Hunting legend

Chapter 109 The Desire for Flying

After lunch, except for those old and weak women and children, everyone else gathered in the small square in front of the village. They will analyze and discuss the current situation of the whole tribe and discuss the future development direction of the tribe. At the very least, they should have enough strength to resist the invasion of those mutant monsters. We all know that there will not be as good luck as today, and Stone and these people will eventually leave them.

Looking at the people sitting on the ground, Carlo coughed softly twice, and the crowd immediately calmed down.

"Today is the most critical day in the history of our fallen family. Just now, we all worked together to eliminate those mutant monsters. It can be seen that everyone has the determination and courage to sacrifice their lives to defend their homes. As patriarchs, I am very gratified by everyone's bravery."

His eyes slowly swept over the crowd, and Carlo continued: "But today, I believe everyone has seen the horror of mutant monsters with their own eyes. They are like plagues. Even those normally high Tyrannosaurus rexes can't escape the end of erosion. Compared with Tyrannosaurus Rex, our small existence is doomed It is destined to be eroded. The scene just now is obvious to all. Those eroded monsters are no longer creatures we used to know. Unless they can cut off their heads, they are immortal. If we continue to let the mutant monsters hidden behind the scenes continue, we will face more and more powerful in the future. When mutant monsters invade, I'm afraid that the land on which we live will be some soulless monsters, but only brutal nature and bloodthirsty desire. If that day comes, the fate of our human beings will come to an end, our homes will no longer be, the relatives around us will become our nightmares, and we human beings will eventually disappear from this land forever. Would you like to see such a thing happen?

"I don't want to!"

The crowd almost shouted this sentence with a roar.

Carlo nodded with satisfaction, waved everyone to be quiet, and continued: "Today's invasion of these mutant monsters means that the mutant monsters hidden behind the scenes have targeted us. If we don't do anything, I'm afraid there will never be peace, so the most important thing in front of us is to strengthen the defense of the village. Protecting forces, the obstacles that will be destroyed by monsters will be rebuilt. However, we will no longer just use wooden piles in a simple way as in the past, but take higher-level defensive measures. As for this, we have to rely on our common teacher to personally guide us. Next, please ask you to tell us a few words. Sentence!"

In the cheers of the crowd, Xiaoguai walked to the crowd and said to everyone, "A while ago, Brother Stone and I left everyone for the abyss of death. There, we saw the leader of the mutant monster. It can even be said that there is only one mutant monster in the world, but it is like this scourge. The plague generally erodes a large number of organisms, causing more and more mutants around us, which directly leads us to face the threat of these mutants at all times. Mutant monsters come and go freely even in the sinking abyss. It can be imagined that there is no place in the world that is safe. Therefore, I hope everyone can see the facts clearly. If you want to survive well in this world, you must master the power. Only in this way can you protect yourself and protect your family and body. All the people worth cherishing!"

Looking at the silent crowd, Xiaoguai continued, "After Lord Stone and I entered the abyss of death, we learned a new rune system there. This rune system saved the whole dwarf kingdom and made them willing to be our alliance for a long time. Friends, we are not fighting alone. Behind us, there are also friends who are righteous and like-minded people silently supporting us. We are not alone!"

Pointing to the destroyed stakes behind him, Xiaoguai said, "It is by relying on these stakes that we can stop the first wave of attacks of those mutant monsters and let everyone find their Achilles's weary weaknesses. However, in the next days, I will use the rune system with Lord Stone near our common home. Set up a rune defense array, so that you can fight for a period of time. During this period, Lord Stone and I will begin to teach you a way to absorb energy directly from the sun. From now on, you will no longer be ordinary people, but special beings that can use energy like us, when However, the learning process is not so easy. Only those who are proficient in crystal Mingyu skills may be the first to learn, so everyone should work hard!"

"In the future, Carlo will lead everyone to expand their territory, and more people will join our team, and you will become their leaders. Only by eliminating these mutant monsters once and for all can everyone live a stable life."

Xiaoguai's words were very encouraging. The crowd began to whisper, and the scene became a little chaotic. In this regard, Carlo was about to signal everyone to calm down, but Xiaoguai said with a smile, "I said a little too much. For a moment, they were still a little difficult to accept, so they were free to discuss for a while. This On the contrary, it's a good thing in time"

Carlo nodded and stepped back. Xiaoguai was not idle. With the appearance of the golden rune tadpoles on his body, Xiaoguai's body began to rise slowly, and his whole body slowly floated into the air, and the crowd immediately calmed down.

When Xiaoguai fought with Stone, these people just thought it was an effect achieved by some invisible bird, but now they see Xiaoguai flying in front of them, and the crowd was really shocked.

