grave-keeping note

44. Ghost egg

44. Ghost egg

I rely on his uncle. The ghost charm is this thing. I once saw it when I was six years old. I can't remember where it is. It seems that I am doomed not to be peaceful in my life.

"Second master, what does this ghost painting mean?"

"It looks like a poem written by a ghost."

I was so angry that I almost didn't have a big mouth and write poems? Write about his eight uncles.

The second master sat down against the stone wall, looking here and there for a while, as if he saw something.

"What are you looking at?"

"Little guy, look, there is a six-year-old child sitting in the corner over there, a woman in her 20s, and an old man over there..."

I was scared to break out in a cold sweat by the words of the second master.

"Second master, if you don't play like this, you are angry, and you don't play like this. It's easy to play dead."

"Oh! Forget, you can't see these ghosts. My left eye can see them.

I'm a second-handed, and I have to scare me to death.

I stood up and walked to the hole, and the second master followed me. I rushed out of the hole and dived back to the lake. The lake was very calm and I didn't see the boat.

I swam to the shore and went straight to the city. The second master didn't follow me again.

When I got home, my father was very cold, and my mother hugged me and cried. What I didn't expect was that something happened in the middle of the night. My mother cooked a bowl of noodles for me. There was an egg in the noodles. When I was about to eat it, the eggs were gone. I thought it was eaten by my father.

When my mother came over, she said, "Your father went to Shanghai for a meeting and left in the afternoon. Let me tell you." I was stunned. I looked at the noodles in the bowl and shook my head. I didn't figure out what was going on. There was no one else except my mother. I couldn't ask. After eating the noodles, I went to bed.

When I got up in the morning, my mother boiled ten eggs for me. I have loved to eat eggs since I was a child, but I didn't eat enough. I don't want to leave. I haven't eaten eggs at the second master's place. Anyway, it's not my mother. It's your parents who love you the most.

However, I haven't been at home for long.

In the afternoon, one of my classmates came, my deskmate in middle school. At that time, we had the best relationship and even had to go to the toilet together.

He is in my room.

"Are you a gravekeeper?"

I was stunned for a moment.

"How do you know?"

"All our classmates know it."

I was stunned. All my classmates knew about this. It was really a strange thing.

"The gravekeeper is very mysterious!" My classmates whispered.

I glanced at him and shook my head.

"Actually, I have some research on gravekeepers and know that they will do some weird things, but now I am learning from a master to look at the haunted house. There are great business opportunities there. No one bought the haunted house. A few days ago, in Tianhe Community, a haunted house, only sold for 100,000 yuan. That's a house of more than 100 yuan. My teacher Fu bought it. He knows how to turn a bad house into auspicious house, which is a big profit.

I heard a jibbling. How did I play with the evil door? This is not a good thing.

"I don't like this very much. I'm not a gravekeeper. My second master is. I don't plan to hang out with him anymore. I will find a job tomorrow and go to work honestly."

My classmate was stunned and smiled.

"It's also good, but let me tell you, I have learned a lot from my master. The most common thing is that your house is clean or not, there is a way. If this house is always bankrupt, or there are always patients and everything is not going well, I guess you have to think about it. This room may not be clean, or this room I was killed."

I haven't said anything for a long time. Our family bought this house 15 years ago. I don't know if it has been murdered, but this house has never been smooth, which made my parents worry a lot.

I wanted to ask him what method he used, but I didn't ask. This kind of thing is evil. It's better not to ask. If you know, you are still upset.

Actually, the second master can also do it, but I don't want to find the second master and no longer want to mix with this guy.

After the classmate left, my mind had been uneasy. The eggs in the bowl were gone. The next day, the ten eggs my mother cooked were actually two missing, which was simply strange.

A week later, the second master didn't come. I was worried that he would come. My father said that he was on a business trip, but in fact he hid. I knew that it didn't take a few days for me to come back. The second master came to the door. Everyone was afraid of the plague.

The second master didn't come. What my classmates said made me feel uncomfortable, so I called him, and he said it for a long time.

"I'm kidding. Don't take it seriously. It's not a funny thing."

I asked him to wait at home. I went to his house and invited him to a restaurant for a drink. A bottle of wine went down and I asked about it. The classmate hesitated for a long time and said, "Really, it's better not to try. After trying, it will be really troublesome."

"I want to try it."

I told him about the egg, and he was stunned for a moment.

"If you know that this thing likes eggs, it will be easier. You buy four small mirrors, put the table in the middle of the room, and the four small mirrors are facing the table. There are eggs on the table. If that thing appears, you will see it."

I trembling after listening to it. I have seen a lot with the second master, but this is the first time for such a thing. I think it's a little nonsense.

I don't believe it, but I still bought four small mirrors and boiled eggs on the table.

When it got dark, I began to get hairy. I had never had such hair. I also encountered a lot of strange things with the second master. That's not hair, it's hair.

I kept staring, and in the second half of the night, I couldn't stand it and fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dawn, and four eggs were missing on the table, and there was still one left, which made me a little confused.

I slapped my mouth. I called that classmate.

"Hold on, you will definitely see what it is, and then tell me, and I'll ask my master to explain it to you."

