Hunting legend

Chapter 76 Ambush

Originally, I planned to be able to enjoy the overall style of Fenghuang City, but I didn't expect that the lord would be a new * to advocate pastoral pleasure and be located in a remote area, which is really disappointing.

Not long after entering the city, several people turned to a relatively remote path. This is the only route in the city through the suburbs, which is close to the side of the canyon. Although the road is rugged and difficult to walk, some loose stones fall on the canyon from time to time, as a traffic road connecting with other cities, At a certain distance, some special mushrooms that can emit fluorescence in the dark will be planted on both sides of the road. Although the light is very dark, it is also a guiding light in the dark.

Looking at these beautiful street lamps that have been extending into the distance, the little boy asked curiously, "Why don't you see this mushroom in the city?"

The general manager looked at the darkness around him and said, "These mushrooms are called fluorescent mushrooms, which are toxic and cannot be eaten. In addition, it will also compete for nutrients in the land. Where there is this kind of fluorescent mushroom, there is no grass within five meters, so in general, no one will plant this kind of thing in densely populated places. Because it is located in a remote area, not many people will stay nearby. In addition, if you use torch lighting, you need someone to be responsible for adding oil, so this fluorescent mushroom will appear here.

The little boy in stealth continued to ask, "Isn't all the dwarfs have that kind of beads that can avoid poison? In addition, the grass woven into clothes itself has the effect of avoiding poison. Are you afraid that this little poisonous mushroom will work?"

The general manager said, "You don't know that the toxicity of these poisonous mushrooms is extremely strange. Even if there is no contact, the spores generated in the mushrooms will drift around with the wind. Once they enter the human body through breathing, it will make people have an illusion, as if they are trapped in the battlefield of thousands of people, and will crazily Attack your imaginary enemy until you are exhausted and die of heart failure. There is nothing to solve this neurotoxin. Even if we, the Heian elves, pass by here, we have to use the energy of the energy of the runes to form an energy film around the body to filter the spores in the air to avoid poisoning. "

Xiaoguai continued to ask, "In this case, wouldn't those ordinary dwarfs die if they want to pass by here?"

The general manager shook his head and said, "Ordinary dwarfs generally choose a more difficult road, that is, the dark river hidden under the canyon. As long as they tie a few hollow wood at both ends, they can float to the next city in the direction of the current, but this mode of transportation is for a normal person. It seems to be extremely hard. But if you are willing to pay a certain amount of compensation, there will be a more professional team to escort these dwarfs through this journey of more than 20 miles.

The little boy nodded secretly and stopped talking.

I don't know how long it took, Shengyi suddenly sensed a familiar biological magnetic field and immediately informed everyone, "Be careful, there is an ambush ahead!"

The general manager's expression does not seem to have changed at all, but his heart is extremely shocked. He has always been good at manipulation of runes. In terms of perception, it can be said that there are too many people who have surpassed the same level, but even if the stone reminds himself that he has opened to the greatest perception, he is unaware of it, and the hidden kung fu of the other party is also It's so smart.

"Judging from the breath, those ghosts should be hidden, but this time they have exceeded ten in number, and they seem to be prepared. Don't be careless. I protect Commander Hal, and the old man will give it to you, little boy!"

Xiaoguai said, "Yes, from now on, take the method of spiritual communication, try to pretend that you haven't found them, and adapt to them!"

Stone immediately said, "Let's work together to open the energy shield. How much is it?"

In the subconscious, the general manager seemed to find that there was something more on the periphery of his body, but he still found nothing under the perception and investigation. When he was wondering, a little boy's voice suddenly came to his mind: "Don't worry, old man, we have turned on the energy shield, and everyone is protected by the energy shield. No matter how powerful they are, they can't hurt us.

Although he didn't know why Xiaoguai's voice appeared in the depths of his consciousness, the general manager did not doubt every word Xiaoguai said. He immediately settled down and continued to walk forward, but the runes on his body became more and more dense.

After walking for nearly five minutes, a whining sound suddenly appeared in my ear without warning, and I heard a tinkling sound, as if some sharp metal object had hit the strong glass, which was very surprising.

Under the eyes of the stone's night vision, those ghosts lurked in the grass away from poisonous mushrooms on both sides of the road and counted a total of 11 people. Under the judgment of the holy garment, the strongest magnetic field of life should be the leader of this group of people. Even if the stone has come to him, the other party has not I noticed any abnormality, but it was very difficult to understand that it did not play a role in the attack launched by my side. On my stiff face, my mouth was wide open.