Xiaoguai circled around the crowd twice and said in mid-air: "If you want, you can also learn to fly, but to reach the level of flying, you still have quite a lot to learn. The fastest and most effective way is to fight. Only by constantly fighting can you learn to fly. The stage is up to you!"

The crowd immediately boiled up, and cheers resounded through the sky. The little boy slowly landed from the air and said, "Flying is the most difficult to master the charm ability. You must lay a good foundation, and the most basic thing is to cultivate the crystal jade skill to the point of mutual understanding. Therefore, what you have to do is still A lot, now, please clean up the battlefield, and we are going to start to build a rune defense array!"

The crowd immediately dispersed. There was no need for anyone to arrange it. Three or five people began to clean up in groups. The giant brothers also wanted to go up to help, but they were stopped by the little boy.

"Thank you for your hard work during this period. You two have performed quite well in the battle just now. As a reward, I will start teaching you the knowledge of the rune system."

Brothers, look at me and I look at you. After a while, they came to their senses and said, "Little boy, can we really learn that kind of flying ability?"

Xiaoguai shook his head and said, "It will be difficult for you to learn to fly, but it's not impossible. You just have to work harder. But now, what I want to teach you is the method of absorbing energy directly from sunlight, which is also a little compensation for the way you taught us to absorb energy from plants.

Nika suddenly waved his hand and said, "Good boy, you are too polite. We haven't taught you anything at all. On the contrary, you have optimized that method and let us get rid of the danger brought by absorbing energy forever. We should thank you!"

Xiaogua smiled and said, "You are now members of the Brotherhood, and we are all brothers. Don't mention this thank you again in the future. You should prepare first, and I will start teaching you later."

The little boy suddenly separated two splits, but the body walked towards Mo Yu and the others.

"Brother Mo, this rune system does have its uniqueness. Hurry up, everyone come and learn!"

Mo Yu said with a smile, "I can't learn things that are too complicated, but I don't want to learn anything about this ability to fly freely in the air. Brother, just start!"

Xiaoju smiled and said, "Our time is very tight. I can only teach you by copying memories. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time. If I guess correctly, it won't be long before more mutant dinosaurs will come here. This is completely what Baru picked on us. Take revenge."

Stone said, "Let's talk about these words later. The most important thing now is to let everyone learn the rune system quickly. Zixuan will teach you in person. As for others, you can work more. The most important thing is that as long as there is sunshine, we will never lack energy, so everyone must master this new set of symbols as soon as possible. Pattern system."

Mo Yu smiled and said, "Ok, just talk less nonsense. Zixuan is waiting over there!"

Stone smiled awkwardly, turned around and walked towards Zixuan. When he got close, he took Zixuan's small waist and walked into the woods beside her.

In order to improve efficiency, Xiaoguai was the first to call Xiao Taisui, which is the same energy body. After obtaining the memory copied by Xiaoguai, Xiao Taisui made a space-time and space, but compared with Xiaoguai, the small Taisui's rune tad tad tadpole is pure dark blue.

Copying memory is a simple and difficult thing to do, so Mo Yu's process of accepting the memory seems a little long, and people seem to be extremely painful. Fortunately, the reward is huge. When Mo Yu's body appeared dense white rune tadpoles, Mo Yu opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

The learning process of the giant brothers seems a little complicated. For Crystal Mingyugong, the two brothers are not very proficient because of their special physical reasons. They can only rely on memory to explore slowly, and one day they will understand the secret of flying.

When Stone and Zixuan came out of the woods, the expressions on everyone's faces immediately looked extremely strange.

It turned out that Zixuan, who loves beauty, is a little disgusted with the appearance of those rune tadpoles on her fair skin. Under repeated discussions with stones and sacred clothes, Zixuan successfully concentrated all the rune tadpoles on her back and condensed into two pairs of rune wings. She does not need to use the flying rune array, but only needs to control the wings with the help of mind. Fanning up and down, the whole person can fly freely in the air, which is thousands of times more flexible than the rigidness of the flying rune array. The little boy's eyes are green and he scolds why he is so stupid.

The rune wings behind Zixuan are very strange, which looks no different from the crystal. The whole body is crystal and extremely thin, but once the energy is stimulated, those rune tadpoles will immediately light up. The crystal core is wrapped in golden particles, reflecting a colorful appearance in the sun. , it looks brilliant and extremely eye-catching.

According to Shengyi, this is a new arrangement of rune tadpoles, which has surpassed Xiaoguai's initiative, but there seems to be no other functions except flying, but it is undeniable that absorbing energy from the sun in this state is no less than five times faster than Xiaoguai, which makes Xiaoguai fall into In confusion.