grave-keeping note

26. Black iron needle

26. Black iron needle

The door opened, and the second master took a look. I stood up and my legs were shaking. I only got a bigger "brush" sound, and the sound came towards us.

The second master said, "Since you are here, sit down."

I got out of my seat. The "brush" sound crawled to the table, and I couldn't see what it was. I leaned against the wall, and the second master's face was also very ugly.

"I know you will come to me to settle accounts, but I can't blame you for this, you can only blame those people."

I don't know who the second master is talking to. This two is pure-hearted to scare me to death.

The second master picked up the cup and was still drinking. Suddenly, there was a "bang", "Damn it." I was so scared that I didn't know when the pink hand came out or when it came over. The pink hand was like a grasshopper when we were young. After holding it, I grabbed it in my hand, grabbed it tightly, and then ran away.

The second master smiled, and I took a long breath.

The second master put down his glass and went to the yard. He held a flashlight and lit it at the door. He didn't know what he was looking for, so I also squatted down.

"What are you looking for?"

The second master didn't say anything, scratched on the ground for a long time, and pulled out a thing from the ground, which was a bone.

"When they collected the bones, they left the bone. After death, there will be a bone on the body, which is blue and white, and the location is uncertain. This bone will revenge, penetrate people's hearts, cross people's intestines, and it is sinister and hateful, but they didn't expect that I still have a hand. Without that hand today, I'm afraid we are also difficult for this disaster. Escape."

The second master inserted the sweat on his head and inserted the pubic bone into the wall.

"You are..."

"It's useless. It's dead."

I'm not going to be like this. It seems that this village is definitely a fucking ghost village, playing yin and ghosts one by one.

I didn't expect that Ji Xiaoqing would find this village. I was stunned at that time. What did she come for? How did she find it?

She knocked on the door in the middle of the night, and she was not afraid in the middle of the night.

She knocked on the door, and I heard it, but I didn't move, so I didn't want to kill myself. The second master heard it better than me. If he didn't go, I wouldn't move.

The second master muttered downstairs and suddenly heard a "plop" and probably slipped down the stairs in a daze. He opened the door and heard him call me, not a human movement. I thought the second master had been plotted and rushed out at once. I saw Ji Xiao and was stunned. She ran over and hugged me and cried.

I don't know what happened. The second master turned around and entered the room, and I took Ji Xiao to my room.

"What happened?"

"Professor Liu entered the mausoleum and hasn't come out for three days."

"He went in by himself?"

"Yes, after he went in by himself, the others wanted to go in again, and the entrance was closed."

I hesitated for a long time and went up to the second floor.

"Second Master, Professor Liu has been in the tomb for three days, and I'm worried..."

"That's his own search for death."

Actually, I shouldn't ask the second master. The second master hates officials or private thieves so much that he wants to break his bones.

"Second Master, I want to go there."


I didn't expect the second master to agree so happily. Ji Xiaoqing and I came to the lake. Those people stood by the lake and looked at the lake in a daze.

I put on my diving suit. Ji Xiao took my hand gently and hesitated for a long time and said, "Don't go down. The rescuer over there will be there soon."

"It's useless for them to come, and it won't work for me to go down."

I dived and turned around a few times, but I couldn't find the entrance. I dived up and watched Ji Xiao shake his head gently. More than an hour later, the rescue came.

After studying for an hour, they decided to blow up a gap at one end of the sarcophagus. This is what I didn't expect. I know that I can't stop them. After all, it's a human life.

I went back and told the second master that the second master and I came back again. It was already dark and those people went down.

"What a sin!" The second master covered his face and squatted down.

He has been communicating with a leader, but he can't. It's important to save people. The second master knew that there was no way to stop them. After those people came up, they asked the leader that everything was ready.

I saw the second master squatting there smoking.

"Second Master, what should I do?" I whispered.

"Who knows? It's simply a robber." The second master's face was extremely ugly.

With a muffled sound, the water column rushed out more than ten meters high, and then fell, and the fish turned up. More than 20 minutes later, those people dived. My second master and I sat on the shore and didn't move. I know that this mausoleum is finished. However, what I didn't expect was that half an hour later, those people came up and said, "The sarcophagus is gone."

Ji Xiao cried lightly. I took her hand and said, "It's all right. Don't worry, I'll figure it out."

The second master suddenly made a "quack" sound and scared everyone to trembling.

The leader came over and said to the second master, "Old man, I know you are a gravekeeper. You must have a way to solve this matter."

"I can't help it."

"If I can't save you, I'll let the police arrest you."

"Get out of here." After the second master scolded, he turned around and left.

The leader was stunned there, and I shook my head. The leader was an asshole. Ji Xiao stayed for a moment, and I went back with my second master.

The village was very quiet, and the ghosts counted the coffins for a while, and everything calmed down. Li Fu has been stumbling behind his back. At night, I returned to the lake again. Ji Xiaoqing sat by the lake. I went to put on her clothes. She stood up and hugged me and cried.

"Don't cry. I'll go down and see what's going on now."

I put on my diving suit and went down. The water was still a little mixed and dived all the way to the position of the sarcophagus. Sure enough, the sarcophagus was gone, which made me feel very strange. Such a big guy could not say that there was no. Even if it was blown up, there should also be stones. It could not be broken so much.

