Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 66 Naval Battle

Standing on the sea of Poland, Fan Tian's heart could not calm down for a long time. The scene when the quasi-imperial broke through reminded him of his father. His white bone finger seemed to capture all the emperor-level strong men in the source continent. Is the white bone finger a curse, a law, or a divine punishment? All this made Fan Tian unable to figure out anything, but he could almost be sure that his father was an imperial strongman.

"It seems that the original father, like the quasi-imperial emperor, was a quasi-imperial strong man who broke through the imperial level. I just don't know the origin of the white bone finger that accompanied the breakthrough. The bronze figure stepped on the sea, as smooth as standing on land, but his feet were always surrounded by the purple-gold source force.

Fan Tian can stand on the sea so easily, and he has to thank the powerful empty seal. Without this printing method, with his intermediate strength, it will be difficult to stand smoothly on the sea for a long time. Although the warrior can borrow his strength, it is difficult to stand as calmly as him.

Gradually, Fan Tian recovered from the shock just now. The disappearance of his father was always a pain in his heart, but this made him more clear that if he wanted to find his father, he at least he needed to reach the realm of quasi-imperial.


Fan Tian did not stay in place, but stepped on the sea and ran in the direction of the source continent. The purple-gold force keeps boiling under his feet, and his bronze body is as light as a swift. The void seal circulates under the feet, and every time you step across the sea, it will leave a mysterious fluctuation.

"It seems that we need to find a warship quickly, otherwise we can only swim in the sea when the source power is exhausted." Feeling the rapid loss of the source power in his body, Fan Tian shook his head helplessly. Although the void printing method is very useful, it is still a little uncontrollable and consumes too much for him now.

"Xiaotian, come out quickly and smell it with your nose. There are traces of warships in which direction." Fan Tian waved Xiaotian out of the space ring. But this guy keeps complaining as soon as he comes out.

" boss, let's discuss whether we can not receive me in the space ring every time we are in danger." Xiaotian naturally received the space ring by Fan Tian and the prospective emperor before he broke into the paradise purgatory. In order to ensure safety, he had to do so. After all, Xiaotian only had half of the intermediate strength. Seeing this complaining guy, Fan Tian directly ignored and let go of his hand.


The golden-haired Xiaotian fell into the sea without any suspense. With only half a step, he could not move forward on the sea, so he directly became a drowned chicken. Fortunately, this guy is born with dog digging and won't drown.

"I rely on the boss, you are too unrighteous." Xiaotian fluttered in the sea and kept shouting.

"If you want to jig again, be careful that I leave you here to feed the sea beasts." Fan Tian is going to raise his feet and leave.

"There is a warship more than 100 kilometers ahead on the left." Although he is not afraid of Fan Tian throwing it here, it is not very good to swim in the sea. After getting the answer, Fan Tian grabbed its body with one hand and wanted to run to the left front. Shortly after they left, a group of powerful sea beasts appeared in the place where the sky fell into the water.

"I said boss, why did the old man of the quasi-imperial disappear?" Xiaotian was just put in the space ring by Fan Tian and didn't see those scenes.

"He was captured by a giant hand." Fan Tian told Xiaotian what had just happened. The golden retriever dog, which had not stopped, surprisingly closed its mouth, as if the experience of the prospective emperor had evoked a trace of sealed memory.

"What? What did you think of?" Fan Tian has always been skeptical of this dog of unknown origin. Maybe it is really possible to remember something in its inheritance memory.

"I always feel a little familiar with what you said, but I can't remember exactly what it is." Xiaotian's expression was a little entangled and seemed to be recalling harder.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't remember. Sooner or later, these things will solve the mystery." Fan Tian looked at the roaring sky that kept scratching his head and suddenly found that he didn't want to know the reason now, because even if he knew the reason, he could not solve any problems with his current strength. It was better to open the skylight when his strength arrived.

"I have the same intention!" With Xiaotian's big mouth, Fan Tian didn't expect that this guy was more open-thinking than him, and he was even more lazy to think about things he couldn't understand. While they were talking, a warship on the sea gradually came into their sight.

"Stop!" While they found the warship, the other party also found them. An intermediate soul master came across the sea, and his voice was full of vigilance.

"Our warship was sunk by a sea beast, hoping to allow us to return to land for a period of time." Naturally, Fan Tian has already figured out that some small warships are sunk on the sea, which is reasonable.

"It's not that we don't want to take the brother platform, but that Shanghai beasts are rampant on the sea. It's difficult for us to ensure your safety." Fan Heaven could not hear the meaning of the other party's words. A source core flew out of his hand and fell in front of the other party.

