grave-keeping note

53. Sitting dragon's curse

53. Sitting dragon's curse

I didn't expect this at all.

"How can she come back to life?"

"This is a very troublesome thing. Give me time."

The second master drank very fiercely, which seemed to be different from before. What's on his mind, but I didn't ask.

Seven days later, the second master told me.

"Ji Xiaoqing can be saved, but he will turn around. Maybe he can't get connected with her original life."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, she survived, maybe after another person's life."

"Have you forgotten the past?"


I thought about it for a long time. Anyway, she just survived.

The second master went out and came back the next morning. Li Fu actually followed.

Li Fu stared at me with an old face.

When he entered the house, he began to burn grass, making the room full of smoke, and then sat aside and muttered what size it was. The second master said it was a code. He didn't know what code it was and what kind of witch code it was.

Li Fu jumped up as if he had been cramped.

The second master was stunned. Li Fu jumped in pain for a long time.

"Your grandmother's old man, you want to hurt me."

The second master turned his head and stared at me.

"What dirty things did you bring in?"

I was stunned. What did I bring? I shook my head, and the second master didn't give me a heel, which made me jump more than three feet high.

I remembered that in the mausoleum, the bone I took back, I went into the room and took out the bone, and the second master's face changed.

"Sit on the dragon's curse bone."

The second master didn't answer. He asked me to put the bones in the west corner of the yard.

When I came back, Li Fu gritted his teeth and stared at me, probably trying to nibble me alive.

Li Fu sat down again and read his witch code again.

When Ji Xiao came out lightly, I shudled. She was so cold that she didn't know me at all.

Li Fu stood up.

"Old man, I don't owe you anymore. We will go our separate ways in the future."

I don't know what Li Fu owes to the second master. He can actually listen to the second master. Originally, the hatred between the two people is quite big. I think it's strange that he owes something to listen to the second master. Anyway, the wizard and the gravekeeper are not normal, which can be seen from this.

Li Fu left angrily.

The second master walked to the yard, and Ji Xiao followed lightly.

"Let's go!"


I called Ji Xiaoqing. She looked back at me and left. I wanted to chase, but the second master stopped me.

"Forget it, if you are destined to get married, you will still be together. If not, it's useless to chase."

I watched Ji Xiao leave in a blankly.

The second master went to the second floor with the witch dragon curse bone.

In the face of the sudden change, I was at a loss for a moment. I didn't know what to do and was restless.

A few days later, my father came to find the second master and didn't say a word to me.

I thought they would definitely quarrel on the second floor. My father would throw the second master down from the second floor, and then they didn't quarrel for the first time. After talking for more than ten minutes, my father came out, looked at me and left.

"What's the matter?"

I asked the second master.

"It has nothing to do with you."

This guy didn't tell me.

I'm quite strange. What the hell is going on?

Three days later, I didn't know what had happened. It turned out that the fifth master was dead. When the coffin arrived, I knew that everyone in the clan had come. I actually saw Ji Xiaoqing. She stood next to my mother, and I was stunned.

I didn't go there, and the second master came to me and whispered.

"When it's time to show off, you should understand the things I usually teach you to enter the grave."

I understand that the second master will say it from time to time, and not just once. Although he has not done it, he is already very familiar with it. I arranged the funeral in a good way. When I entered the backyard, only my second master and I went in and put the body into the ancestral tomb.

The second master opened another entrance, and I carried the body in, put it in a room and came out. That day, when I was drinking, Ji Xiaoqing was always next to my mother and called me mother. I was almost choked to death by a sip of wine.

Ji Xiaoqing didn't say a word to me, and my mother pulled me aside.

"Let's follow the second master! Go back when you have time. Your father doesn't blame you.

They have left, and I haven't understood yet.

"Second Master, what's going on?"

The second master looked at me and said.

"Ji Xiaoqing followed your chirping and lived. This is simply extremely evil. I don't know which of you two owed to whom in the last life."

After saying that, the second master went upstairs. When he snored, I was ready to go home.

As soon as I was about to go out, the second master opened the window and stopped me.

"I'll go home and have a look."

The second master hesitated for a moment and closed the window.

