grave-keeping note

43. Ghost pulling legs

43. Ghost pulling legs

The second master has never come back. This is the beginning of the fourth day, and the ship has not appeared. I don't think it's a good thing. I can't keep it like this. It seems that I have to find Li Fu. This wizard still has a way.

I went to that village to find Li Fu. I knew that Li Fu's home was there, and the small building that burned down was just his other residence.

The second master of this village told me to be careful if he comes by himself. The whole village is a tomb robber, and each one is sinister and stubborn.

I didn't go directly into the village, but went up the mountain road. I sat on the mountain and looked at the village. I don't know where Li Fu's home is. I only know that Li Fu lives in this village.

I have been looking at this village, and I know that Li Fu will appear.

Sure enough, the next afternoon, Li Fu appeared and walked on the village road. I ran down the mountain and stopped Li Fu. Li Fu was stunned for a moment.

"I want to ask you for help."

"Are you begging me? Are you kidding your mother?

Obviously, Li Fu is unwilling to help me.

"The second master is in trouble."

"It has nothing to do with me whether he dies or not."

Li Fu pushed me away and left. I was stunned. I only thought that Li Fu would put forward any condition, but he didn't. He should put forward the conditions for entering the mausoleum. Maybe I would also agree to him, in order to ask for the second master, but this bastard did not put forward this condition. No, it was an unexpected thing.

I didn't leave the village because of Li Fu's refusal. I went up the mountain again. I stayed on the mountain and could see the people in and out of the village.

This village looks normal, but it is absolutely abnormal. Now I have no choice. If there is any other way, I won't ask Li Fu, a bastard.

After dark, Li Fu did not come back. I went to Li Fu's house, an old yard of a deep house, four sets deep. It can be seen that Li Fu is not an ordinary person. It seems that there are at least some officials in his ancestors.

I climbed in from the backyard, but I was worried that there was anyone else in his family.

Sure enough, in a main room of Sanjin, there is an old man sitting, and there is no one in the other rooms. That must be Li Fu's father.

I was not familiar with the yard. I bumped into a flower pot next to it and made a loud noise, but the old man did not respond.

I clapped my hand gently again, and he still didn't respond. I straightened up, and it seemed that the old man was deaf or blind.

I don't have to worry. Looking at the four-man courtyard, there are a lot of things in the room. Those things are definitely from the tomb, some of which are still valuable, and there are also some fake bottles bought, which are also dazzling. I think this can't be a trivial matter. Those valuable things must be hidden somewhere.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" that scared me, "Oh, my God!" With a sound, the old man actually stood behind me, carrying a big stick and smiling sinisterly.

When I looked at the old man, I knew that he was all pretending. I'm not afraid of him, but an old man, in his 70s, stared at me.

"Old man, you are quite insidious."

The old man sneered, and I felt a cool breeze on my back. I leaned on his uncle, and there were people behind me. I leaned against the wall at once. I was nothing at all. A gust of wind blew past me. I jivered, and it was really evil enough.

I dare not underestimate this old guy. When I was about to jump off the wall, the old guy didn't stop me, but three or five meters behind me. I'm afraid that he will rush up and give me a stick. It's a little difficult for him to carry that big stick. If he hits a stick, he won't die and be disabled. .

I jumped over the wall, but I couldn't jump over it. The wall was originally one meter high, and I felt like a big wall high. I sweated and tossed around for a while, and the old man actually smiled.

"Ky, if you have the ability to come in, you should have gone out."

"Old man, you play with me."

"You break in by yourself and steal or steal."

The old man raised the big stick, and Li Fu actually came in.

"Forget it."

The old guy looked back at Li Fu, didn't say anything, threw the stick, turned his head back to his room.

"You shouldn't have come here. Even if you come, I won't help you."

"Any conditions I can promise you."

"Now I don't have any wishes. I'll come to you when I have it."

"Do you have it again?"

"Yes, get out of here and go through that small door."

I walked through the four courtyards to the front yard, and there was really a small door. This is really strange. The door is so small that you can only bow your head. The door is golden, almost like a dog hole.

I'll go to the gate.

"You can't go through the gate unless you want to die." Li Fu said a word later, which scared me.

I looked back at Li Fu and felt that it was not a good thing to shout with him at this time. I'll be a dog and save my life first.

The second master is right. This village is really weird. Even a door is exquisite.

I ran to the small door, and at the moment I was about to open my hand, the second master suddenly appeared. I don't know when he came in, and I don't know Li Fu. Li Fu trembling.

