grave-keeping note

32. Soft prison

32. Soft prison

The director of cultural relics finally left disappointed. In fact, in this matter, the conditions offered by the director of cultural relics have been quite good, but the second master just doesn't buy it. I can definitely guess that he came up with two ways. Not to mention this, it's useless to give him the White House of the United States.

The second master asked me to go to the lake to squat. In the tree hole, I was not allowed to go out of the tree hole. He gave me a telescope. I went there, and it was really not peaceful.

There are many people standing on the shore. Of course, there are experts and professional divers. Professor Liu is also there, ready to go into the water. Ji Xiaoqing is also ready to go into the water, and my sweat comes down. What do you think a girl follows? Who do you think you are?

I'm very nervous about the water of six people. After they went down for more than ten minutes, a red one suddenly appeared in the center of the lake. I was stunned. I didn't see what it was, but it floated a little bit.

I haven't seen it clearly. Soon the soul song sounded, and I was stunned. The red one was the floating coffin. That was the coffin board I pulled out and sent it to the Public Security Bureau to make a red plaque. Now it's actually in the lake. I think it should be.

Sure enough, the floating coffin rose, and the people on the shore were stunned. I blocked my ears and sneaked down the lake. I was worried that Ji Xiaoqing would have problems.

After I went down, four people were already in the water, looking up in the water. I was shocked that the shape was dead. I swam over, and as expected, I was indeed dead. However, Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing disappeared. I think they must have entered the mausoleum.

I immediately dived back and went up from the grass. When I looked again, the floating coffin was gone, and the bodies of the four people slowly floated up. On the shore, I panicked, pulled the people to the shore, began to rescue, and finally covered with a white cloth list.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I went back and told the second master about it.

"Strange, why did the floating coffin appear again?"

This matter is really strange. The second master hesitated for a long time.

"Let's go there in the middle of the night."

When we went there, the shore was brightly lit, and it was obvious that they were searching for Professor Liu and Ji Xiaoqing. We didn't go down and sat in the tree hole to drink. We had to wait for them to stop searching, otherwise we would meet when we went down.

They have never stopped. We sleep and refresh ourselves.

When we got up in the afternoon, they were still searching, but they still didn't get anything.

The second master sighed.

Two days later, they stopped searching, sent two people to guard the shore, and the others withdrew. The second master and I left the lake and went to the public security bureau. Sure enough, the red sign was gone.

The second master did not return to the lake, but to the strange village. I'm worried about Ji Xiaoqing. I can't sleep. I sit in the yard and smoke. I learned to smoke.

The second master did not show up until dawn, and the second master came over.

"Actually, women are harmful to people, and it's good to live a life alone."


The second master stared at me and went out of the yard. I am still sitting in the yard. In fact, I have decided to go to the lake. Whether Ji Xiao dies lightly or lives, I will see her. I'm sure I fell in love with Ji Xiaoqing.

When I got out of the yard, the second master stood on the opposite mountain. I didn't know what he was doing, so he stood there. I looked at it for a while and walked along the village road. I think the second master must have seen me, but he ignored me.

I went to the tree hole by the lake and put on my diving suit. I think I should go down. Actually, I don't know what will happen if I go down? Maybe nothing has been achieved.

When I went down, I saw the floating coffin sinking under the water. I felt that the floating coffin was upside down, which was so chilling and scary. I hesitated for a long time, but I still didn't rely on it. I think the consequences of relying on the past may be very serious.

I swam to the place where the sarcophagus sank. When I was about to get to that position, I felt the water wave pushing me away. When I looked back and saw it, I was stunned. It was from the floating coffin. With the floating coffin as the center, the water waves were pushed one after another, and the waves were stronger than the other. Many fish were overthrown, and I felt the strong power.

I couldn't get rid of this water wave and was pushed forward. I wanted to sneak up, but there was a lot of pressure and I couldn't go up at all. I think it's been told this time. It's not better to go anywhere if I don't go back to grandma's house.

I was actually pushed to a dark stone group by the lake, which is a lake under the lake, three or four meters high. The second master told me not to get close to there. It was very dangerous there. As for the danger, the second master did not tell me.

I struggled, but it was useless. In the end, I was pushed to Hushan and pushed into a hole in Hushan. When I entered the lake, the water wave was gone. I wanted to go out, but there was a lot of pressure at the mouth of the cave. Like a wall, I couldn't push it open.

I had to swim in. The more I went in, the smaller the hole became. When I wanted to swim back, I felt the suction. The strong suction was like a huge magnet, which sucked me over at once.

