the elasticity of its body, the opponent's attack strength is melted, that is, the opponent's boxing strength hits the body, and it cannot concentrate on the life-saving effect, so it is a defensive monster.

After saying that, Uncle Wick took out this brochure with a picture and said that he bought it outside the Jiamusi selection field, which contained a complete collection of monsters, which was very detailed. Leo opened it curiously, and the picture of the first monster immediately attracted him. It seemed that he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

Look at the introduction below, it says that it is yellow-haired toad essence. In the picture, the skin of this thing is gray-white, the head is like a huge toad, the two round eyes are larger than the rice bowl, the nostrils are like two big black holes, the mouth is long open, there are developed forelimbs, and the bladder is thick and full of yellow hair. Leo thought carefully for a long time and couldn't remember where he had seen it. There was a feeling of déjà vu.

Hearing Leo read the words yellow-haired toad essence, Uncle Wick asked him in surprise, "When did you learn to read?" This surprised him, because he knew that Leo's family was too poor to have money to go to school, but why could he read?

Leo himself was also aware of this problem and suddenly felt that it was too strange. He had never studied for a day. It seemed that he was born to know these words. Uncle, I feel very familiar with this monster, but I'm sure I've never seen this monster," he shook his head and pointed to the picture.