Hunting legend

Chapter 110 New Defense System

In fact, the establishment of the rune array is not a very complicated matter. Under the arrangement of the little boy, a large amount of wood was transported, and the giant brothers began to be busy again. They also planted those wooden stakes outside the village, but this time it was relatively simple, and the whole village was surrounded by a fence with wooden stakes. The fence only leaves a gap in the position of the gate and the back door, which can be regarded as a tedious reconstruction process.

When the fence was built, Xiaoguai and the stone began to carve tadpole charms on those wooden piles. This was an extremely spectacular scene. Those villagers who had nothing to do stood far behind Xiaoguai and watched their every move curiously and excitedly.

Countless golden rune tadpoles rushed to the ground from the surface of the little boy's body and quickly moved to the tight wooden piles. The peeled sequoia were white and shiny, with a faint oily light. The moment the golden rune tad tadpole climbed up the stake, it would immediately be deeply engraved on the wooden stake and guided by the stone. According to a certain rule and combination, these are only the most basic carvings. After all the wooden piles are engraved with rune tadpoles, the little boy began to make a split body, and a total of four people began to operate together with the stone.

The stone stood in the western corner of the fence, while the little boy's body and the two split bodies stood in the other three directions. Under the unified command of the little boy's body, the four people pressed their palms on the ground. Suddenly, an extremely horrible breath of energy began to float all over the sky.

Energy began to travel through a special trajectory among the stationary rune tadpoles. When the energy from four directions was finally connected into a special energy circuit, the stationary rune tadpoles suddenly began to swim happily as if they had been given life. Everywhere is a flash of golden light.

Xiaoguai and Stone stopped, and the first stage of the basic rune array was finally completed. Now what they need to do is to build a rune array that can provide continuous energy for this large rune array. Sunshine is the key and the only way to get energy. Therefore, the roof of the whole village has become the best safety. The place to set the pattern array.

Stone and Xiaoguai flew to the roof and began to operate. Compared with the previously set up defensive rune array, the rune array specially built to collect energy is much simpler. Xiaoguai establishes the details of the rune array in his mind. When a palm-sized rune array appears in the air, Xiaoguai pairs the rune array against He threw it down in the middle of the roof and shouted at the stone, "It's now!"

Energy** continued to flow to the palm-sized rune array in the center of the roof, and the energy-absorbed rune array immediately began to expand and become bigger, gradually covering the whole roof. The stone did not stop the continuous transmission of energy until the tentacles of the whole rune array began to extend from the void at the edge of the roof. I went out and connected with the rune arrays on those stakes before I stopped.

The fully covered rune array began to operate smoothly, and the whole village was shrouded in the rune array, shining golden light under the sun, which looked extremely spectacular.

After completing the second phase of the work, Xiaoguai began to set the front and back two gates. This time, the pre-reserved doors were not made of wooden fences as in the past, but kept the gap. However, when the little boy used a rune tadpole to create a arched door in this gap. Wait, all the people were stunned, only the doorway of the door frame. What's the matter?

For everyone's curious inquiry, Xiaoguai did not answer directly, but randomly selected a villager in the crowd, pointed to the brand-new door frame and said, "You can try to walk in and have a look."

The villager boldly took a step forward. In full view of the public, the space in the door frame was arbitrarily twisted with the villager's movements. The next moment, the villager's figure immediately disappeared in front of him, but through the door frame, the scenery inside could be seen clearly, but the villager was not seen.

Looking at the surprised expression on everyone's faces, Xiaoguai did not explain, but said to the crowd, "You can see him in a while."

After waiting for a while, the villager suddenly came out of the back of the crowd. Everyone gathered around to ask what was going on. The villager said, "After entering through this door, I appeared directly outside the front door, that is to say, the front and back doors are simply interconnected."

Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "No matter who can enter the village directly from the front and back two doors without my permission, and there are only two gates that can enter the village. Even if you ride a pterosaur, you can't pass through the forbidden rune array I set in mid-air, so now The village is as solid as gold, and even thousands of mutant monsters are absolutely impossible to step into the village!"

Someone in the crowd immediately stood up and asked, "What about us going in and out?"

Xiaoguai said, "In the first few days, I will open these two portals at a specific time, and you can freely enter and exit. But in the next few days, you must master a certain knowledge of runes in order to freely enter and exit this gate. This is also for everyone's safety. I believe that during this period, your crystal jade skills have almost been cultivated, and you should be able to master the rune arrays entering and exiting the gate in a short time.

