Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 142 Five-Year Casting

Since Uncle Wick returned to the village, after completing his work every day, Leo will always ask his uncle to teach him some boxing skills after dinner. Wick also teaches his introductory fists, hooks, flat fists and basic dodge skills.

What surprised Wick was that the power that Leo played was incredible. He couldn't stand his punch attack at all. Although he did not get Neidan, his strength was already quite amazing. It could be seen that he was a good material for boxing. Unfortunately, he only had that three-legged cat kung fu and could not teach him more. Xi is very afraid of mistaking people's children, so he often talks about Leo going to Jiamusi for development.

Leo himself didn't want to go, but because there was no entanglement on the road, and there was no savings at home. He was afraid that after he left, his family's life would fall into a dilemma, so he secretly calculated Dora ore, saved more savings, and then went on the road.

And Leo's strength in the abdomen is growing exponentially every day. This force is integrated into the muscles. His musculoskeletal muscles are constantly bordering, absorbing the strength from the abdomen, and the flexibility and potential of the muscles are constantly improving, which makes his body's explosive power increase at a speed that no one has ever thought of.

Time flies. The first year has passed, and Leo's sharpness of his eyes has reached an unprecedented height. Even in the dark, he can see clearly, and every time he goes down to the mine, he has changed from barely pulling one car at a time to pulling two cars at a time.

He also found Wendy to ask for the same wages as others. This request did not seem too much, and the miner pulled the car twice as fast as others. The stingy hesitated for a moment and agreed, because the surrounding area was not just his mine.

The second year passed. Whenever night fell, he would run along the hills around the village at an amazing speed, and the ore he pulled changed from two carts at a time to three carts at a time, like pushing a train. In this way, he can basically earn 40 nies a day. He gives his mother 20 nies a day and saves 20 nies as savings.

The third year has passed. When he runs in the mountains and forests at night, he will be quite surprised if he is seen, because he can almost only point on the tips of dead leaves and grass with his feet.

The fourth year has passed, Leo's figure has suddenly run, even taller than his brother and sister, and his body muscles are extremely strong. At the age of eight, he will feel that he has grown into a teenager without looking at his face but looking at his back.

The fifth year has passed, and Leo's height has reached about 1.6 meters, and the internal strength of his body has reached a very amazing level, but his attack skills are still much worse. He urgently needs the guidance of a professional boxer, because a qualified boxer not only depends on strength, but also on flexibility, speed, explosive power and resistance. Strike ability and so on.

After five years as a miner in the mine, Leo forged a perfect body prototype, which became the basis for him to learn any kind of boxing skills and a great start.

He has coexisted with 1260 nies in recent years, which is a huge sum of money in a remote village. He decided to give his mother 200 nies. In the past few years, Leo knows that in addition to buying food, she has saved the rest, and now the two brothers have also worked in the mine. The current economic situation of the family should be relatively rich in the village. The opportunity for him to leave the village has finally come.

When she left, my sister got up early and steamed a large tray of white steamed buns for Leo and put them in his bag. My mother took out a new set of clothes from the pillow and asked Leo to change them.

"Mom? ..." Leo was a little surprised. He knew that his mother had always been thrifty, and this suit would cost 20 Ni coins. "Child, if you can't afford to leave outside, come back! The whole family will look forward to your return," his mother said softly, with reluctance in her eyes, which made Leo feel very warm.

He took out 200 coins from his pocket and handed them to his mother, but his mother resolutely refused: "No, Leo, you keep this money. You can't find a way to make money outside for a while. There are many times when you need money. Now my mother also has some savings. Your two brothers are working in the mine, so you don't have to worry about food and clothing at home. You can collect them and use them on the way!"

"No, mom, if you don't accept it, I will feel uneasy. Besides, my sister is about to get married. Let's make a dowry for my sister with this money!" Leo looked at his sister. His sister's eyes were red and tears couldn't help falling. He knew that what he was most worried about when he went out to travel was his sister. He gently hugged his sister and mother, surrounded by a kind of family affection in his heart.

The two brothers also came over. The two brothers put their hands on Leo's shoulders and conveyed their support and encouragement. Lucas smiled and said, "Leo, come on! Don't give up. That's all our lives, but you can have a chance to realize your ideals. Our hopes are all on you. You don't have to worry about the things at home. We will bear it. If you don't have enough money outside, we will send you a letter!"

The words of his brothers made Leo full of motivation. He knew that his dream was not only his personal, but also the common ideal of their three brothers. From now on, he must move forward without hesitation and must not take a step back.