I didn't sleep this night. Sure enough, a shadow appeared in the middle of the night. It was a human shadow. I couldn't see the real person. It was just a shadow. When I walked to the edge of the table, it seemed that I couldn't reach it. I turned my feet and stretched out my hands. The eggs in the bowl were missing one by one. I was stunned. This was obviously a person. It should be a child. I didn't dare to move and broke out in a cold sweat until dawn.

I called my classmate, and the classmate came and he listened to me.

"That's a child. There must be something wrong with this room."

I shuddered for a moment, and I haven't heard of the death of a child since I came in. Of course, the people who sell the house will not tell me that this is a haunted house, so they don't have to sell it.

I didn't expect this to happen. My classmate couldn't deal with such a thing. He told me to find his master. His master promised to come.

The next day, his master really came. He looked like a middle-aged man in his forties. Looking at him, I felt that it was not good.

As soon as he sat down, my second master came. When the middle-aged man in his forties saw the second master, he knelt down and my head was big.

The second master stared at him.

"What's wrong here?"

"I dare not."

"Get out of here."

The man in his forties left, and my classmate waved his hand at me and left.

"Why did you get this product?"

I hesitated for a moment and told the story.

"You boy is messing around all day. The child came with you in a hole in the lake. In addition to this, there is an old ghost in your family all the time, but I didn't say. In fact, this old ghost is not a devil. He huddles in the corner every day and is very honest, so don't provoke him. It's okay. You do it. These two knives can't be closed in the end. After saying that, the second master took a look at the corner of the wall.

"What about that child?"

The second master entered my room and looked at the window sill.

"He will be there, a fat child. He came with you. It seems that he is quite predestined to you."

"Is this also called fate? I'd rather not."

"It's quite troublesome. This child died unlucky. He was taken away by a trafficker and hid it in the back box of the car. He was suffocated."

"What should I do?"

"I guess he asked you to find a personal trafficker."

"Where can I find it?" My voice suddenly rose very high.

"Silt your voice. I'll figure it out. The child must know that he will take you there, and then you can kill that man."

"Murder is against the law, don't you?"

"Just call the police."

"It's simply for you to do it."

"He is with you. Only when you do can he leave you."

"Why did you follow me?"

The second master smiled strangely at me and didn't say anything more. I knew there was something wrong with this. I asked again, and the second master was unhappy. My mother looked at the second master.

"Let my son go."

"He does what he wants."

The second master left after saying that. He actually left, but what about the kid? He will definitely torment and torture me at home. I don't want to do this. I think we should let him go, but there's nothing I can do. I don't understand it.

Suddenly, I figured out that the little master did something to let him follow me, just like an eyeliner. What should I do? The kid knows. He followed me at 24 o'clock, so the little guy will definitely tell the second master. I think it should be like this. Absolutely not wrong. I can't be here anymore. I stayed at home. If he is unhappy and set a fire, my parents will suffer. It seems that my second master will not let me go.

I went to the lake, and I felt that I still had to save Ji Xiaoqing, regardless of life or death.

I went down to the bottom of the lake and didn't find the entrance. I don't know how to get in. Maybe it needs an opportunity. But I don't know when this opportunity will come.

I went back to the tree hole, and the second master was drinking in it.

"It's getting colder, and the lake is about to be closed."

I'm worried about the second master's words. It's three feet of ice. With your strength, it's impossible to get out.

I'm even more worried about Ji Xiaoqing. For the second master's unwillingness to help me, I also quarreled with the second master.

"Is that kid your trap?"

The second master took a look at me.

"You are learning smart now."

I didn't expect the second master to really do this, which made me even more unhappy.

When the second master left that day, I had to follow him, and the kid actually pinched me when he had nothing to do.

"You can take the kid away and don't let him bother me."

"To be honest, you provoked him. You went into the underwater hole and stepped on something. That's his toy. It's just an opportunity for him to pester you. If you don't give me such a chance, I can't let this kid look at you."

"You let him get out of here."

As soon as I finished saying this, I felt a pain in my face. I think it must be blue. It's probably like this.

The second master ignored me. He returned to the second floor of the village. I followed him, and the kid tossed me endlessly. For a long time, I shouted and didn't let the second master sleep.

The second master got up, went downstairs to look at me, took out a red cotton coat, put it on the table and said.

"It's getting cold. I'll give you a cold coat. Go back!"

I was really quiet. Get up in the morning.

"Second master, I think you should help me save Ji Xiaoqing."

"They have been underwater for so long that there is basically no hope."

"I want a corpse to die."

The second master shook his head and went upstairs.

It was not until the afternoon that the second master went downstairs.

"I think I should help you. I know how it feels."

The second master and I went to the lake again. The fresh corpse boat stopped on the shore, and the floating coffin on it disappeared. This is really a strange thing.

"Don't think about getting on the boat, let's go straight into the water."

The second master took me into the water. I thought we should find the entrance to the mausoleum, but I didn't find it. I suspect that the second master didn't want to find it.

After we got ashore, we saw a lot of people. Those people we knew came to the lake more than once. They were experts and leaders in the city.

We were caught by the police and said what law we violated.

We were tried separately in the Public Security Bureau. I don't know what will happen to the second master.

I'm not a policeman, or I'm not a judge, I'm just talking and drinking tea.

"If you can tell me how to enter the mausoleum, I can call Ji Xiao."

After the leader said this, I almost didn't jump up.