I dived up and shook my head. I went back to beg the second master, and the second master shook his head. I asked the reason, but the second master didn't say anything. I think the second master is too selfish.

But if you think about it, the second master did nothing wrong. The tomb guard is the tomb, and you can't blame the second master. But I can't help it. Ji Xiaoqing and the others withdrew a week later, and I didn't contact Ji Xiaoqing again. Her mobile phone kept turning off and finally shut down.

My second master and I have been staying in this village, as quiet as if we were going to die every day. Until July, when it was a little hot, Li Fu came and stood on the opposite mountain and looked this way.

The second master said, "Sooner or later, this guy will come to the door. As soon as the sarcophagus disappears, this boy will have to find it."

But the strange thing is that Li Fu doesn't come here.

"Why didn't he come?"

"He doesn't dare this guy. If I catch him, I will abolish him, so that he is not as happy as being an eunuch."

I believe what the second master said. Li Fu stood for an hour and then disappeared. I know that this boy won't leave like this. Maybe he will sneak in sometime.

When it was not dark, the second master took a very thin needle-like thing and asked me to prick it under the wall and leave a little head.

This needle-like thing is 20 centimeters long and as thin as hair.

"Second Master, what is this?"

"Black iron, this thing is evil, pierced and crippled, specializing in treating those who have evil spirits, or specifically dealing with wizards."

"Where did this thing come from?"

"There used to be a small temple on the mountain over there, but now it's gone. There is a man living there, that is, fighting this black iron. The black iron was soaked in a herb for hundreds of years before it was so dark. I always drank with him, and then I died because he always touched this iron and died of poisoning. The temple later fell down. Now there is only a broken brick there.

I stuck this black iron needle in a row at the root of the wall.

The second master and I were drinking upstairs. We could see the yard from the window, but we couldn't see us from the yard. There was a grass curtain blocking it.

When I was about to drink until 12 o'clock, I was about to go to bed, and I heard a sound in the yard. I saw that it was Li Fu who jumped into the yard. Like a cat, he came to this room with his waist.

I stood up and wanted to take the stick. The second master waved his hand and didn't say anything.

Li Fu went up to the second floor and opened the door. When he saw me and the second master, he was stunned.

"Are you going to sleep?"

"Since you're here, have a drink."

Li Fu glanced at the second master's ghost hand and shook his head.

"I won't let you hold this old lamp. I can rely on you to death. The rest of this little boy is just like pulling a grass for me, just bend down."

"Since you don't drink, get out of here."

Li Fu said, "I don't drink wine, but we have to cooperate. The sarcophagus is missing. I think you must know what's going on."

"Of course I know, but I won't tell you."

The second master's words didn't fall, and he went out. The speed was really too fast. Li Fu was stunned. If it hadn't been for such a long distance, Li Fu would have been caught by the second master.

"Oh, my mother." Li Fu shouted and rushed downstairs. He wanted to turn back from the wall, but it was soft at the root of the wall.

The second master said, "Kid, are you running?"

Li Fu was stunned for a long time and said, "You are immortal, aren't you playing with me?"

"You have been playing with me."

Li Fu struggled to get up.

"You'd better not move. The more you struggle, the more you will be hurt."

"What did you use for me?"

"Black iron needle."

Li Fu's eyes were about to stare, and he scolded, "You are too insidious."

The second master was happy and opened the big iron door, and Li Fu slowly walked out.

"Second master, why did you let him go?"

"I don't want to kill him. If he doesn't play with me, how boring is it for me to play alone?"

I was stunned for a moment and thought to myself that I was purely sick, and I was very sick.

When I went back to my room to sleep, Ji Xiaoqing always turned around in my mind.

The next day, I said to the second master, "I'm going back to the city."

The second master said, "Go ahead, come back and bring a bucket of better wine. I want a big bucket."

I went back to the city and went to Ji Xiaoqing's unit. I saw Ji Xiaoqing. He walked over and wanted to hold her hand. She actually dodged and looked at me and said, "I don't know you."

I was stunned and said for a long time, "Professor Liu, I really have no choice."

"Get out of here." Ji Xiaoqing actually scolded me.

I was stunned and turned into the office.

I didn't expect this at all. Is it because of Professor Liu? But I really have no choice. If I want to persuade the second master, it is impossible at all. That is the gravekeeper, and it is the mausoleum.

I didn't expect Ji Xiaoqing to be like this. After he went back, the second master took the wine and said, "Are you hurt? A woman's heart." The second master shook his head.

When we were drinking, someone knocked on the door and the mountain sounded. I want to go out and open the door. The second master said, "Don't open it, ignore her."

I don't know who it is. The man is still knocking, or smashing. The second master still doesn't open the door.

"It's hard enough if you don't open that door."

The second master stood up and didn't open it. It was the old lady who rushed in and almost didn't lie down. After standing firmly, the old lady stared at the second master.

"Why did you come to me?"

"Old man, don't you play with the shade?"

The second master smiled sinisterly. I don't know what the second master did when I left.

"You wait." The old lady is gone.

I knew there was a good program to watch.