Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 26 Team Hunting

PS: Which brother is so awesome and gave a red ticket? It must be updated three times today! Later, I entered the state, and the more I wrote, the more wonderful it became. Hey hey!

Following the sound of fighting, Fan Tian gradually found this team. Four people in the distance are fighting with two fierce beasts. Looking from afar, Fan Tian actually found a familiar figure.

Yao Mingjian? Why is he here? Wearing a long gown and holding a folding fan, even if the battle still shows a faint scholarly. It's not Yao Mingjian and who is it. Fan Tian's eyes were full of doubts. He didn't mean to take action, but when he saw Yao Mingjian in the middle, the Xuantie long stick had to be taken out again, and the bronze figure quietly sneaked behind the two fierce beasts.

"Young Emperor, attack the one on the right quickly. I can't stand it!" The speaker wears heavy armor, holds a shield, and has a martial soul on his head. Nearly two meters tall makes him look like a barrier. However, this barrier is not good now. Several scars on the heavy armor all prove the tragedy of the battle.

"I know, I didn't expect these two third-order fierce beasts to be so difficult to deal with." The light leather armor leopard print man also looked very ugly. He thought that the four of them were more than enough to deal with two third-order fierce beasts, but they didn't expect to meet a pair of male and females. The cooperation was very tacit and very difficult to deal with.

"Xiaoyue, use the fantasy to interfere with the left one, Mingjian, our two concentrated firepower to kill it first." The light armored man's eyes were solemn and told the young girl behind the team and Yao Mingjian. However, just as they were preparing to implement the plan, the fierce beast opposite was the first to be in trouble.


The two suddenly became violent, one of which contained Fuquan's obstruction, and the other suddenly rushed to the back of the team. They also understand that the young girl's fantasy has a fatal threat. The sudden outbreak of the other party obviously caught everyone off guard. Yao Mingjian was too late to rescue again, and the girl's life was in danger.

Several other people in the team, looking at the claws that were about to fall, were all cracked. At the critical moment, a spear appeared across the sky, with a faint dark golden light and a sharp nail to the other party.


At the moment the spear appeared, the attack on the girl immediately felt danger. Although she was unwilling, she had to give up the attack. Because of the insistence on continuing, the moment when the girl's fragrance eliminates jade damage is also the time when the long stick penetrates through it. The retreating male and female looked at the direction of the long stick shooting angrily and roared repeatedly. Along the direction of the roar, a set of light-armed beast skin teenagers appeared in front of everyone with half-arm bronze shoulders.

" Fan Tian?" At the moment of seeing Fan Tian, Yao Mingjian in the team was first shocked, and then there was indescribable excitement.

"You're really fine, I guess you won't die so easily!" Mingjian's face was full of excitement, and the rest of the team were at a loss, but because Fan Tian had just saved the girl Xiaoyue, everyone showed a grateful expression.

"I'll talk about it later. If you don't do anything, these two will tear me up!" Fan Tian's voice was very solemn, because his actions just now have completely attracted the attention of the two people to him. At the same time, Fan Tian is not sure about the two fierce third-order beasts. Being reminded by him, the four people opposite finally reacted from the shock and surprise just now.

"Xiaoyue is still confused by the one on the left." While speaking, Xi Shaohuang has rushed over, with his fists and claws in his hand and sharply grasping the other party. Xi Shaohuang's strength in the whole team has reached the third peak. His beast soul cloud leopard is also very strong, and it is even sharper with the steel boxing in his hand.

Seeing that everyone concentrated on attacking Xiongxiong, the other one was ready to help. How can Fan Tian, who has been observing on the side, let it succeed? Although Fan Tian's current combat effectiveness can't fight against third-order fierce beasts head-on, he has also used his wisdom and combat experience to successfully hunt several third-order fierce beasts, so it is a problem to deal with the other party.


Without the cooperation of another Pi, the male Pi will soon fall into the disadvantage. It is not that the male and female Pi have cooperated tacitly and exerted much more than their own combat strength. Ming Jian and others will never be so embarrassed. After all, Shaohuang and Fuquan are soul masters who have broken through three stages.

Although the general strength of soul masters at the same level is not as good as that of fierce beasts, it also depends on the specific situation. With the assistance of Fan Tian, the victorious balance soon tilted towards human beings. Xiong Xi finally couldn't stand it under everyone's attack. With a bang, his throat was cut off by Xi Shaohuang's claws.

Seeing her spouse die, the female was mentally turbulent for a while, and she happened to be caught by Fan Tian and exposed her weakness. The Xuantie long stick stabbed out without hesitation and ended the other party's life by cutting the moon. Two fierce beasts were killed one after another, and Fuquan, as a barrier, finally breathed and sat on the ground.

"Wow, mother, finally killed these two beasts!" Looking at his damaged heavy armor, Fuquan wanted to cry without tears. This set of equipment was changed from the sect a few days ago. This was the first time he wore it and was painted with several cracks by the fierce beast. However, he should also be grateful that without the protection of this set of heavy armor, those cracks should remain on him.

The young emperor saw Fuquan's thoughts and came over with a smile and patted him on the shoulder with one hand. "Don't worry, fat man, I don't want my source core. I'll change a heavy armor for you when I go back!" When the fat Fuquan heard the words, the bitter gourd's face immediately became excited.

Really? So you won't change your equipment?"

