Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 95 Lord of Loneliness

PS: Immediately enter the next article. The thought card is so strong that it can only be updated today. The filament has never been broken. This is only the second time, so please forgive me once!

In the face of the old man who suddenly appeared in the hall, everyone clenched their fists, because this guy opened his mouth for tens of thousands of years, and his tone was amazingly loud. It is still plausible that a fierce beast can live to tens of thousands of years, but it is impossible to imagine that a human has to live so long. Even the word goblins can't be finished. It all describes his pervert.

This kind of person not only did not relax because of his words, but became more nervous, and the old man had no choice but to spread out his hands.

"You don't have to be so nervous at all. If I want to do it, you don't add up enough!" While talking, a very powerful force suddenly broke out in the body of the old man's immortal Taoist bone, and even Xi Ting, a senior soul master, showed a look of shame.

"You are an imperial soul master!" Xiting's words made everyone suddenly feel a chill. If the other party is really an imperial soul master, then as the old man said, there is no need to be nervous at all, because if the other party wants to destroy them, it is simply a matter of waving.

"Are you sure he is an imperial soul master?" The fat man is still a little unbelieving.

"I'm not sure if he is an imperial soul master, but I'm sure he has an imperial spirit!" Xiting's words made everyone understand that even if this old man is not an emperor, he can't resist.

"Oh, I didn't expect to make a wrong bet this time and came to hell!" Xiaotian was the first to relax. This guy showed a face that was not afraid of boiling water and lay directly on the ground. Seeing him like this, everyone knew that people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and the fat man followed suit directly and sat on the ground. Fan Tian had no choice but to move forward and slightly checked his head.

"Please forgive our juniors for breaking into here and disturbing your rest."

"How can it be called disturbing? I've been looking forward to someone coming for tens of thousands of years." Instead of feeling any discomfort, the old man was very enthusiastic. Before Fan Tian and several people asked him, he talked about it endlessly.

"Have you seen the name of this hall? The abyss of loneliness is actually the burial place of the lonely lord, and I, as a spiritual keeper created by the lonely lord, have been alone here for ten thousand years." Everyone seemed to be really unhostile when they saw the old man, and took the initiative to talk about the origin of this place. The tension finally faded away, and with the relaxation of mentality, it was gradually aroused by the old man's interest.

"I don't know who this lonely lord is. The history of our source continent was disastated ten thousand years ago, so we..." Several people felt a little embarrassed. They seemed to be describing a great existence, but they didn't know anything about it.

"Oh? Has the history of your source continent been broken? After a brief surprise, the old man regained his composure and smiled warmly.

"I don't know much about the source continent, because I came here tens of thousands of years ago and have never gone out again. But for our lonely Lord, I can talk to you about his deeds. With the old man's statement, several people's eyes gradually changed from curiosity to admiration, and finally evolved into shock.

In a word, the Lord of Loneliness was a very powerful existence 50,000 years ago, because his appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes on the continent. The lonely song he created is even more unique in the world, and no one can compare it, but this set of martial arts has left heaven and earth because of the death of the lonely Lord. Because in the life of the lonely Lord, alone, without wife and no apprentice, on the day he turned into dust, he could only bury himself and achieve the loneliness of the world.

And this old man is the last mark drawn by the Lord of Loneliness, injected into his weapon, and guarded him until a qualified inheritor came here. When several people heard this, they all showed a look of thinking, but Xiaotian reacted the fastest and ran directly under the old man's legs and hugged him fiercely.

"Master, I finally found you!" Xiaotian's sudden move shocked the old man, but Xiting beside him saw the clue.

"This despicable guy actually robbed the inheritance!" Xiting grinded her little tiger teeth and was also unwilling to show weakness. She hugged the old man's other thigh.

"Master, how can you give such an important inheritance to a dog? Let me, a beautiful girl, exert its real power!" Xiting's tears made people feel pitiful and gushed out an impulse to pity.

"What power can a woman exert? Master, let me roar all over the world!" In order to inherit, the two have begun to slander each other. Their words are more and more fierce. Looking at Fan Tian and several people, they sweated, and the old man smiled bitterly.

"You are wrong. I was not born because of inheritance. My existence is entirely to guide inheritance. Whether I can pass or not depends on your own. Those corpses outside must have been seen by you. They are all failed inheritors." In the old man's words, Fan Tian suddenly realized a bad feeling. Sure enough, the old man's words changed everyone's color.

