Beast Soul Continent

Chapter 113 The Kirin Family

A man in the void, wearing a book gown and a colorful geese crown, is arrogant and detached. If there is no breath on the body, it is like a dormant beast, which makes people can't help but stay away from it. The fireman saw another half-step king-level soul master appear, and his whole rough forehead almost wrinkled together.

"Kirin Sanctuary? Where?" The fireman has lived in the back mountain for a long time and doesn't know much about the outside race, but it can't be blamed, because few human beings in the source continent know each other's identity. At most, they have only seen the relevant records in the classics. This is a very powerful ancient race, at the same level as Qinglong Luanfeng.

Seeing that the other party did not understand the existence of the Kirin Holy Land, the young man not only did not surprise, but showed a proud look.

"Isn't it possible for you mountain beasts to reach the Holy Land of Kirin!" The arrogant words of the young man suddenly aroused the anger of the fireman and almost jumped violently. He, a half-step king-level soul beast, was actually compared to a mountain beast, and no one could stand this stimulation.

"Grandma, are the people from the Holy Land so arrogant!" The fiery man curled his lips and looked unhappy. However, before the young man in the Kirin Holy Land replied, a crisp voice intervened in.

"Of course not. I have never had such an eye above the top." Following the voice, a woman's dress turned out to be Xi Ting back. With the emergence of more and more people, the fire man felt a little bad. Although his half-step king-level strength is higher than that of everyone, the good tiger can't stand the wolves. The advanced three paragraphs appear one by one like no money. If it goes on like this, the number of people alone can crush him to death.

At the same time as Xiting's voice fell, the man in the air couldn't help frowning and cast a bad look at Xiting.

"Who are you who dares to speak out in the name of my Holy Land?" The man always speaks lukewarmly and doesn't have a trace of humanity.

"Is the Holy Land amazing? Aunt, if I see anyone who dares to be as conceited as you when I was in Luanfeng Holy Land, I won't beat him to death!" As soon as Xiting said something, she revealed the true face of the little witch, which made everyone look ashamed. Such a graceful girl spoke so shockingly. However, Lin Fan, a man with a crown in the air, flashed a golden light in his eyes when he heard the Luanfeng Sanctuary.

"Miss is from Luanfeng Holy Land? I don't know if you know a woman named Luan Xiting?" The 180-degree turn of the young Linfan's attitude made everyone a little confused for a moment. However, Xiting raised her eyebrows and her eyes showed a look of vigilance.

"Why are you looking for Luan Xiting?" There was a trace of vigilance in Xiting's words.

"Oh, in Linfan, the lower Kirin Holy Land, the first thing to do this time is to support the Beast Gate, and the second is to go to Luanfeng Holy Land to ask for relatives. If it's convenient for the lady, it would be better for me to go to Luanfeng Holy Land with you after the war here." Lin Fan finally smiled, but it made people look a little charming.

"Fareqin? Whose kiss, why haven't I heard of this? Xiting is now not only alert, but also a slight step back. However, the other party's next words, even Fan Tian, who practiced in the rear, almost fell from the tree.

"Ha ha, I'm proposing to Miss Luan Xiting in Luanfeng Holy Land under the order of my father." Hearing Lin Fan's voice, Xiting's little face turned green in an instant, but the title of witch was not in vain. As soon as her big eyes turned, she came up with a solution.

"Then you don't have to go!" Xiting suddenly showed regret, and even Fan Tian thought it was true.

"What's wrong?" The other party was shocked by her expression and frowned slightly.

"Hey, you're a step late. She's married!" Fan Tian didn't expect that Xi Ting had found such a disgusting reason.

Married? No way. When I came out a few days ago, my father personally communicated with an elder of the other party. She was just 17 years old and married. Lin Fan looked disbelieving. But Xiting showed a look of trust or not.

"She has been away from the family for several months. What the elder said has long been the old almanac. Just a month ago, she made a private life with others." At this time, Fan Tian had recovered his strength and came to everyone. Hearing Xi Ting's shocking reason, he looked even more helpless.

"It's worthy of being a witch. She even dares to say anything that humiliates her." Fan Tian did not dare to interrupt. At most, he dared to think about it. However, unexpectedly, he, an innocent person, was implicated in it.

"What? "Private for life?" Lin Fan almost jumped up. Fortunately, he was in the air and couldn't see it at all.

"You tell me who that man is? I'm going to kill him now!" At this moment, Lin Fan's face is no longer indifferent and has become violent.

"They are private for life, why do you want to kill people!" Xiting has a stinky face.

"He is my woman. Whoever dares to take him away, I will kill him!" Fan Tian didn't expect that this guy from the Kirin Sanctuary would be so messed up.

