grave-keeping note

29. Floating coffin in the lake

29. Floating coffin in the lake

After dawn, I left the lake and did not go to the tree hole. I found Ji Xiaoqing.

Ji Xiao took my hand gently.

"That really is my fault..."

"It's okay. Even without you, they will catch us."

That day, Ji Xiaoqing and I walked around the street and didn't get home until the evening. My father came back without even a word. He sat there as if I didn't exist. My mother is different and makes delicious food for me.

I don't want to go back to the second master, which is simply a kind of pain. I should have listened to my father at the beginning, and I shouldn't be so curious.

In the second week of my stay at home, my second master came.

"Have you stayed enough?"

I shook my head, and my father and the second master fought that day.

In the end, I left with the second master. I don't want them to fight every day. I went back to the tree hole with the second master.

"I think I should find Professor Liu."

I don't know what the second master is thinking.


"Find Professor Liu, do you think they will let us go?"

"I only know about people fighting with officials."

The second master took me down at night. In that position, the second master found something like a handle in the mud. The second master gestured, and I understood what he meant to pull down the handle.

After I pressed the handle, the second master hurried upstream. I was stunned for a moment. When I felt bad, it was too late. The water at the bottom of the lake suddenly became mixed, and I couldn't see anything at once. I struggled up desperately.

When I showed my level, the second master was also at the level. When he saw me, he stretched out a finger at me, and then swam ashore. We went into the tree hole.

"You are too sinister."

The second master said, "You are stupid."

I rolled my eyes with anger. In the middle of the night, the second master woke me up.

"Now the lake is almost clear."

The second master and I arrived at the lake. The center of the lake was turning flowers, which was bigger than the last time. The second master was stunned for a long time and said, "No more."


"How about turning over the flowers!"

"How can you turn over the flowers?"

I was talking when something suddenly floated up the water. I looked closely and was so scared that I trembling. It turned out to be a coffin.

The second master also jumped and stepped on my foot. I shouted, and the second master jumped into the water again. He climbed up and scolded me. I ignored him and looked at the coffin. In just a few minutes, the coffin went down again, which made me feel cold. I didn't know what made a cry, trembling, and ran to the tree hole.

The second master followed in.

"What's going on?"

The second master shook his head.

"How could this happen?"

"Have you ever encountered it before?"

"I met what happened 30 years ago. If this kind of floating coffin appeared, something would definitely happen. When the floating coffin appeared that year, it was almost this time. At that time, all the fish in the lake died, and the dead fish on the lake covered the lake, which was quite horrible."

I didn't expect it to be like this. The floating coffin appeared and soon sank again. There must be something wrong with it.

"Can we go to see the situation below?"

The second master hesitated and hasn't spoken for a long time. It doesn't seem as simple as I thought.

It was windy at night, and the second master and I sat in the tree hole drinking. The second master never spoke.

"Actually, I want to go down and have a look. Maybe it's not that scary."

"You think it's too simple. My master went down that day. Just ten minutes later, the body floated on the lake with those stinky fish."

I jipped a little, and it seemed to be really evil. However, we didn't see any fish, not even a fish.

In the morning, the second master and I stood by the lake, and the second master shook his head.

"I don't know what will happen, which is the most worrying thing."

I still wanted to go on, but I didn't say anything.

"In those years, the fish smelled so bad that the whole city could smell it. It was like a disaster."

After saying that, the second master went into the tree hole. I knew that the second master would not give up.

We were finally surrounded by the police. The leader stood outside shouting, and the second master ignored them, and they dared not go in.

The second master and I didn't expect that a gun was fired outside, which scared me and the second master.

"These two-handed people really fired a gun."

"Don't be afraid, we'll leave here immediately."

I don't know how we got out of here. The second master took my hand or blinded my eyes.

After we left here, we went around the forest.

"We'll be there in the evening."

"In the lake?"

The second master nodded. It seemed that he was going to work hard. At this time, I felt scared.

At night, my second master and I went down from another place. We didn't see the floating coffin below at all, and I now doubt that the floating coffin we saw does not exist.

The second master and I arrived at the place of the handle. The second master opened the mud and there was an entrance. The second master got in and I followed in.

After entering, it is inside the mausoleum, at the thirteen gates.

