Hunting legend

Chapter 75 On the Road

All night at peace, those distant ghosts did not come back from looking for troubles. What puzzled the little boy was how the general manager knew that the sky above the black fog had appeared in a relatively closed room.

Stone looked at the time on the electronic watch. It's more than six o'clock in the morning, and the summer sun always appears a little earlier.

"It's not surprising that our dark elves have a strange feeling with the black fog outside because of the effect of runes on their bodies. To be precise, the energy source of the black fog is sunlight. When the sun appears in the sky outside, our bodies will also feel a special warmth, but that is just a feeling, just like when the night falls, we will feel a trace of chill, which is completely spiritual. In fact, the temperature on the body There is no change."

The general manager's explanation finally freed the little boy from this problem. Looking at the general manager who was packing up, Xiaogua asked, "Aren't we going to see the lord? What are we going to do?"

The general manager said, "It takes about half a day to get from us to the lord's mansion, and the lord usually only receives the following people at noon and listens to their reports, so we have to make some preparations. In addition to eating and drinking on the road, we have to prevent those ghosts from returning, because he We have calculated our itinerary and will definitely take action halfway, so we'd better be careful.

Hal was not worried about this. Accompanied by Xiaoguai and Stone, he felt that it would be useless to send more ghosts to stop them.

Hal wrapped the mushroom that had been reduced in half in size with a thin straw mat and tied it to his back with a straw rope. In order to better expose Jenny's evil behavior, they decided to act a little publicity and try to catch a ghost halfway as the best evidence to prove Jenny. Unless these ghosts don't appear, they will never have a chance to escape.

It was still the white wall, and the general manager still pressed his right hand on the white wall, but this time the difference was that the black runes on the general manager's arm began to climb to the white wall and couldn't help swimming, forming a door frame composed of black runes. Several people immediately followed the general manager and got into the door frame. In this way, it penetrated the white wall without hindrance.

"Chief, what's the reason?"

In the face of Xiaoguai's question, the general manager said, "The same principle of space conversion, so sometimes what the eyes see is not real. Unfortunately, I have only recently mastered this skill of spatial conversion. If I can completely understand its mystery, I can even achieve the instant transfer of my body. Theoretically, as long as I mark some places in advance and move my mind, I can move there instantly. Unfortunately, at present, I can only think about it, even the lord For what I can't do, I, the manager, can only retreat from the difficulties.

Xiaoguai shook his head and said, "Everything is possible. How can you know it can't be done without trying? As long as the general manager has confidence in himself, I believe that one day he can complete this vision.

The general manager nodded and said, "I hope so! I have always been very interested in the study of runes, so take it as a pastime. Keep working hard!"

When he returned to the hall, the general manager stopped, walked to the center of the hall and squatted down. In the surprised eyes of everyone, the general manager pressed his palms to the ground, and countless runes were like cheerful and agile tadpoles, swimming from the arms of the general manager. On the ground, the body of the general tube spread to four sides. Strangely, there are at least tens of millions of tadpole runes on the ground, but the bare/exposed skin of the general tube is still full of running runes, as if the body is a factory that can make a large number of runes.

Looking at the black runes crawling into the darkness on the surrounding walls like life, the little boy came to his senses and squat on the ground and looked at the fast-moving tadpoles on the ground. As soon as he remembered a few different-shaped single runes, he heard the general manager suddenly shout--


The wall, which was originally shrouded in absolute darkness, immediately appeared under the torches around the hall. The appearance of the white wall immediately brightened the room.

Looking at the little boy who was looking around curiously, the general manager said, "It's getting late. It's time for us to go on the road. The ban in the room has been lifted, and my family can also walk freely. With those guards to ensure their safety, we don't have any worries."

The little boy asked, "Sir, aren't you worried that those ghosts will take your family hostage to threaten you when we leave?"

The general manager shook his head and said, "It doesn't make any sense for them to do this now, because they have no way to go except for the only way to kill us halfway, so the safety of this road depends on the two of you."

Xiaoguai said, "Now that the ban has been lifted, I think it's better for Stone and I to be in stealth, which also saves a lot of trouble. Stone can't reveal his identity for the time being, because he can't change the size of his body at will like me. As for me, let's face the world as Cana."

