Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 157 Cruel Boxing Competition

After listening to the uncle's words, Acuo and Dimo looked at Zhou Xirui with great concern. Although Zhou Xirui was a little nervous, he was more confident in boxing practice in recent years. He felt that there was a desire in his heart to knock down his opponent with one punch. This is the most basic quality as a professional boxer.

They took the poster given by their uncle and went all the way to a dance hall. The deafening music in it made people a little dizzy. The exposed-dressed lead dancer kept twisting her body to the rhythm. The people under the stage kept shaking their bodies, and two women with heavy makeup and open collars showed half of their breasts to They leaned over.

Acuo and Dimo immediately stared at the two women's breasts and never left. Zhou Xirui took his arm and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need it. The two women glanced at him disappointedly and threw out two words: "Poor devils!", "Oh, why did you let them go? "Don't play for nothing," Acuo complained, and Dimo also sat on his shoulder and nodded desperately. I'm going to have a clear mind, okay? Do you think it's free? Zhou Xirui kicked this guy.

Zhou Xirui took the poster and grabbed a waiter and asked him where there was a game. The waiter looked at the poster and took them to the back of the bar. It turned out that there was also a large backyard surrounded by high walls and someone guarding the exit. When they got there, the waiter said to them, "Each of you can pay 50 Ni coins to get in." Zhou Xirui heard it and felt that the price was too high: "Do we have to pay for us to play the game?"

The waiter and the guard at the exit laughed: "Haha, are you going to participate in the game too?" They feel that the two guys in front of them are too overpowerful. Although Zhou Xirui looks more than 1.6 meters now, his face still looks a little immature. After all, he is only in his teens.

Zhou Xirui was a little angry, but after all, he came to make money, not to fight. Let's suppress the fire for the time being. But A Cuo couldn't help but stretch out his foot and kick it over. Zhou Xirui hurriedly pulled him.

The waiter didn't care about Acuo's anger. In his opinion, it was just two children. He laughed and said, "You have to pay for the game. After going in, go to the stage to sign up with John, hehe." This guy wants to see if the two children really want to sign up for the challenge.

Zhou Xirui carefully counted 100 coins and gave them to the man at the entrance. The biggest advantage of Dimo becoming a monkey is that he doesn't have to pay the entrance fee. They walked in and found that there was a sea of people inside, which surrounded the whole yard.

In the middle is the boxing ring. At this moment, a naked, very burly and abrupt-looking man is standing on the ring. This guy is tall, round, muscular, wearing a pair of red gloves, standing arrogantly on the ring.

At this time, the person who challenged him came on the stage. A slightly dark and thin man in a vest jumped on the stage. Suddenly, there were boos under the stage, very noisy, and some were shouting, "Leopard, beat this guy!", "Which one is the leopard?" Zhou Xirui asked a young man around him in a low voice.

"That bare body." The young man replied in a low voice: "The one wearing a vest is called steel."

There is no referee. When "Steel" stepped into the ring, it was announced that the game had begun. The two immediately put on a posture and stared at each other and moved.

Before moving two steps, the two of them rushed together like beasts. Both sides waved their fists fiercely and hit each other. For a moment, the red and blue fists flew in the air, accompanied by low shouts one after another. Some cheer for leopards and some cheer for steel, but the number of people who cheer for leopards is obviously the most.

The two sides struggled for about half a minute, but things did not go according to the wishes of most people. The "Leopard" obviously couldn't hold on, and the speed of his fist was defeated.

Zhou Xirui saw it clearly, and a standard and powerful right hook of "steel" hit the "leopard"'s strong chin.

Under the light, the "leopard" spit out of his mouth, and then fell softly against the rope. Steel then rushed up and continued to punch the fallen leopard. There is already a lot of noise and shouting under the stage. Steel roared excitedly at the stage as he hit it.

No one is going to rescue the "leopard" who was knocked down. It is natural to kill the failed party. The person who won the money shouted excitedly to beat him to death, while the person who lost the money resented the "leopard" who let himself lost the money. He also roared with red eyes: "Kle him to death!" Under the insangulation of this huge sound, soon a fresh A strong life becomes a corpse full of blood.