grave-keeping note

28. Blindfold

28. Blindfold

The leader talked to the second master in the middle of the night, but the second master didn't say a word. They came to talk to me again, and I didn't want to talk about it. The second master didn't agree, and it was useless for me to promise. They want the second master to find Professor Liu to see people and die.

In the middle of the night, someone was talking in a mess and couldn't hear the number. The second master's closed eyes gave me a sharp look. I can't tell where the sound came from. The second master was a little uneasy, and those people were also hairy. He stood up and looked around.

"Don't be a demon." The leader said to the second master.

"Get out of here." The second master is finally anxious.

The man was kicked out by the second master, and his voice did not stop. It seems that it was not made by the second master.

After they went out, the second master said, "Why did you provoke her?"

"What kind of sound is this?"

"The song of attracting ghosts, it won't be long before those evil spirits will come."

I laughed, I don't believe in ghosts.

Half an hour later, the sound disappeared, everything was still the same, and we fell asleep.

When I got up in the morning, I found that I was in the yard and fell asleep on the ground. I was confused. The second master actually lay on the wall, and I strangled him.

I called the second master up, and the second master pulled the old face. When we entered the hospital, I was stunned. The room was in a mess, as if it had been turned over by a thousand people.

"What did I say?"

I packed my things, and the second master said, "Don't clean up. It's useless."

"Real ghost?"

"So you saw someone?"

I shook my head.

"If we don't get these ghosts out, I'm afraid we will never be safe."

I'm a little scared. There are ghosts in the room. You can't see it yet, and I don't know when they will sway you. It's killing you.

When we were eating, the bowl of rice was taken outside. The second master threw the bowl, stared at me and went upstairs.

When the second master fell from upstairs, it was in the middle of the night. I ran out and helped the second master up. The second master threw me away, turned around and left. I followed the second master.

"I'm not done."

Those people were still outside, and I followed the second master back to the ground. They followed the ground.

I didn't expect that they called Ji Xiaoqing.

Ji Xiao took my hand and said, "Save Professor Liu."

I hesitated and went into the ground.

"Second master, I want to..."

"No, if you are willing to save, go by yourself."

I couldn't find the mausoleum at all. Maybe when I blew it up, I shook the mechanism inside, hid it and closed it. If so, Professor Liu would not want to live.

"Second Master..."

"You are a dead heart."

The second master promised me, but I didn't expect that he would promise me.

The next day, we arrived at the lake. The second master and I put on diving suits and went down. At that position, such a large stone coffin seemed to have never appeared. The second master turned under the water for a long time before we went up.

Entering the cabin, the second master asked those people to go out.

"I should have found that location, but I don't want them to know, and you can't say that we'll go down tomorrow."

I was stunned for a moment. I thought he hadn't found anything. I can't remember where it should be. The next day, when we were going down, the leader said to let one of them follow. The second master disagreed, and the leader did not insist.

We went down for more than ten minutes and saw a man coming, and the second master became angry. He waved his hand at me and we went up.

The second master washed down and dived, turned around and left. We went back to the ground.

"The purpose of these goods is not Professor Liu, but the mausoleum."

I didn't expect this to happen. Ji Xiao came in lightly.

"I want to..."

What do you think? Go, too."

The second master was really anxious, and I went out with Ji Xiao.

"Don't persuade him now. I'll persuade him later."

Ji Xiao nodded.

I went back to the ground, and the second master sat there drinking. Suddenly, the second master spit out the wine, and then heard ghosts laughing, tens of millions of ghosts. The second master was so angry that he was going crazy.

"Come with me."

When we returned to the village, the second master went straight to the old lady's house. He stood in front of the door and shouted without touching the big buckle.

The old lady doesn't seem to be at home and hasn't come out. The second master shouted tired, let me shout, and I was also tired.

"Go in."

"What the hell, don't you want to live?" The second master dared not go in.

We can only wait there, and those people have been following us and looking at us not far away.

When it was dark, the old lady came back.

"If you admit your mistake, I will finish you."

"Fal." The second master, who had been sitting on the ground, jumped up.

"Then let these evil spirits play with you and see if they can play you to death."

"Dead old lady, you have been calling me all your life, can't you stop for two days?"

"I can't."

The old lady opened the door and went in.

"Master, just admit it's a mistake."

"Fal." The second master came up stubbornly, just like a donkey.

Ji Xiao came over lightly, and she asked me to come over. I took a look at the second master.

"Women are really troublesome."

Ji Xiaoqing and I went over, and the leader said, "We can pay, and you can make a price."

"That's not a matter of money. You don't have any credit. Of course, we can't help you. I advise you to go back. The second master won't promise you."

"I'm dead."

The leader left. I didn't expect that they would come back in three hours with the police, and they arrested us. We locked ourselves in a room with a big iron gate.

"These bastards."

"Ser your energy!" The second master sat in a chair and smoked.

The next day, the leader came.

"If you cooperate with us, you will be fine."

"With your wife!" The second master scolded.

The leader became angry.

"You are immortal, and you don't respect the old."

I knew that there was no good fruit to eat. In the middle of the night, the second master laughed, and I woke up, and the two policemen watching us at the door trembling with fear.

The second master held my hand tightly, and the two policemen were stunned and looked at us in a frenze. The second master took my hand and never let go. We leaned against the corner. Two policemen called several more policemen. They opened the door and the second master took me. They couldn't see us like blind people. I went out with the second master.

"What's going on?"

"A few small melon eggs." The second master is awesome.

"What's wrong with you?"

"The way to blind the eyes is very simple. Gravekeepers can do this."

I didn't expect this to happen. I think the police in the whole city are arresting us now. The second master and I did not go back to the village or go to the field, but went to the tree hole.

The second master has made so many places to live, that's really right.

I guess those policemen are also confused. My second master and I stayed in the tree hole, and I was a little worried about Ji Xiaoqing. At night, I sat by the lake. I thought that Professor Liu didn't know whether he was alive or not. The hope of living was not great for so long. I'm quite strange. Ji Xiaoqing seems to have a deep relationship with Professor Liu.

I went around to the hut by the lake, which was empty. When I sat in a daze, Li Fu came in and scared me.

"You miss the second master."

"Get out of here."

I'm angry when I see Li Fu. Li Fu just smiled and turned around and left. I didn't go back at night. I'm afraid Li Fu will follow me. At night, I heard a sound in the lake. I sneaked out. There were flowers in the lake. In the middle of the lake, I was stunned for a long time. I didn't know why. The flower is very big, more than ten meters in size.

After the flower turned over for more than ten minutes, a whistle stopped.