Prehistoric Notes

Chapter 269 Mormon

Two cars drove into the southern part of a famous mob in Utah, a huge dark red sandstone area, where there is a Rockland ranch, and this "Rockland" actually means "rock plain".

They were surprised to see a sandstone cliff where someone built a large house with a cave. "Shall we stay here tonight?" Zhong Yueming said.

"Oc, this is indeed the best place within 50 miles!" Liu Peng replied that there were only red sandstone, dry riverbeds, and deserted Gobi all the way. It was hard to see people here and suddenly felt heaven.

A total of 15 families live here, all of whom are devout Mormons and polygamous Mormon families, where about 100 men, women and children have established a unique community home.

Zhou Xirui and others walked in and found that he and their lives were leisurely and happy, and some people were still Christians. However, this does not affect the harmony of 15 polygamous families.

One of the male owners, Robert Foster, warmly received them and proudly told everyone: "About 35 years ago, we polygamous fundamentalist Mormons came to the sandstone area with an elevation of more than 500 feet and a half miles wide near this Utah Canyonland National Park. , blew up the sandstone cliff with explosives, built a large house with caves, and then completed the access of running water, electricity, and even the Internet to this sandstone area in a few years, until the nearly complete modern family community was successfully built.

He also proudly told everyone that he was a Mormon fundamentalist practicing polygamy. He lives in this unique polygamous society with his first wife, Katrina Foster, and two later wives, as well as his 13 children.

Hearing his speech, Xiaopei looked puzzled and didn't know how his three wives could coexist peacefully. Isn't there any jealousy? I am very disgusted with this bearded proud face.

Foster was extremely happy to tell everyone that he would marry his fourth wife and 16-year-old niece Mariana tonight, which surprised everyone's jaws to fall to the ground.

"Damn, isn't this a mess?" Atso said in Chinese.

"This is incredible. Isn't this Mormon religion too evil?" Liu Peng also talked about it in Chinese.

"No matter so much, the customs here are like this, and we can't control it. Let's have a good night's rest and leave tomorrow morning. Don't annoy these people are kicked out. Now it's a wasteland outside. Where can we spend the night?" Zhong Yueming said.

"No, how can you marry your own niece, and didn't you hear the man say that the girl is only 16 years old? So cruel! This world is too cruel for women! You don't care, I'll take care of it later," Xiaopei said an angry.

"Don't worry, don't be impatient. Let's wait and see. If Mariana is willing to resist, we don't need to disturb others. If we really don't want to, it's not be too late to wait for the mobile hand to save people," Zhou Xirui helped Xiaopei and sat down quietly.

Mormonism is a branch of Christianity. When night falls, the people here erected a huge cross in an open space outside the red sandstone and lit the headlights installed on the sandstone. The formal bearded Robert Foster took him Where are the three wives waiting?

There were many Mormons standing around waiting for the beginning of the ceremony. At this time, a beautiful 16-year-old girl with several men fighting desperately came over. It seemed that she was Foster's niece Mariana. The little girl cried like tears.

"These people are simply beasts." Atso looked at the girl sympathetically, and he saw that these Mormons were completely indifferent to the resistance of the girls.

"There are so no human rights. Can't they see that this girl doesn't want to?" Zhong Yueming also said indignantly.

"I played the flute to put these people to sleep first, and then we took the girl away," Xiaopei said.

"We can take the girl away, but how can we arrange her?" Liu Peng asked.

"Why don't you take her to Montana, my aunt's house, and let her go to school there!" Zhou Xirui said.