grave-keeping note

52. Eye-catching corpse

52. Eye-catching corpse

I'm so worried that I can't walk around the lake. I feel that I have no place to do it and I can't use it. Until dark, I returned to the village.

The door was still open. When I chased out, the door was not closed. I entered the yard, closed the door, went up to the second floor, sat in front of the window, and looked out. The room was very cold. If the second master was there, it would have made the room very warm. Unfortunately, the second master was not there.

At this time, the only thing I can do is to wait for the second master to come back.

At night, I sat and fell asleep. I heard footsteps and didn't move. The footsteps were not the second master's. The second master walked lightly and heavy, and this man's feet were the same.

This man went upstairs, and I didn't move.

He showed that he saw me sitting there, staring, and he was scared. I don't know this person. He is a man in his fifties.

When he turned his head and ran, I followed him. I don't know what this person is doing, whether he is a thief or someone else. I don't know.

This man ran into the mountain. The speed was very fast, and I followed closely. He ran to a cemetery, stopped in front of a grave, and there was no shadow. I was so scared that I trembling. Although it was midnight, it was snowing heavily, and everything could be seen clearly. I didn't expect this.

When I walked to the grave, the footprints were disappearing. Damn, such a strange thing also touched me. When I was a child, I heard many old people talk about such things. Today, I met them. I am definitely not a living person.

I went back. If he is not a human, I can't afford to toss with him. He has a different path and no accomplice.

After I went back, I always felt uneasy and always felt that someone was walking around the room. After dawn, I took the shovel and went to the grave. The snow stopped and the north wind shivered. It is estimated that it is 334 degrees below zero now. This is Changbai Mountain, 334 degrees, which is not the coldest time.

I dug this grave with a shovel. The soil was not completely frozen, just one layer.

This grave seems to be old and filled in a lot. It seems that future generations have not forgotten this grave.

I dug for more than an hour and saw the coffin. It was that kind of big coffin. At first glance, it was an old grave, at least buried before cremation.

The coffin board is very thick. Except for the corners are a little rotten, other places are quite intact. The coffin has been soaked in oil. If it were an ordinary coffin, I'm afraid it would have rotted long ago.

I split the lid of the coffin with a shovel and looked in. I jumped out of the grave, and the grave was empty.

The second master said that if the grave is empty, it means that the things living here have gone out.

I threw down the shovel, ran back to the yard, sweating all over, and as soon as the wind blew, I couldn't help shivering. I went into the house and put the stove on. When the fire came up, I felt much more comfortable.

I took out a sauerkraut from the jar, took out the bacon, and stewed a pot of sauerkraut meat.

I took out the second master's soju, poured it into the bowl, took a sip, and burned my heart.

I think that if the second master is there, Ji Xiaoqing is still alive, and there is nothing wrong with being a gravekeeper. I feel that I like this kind of life, and I like this kind of loneliness.

When I drank the second bowl of wine, the man in his fifties came in, which made me trembling, and there was no sound.

"Why did you rip my house away?"

I was stunned when I heard it. Whose house did I pick up? I don't know you at all, and I don't know where your home is. I suddenly stood up and fell into a cold sweat. The house this guy mentioned is the grave, for sure.

"You came to my house without permission and stole it. I will warn you that this time it is to pick up your house, and next time I will peel your skin." I want to scare this guy, but he is slippery and scared.

"I just came to ask your second master for a chicken. That day, my soul chicken was eaten by your second master. He promised to return one to me, but he hasn't returned it yet. I will come every day."

I know it's going to be a mess, and I'm going to kill this guy.

"I don't know about this. Drink a bowl of wine first, and then we will discuss it."

The guy sat down and drank. I didn't expect to drink with a ghost. At first, I was scared and nervous, but later, I didn't feel scared.

This guy is from Yucun. He died at the age of 18. Because he died, he didn't enter the ancestral grave, so he buried it here. He asked me to give him a new home under the thousand-year-old tree on the northwest slope. This matter is over, otherwise it will trouble me.

I promised him that I took away someone's home, and I had to get another home for him. I don't want to get into this trouble.

The next day, I went to Qingshuihezi Village, where there was an old coffin maker who was still making coffins. I asked him to make coffins and sent them to the village a week later.

It's quite quiet this week, but the goods didn't come.

The second master did not appear, and it is estimated that the lake is about to be closed now.

I went to the lake, and it was almost done. The center of the lake did not freeze to death, and the surroundings were frozen to death. I dare not go down again.

I go back to the village and wait. There is no other way. If the second master really dies, I will really become a gravekeeper. I can't pass the mausoleum. I have to guard this ancestral tomb, otherwise no one will guard it.