Standing outside the gate, you can clearly see the figures moving in the village, but it is not easy to enter. Xiaoguai just stood in front of the gate and waved his arm, and the door immediately opened to the crowd. Watching the crowd enter, Xiaoguai waved his hand again to close the door.

There are those curious and naughty children who stay by the gate and play games in and out, but if they want to go out in the village, the closed gate will send anyone who wants to go out to the front of another door, which is exactly the trick that this group of children are playing now, from the front door to the back door. It's just a blink of an eye, and these children are having fun.

In order to verify the defense effect of the rune array, the little boy asked the giant brothers to attack those stakes from the inside. At first, the two brothers were worried that the stakes would be destroyed. After all, this was inside the village, and the rune array was engraved outside the stakes. However, when their huge axe waved carefully, countless golden light began to burst out of the pile. The huge axe was like cutting into a sticky **. It was not only powerless, but also extremely difficult and could not enter at all.

The little boy patted his chin and said, "With all your strength, start all over again!"

The two brothers tried their best to recover the giant axe, but unexpectedly, the nature of the defense array was so special that they could not move forward, but it was really easy to take it back. The suction attached to the giant axe immediately disappeared. The two almost hurt themselves because of excessive force.

At the urging of the little boy, the two brothers looked at each other, raised the huge axe in their hands, shouted loudly, and slashed towards the wooden stake in front of them. This time, the golden light bursting was more dense, and the two brothers felt thousands of vibrating from the golden light. The power instantly melted his strong strength. Less than two inches away from the stake, the giant brother felt that his arms began to soften, but the stake did not move at all.

Xiaoguai nodded and said, "The effect is not bad. It seems that everyone can live a stable life for a few days in the future."

The next test is aimed at energy weapons. The stone directly bombarded its own energy light fist at the stake, but all the energy was absorbed completely at the moment of contact with the golden light. Although the annihilation ball was not used, this defense effect was enough to deal with those large dinosaurs.

The defense in the sky is more solid and reliable. A complete system has been formed here. No matter which point of the attack is sent, the force and energy will be shared equally by the whole rune array, which can quickly absorb and resolve the energy and force of the attack, which is also the most mastered by Xiaoguai at present. For reliable defense of rune arrays.

In the same way, the rune array scattered above their heads also prevents any attempt to enter the village from the sky. Even if they want to leave the village from the sky, they must make a gap in the sky. Of course, there is a more concise way for them, then It is to engrave a special small rune array on everyone. When entering and leaving, the defense rune will sense the special energy fluctuations on these small rune arrays and automatically open the space of the corresponding size, which solves a big problem like a door card. However, if you want to successfully carry these rune gate cards, you must master certain knowledge of rune gate cards. Therefore, these villagers have all been gathered together and began to teach the knowledge about the rune system by Xiaoguai himself. Except for those children under the age of ten, all people are eligible to obtain this special rune gate card.

At the suggestion of Stone, Xiaoguai made a split and began to make small changes to the whole rune defense system, that is, to make these rune arrays completely invisible. Unless attacked, these rune tadpoles will not appear.

Stone is very busy now. During the period when Xiaoguai started teaching, he had to continue to accept some questions from Mo Yu and others about the application of the rune system. Fortunately, with the help of holy clothes, otherwise, Stone could not answer many questions. To some extent, Stone's understanding of the rune system has improved to a new one. Level.

Time passed insipidly, and just a week passed. Except for the Giant Brothers, all the members of the Brotherhood have mastered the trick of flying freely. Even Carlo, the head of the fallen clan, can hover in mid-air crookedly. Although he can't continue to fly, with this Good start, the rest is just a matter of time.

The comprehensive mastery of the rune system has invisibly improved the overall strength of the Brotherhood team and taken everyone's use of energy to a new level. In the following days, Xiao Taisui still guided those people who were interested in smelting and forging to make all kinds of useful iron tools, including some tools and daily necessities. However, they did not find suitable resources on clay, so the matter of making porcelain was temporarily stranded.

The mining work has never stopped, but the pterosaurs that were originally responsible for transportation were all woven with thick rattans engraved with flying charm arrays, but compared with the manned, the heavy weight of the goods made Xiaoguai had to set up a storage on the rattan mat. The small rune array of energy crystals provides more abundant energy for the rattan mat, which is also an innovation. Twenty rattan mats with a volume of more than 20 cubic meters shuttle back and forth between mines and tribes.

The whole tribe was mobilized, and it was a busy scene.