grave-keeping note

56. Chief

56. Chief

The second master took out his old dry smoke and I gave it to him.

"The coffin is made for a commander, who is a southerner. They were two brothers. The eldest brother was sent to fight with Nurhachi first, but he didn't expect that he would be killed by Nurhachi without waiting for the people to be killed. Then he came, but Nurhachi's soldiers were all a Jurzhen tribe, brave and good at fighting, and he was beheaded for a day. This person who customized the coffin did not show up, and was probably afraid of being killed. He planned to transport the body of the chief captain back to the south. It seems that this person's relationship with this commander is unusual. From the north to the south, the journey is far enough, not to mention transporting a coffin. At that time, there was no change in the coffin, and the carriage was ready, but the man did not come and stopped the coffin for 7749 days. It was summer. The street was full of stench, and the owner of the coffin shop couldn't do it, so he threw it down and ran away. That night, the carriage actually pulled the coffin around on the street. At this time, the people in the capital ran away because of this. Originally, these people also came to touch the world. The horse actually turned around for 12 days. After falling, the city wall of the capital fell down and buried the coffin underneath.

"Did the man come back in the end?"

I asked the second master, and the second master shook his head. After a long time, the second master said again.

"In fact, that person is a person related to our family, and our ancestral tomb has always been restless. Because of this, I have always had an idea to find the bones of the commander and transport them back to my hometown."

I was stunned at once. Isn't the second master sick? That's a hundred years of things, that is, you can find it. Do you know who his descendants are?

"I'm afraid this will be troublesome."

"You have to do the trouble."

The next day, the second master and I began to look for the bones of the captain and took out the bricks of the wall one by one. Two days later, we saw the rotten coffin board and the broken carriage.

The bones were also found. The second master put a bag in it and put it aside.

"When we leave here, take it with us and then send the body."

I think the second master's behavior is a little psychotic. I have been hesitating whether to go to the south with the second master. All this is a matter of unknown what will happen, which really makes me confused.

We stayed in this abandoned capital for half a month.

On the day I left, the second master asked me to carry the bag. I didn't want to, but I had to carry it. When we returned to the small village, the second master asked me to put the bag outside the door.

"If the corpse does not enter the house, everything will come."

The second master and I cleaned it up. He found a box, smashed the big bone, put it in it, and then put it on a black cloth bag and put it in a big bag.

"You carry it, don't lose it."

I thought, whoever the fuck steals this thing will be unlucky for ten thousand years.

My second master and I took a bullet train to the south, a southern town called West Town.

It's almost ten o'clock in the evening. We got off the train, got off the train, and we found a place to eat.

After dinner, when we were about to leave, I found that the bag was missing, and he put it under his feet. The second master stared at me, and then came up and gave me a big mouth, which made me scream.

"What else can you do?"

"I can still eat a bowl."

I'm angry that this thing shouldn't have come in the first place, but you have come.

"Get it back for me."

"I don't have that ability, or you can kill me and give my bones to others."

The second master jumped a few times angrily and didn't say anything more.

We entered the hotel, and the second master sat there in a daze.

In the middle of the night, the second master didn't know what to toss in the bathroom, making it like a fire. He jumped out and gasped.

"What are you doing? Do you want to set fire?

"Get out of here."

It took the second master to recover for half a day.

"Follow me and find that bag."

I didn't know until then that the second master must have used something like magic in the bathroom.

When the second master walks on the street, I don't think there is any hope in this big city.

The second master walked straight ahead, and an hour later, the second master actually walked into the long-distance station. We got on the bus, which is the bus bound for West Town.

An hour later, I arrived at West Town, which is a water town. A waterway around the town surrounded the people of the town, and boats drove on the waterway. This is the West Town where we are coming.

The second master entered the town, walked to a door and stopped.

"That's it. It's here."

I think the second master is a little evil. I knocked on the door and a man came out, which was not a good thing at first sight.

"Give me something."

The man was stunned, hesitated for a moment, entered the room, took out the bag and threw it to us. I didn't expect it to be so happy. The second master didn't say anything else. He pulled the bag away, took a look, pulled up the bag, and left.

We lived in a small town.

"Do you know that person?"

"Surname Zhou."