"Although I won't do any harm to you, if no one passes through inheritance, others can't leave here. That is to say, if none of you succeeds, you will live here forever until you die." The old man's words exploded like thunder among several people. Unexpectedly, after several turnovers, everyone still came to hell.

"How many people have failed outside?" Xiaotian pulled his face, and no one would think it was a small number if he looked at the dead air outside.

"There are probably more than 10,000 losers!" The old man's words made everyone's hearts sink even more. Only Xiaotian is still cheering himself up.

"It seems that the lonely Lord is waiting for me!" But anyone can see that this guy has no confidence in what he said.

"I don't know what kind of test it is that makes so many people fail?" Fan Tian frowned and not only put himself in danger this time, but also brought him to a group of brothers who lived and died.

"In fact, there is no danger in the test itself, but no one can break their own shackles and give up what they are most difficult to give up! And the three lonely gods must die, give up everything, and come back to learn the true meaning. The old man's words made everyone more uncertain. What kind of test is this? They need to give up everything.

"As we all know, people have three feelings, family affection, friendship and love! And the lonely three divine songs are aimed at the three emotions. If you want to understand, you must cut off the three emotions.

"If a person cuts off the three feelings, can he still be called a human?" Fan Tian frowned, and there were people in the world who were so perverted and created such a skill.

"It's because the three emotions are difficult to cut, the more than 10,000 people outside did not succeed." The old man brushed his beard and looked helpless. After tens of thousands of years of waiting, no one passed the test, and he naturally understood the difficulties.

"What should I do now?" Xiaoyue was a little at a loss.

"What else can we do? Let's break through. It can only be entrusted to us. Who can cut off the three emotions!" However, when Fan Tian spoke, he couldn't help laughing at himself. If he could really cut off the three emotions, he would not be a human and become a god.

"Now that you have decided, please join the battle!" The old man waved his hand, and all four people and one dog were shrouded in the array. Fan Tian was already a little happy at this moment. Mingjian did not take off his mind and joined them because of the family.


The fog rotates in response to the sky. Although the four people enter together for a while, they do not see each other. It seems that everyone can only go their own way. The fog array does not contain any danger. It is completely a sublimation of a fantasy. It is sublimated to the point that it seems impossible to distinguish the true from the false. Once you immerse yourself in it, you will be eliminated by failure.

"Mother, father, little sister!" For the first time, Fan Tian returned to the border town again. The warm atmosphere enveloped him in an instant. In just a moment, he was immersed in it. This does not mean that Fan Tian's will is not firm, but these fogs can not only produce hallucinations, but also seal the memories of others. In just a moment, Fan Tian's consciousness and memory were restored to the moment in the border town, and some of his growth process were appropriately added.

It can be said that the illusion array has written another way of life for him, almost without any flaw. Family affection is Fan Tian's weakness and the foundation of everything he does, so the first one to be eliminated is this bronze figure.

"Oh, is it over so soon!" Fan Tian's face showed disappointment. He was not disappointed because of failure, but just didn't want to get out of that illusion. His parents' love and sister's dependence were what Fan Tian expected most.

"Child, don't be disappointed. Everyone who comes out of the fantasy will worry about gains and losses like you, because what is provided there is the best and most needed. In reality, it is difficult to get all this, and even if you get it, you have to pay a lot of price. Fan Tian understands this truth, and everyone understands this truth, but there are still many people who are willing to be silent in illusions and refuse to face reality.

Shortly after his failure, the fat man was also defeated in family affection, but Xiaoyue succeeded in breaking through family affection and friendship. Xi Ting was even more perverted by family affection and friendship, and finally lost in inexplicable love. This guy who has never been in love is so angry that Fan Tian is puzzled. It's none of her business to fall in love.

Just as everyone was ready to face this painful result, Xiaotian had not come out for a long time!

"Did Xiaotian pass?" A glimmer of hope ignited in everyone's hearts.

Not yet. Although it has passed the test of the three emotions, it still needs to cut off the three emotions later. It has now cut off family and love, but friendship is difficult to give up, making it painful!" The old man's words made everyone's hearts rise, and at this moment, Fan Tian's chest suddenly emitted a dazzling light.