"I have enough eagle hook claws for the time being, but it's not like you!" Xi Shaohuang smiled knowingly. They have been friends for a long time. They are fat and honest, and the young emperor is righteous. From the beginning to today, the two have fought together many times. Looking at the bodies of fierce beasts on the ground, the young emperor was not in a hurry to collect them, because Fan Tian's contributions in this battle were indispensable. Without his appearance, there would have been casualties in the team.

"Hello, Xi Shaohuang, thank you for your help." The young emperor has taken back his martial soul, leopard skin light armor, warm smile, and his handsome face, which makes people can't help but have a good impression.

"Fen Tian, brother of the same family, you should help!" While Fan Tian spoke, the Mingjian beside him had come over.

"You are still alive!" Mingjian punched Fan Tian in the chest. In a separate courtyard, the relationship between the two of them was still good.

"Do you know each other?" The young emperor has noticed it since the moment Fan Tian appeared.

"Yes, Fan Tian and I are in another hospital." Mingjian opened the folding fan and regained his true character as a scholar again, ready to introduce Fan Tian to everyone one by one. At this time, everyone also surrounded him, pointing to the girl who had just been rescued by Fan Tian.

"Ning Xiaoyue, martial soul water butterfly, good at fantasy attack, junior second-stage soul master, has just been saved by your hero." The joke of Mingjian made Xiaoyue on the opposite side suddenly blush and lower her forehead. Even so, Fan Tian still appreciates the beauty of the other party, her face, green moon's curved eyebrows, long blue hair, and flowing over her shoulders. It can be seen that she is a beautiful and shy girl.

"Hello Fan Tian, thank you for saving me just now!" Xiaoyue's voice is like a warbler, crisp and pleasant.

"You're welcome, raise your hand!" Fan Tian nodded politely and turned to the fat man next to him.

"This is Fuquan, right? I just heard them call you that!"

"Ha ha, that's right, I'm Fuquan, with heavy armor and martial soul." Fan Tian, a martial soul, knows that it looks like a turtle, with great power and super defense. However, he is often teased because he looks too much like a turtle.

After a brief introduction, Fan Tian had a preliminary understanding of this group of people. Looking at the bodies of fierce beasts still not being collected on the ground, he knew what the other party meant, and the young emperor had turned his attention here.

"Fen, this is thanks to your help, otherwise we will definitely lose a lot. You can choose one of the two fierce beasts on the ground." The young emperor is not a false person. It can be seen that he comes from the heart. Although Fan Tian urgently needed the source nucleus, he did not collect it.

"You came here to hunt fierce beasts?" Fan Tian raised his eyebrows gently.

"Yes, we both have reached the third-stage soul master, so we need some third-order source cores to improve the chances of promotion." When it comes to promotion, the young emperor's face is full of solemnness, because if this thing is not done well, it will bother him for a lifetime. So when it comes to promotion, everyone has to face it seriously.

"Oh? I don't know if I can join your team?" Fan Tian is also in urgent need of source nuclear. Joining a team, hunting beasts is far safer than him alone.

"Do you want to join our team?" The young emperor frowned slightly, but it was not Fan Tian's weak strength, but that the other party did not understand his character. Letting an unknown person join the team is likely to endanger everyone's life at a critical time. Fan Tian was not eager to get a reply, but gave the other party enough time to consider.

The inscription sword, who understood the situation, held a folding fan and looked at the young emperor with a smile.

"Young Emperor, there is something you may not know. At the time of the crown ceremony, he directly swept the person Xiao Yun looked at by the beast Huayu on the martial arts stage." Fan Tian didn't understand why Mingjian mentioned this matter, but when the young emperor heard this, his eyes changed when he looked at Fan Tian.

"I happened to go out to practice during the crown ceremony. As soon as I came back, I heard that a freshman had defeated the person Xiao Yun looked at. I didn't expect it to be you. In this case, there is no problem for you to join." Fan Tian was confused when he heard this. Did the other party also have a grudge against Xiao Yun?

Seeing Fan Tian's puzzled appearance, Ming Jian folded his fan and explained.

"It turns out that several of them are people who stand on the side of the second brother. Three brothers in the whole Beast Gate have reached the intermediate peak martial soul, namely, the eldest brother, the second brother and the third brother. The eldest brother only cares about the world and only cares about cultivation. The second brother and the third brother compete for the status of Shanmen, so the whole Beast Gate is divided into two major factions, and Xi Shaohuang and others belong to the second brother's camp. Hearing Mingjian's explanation, Fan Tian suddenly realized that the other party was afraid that he would suddenly fight back in the battle, but now he has no such scruples at all.

After officially joining, Fan Tian still did not collect the bodies on the ground, but after discussion, in the subsequent battles, the team's trophies were divided as much as possible. Although the young emperor and Fuquan were strong and should take more, no one wanted to. Finally, an agreement was reached equal share.

After resting, several people looked around again for fierce beasts, because the entrance was nearby. If they encountered any danger, it was more convenient to escape.

An hour later, Fan Tian first discovered a new fierce beast. Although the strength of Shaohuang and Fuquan was stronger than Fan Tian, he found that their perception was far inferior to himself. Fuquan was because his martial soul ability was not here, but the young emperor's cloud leopard was not as good as himself, which made Fan Tian a little confused.

This time it was a separate rhinoceros. Under the siege of everyone, it was quickly defeated. After all, it was five against one, and the good tiger could not withstand the wolves. However, just as they were about to collect their prey, an arrow suddenly shot at them with a cold light.

"Be careful!" Fan Tian suddenly shouted!