I went to the north slope and dug a hole for two days.

When the coffin was shipped, the goods appeared. After seeing the coffin, he was not satisfied and said that it was too thin, but he was still satisfied with the new place, and it was over.

I carried the coffin there, and he got in. I buried it. It was dark when I got home. I continued to drink and eat sauerkraut meat.

I'm getting more and more hairy. If the second master really dies in the mausoleum, I don't know what to do.

In the middle of the night, I drank too much and was ready to enter the ancestral tomb with an axe. I split the door, took out the six hearts, gave it to Li Fu, and asked Li Fu to find Ji Xiaoqing and save it.

When I came out of the house with an axe, I saw the second master standing in the yard, which made me tremble.

"Second Master..."

The second master nodded and looked at the axe in my hand.

"I'm worried about bad people coming."

I threw away the axe, but the second master didn't say anything. He entered the room and began to eat and drink.

When the second master escaped from the lake and was about to have a side reaction, I didn't ask him how he came out.

I told the second master about Ji Xiaoqing. The second master was stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that I took Ji Xiaoqing out and lost Ji Xiaoqing. The second master never said anything.

He went upstairs after he was full.

When I was still sleeping in the morning, the second master went crazy, pulled me up, stared at me, and then shouted.

It took me a long time to understand that it was about the grave.

I told the matter, and the second master raised his hand to stir me up, but later put it down. I don't know why he was so excited.

"You really don't understand anything. There is a dark eye under the thousand-old tree on the north slope. If you bury him there, that's a glance. There are three eyes. He takes a look at a ghost, and the rest will be unhappy. I'm afraid it will trouble us."

I didn't expect this to happen. That dead ghost actually tricked me.

"I'll dig it out tomorrow."

"The ghost who occupies the eyes increases the yin qi overnight and can't afford to provoke it. Forget it."

I terrped for a moment. Damn it, I actually let the ghost calculate it.

I asked the second master about Ji Xiaoqing, and he said it for a long time.

"This is very troublesome. Let me think about it."

The second master went upstairs, and he still sat in front of the window and looked at the grave on the opposite mountain.

I don't know if the second master will help me find Ji Xiaoqing. If he doesn't help me, I will get out the six-shaped six hearts and find Li Fu. Finally, I know that the second master will definitely fight with me. I can't care so much. If after six months, Ji Xiaoqing will not be saved.

It was not until dark that the second master went downstairs. We drank and ate sauerkraut meat.

"I'll take you to Ji Xiaoqing in the middle of the night, but I'll go out in the middle of the night today. I'll be back at two or three o'clock. After coming back, no matter what you see, you have to pretend not to see it, let alone talk and talk."

The second master always plays evil things, which makes me unbearable. I don't know what tricks he will play this time. The second master left in the middle of the night, so I went back to the house to sleep.

I didn't go out when I heard the noise.

In the morning, I got up and came out of the room and saw a man sitting in a chair. I shivered and wanted to ask him who he was, but when I remembered the second master's words, I didn't dare to ask.

I walked over, and the man was still sitting there, a man in his thirties.

The second master went downstairs and waved his hand at me. I went over, and the second master whispered.

"Don't talk to him, let alone say hello, just as if you didn't see him. We'll follow him later."

After my second master and I finished eating, the man stood up and went out. I opened the door and the man went east. The second master and I followed until noon, and the man stopped in front of a grave.

The second master took a look at the grave, nodded, pulled out a silver hairpin from behind the man and put it in the cup. The man did not fall down, the second master said.

"Back to him."

It turned out that this person was actually a dead person. I trembling and still carried this body on my back. After all, the second master was to help me find Ji Xiaoqing.

The second master walked in front, and I followed behind and arrived at a place in an hour. It was a new grave that was dug up. I put the body in the coffin. The second master asked me to take a shovel and fill the grave. The second master bowed deeply.

"Thank you. If there is anything difficult for me in the future, I owe you a favor."

I didn't expect that the second master would still do this. He didn't hand it over to me. This is not in the martial arts, but the evil door. The second master said that don't learn these things, mess around, and finally die miserably.

I took the shovel and went back to the grave with the second master.


I dug the grave. An hour later, the coffin opened, and Ji Xiaoqing actually lay in it. I touched her nose, and there was also.

I went back to the village with Ji Xiao on my back. I put her on the kang and asked the second master.

"What's going on?"

"The corpse is attached to Ji Xiaoqing's body. This is a difficult-to-find yin body. Any ghost wants this yin body, and then borrows the yin body to return yang. Although it is no longer himself, it still has a life to live."