"Today we are just here to save Professor Liu. If he is lucky, he may still be alive."

I don't think there is much hope, but I didn't say anything.

"You can't go in from that place anymore. If you go in, you will still go out."

The second master nodded and looked around.

I walked to the thirteen gates, which was the thickest iron gate. The door moved, and I jumped open. I didn't want to make meat cakes.

The second master trembling, and the iron door unexpectedly opened and expanded the small passage back to its original appearance, like a jack. Behind the door was actually an aisle.


After I finished speaking, I looked at the second master. The second master looked at me and nodded, but he didn't move. I stared at the second master, and the second master smiled sinisterly.

I walked in, and the aisle was not wide, about a meter, but it was very long. It seemed to be walking close to the periphery of the mausoleum, and turned two corners. If this position is correct, it was the periphery of the east side of the mausoleum. We left the center of the mausoleum and were not inside the mausoleum.

After walking for more than ten minutes, there was a puddle in front of him, which seemed to be formed naturally.

When we were about to go there, a man suddenly appeared. I was so scared that I stepped on the second master's foot. The second master shouted without any movement.

The man was also scared and shivered. It turned out to be Professor Liu.

When we went there, Professor Liu was excited. He hugged me and didn't let go for a long time.

"We have to get out of here." The second master said.

We walked back along the original road and walked to the iron gate. The door was actually closed. The second master kicked it with his foot and did not respond at all.

"It's over, there's no way."

"No, I look for the exit here every day, but I can't find it." Professor Liu said.

"Actually, you shouldn't come here."

"How did you survive?" I asked Professor Liu.

"There are live fish in that puddle every day, and I survived by that."

After Professor Liu finished speaking, I was stunned. There were constantly live fish, which only showed that the water was leading to the surface, and there must be a passage from which the fish swam in.

When we went back, I went into the water, which was quite deep. I was a little scared for a moment.

Professor Liu said, "How many times have I been there and I haven't exported."

I still dived, and there was no exit, but it was clear that there was living water coming in, which was a very strange thing. I came up and told the second master about the situation.

The second master bowed his head and said nothing.

I'm worried that we will be trapped here like Professor Liu.

"Yes, the last time the mausoleum was bombed, there should have been a place that was blown up." I said.

"No, if there is a mausoleum, it will not be hidden. It's just that the seismic power hides the mausoleum, but it is not closed."

If so, I'm afraid it will be really difficult for us to get out.

The second master went into the water and came up for a long time.

"Take a break and get ready to go out."

I was stunned. I didn't see the exit clearly. How could he find it?

"What's going on?"

"There are organs, you don't understand. I have guarded the mausoleums that I have kept all my life. I have entered large and small tombs, hundreds of miles, and those organs are also full of tricks. My grandfather has told me about this mechanism, but he has never met them. Today, I saw it. You will follow me later and follow closely. How can I go? You Just go as you go. Don't believe the eyes.

The second master went down. We followed him and went into the water. He leaned against the stone wall. After he pasted it, the person disappeared. I'm terruffing. What are these two people playing?

Professor Liu and I took a look at each other. I posted it and entered a channel, which was simply too strange. Professor Liu also followed in, and we actually went out along that passage.

When he arrived at the shore, the second master said, "Professor Liu, go back!" I hope you can tell those police that you don't come to arrest us again.

After Professor Liu thanked us, he left.

"Second Master, what's going on?"

"It's a mechanism, wrong, just on the stone wall. You can't see it. I'm like a wormhole. You can't see it, but if you hit it, you don't know where it will go. This organ was built in this way. It's very strange. Of course, it will move, not just in one place. Fang, when I saw that there was living water, I knew it might be this kind of mechanism.

I was stunned, and it seemed that this mausoleum was really not so simple.

The second master and I went back to the tree hole and slept.

When I get up in the morning, the fog on the lake is so heavy that I can't see far. My second master and I sat by the lake.

"We have closed the organs of the mausoleum. At least for hundreds of years, we don't have to worry about it anymore. No one can enter the mausoleum at all."

"That's not necessarily true. It's hard to say that the technology is so advanced now."

While we were chatting, the second master jumped up and shouted in a broken voice. I looked up at the lake. The floating coffin was actually on the water and loomed in the fog. I slowly stood up and looked at it, and I knew that something big was going to happen.