"Don't touch that door."

After saying that, the second master stared at Li Fu and said, "Kid, don't think I'm afraid of you. I don't want to expose the skills of the gravekeeper. I'll play with me. I guess you're almost done."

After saying that, the second master opened the door with one foot. He took my hand and left, just like a father took his son.

I didn't expect that the second master was fine and came back. I don't know if it was happy or sad. He is alive, and I still have to toss with him. I don't know when it will be the end.

We went back to the village and returned home.

"Second Master, what's wrong with that small door?"

"That's an evil door. Once you enter, it's not the outside world, but another world that doesn't exist. If Li Fu doesn't let you out, I will always stay inside."

"What's going on?"

"These tomb robbers have tomb robbers. They deal with tombs all year round and drill into tombs. Those who enter tombs are bound to have those unlucky spirits on their bodies. Over time, they will invade their bodies. In order to save their lives, they have made such a door. This door is called gloomy, which is closed. They will go in every three years. Qi, remove the yin qi. The yin qi can't be dissipated. The deeper it accumulates. If you go in, the yin qi will accumulate on you, and the yin qi will be difficult to return. You won't sit on the yin and go to the yin qi.

My cold sweat came down. It seems that I underestimated this Li Fu. He was too sinister. In the end, he asked the second master to take him into the tomb on the condition of me. The second master should be able to agree.

"Second Master, that fresh corpse ship..."

The second master shook his head and said nothing. Obviously, the boat gave him a headache. He sat on the second floor and opened the window to look at the old lady's grave. I already felt that the village was abnormal. I suspected that there might be more strangeness of those people.

I opened the door, and the second master became angry.

"C Close the door."

My voice was so loud that I was shocked.

"Sh it off, what are you shouting?" I muttered to close the door.

I ran away at night, and I was not angry with him. I went to the lake, and I never figured out what kind of boat it was. Ji Xiaoqing still hasn't heard from him. After such a long time, maybe he is unlikely to live, and my heart is pulling.

Two days in the middle of the night, I heard the sound of the song first, and then the fresh corpse boat appeared. I stood up, and the boat actually leaned straight over. The speed was quite fast, with a speed of 50 or 60 knots.

I stopped five meters on the shore. I jumped into the water, swam over, got on the boat, and the boat immediately left.

When it was about to arrive at the center of the lake, the boat was exposed and was under the warehouse. I pulled the warehouse board away. I retreated quickly and fell down. I got up quickly. Without hesitation, I jumped into the water and swam to the shore desperately.

I never thought that there would be a fresh corpse there, and the fresh corpse boat seemed to be worthy of its name.

The man's face is very blurred, like something roasted, chaotic, and I can't see why. I was really scared. I went back to the tree hole, lay there, and trembled. From time to time, I looked at the lake outside the tree hole. I was worried that the fresh corpse boat would come again.

The most annoying thing is that after dawn, the fresh corpse boat really came, and there was still the floating coffin on the boat. I was blindfolded at that time. What do you mean?

When I was about to run, the second master came out of the bushes and scared me.

"You don't give a move when you come."

"What kind of movement do you want?"

The second master was obviously a little angry about my escape. He looked at the boat and said for a long time.

"Go down."

"I'm willing to go down."

My words fell, and the second master gave me a foot behind me and kicked me into the river. I didn't expect that the second master would kick me. When I fell into the river, I choked and was about to raise my head and take a breath. I was pulled by something and sank.

When I felt that I was going to die, I went to a hole. It was not a mausoleum, but a hole in Shuizheng. There was no water, and I took advantage of the water difference. I understand that.

The hole is not very big. After I stabilized my mood, I turned around a few times and didn't find anyone, unless it was a ghost pulling my leg.

I thought about it and shivered. It's not a good thing to pull your legs. But I didn't figure out what it means to get me here.

I'm leaving here. This is not necessarily a good place. As soon as I was about to go out, the floating coffin was pressed into the water. I howled and the floating coffin came in. What does it mean?

As soon as the floating coffin fell to the ground, the lid of the coffin was shaken open, and the second master came out at once. My heart beat broke eight beats, just trying to kill me.

I stared at the second master, who jumped out of the floating coffin and stared at me for a long time.

"You boy can run fast."

I didn't understand what the second master meant. The second master walked around the cave for a long time and put his eyes on the wall. When I walked over, there was a line of words.

I don't know any of them. Those words seem to be just symbols, not very words.

"Ghost painting." The second master muttered.