grave-keeping note

27. Stone tree coffin

27. Stone tree coffin

The second master went back to the house and went to sleep on the second floor. I also slept. The second master did not move in the morning. I went upstairs, and the second master was no longer in the room.

I'm very upset that this gravekeeper really makes me helpless and helpless. What I didn't expect was that the second master hurried in.

"Let's go now."

The second master went upstairs, took a bag, and left. I followed him. He walked all the way to the mountain and got into the woods. There was a path, but at first glance, few people walked and it was very slippery.

"Where are you going?"

"You love to ask questions."

The second master walked fast. At noon, we entered a piece of stone forest.

"We stayed here for a few days, and the old lady pissed me off and wanted to kill me."

"You hide from her and let me follow you. Are you sick!"

The second master looked at me and ignored me. He turned around a few stone trees and there was a stone house. We went in and there was something to eat. The second master asked me to make a fire and cook.

I really want to add some medicine to the meal in this guy and kill him. But I didn't dare. The second master is too shrewd. After dinner, the second master pointed to a stone tree in the distance and said, "Don't go to that place, and don't go near that stone tree."

I didn't listen. When the second master fell asleep, I went over. The stone tree was really very big, like a tree, soaring to the sky. I patted this tree, and it is estimated that it has been thousands of years.

I walked around the tree and didn't find anything strange, except the bigger one. When I was about to turn back, I found that the stone trees were moving, really moving, and there was a sound. The sound was getting louder and louder. I knew it was causing trouble. The second master rushed out and pointed at me and scolded me.

I can't hear him scolding. He jumps. This should be the reason why I stood there without moving and braking statically. The second master rushed in and ran to me and said.

"Walk three without four, walk five, don't walk through the door."

I have been confused for a long time, and I don't know what this guy is talking about. I followed the second master, and the second master jumped around, just like a monkey. Later, I found that every stone tree was moving, and it was divided into three pieces and four pieces. So it was like this.

We rushed out, and the stone tree stopped, but the position changed, and the largest stone tree reached the middle.

"What's going on?"

"It's good that you don't die here. If you turn around, you will turn into meat mud. These stone trees will turn together and wrap you up, and then they will lean against each other without any gaps. The Nurhachi soldiers were defeated and came here. Those pursuers came. These stone trees saved him, and he called here. The divine mountain valley is a forbidden place.

"How can these stone trees turn around?"

"I don't know." The second master was obviously angry.

The second master hid from the old lady. I really don't know what he was afraid of her, but looking at the old lady, she was not a good person. She was so evil that she was like an old witch, which made me feel sick.

We slept until midnight, and the trees turned again, and the sound was frighteningly loud. The second master got up, walked out of the room and watched the stone trees spinning.

"Someone is coming."

"I don't think it's that old lady?"

The second master stared at me. I didn't say anything, so I sat there and looked at it. Nothing happened. The second master looked up at the moon, which was the next moon, and the two ends were sharp.

I don't know what the second master means by looking at the moon, but I think it may have something to do with the calendar. Those stone trees stopped after turning for more than ten minutes.

The second master stood up and walked in. I followed him. He walked to the largest stone tree and looked at the big tree. He wanted to climb up. He was simply a madman.

The second master climbed up, which was fast enough, like a monkey, which was very ridiculous. The stone tree was more than 20 meters high. He climbed up and disappeared.

I was stunned and climbed up. When I got to the top, there was a hole on top. I held it down with my hands. The bottom was very big, and the second master stood below and waited for me.

In front of me is a large natural pool, and the water in it is actually steaming. I was going to go there, and the second master grabbed me and said, "Are you looking for death?" The water is 70 or 80 degrees.

I was stunned for a moment. Is there such hot water here? I really don't believe it. This pool is separated from us, and there is a hole over there. We should go in from there. I tried it, and it was. I looked at the second master, and the second master looked at the pool in a daze.

The second master suddenly jumped down and looked at it in pain. However, the second master didn't react. He walked over and looked back at me. I can't learn from this.

I stood there still, and the second master said, "Come down."

I shook my head.

"It's okay."

I still squatted down. When I touched the water again, the heat was hot, but it was not so hot, which made people feel comfortable. I was stunned and didn't know what the second master used. I went down and walked over.

As soon as I passed, the second master jumped up. I was stunned. What is this guy doing? Second, you touch your legs and jump in a circle. When I was in a daze, I felt a pain in my legs, and I jumped up. It was hot. I rely on his eight uncles. This forced goods is too bad, which harms others and harms myself.

I opened the legs of my trousers, which were red and red. Fortunately, there were no bubbles. I stared at the second master.

"Self-deception." The second master threw such a sentence to me, but I didn't understand it.

"What do you mean?"

"This is not a spell. In the world, there are this kind of beggars. No matter how cold it is in winter, you don't feel cold with bare arms, but in summer, there will be thick water all over your body. I know at a glance that it is an herbal medicine. This is the most inferior method. You and I didn't feel hot. Before coming in, we drank wine. I put grass in that wine..."

I have been here at a glance, and I have nothing to say.