"Why should I tell you!" Xiting looks disdainful. Others are afraid of him, but Xiting is not afraid. She is also a senior three-stage. Who is afraid of whom?

"If you don't tell me, it means she didn't. You're obviously lying to me." Lin Fan was not stupid. He had seen some clues with his eyes, but he didn't expect that the slender girl in front of him was his proposal. Seeing that the other party did not give up, the little witch actually did an amazing move again, which completely scared Fan Tian beside her.

"Well, since you have to know, I'll tell you that the man's name is Fan Tian." The little witch's words surprised a group of people, and even the gray elder beside her looked at Fan Tian with a strange face, because Xi Ting had been in the Beast Gate for a long time. As a witch, he had let many people see her demeanor. Of course, the gray elder in front of her was also one of them.

Seeing the strange eyes cast by the gray elder, Fan Tian showed an innocent face, but there was no way to say it, because the little witch's murderous eyes had locked him. Once he denied it, Fan Tian would never doubt the power of the witch's ambition. After hearing the name Fan Tian, Lin Fan opposite showed his meditation.

"Fian? Which sanctuary?"

"How do you know the Holy Land? Is there no other place except the mainland of the Holy Land?" Xiting's face was full of unhpleaty.

"Is it the king's land? No, there is no family surnamed Fan in Wang Dizhong!" The words of young Linfan made everyone frown. This guy is the king except the holy land, and there seems to be nothing else in his mind.

"Can you think of something else in your mind? I'm really convinced." Xi Ting helplessly held her hair, and she was completely impressed by the guy from the Kirin Sanctuary in front of her. However, just as everyone talked about it and diverted her attention because of the appearance of the young man, the rugged fiery man opposite her slowly retreated unconsciously.

"Mom, there are so many three-stage human beings suddenly appeared. Even if I am strong, I can't resist so many people. It's better to flash first. The second brother's hatred can only wait for Wang to win the other party's leader. At that time, these snakes, insects, rats and ants will not be slaughtered by me, and I can't take risks now." As the fire kept retreating, the cunning light kept flashing in his eyes. Just as he was about to withdraw from people's sight, Lin Fan in the air suddenly revealed his body and drank.

"Where do you want to go!" The figure of the fire was shocked by Lin Fan's voice, and his body froze in an instant.

"Well, the king summoned me to go back, let you go today, and deal with you another day!" The fire sling changed quickly. Knowing that his behavior was found, he immediately raised his speed and flew to the depths of the dense forest. However, how could everyone make him happy?

"Since you are here, don't want to go back. Just be the stone for me to start out of the Holy Land." Lin Fan's voice returned to indifferent again, revealing an extraordinary and familiar appearance. At the same time, his white jade-like left hand was slightly raised, and a colorful light appeared in front of the fast-running fire dragonfly without warning.


The colorful light is like a rainbow halo, ripples rippling out of water in the void, which is this seemingly powerless veil that easily stops the way of this half-step king. The fire man was caught off guard and directly hit the sudden light curtain. Although he could not hurt him, he was disgraced and angry.

"Are you tired of living!" The fire ridge turned around and stared at Lin Fan in the rear angrily, and the knuckles in his hand kept ringing. However, what answered him was a cold voice, and the low temperature made people tremble.

"I think you are tired of life!" After consuming three intermediate source cores in a row, the bronze figure finally recovered its peak combat power again. The deep black eyes burst out of destruction at this moment, making the fireman on the opposite side couldn't help fighting a cold war, because at this time, the gray-dressed elders, Xiting and Lin Fan all rushed up.

"Are you going to take action together?" The fireman tried his best to hide it, but he couldn't cover his increasingly ugly face. A half-step king level, two advanced three sections, and a perverted advanced section. If they fight together, no matter how strong his fierce beast's talent is, he will not get any benefit.

"Of course, we won't take action together. I never do this kind of bullying." The fire on the opposite side just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but was shocked by the next attack of the other party.

"Luanfeng Wuming" Xiting's knife fell and was vigorous. She said that there would be a war when the war began. The sound of cries resounded through this space. The fire was caught off guard by this sudden change, but his half-step king-level strength was there, and finally saved the danger. However, when Xi Ting's voice had just fell, she didn't wait for the fire to take a breath. Fan Tian's hand of destruction came from the air.

It was not until this moment that he understood that the moral of not fighting together was that one after another, in the face of the turbulent attack of four people, a trace of fierceness finally appeared in the eyes of the fireman. Obviously, he already knew that it was impossible to live from several people without desperately. Leaving, there may be a glimmer of life.