The general manager nodded and said, "Well, you will be a killer ghost organization hidden in the dark for five or six years. There must be reasons behind this action against us. It seems that there will be another bloody storm in the whole dwarf kingdom."

Xiaoguai said, "In this case, let's follow the original plan and try to catch a few ghosts alive. If we can catch them together with that Jenny, things will become interesting."

Hall said, "We can't be too optimistic. Jenny has always been very deep and thoughtful. He must also be on guard against what we can think of. In addition, this guy has always liked to find some scapegoers. I'm afraid there is not enough evidence that we can't convince the great lord."

The general manager said, "Anyway, we will naturally know when we see the lord. Let's go."

Out of the hall, several groups of guards were patrolling around on the grass in front of the door. Seeing the general manager and Lord Hal coming out, the leading escort immediately came over.

"Is your excellency going to see the lord?"

The general manager nodded and said, "I don't need your guards this time. All the bans in the room have been lifted. You just need to do your job."

The young guard leader asked, "What if those ghosts appear when you leave?"

The general manager said, "Their target is only our Lord Hal. Now that Lord Hal is no longer in this room, what else is he doing here?"

The young guard nodded, saluted the general manager and Commander Hal, and walked away.

According to the general manager, the lord's mansion is located in the most central position of Fenghuang City, but compared with most of the superiors who hold power, the lord seems a little different, because the lord does not like the noise in the center of the city very much, but is happy to be quiet. Therefore, the place where the general manager and his party really want to go is not the city center, but the suburbs nearly 40 miles away from here, which is located in a remote area. The lord personally reclaimed a mushroom garden, and most of his leisure time is spent in the mushroom garden, which is the real home of the lord.

Differs from what Xiaoguai and others imagined, the lord is a young man, just 18 years old this year, which can be regarded as a genius. It took less than four years to be directly promoted from the warrior to the status of lord. After another year of outstanding performance, he was personally awarded the status of the lord of Fengshuang City by the king, which is also a sensational anecdote of the whole dwarf kingdom.

In the dwarf kingdom, a normal dwarf can live up to 200 years, but since the emergence of the black fog, the average life expectancy of the dwarf can only reach about 80, which once became a nightmare in everyone's heart. Under the black fog*, those ordinary dwarfs can only try to adapt to this new nightmare-like environment, but those dark elves who have been cursed from birth can greatly extend their lives, but they can only last 120 years at most.

No one can explain when these dark elves appeared in people's sight. As a punishment for not being able to see the sun for life, the innate charms also gave them strength, so they are the real masters of the death abyss. In fact, those ordinary dwarfs in the dwarf kingdom were the earliest It is not living in the abyss of poisonous insects and miasma, but on the sunny plain. Although there are dinosaurs that exist relatively like hills, with the small size and speed of movement, these dwarfs have developed a unique survival model with the help of the forest under the cover of the forest. Only when those little giants with the same wisdom appeared, the dwarves began to suffer from extinction. The small giants of the same size as the little boy were large, and they began to develop rapidly and began to occupy the survival territory of the dwarfs intentionally or unintentionally.

Dwarfs are a unique civilization. It is difficult for a single individual to survive on the plain. Even an Archaeopteryx that is not too big is their nightmare existence. Unity is strength. This is the survival law of the dwarf kingdom and their only means of survival. It is often hundreds of dwarfs. People gathered together to round up dragon beasts that are dozens or even hundreds of times their own size. After success, the harvest will be evenly distributed. However, the appearance of the little giant directly threatens their survival. These human beings who can easily kill them with their hands and feet will expel them from the few years they have lived. The century-old territory was directly driven into the dangerous death abyss and finally adapted to the environment of the death abys. The dark elves who came out of nowhere created a black fog above them, making their living environment worse. Therefore, those who knew that the black fog did not exist from the beginning. Naturally, the dwarfs desperately hope that someone can let them see the sun again.

Even as the general manager of the dark elves, he hopes to see the sun. Although the curse inherited in his blood for many years deprives them of this right, he heard Xiaoguai say that he could lift their curse while retaining the power of the rune, and the identity of the savior was once again obtained. Definitely.

If you want to lift the curse, you must let the little boy master all the totem runes. They can definitely do what even the king can't do. No, just because the general manager believes the prophecy said when the white-skinned king was cruelly pushed to the guillot.