The next day, I went to inquire about Zhou, and there was a family surnamed Zhou in the town, which surprised me. I went to the house surnamed Zhou. A girl opened the door for me. The girl was very beautiful.

I was stunned for a moment and asked for a long time.

"Does Zhou Fang live here?"

The girl was stunned for a long time and shook her head. I was stunned again.

At this time, an old man came out and knew at a glance that he was the girl's father.

"Who are you looking for?"

The old man's tone let me know that he heard it, which was very strange.

"Zhou Fang."

The old man was stunned for a long time.

"Are you sure you want to find Zhou Fang?"

I nodded. He let me in.

After I went in, he asked the girl to make tea for me, which was absolutely the best.

"How do you..."

"I'll bring someone to tell you later."

After drinking a cup of tea, I came out and brought my second master with me.

The second master told the situation before and after.

The old man said, "The ancestor does have such a thing. He has a tomb, but I'm not sure about this matter. I want to invite people from the clan to come over and we will discuss it later."

"Of course."

There are not many people in the Zhou family. Obviously, the people of the Zhou family are not prosperous. There are only more than ten people, and women have to be included.

No one dares to determine whether the bones are true or not about the ancestor's incident, but there is. They have been discussing for two hours, and they asked us to come back tomorrow.

I can also understand this. Suddenly, you brought the bones, which happened hundreds of years ago. Everyone will be confused. Maybe this bones are not important to them.

When we came back the next day, the food was ready. In addition to the old man, there was another person in his 60s.

Mr. Zhou took out the genealogy. The ancestor of Zhou Fang. Behind the genealogy is a record of what happened in that year. The commander was indeed sent to the north. There must be no doubt about this matter. Now it is the authenticity of the bones. According to the second master, there must be no mistake, but they are sure that they are not It's really troublesome that the bones will not be recognized.

The old man in his sixties who accompanied him to dinner has never said anything.

After dinner, Mr. Zhou said.

"Go to the ancestral hall and have a look."

Mr. Zhou took us for more than ten minutes and arrived. There was an archway in front of the ancestral hall. I didn't expect it to be so magnificent. For quite a year, Zhou's family is not a simple family.

Entering the ancestral hall, there are hundreds of plaques, and Zhou Fang is in it.

We walked to the backyard, which was a water mound built by water, with a square stone pillar surrounded by bluestones and carved some strange beasts. I don't know.

In the middle is a square hole. Looking down, there is a large stone room with water and a coffin in it.

The second master looked at me and whispered.

"The old man invited seems to be a little old. We have to be careful."

I also think that the old man is not a kind person, looking nagging.

Sure enough, the old man took over the bag I was carrying, opened the bag, took out the bones, and put them on the main seat of the tomb. I don't know what he is going to do.

The old man took out a bowl, took out a bottle from his arms, poured something into the bowl, and then picked up a bone and put it in it.

I took a look at the second master.

"What is he going to do?"

"One means in the south is estimated to be bone conversion. If it weren't for this person's bone, it might be another reaction. If so, there would also be a reaction."

The second master's words are no different from nonsense.

The old man asked Lao Zhou to take down the ladder and then went down. The position of the mouth was limited, and he couldn't see inside, and he didn't know what the old man was doing.

The water under the mound was only as deep as his knees. He walked into it and couldn't see it.

He didn't come up until more than ten minutes later. After coming up, he made something in his hand, which was so tight that he couldn't see it.

He took out another bowl, poured out the things in the small bottle, and put the things in his hand. It was also a bone. I don't know whose bone it was.

The bones in the two bowls slowly melted, and then he poured the two bowls of water into a large bowl, took out a small bottle from his arms, opened it, poured it into the bowl, and then stood up and sat aside.

The second master stared at it. Probably he didn't quite understand that this was the means of the south.

I'm worried that there will be a problem. I've been standing in the position of the mouth, so it's convenient to run. I don't want to be calculated by the second master anymore. The second master also felt something was wrong. The old man kept looking at the second master.

The second master stood up and walked to my side, probably ready to run.

Mr. Zhou has never spoken, and the people of the clan have come one after another, and they seem to be very nervous.

An hour later, I saw a bone in the bowl, two bones as big as two bones, and the two melted bones turned into one.