I was drawn down, and when I lost this power, I was actually in the mausoleum. I took off my wetsuit. I haven't been here. The room is a little strange. It looks like it's all misplaced. I feel that I'm also misplaced. Everything is wrong.

I stood there and didn't move. I don't know under any circumstances. It's better not to move. I looked at the whole room. There was nothing, even an empty door. Looking up, there was no entrance. I don't know how I was sucked in.

I walked to the wall and touched the wall. I felt like a dream, soft, and not so real. I walked around and found nothing.

I sat in the middle and looked around. Suddenly, on the opposite wall, on the whole wall, those uneven walls, there were two words, the tomb.

Damn it, this is a mausoleum, just like a prison. Did I make any mistakes? Maybe, I keep disturbing people who should not disturb the dead. Of course, this is a mistake.

My cold sweat came down, and it was a very difficult thing to enter the mausoleum. What's more, I went to prison. The child is a good child, but my life is suffering. I was born with such a hard life, and I always encountered things that are not going well. My mother said that it is really not easy to grow up like this. I have died many times, but I have never died. It didn't go well. I was even more unlucky when I met the second master.

I stood up and turned around countless times. I knew that there was no door and no road. I thought the wall was soft and maybe it could be opened. I ran, hit the wall, and bounced back.

I sat there and thought that it was impossible to commit suicide. The only possibility was to starve to death, which was not very uncomfortable.

I can't do anything about this prison. If the second master comes, there may be a way. After all, he is a complete gravekeeper, and I can't even be a half-pull gravekeeper.

When I fell asleep, I felt depressed and couldn't get angry. The walls on all sides pressed me, soft and made me angry. I think it's a dream. I open my eyes. It's not a dream. It's real. If the big mausoleum is slowly shrinking and pressing me, I feel it's getting tighter and tighter, like a big snake, pestering me and making me breathless.

When I felt that I was about to die, the four walls suddenly bounced back. I jumped up and gasped. In fact, it was not that serious, but it was a role in my heart. Of course, if I didn't bounce back, I would die.

I felt that there was someone behind me. When I turned around, I was so scared that I shouted. The second master stood behind me and smiled at me. I couldn't say what kind of smile it was. I wanted to vomit to death.

At this time, I know that the second master can enter the mausoleum at will. He is just a mystery. He doesn't know much about the organs of the mausoleum, which I believe.

"You boy is looking for death for a woman, which is understandable, but you are really a little too much."

I ignored him and stood up and said, "I just want to find Ji Xiaoqing."

The second master shook his head and said, "Sin."

I walked to the second master and looked at the second master.

"This matter is very troublesome. Ji Xiaoqing and Professor Liu go down. This is for them to die. The mausoleum can't be entered by anyone. It's like a person's home. Can you enter casually?"

"You are so talkative. I only have one result."

"You are also too stupid."

"Tell me what's going on with this prison?"

"This mausoleum is a prison. When this mausoleum was built, tens of thousands of skilled craftsmen were used. When the mausoleum was finally sealed, there were still many people living here, which was completely a small society. They live here. Whoever makes a mistake will be imprisoned here. This is a soft prison. Life is better than death. You just want to die. There is no way to die. This soft stone is ground into powder from a stone at the bottom of the lake and fired. It is as soft as cotton.

"Where is the exit?"

The second master shook his head and said, "It's easy to enter, but difficult to go out. The soft prison looks outside. There is no door everywhere, and there is no door inside. People who enter here can't live more than four hours. A person who comes in will have four hours. After four hours, the soft prison will shrink like a stomach and digest you. This Soft stone is like a stomach, which can secrete a kind of **.

After listening to it, I terrped for a moment. It was terrible that there was such a prison.

"What about the people here?"

"Except for the woman who hides here, the rest here are all men. Naturally, they will die many years later."

That's what I didn't expect. The second master turned around in the soft prison and hit this with his fist from time to time. There was no progress at all.

I sat aside and couldn't figure out what his life was for. A belief? A reputation? Maybe people will be like this.

The second master took out a knife and cut it at a corner. Unexpectedly, there was a green ** flowing out, and the fishy smell immediately spread everywhere, choking.

I walked to the second master.

"What are you doing?"

"Cut out a door. We have to go out. We are waiting to die here."

"Is it that simple?"

The second master stopped his hand, turned his head to look at me, and looked at me with his left eye. I had a cold war.

What do you think? If it were that simple, this mausoleum would no longer exist.

I also took out a knife from my pocket, and the second master pushed me.

"Are you looking for death?"

I was stunned.