Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 143 The Old Beggar

After Leo came to Uncle Wick and Uncle Phyllis's house to say goodbye, he headed for Jiamus City, which Uncle Wick pointed to. On the way, he met many carriages to Jiamusi. A coachman stopped and asked Leo, "Do you need a ride? 20 Nicoins" Leo shook his head. 20 Nicoins are too much. He can't bear to pull 20 mining trucks to make such a little money.

He concentrated and ran quickly. His toes just clicked at a distance, and soon overtook the carriages and ran forward. Everyone in the carriage looked at the galloping teenager in surprise and felt that his speed was too strange.

On a black carriage, a gloomy middle-aged man stared at the teenager silently and muttered, "He is a good seedling in boxing." "What's the matter? Don't you run faster? The white people of the Proud Empire also have this speed," another fat and bald middle-aged man said.

"This is different. The people of the Proud Empire are born. This child is completely trained. Look at the strength of him to drive his body when he runs," the middle-aged man said to the fat man around him.

"So what? You are now a full-time coach hired by the Buffalo Club for a high salary, and you are not qualified to accept disciples alone. The fat man narrowed his eyes and smoked a cigarette and said contemptuously, "As for this boy's shabbyness, he can't pay the tuition fee of ten gold coins. Our club is an organization with the main purpose of profit. You have to figure it out."

It turned out that this fat man named Victor was the operation manager of the Jiamusi Bison Club. And the gloomy middle-aged man is Donare, who almost won the championship of boxing, nicknamed "Lightning". This is a legendary figure in the boxing world. It is said that he is famous for his speed and agility of his bodywork, as well as his unparalleled strength when punching.

This legendary figure was fighting with Jervis, known as a "butcher" in the Inca Empire. On the first night when he was preparing to win the title of boxing champion, he was inexplicably ill and regretfully withdrew from the competition. From then on, he disappeared in the boxing world. No one knew where he had gone. People didn't expect him to come. The remote Jiamusi small town became an unknown boxing coach.

Donare listened to Victor's instructions, took a look at Leo running with regret, and sighed in his heart, "It's a pity!" Then he closed his eyes and said nothing. He really understood the darkness of the boxing world, and some things were really beyond his control.

When the carriage gradually drifted away at the end of the highway, Leo had surpassed the carriage and entered the city. As soon as he entered, he was dizzy and couldn't find the direction. There were high buildings everywhere, pedestrians rubbing shoulders on the streets, hawkers everywhere, and the sky was also full of smoke.

It turns out that there are many ore smelting factories in the city, and the steam train also releases the combustion waste gas into the air. The dryness of the whole city has a suffocating smell of smoke, which makes Leo from the countryside feel very uncomfortable in his lungs. This small industrially polluted small city is really not a suitable place to live.

And the people who come and go on the street are basically workers working in nearby factories. When Leo looked up at the buildings like mountains, he was surprised and speechless. The tallest building in their village is Wendy's office building, which is just a short two-story simple house in the city. Everything shocked Leo, who had never left the village.

"Fight away, you hillbilly!" Leo stood in the middle of the road and stared at everything here. A carriage rampaged in front of him and was about to hit him. Leo instinctively blocked the Mercedes-Benz carriage with his hand, and the people in the car were stopped sharply and fell back. The driver jumped down fiercely and immediately gave Leo a few whips.

The countryman was always very simple. Leo felt that he was wrong and should not stand on the road to block others, so he did not argue with the driver, but stood silently on the side of the road. Then the driver scolded and climbed up the car and drove away.

An old beggar sleeping on the roadside in the distance saw all this and nodded approvingly. The old man's beard and hair were messy and tangled together. He was wearing undressed ragged clothes. The sour smell made passers-by cover their noses and dodge, but he didn't care. He blindly basked in the sun and looked for lice on his body.

Leomu was stunned and couldn't find a sense of direction. The people around him were in a hurry. Everyone was busy with life, and no one had paid attention to this seemingly rustic country bumpkin. He looked at the old beggar. It seemed that the old man was idle in the whole city. He didn't mind the smell of the old man's body. He squatted down and asked politely, "Grandpa, do I want to ask something?"

The old man looked up and asked with his eyes, "Yes, give me 20 Nicoins!" He stretched out his hand full of dirt and said. Leo was stunned and asked for 20 Nicoins. Isn't this extortion? But he looked at the old man's clothes and stretched out his dry hands, and his heart was sour. He sympathized with the old man very much.

Perhaps the poor can understand the suffering of the poor best. He hesitated, put his hand into his pocket, took out the money and carefully counted 20 Ni coins and handed them to the old man's hand. The old man asked, "What's the matter? Go ahead!" Leo said, "I want to participate in the selection of the boxing club, but I don't know where there is a club."

"Haha, you poor boy still wants to join the boxing club, forget it!" The old man smiled and said, "Why can't I participate? Is it because I'm poor?" Leo felt very harsh when he heard the laughter, and he frowned and asked unconvincedly.

The old man put away his smile and said seriously, "Only rich people can enter the club. You have to pay ten gold coins to enter. Young man, I didn't hit you. Do you know how many coins ten gold coins are? One gold coin is equal to one thousand nies, and ten gold coins are equal to ten thousand nies. Do you have one thousand nies?

When Leo listened, his expression suddenly became solemn. He only had 1,000 Nicoins on his body. How could he take out 10,000? In his little heart, he never knew that money in this world is also the thing that dominates people's fate. But he still didn't give up: "Grandpa, can you tell me where the club is? I want to have a look."

The old man looked at his persistence and smiled: "Let's go, kid! I'll take you there." Leo said happily, "Okay, thank you, Grandpa!" In fact, he was still worried that even if the old man told him where he was, he may not be able to find it by himself. With so many streets in the city, it looks almost the same and it is easy to get lost.