"This is the cost of disturbing you, please accept it." Seeing the source nuclear, the attitude of the other party immediately changed.

"We are all human beings. It's right to go to sea to help each other. Please get on the stage and get together." Fan Tian stepped on the sea and Xiaotian to the warship. A fat middle-aged man's face was full of smiles. Seeing this, Fan Tian nodded. He didn't want to have a deep relationship with such a person.

In the next few days, Fan Tian played a qualified passenger on the warship. In addition to practicing, he listened to some news from the mainland. On this day, he was standing on the deck and enjoying the sunset.

"Have you heard about it? The Yao family may be defeated this time. The sound of the two crew members talking not far away attracted Fan Tian's attention.

"How can it be that the Yao family has been strong for decades, and this time the young master broke through the intermediate second stage not long ago. In Binhai, I'm afraid there are not many young generations who can beat him." The other crew member didn't believe it.

"You don't know. Before I went to sea, I heard that the Sima family invited a guest minister this time. It is said that the guest minister already has the strength of the intermediate third stage, and not long ago, a ghost talent suddenly appeared in the Sima family, and his strength is even more unfathomable. The second young master of the Yao family has suffered losses in his hands."

"In your view, I'm afraid that the Yao family, who has been in charge of the sea for decades, will change owners this time, but these have nothing to do with us. Whoever is in charge of the sea is the same, and at most, it will increase the commission." The boring conversation between the two made Fan Tian frown slightly.

"What they said should be the family where Ming Jian is located. It seems that he is in trouble this time." As a life-and-death friend, Fan Tian will not be a person who stands by.

Island Yao family

"Three elders, I don't know how to find Keqing?" A middle-aged man sat in the middle of the palace. His temples had turned into white frost, and his eyes were full of vicissitudes. He inadvertently appeared, as if he showed a kind of helplessness.

"I have sent someone to look for it, but I still haven't found a young man with a strength of more than three intermediate levels." The answer of the three elders made the whole palace dull until a young voice was broken.

"Father, let me fight against Sima Xiong!" The owner of the voice is Fan Tian's life-and-death friendship, Yao Mingjian. At this moment, he looks more calm than half a year ago. Hearing his words, the middle-aged man in the middle of the hall suddenly frowned.

"No, you are only the strength of the intermediate second stage. Your second brother has been defeated by the other party, and you will also increase casualties when you go up." Mingjian wanted to say something else, but the middle-aged man in the middle of the hall stopped his action.

"I didn't expect that the Sima family not only recruited a powerful guest, but also produced an unfathomable genius. Although I don't want to, I still have to focus on the bloodline of the family. If you all die in the naval battle, we will lose not only the control of the sea, but also hope for the future." Listening to the patriarch's words, although everyone wanted to say anything else, they didn't say it, because each of them understood that what the patriarch said was very correct. They have occupied the sea for decades. Now the family is weak and can't win the naval battle. Naturally, they can no longer make unnecessary sacrifices.

In fact, the so-called naval battle is the battle between the three major families in the coast. At the beginning, in order to solve the struggle for the fat meat in the trade area, the three families formulated a naval battle. The participants in the competition must be young people under the age of 25 from the family or invited to foreign guests. The winner will gain control of the sea area of the trade zone for 20 years, and this kind of competition is also held once in 20 years. The Yao family has won three times in a row, that is, 60 years of control of the sea area. However, this time, in the face of the sudden pop-up of the Sima family's guest minister and the mysterious genius Sima Xiong, it is difficult for the Yao family to continue to maintain their territorial sea rights. .

Two days later, a 20-year naval battle was held in Bincheng. The elites of the three major families were extremely heroic, and the Sima family was extremely active this year, and the momentum overshadowed the Yao family, which had been controlling the sea.

"I announce that the naval battle officially begins today and is divided into three days. The first day is the competition in the peripheral area, the second day is the middle area, and the last day is the competition in our core large trade area." Under the reading of the referee, many small forces are eager to try. Of course, they are fighting for the peripheral areas, and the real core trade area is completely in the hands of the three families.

"In the first round, the winning team can choose the peripheral area or continue to compete for the middle sea area of the next game. Now all family members are invited to enter." However, at this moment, a bronze figure suddenly stopped the Yao family's team.


"Who are you?" The young man looked not good when he saw the sudden appearance. Others in the team also looked at the man. In everyone's eyes, the third young master Mingjian with a folding fan suddenly closed the folding fan and rushed over with an incredible face.

"Fen Tian, it's really you!"