grave-keeping note

57. shi wen

57. shi wen

The old man nodded, took the money and left.

Then, Mr. Zhou had a voice.

"The originator! You're back home..."

I was so scared that I almost ran away without raising my legs. As soon as I heard this, I understood that they were sure that the bone belonged to Zhou Fang. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go!"

I said to the second master, the second master stared at me. I didn't know what he was going to do. When things were over, he left, but he didn't leave. It seemed that he still had something wrong.

The Zhou family was busy with burial, and my second master and I went to a restaurant for dinner.

The second master told me that he couldn't leave now. He needed something, but he didn't say anything.

Two days later, the second master went to Zhou's house with me. He asked me to wait at the door. It seemed that he didn't want me to know about it. After the second master went in for more than half an hour, the second master came out with a dark face and didn't do anything at first sight.

When we returned to the hotel, the second master kept silent and looked out of the window.

"What's going on?"

"I want a corpse, but the Zhou family disagrees."

"What corpse?"

"I brought back the bones of the thousand-fu chief. He needs to give me a corpse text so that he can give an explain it to me when I go back, and it's also done."

The second master's words make me suspect that if so, the Zhou family will not give this corpse. I'm afraid it's not that simple. I didn't ask. If the second master didn't say anything, there must be a reason, otherwise he would not have told me this.

The second master went there again the next day, but he didn't take me there. I was waiting for the second master in the hotel, but the second master didn't come back until dark, and I felt something was wrong. I called his mobile phone and turned off.

I think something must have happened. I went to the Zhou family and stood in the distance to watch. The Zhou family looked quite calm, but I felt there was something wrong. I have been hiding and watching. Sure enough, the window of the Zhou family by the river opened. A man looked out nervously and closed the window again.

I walked around to the front. After a while, two people came out carrying sacks. My heart tightened. Will it be the second master in the sack? If so, it's a little too much for these people to take revenge. Don't you want a corpse? Forget it if you don't give it.

I followed, and they actually went to the water mound. They got to the water mound, threw the sack down, and then they went down.

Half an hour later, two people came up and pulled away the ladder. After they left, I went down. I was turning in the water mound, a large pool with hundreds of coffins of different sizes and typical southern coffins.

Turn to the corner, there is a room with the door locked. I looked in from the crack of the door, and the sack was really there. The wooden door was no longer strong, and I kicked it open.

I hit the sack, which is really the second master.

I took down the cloth from the second master's mouth, and the second master scolded.

"The bastard who will avenge his kindness."

"Don't talk nonsense. They want to kill people. Let's go."

When we were about to come out, the mouth of the water mound was sealed. I knew that I was found by them. It seemed that they really wanted to kill us.

"Second Master, what the hell happened?"

The second master and I stood in the water, and the second master hesitated for a long time before saying.

"The corpse text was originally given to me, but it is the corpse text of the commander. There is nothing about the corpse text of the common people. It is meaningless. It is that the official text becomes evil and evil becomes ghosts. If I take away the corpse text of the thousand captains, the soul of the commander will become a evil soul, which will disturb his Zhou family. If you don't want that corpse text, my ancestors The other side of the tomb is also uneasy and can't tell the dead. That's why I want to send the chief back.

So that's it? But it's just a corpse. What's that?

"You know nothing."

"What should I do now? I'm afraid we can't get out of the water mound.

"It's not that difficult to get out of this water mound. I just want to take the body away."

"Are you still thinking about it at this time?"

"If you don't take away the corpse, you might as well die here."

"It's not that serious, is it?"

The second master stared at me and turned around in the water mound. The water mound was full of water. Suddenly, the second master shook his body and there was no shadow. I was shocked.

The second master came out of the water and coughed. Obviously, he was choked. No one expected that there was such a deep water area in this water mound.

The second master climbed over from the deep water.

"There is a deep water area here, and there should be a coffin below. I didn't find the coffin of the thousand commanders. I guess it should be here, because it is the originator."

I looked at the second master and said.

"The important thing is that we are going out, not a coffin."

The second master ignored me and coughed a few more times. The second master still decided to go down and have a look. In fact, he can't go down. The second master still has the final say. At this moment, I can only follow the second master.