The second master got into the hole, and I followed him and slid down directly. After going down, I looked down, and a tall man jumped up. Below was the wind coffin. The second master told me that those coffins did not exist. It seemed that they did not exist, but there was wind, and the coffins came out. We came down with the wind, and those coffins appeared. When we came out and arranged it neatly, we stood there and disappeared for a while.

"This is the tomb of the wind. I have been wondering how they made these coffins disappear. When they meet the wind, they will appear again. The stone tree on it is also very strange. Obviously, it is a mechanism. It looks naturally formed, but that's not. It's just a huge tomb group, a private tomb group. , not official, this place is very well preserved, probably because of the stone trees above, you may not have noticed that the powder underground are human bone powder. I don't know how many tomb robbers have come and died here.

The second master knew it, but he didn't tell me. I felt that my leg was still very painful.

When I walked in, there was such a small wind, and the coffin around me also appeared. These coffins are a little strange, a little like a back. When I opened one, the second master said, "Don't move. There is an evil coffin here. These coffins are called Lou coffins. These people died in the desert. They are all broken corpses, mummified corpses, and then carried back. This is a nation living in the desert, but I don't quite understand how they are buried here, but these You'd better not move the mummified corpse in the coffin.

"What do you mean by bringing me here?"


I'm also convinced that this bastard can hide from this level.

This is actually a tomb, and the stone tree on it is very powerful. The second master is shaking here. I don't know what he is looking for. What I didn't expect was that the second master suddenly hugged a coffin and walked out.

He went into the water, and I hesitated. It was really a hard job. The second master went over, put the coffin to the ground, and began to jump there. It seemed that there was no other way.

I went down and howled. I didn't expect that the water here was not hot, but cold, how cold it was. This cold and hot was really killing me.

I felt my bones numb. When I walked over, I lost consciousness and my legs were like wood.

The second master tied the coffin with a rope on his back and climbed up. After we went out, I asked the second master.

"Aren't you hiding from that old lady?"

"With this coffin, you don't have to hide."

When we went back, the second master put Lou's coffin in the middle of the room. This two guy came back with such a thing. The room was scary enough.

The old lady came again the next day, standing at the door and scolding. The second master opened the door and ran into the room, and the old lady rushed over. I didn't expect that the old lady chased into the room and saw Lou's coffin. She screamed and ran back, almost scaring me to death.

The second master smiled.

"Why is she afraid of this coffin?"

"You will know later."

I think this old lady is quite weird. I think I should go and have a look. That night, I stood under the big buckle again. I dare not touch this buckle. I should jump in from the wall in the backyard.

I walked around to the backyard. The wall was quite high. I ran, climbed up and looked inside. It was dark and winter, and I couldn't see anything clearly. I was a little worried. This old lady looked uncomfortable and scared. I still jumped in and squatted in the corner for a while.

There was no movement in the room. I slowly leaned over and quickly reached the door. I squatted aside again. My sweat came down. The door turned out to be slanted. What an evil door. Some people made the door like this.

I felt something was wrong. When I walked to the window, the window was covered with paper. Inside, I couldn't see inside. I hesitated to go in.

When I opened the door, I regretted it. The old lady actually stood at the door, wearing a pointed hat and stared at me. I was scared to death, "Oh, my God!" With a sound, he turned around and ran away.

Over the wall, the old lady didn't chase me. When I returned to the house, the second master came in.

"Are you going there?"

"Yes! This old lady is purely sick."

"You're sick. Why are you messing with her?"

"I just want to see it."

The second master didn't know what he scolded me, so he went upstairs. When it was almost dawn, I came out and looked through the crack of the door. It was very quiet and seemed that nothing had happened.

In the afternoon, I saw the old lady come out and walk into the mountains. I think it's an opportunity. I should go and have a look during the day.

I climbed over the wall again and opened the door to enter. The room was very dark. I walked in, stood for a while, and was confused. The old lady actually looked at me in the room.

"Damn it."

I ran back, but the door couldn't be opened. I kicked it without opening it. I was about to jump out of the window, but I found that there was no window, and the window I saw outside was fake.

"Fight bastards." I scolded and thought that I really shouldn't come.

The old lady stood in the room, her eyes turned with me, but she didn't move.

When the door opened, I saw the second master.

"Like a fool, don't run fast."

The second master and I ran away as if we were being chased by ghosts. The second master even ran away with a shoe, and I went back to pick it up. After the second master entered the gate, he inserted the door. After putting on his shoes, he stared at me and went upstairs.

I followed upstairs.

"What's going on?"

"Didn't I tell you that you can't go there? The door is slanted, the road is crooked, the window is fake, and the room is a split, but she knows that you have been there. If it's not me today, why don't you wait for the old lady to come back to deal with you? If I don't torture you crazy, it's useless for me."

"How did she torture me?"

"If you want to know, go again, and you will know."

The second master drove me downstairs. I went back to my room and thought about it. I don't understand what the old lady is called with the second master.

Li Fu stood at the door, followed by several people, and the second master did not open the door.

The person followed by Li Fu was the leader of Professor Liu, but Ji Xiaoqing did not come. They have been shouting outside to talk to the second master.

The second master was shouted anxiously, opened the door and let them in.