I left and went home, and Ji Xiao opened the door gently.

"Is that you?"

My mother came out.

"It's the child of your fifth master's family. You saw it that day, gravekeeper, come in!"

I'm really confused. What am I doing?

After I went in, Ji Xiaoqing went back to his room.

"What are you doing?"

"God gave us a child. Of course, you are also our child, but Ji Xiaoqing will continue to live with you, and you can no longer be our child."


I shouted, jumped up, and touched the glass on the coffee table to the ground.

Ji Xiao came out lightly.

"What do you want to do? Mom, let this person go. I don't like this person. It's gloomy and unlucky.


I was so angry that I almost ate the liver. What the fuck is this?

My mother gave me a look and I left. I cried when I came out. I suddenly became a child without a family and became an orphan. The whole thing changed with Ji Xiao and went to his eighth uncle. It seems that only the second master is my relative.

After I went back, I didn't want to talk to the second master. The second master asked me to eat, and I didn't eat, so I slept in the house.

When the second master went out hunting and came back, he was covered with blood. I thought it was animal blood. When I saw clearly that the second master's left finger was gone, I knew that something had happened.

I sent the second master to the hospital. The second master stayed in the hospital for seven days and went back to the village.

"That red fox is so evil. I can touch it every year, but I can't catch it every year. This year, I shot it and blew it up, his aunt."

I also met that red fox once. It was really red. In the snow, it was like fire, just like a big beauty. I have heard of that evil since I was a child.

When my fifth master was not dead, there was a flood that year, and a small fire fox ran to his house and squatted on the window sill. My fifth master's eyes were round at that time. A stick flew over. The fire fox hit his leg. It turned around and ran away. As soon as he ran, all four bungalows fell down, which was so evil.

That day, the fifth master fell ill. After building a new house, he was not well. He built a small house in the backyard to provide for the fox fairy. I also saw it and felt scared and evil, but the fifth master's illness was cured.

I don't believe in such a thing, but when the second master is like this, I think it is spiritual and must not be provoked.

In winter, the second master never went hunting again, and I bought all the meat he ate.

This winter is really cold. On the coldest day, it was 40 degrees below zero. There was a stove in the room and it still felt cold. This winter, the snow was really heavy. The biggest event lasted for three days, and the door could not be opened.

When the grass turned green in a blink of an eye, the second master came back to life. But trouble has also come.

Experts came from the city to talk to the second master about the mausoleum and Professor Liu. I think Professor Liu must be dead. It's not that I don't want to save him, but I don't have this opportunity.

The meaning of the experts is very direct, that is, to enter the mausoleum. They don't want to destroy the mausoleum. The second master is still the same and disagrees. My matter probably meant that the city leaders could no longer arrest me, and then chatted with the second master. They knew that I had given the second master as a son.

The expert talked to the second master every day, and the second master finally ran away. He said he couldn't stand it anymore.

I don't know if the second master ran away. When I knew it, the second master had been running for six hours. If you don't take me, he will run away by himself.

These experts talked to me, and I told them that I didn't understand bullshit, and they didn't believe it at all. They knew that I rescued Ji Xiaoqing, and the second master also taught me the real martial arts.

Later, I also ran away. My home was already Ji Xiaoqing's home. I could only run to the cave with cats. When I entered, the second master was eating meat.

I sat down and the second master poured me a glass of wine.

"Are those people still there?"

"It seems that they were bitten to death this time."

As soon as I finished speaking, someone shouted with a loudspeaker under the suspension.

The second master came up and gave me a brain cannon. I brought in someone.

The second master looked down, dozens of people, and I trembling. These goods seem to be real.

The second master and I had been leaning for a week and had nothing to eat or drink. We went down, and then we were pulled into the car and drove into the city. We entered a building and a room to entertain us deliciously. We could also go out, followed by a few people.

"What the fuck is this? If we don't say it all our lives, will they still be with us all their lives?"

"I'm not sure." The second master looked back and entered the hotel.

After we finished eating and drinking, the second master pointed to the person at the door and said.

"Aus ask them for money."

The boss really asked that person for money, and that person really gave it.

"It's a good day like this. You don't have to make money. It's the same day as an old man."