The stone did not take action. The first wave of attacks launched by these people were all blocked by the energy shield. The information feedback from the energy shield was enough to prove that he overestimated the strength of these people. He simply handed over the energy shield to the little boy to maintain, and he ran to these people alone and wanted to touch them specifically. Touch their bottom.

Since the first wave of attacks failed, there is no need to tell, the second wave of the third wave of attacks continues to break out, which is of no use except for creating a string of jingling sounds on the silent path.

The extremely thin ghost leader reached out and made a few gestures, and immediately six black ghost members surrounded Hal and the general manager left and right. Seeing that they had no weapons in their hands, it was hard to believe that these people came from the extreme A mysterious and extremely vicious ghost organization.

Looking at these people who suddenly appeared around him, Xiaoguai didn't mean to do anything, but said to the general manager, "These people can't get close to us at all. The general manager can safely attack them!"

I had seen those dark spikes blocked by the invisible energy shield in front of me. The general manager had already knew it. Hearing what Xiaoguai said, he immediately understood that Xiaoguai did not want to reveal his identity for the time being. He didn't want to think about it. He stamped his right foot heavily to the ground. In perception, Xiaoguai saw the ground under his feet suddenly appear. Countless black runes appeared and walked downstream to the feet of those ghosts.

Those ghosts are not idle people and immediately notice abnormality, but no matter what means they use, they can't get into the three meters in front of the general manager, which is the edge of the energy shield.

Seeing that they could not break through, these ghosts immediately began to retreat quickly, but the black runes like vipers on the ground under their feet were about to approach.


The thin ghost leader jumped out of the hiding place and quickly pressed his palms to the ground. A strong black smoke immediately surged close to the spreading runes.

The moment the black smoke touched the rune, it immediately made a rustling sound and began to fade quickly until it disappeared, but another wave of black smoke immediately surged up, wrapped around the black rune patterns that had slowed down.

The stone can be seen clearly. Although it does not know what these black smokes are, it can obviously prevent the runes from spreading. After a while, the previous six ghosts immediately retreated behind the leader and pressed their hands to the ground.

The stone only felt that the scene in front of him seemed to shake gently, which made people feel very unreal, but the holy garment clearly told the stone that everything just now was just an illusion, and in fact nothing happened.

The stone took a deep breath, and immediately settled down. Looking at the ground, with the ghost palm as the center, a palm-wide black shadow extends to the front, like a black ribbon, indescribably strange.

In a very short time, this black ribbon has come into contact with those black runes, as if there is suction. The black runes that spread to the four directions suddenly leaned towards the center and slowly climbed up the flat black ribbon, but swam less than two inches and immediately stopped. At the same time, the black The ribbon began to swell, as if a slender pocket put all the surging tadpole-like black charms into it. As the black pocket slowly expanded, the general manager suddenly sighed and slowly stood up.

"It's really not easy for these people to know how to absorb!"

Little asked puzzledly, "What's going on?"

The general manager said, "What I just used is a rune array. As long as the black rune I released touches the bodies of those guys, it will be copied unlimitedly. In the end, these ghosts will be wrapped all over their bodies. At that time, they will not be able to move and no moves can be used. However, I didn't expect that their leader knew how to crack it and knew that these runes liked to devour energy. Unexpectedly, he let his companions pour the energy in his body into the previous black belt, lured all the runes over, and then used the long-lost secret method [Purgatory Devour] to release the runes I released. The department installed and slowly swallowed and absorbed it. It can be said that this alone is certainly not easy for this leader to come from.

While the two were talking, the swollen black pocket slowly dried up and finally became invisible. The ghost leader slowly stood up from the ground and suddenly laughed loudly, with an indescribable sarcasm in his voice.

The general manager frowned and said, "Who are you and why did you set up an ambush here to attack us?"

The ghost leader eased his mood, and there seemed to be a light in his eyes. He looked at the general manager and said, "You know who we are, so why do you ask?"

The general manager said, "I want to know who sent you here and what is the purpose?"

The ghost leader smiled and said, "You already have an answer in your heart, but I can tell you responsibly that the answer you think is right or not. In a word, you are all going to die here today."

The chief general manager sighed and said, "I heard that your ghost organization suffered a cruel blow six years ago, which was basically a total destruction, but I didn't expect that you would rekindle and resurface after a few years of silence. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong opponent and should not have claws. Reach out to us, because this time, you can't leave!"