The second master jumped down, and I followed. The second master dived down, and I followed, six or seven meters to the bottom. The second master opened a door on the side, which was designed by water pressure. After passing the high and low passages, there should be no water. Sure enough, in the past, there was a restored room with a big coffin, which should be the coffin of the commander. The second master went there and pushed the coffin away. He looked inside and said.

"It's the coffin of the commander."

He reached out and took something out and put it in his arms without letting me see it.

"We can go."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. We went back, and the cover on the water mound was actually opened, and the ladder was also placed there. I stood there and didn't move. The second master didn't care about that and climbed up.

I then climbed up. When we went out, there was no one outside. According to reason, there should be many people holding big sticks, but there was nothing.

The second master took a look and ran away. I followed. The second master went straight to the station.

When we got on the bullet train, I felt that the second master was a little wrong.

The second master ignored me, closed his eyes, and his hands were always in front of his chest to protect that thing. When I went to the toilet, the second master opened his eyes but didn't say anything.

I don't know what the second master took from the coffin, and it was also a strange thing that we left smoothly. When I came back, the second master was not in the seat. I thought it was the toilet over there, so I sat down and waited, but half an hour later, the second master had not come back.

I began to look for it, but I couldn't find it. From beginning to end, I called the second master's mobile phone and turned it off. Where did the second master go? I don't know.

When I was worried, a woman screamed.

"Ghost, Ghost..."

The woman was probably so scared that she rolled and crawled again and again. I was stunned for a moment. I think it should have something to do with the second master.

The policeman came and stabilized the woman's mood before she figured it out. She saw an old man in the aisle, but it was gone in a blink of an eye. When she turned around, she saw it again, and then it was gone.

I trembling. It must be the second master. What on earth is this second master doing? The policeman didn't believe what the woman said.

I don't look for the second master anymore. It seems that the second master lives well and scares people to play when he has nothing to do.

I returned to my seat. As soon as I sat down, I felt that someone was pulling me. I saw that there was no one around me. I knew it was the second master. I didn't know what the second master was playing. I didn't move.

The second master pulled me again. I didn't pay attention to him. If you talk to me, I can't see you. I know what you want to do? This guy sometimes makes his head jump with the frog.

I don't know why the second master became angry. He came up and gave me a big mouth and hit it loudly. If it was like a loud song, everyone who could see me was looking at me. I covered my face and couldn't do it. Those people were also confused. The woman's scream just now was already very exciting. They were all nervous and looked at me seriously. .

I stood up, whistled and walked to the link of the carriage. When I got to the link, I lit a cigarette and was robbed by the second master. The cigarette hung in the air and smoked.

A man stood in front of the door on the other side smoking, looked back and saw the hanging smoke, stunned there.

"Magic." I said to the man, and then whispered, "Bother, you scare others. If you fart, you can say it."

The second master didn't say anything and was still smoking. I went up to grab it, but I didn't grab it. The man looked at the cigarette, smiled at me, threw down the cigarette butt and ran away.

I want to catch the second master, but I can't. Everything is empty. I turned around and walked back. I won't talk to you anymore. The second master didn't follow me. I went back to sit down and narrowed my eyes. I don't know how the second master became like this.

In fact, before I came to the south, I felt that something strange was going to happen. Although what the Zhou family did was incomprehensible to me, the second master was simply crazy in the end.

I'm going to get out of the car and change a car. When the car arrives at the station, I have to get off. These two goods are tossed around in the car, which will definitely be noticed by the police, so that I will have a lot of trouble. I can't say clearly. Even if I close me for two days, I'm not so comfortable.

I'm going down, but I'm pulled. I can't struggle blindly. I'm so angry that I'm going crazy.

In the middle of the night, we got to the station and got off the bus, and I didn't care about the second master. The goods must have followed me.

I took a taxi and went straight to the village. I knew that the second master was sitting in the back. When I heard the snoring, the driver braked and parked the car in the middle of the road. He stared with frightened eyes.

"I heard that this bus is haunted?"

I know he is referring to the bullet train I took. This matter can be spread quickly, probably by which netizen was sent to the Internet.

"Nonsense, there are no ghosts in the world."

The driver is still hesitating because the snoring is still there. I can't explain that the driver threw the car and ran away. I opened the door and got off the car. I don't want to wait for the police.

After walking a few streets, I changed another car. I think the second master must still be sleeping in the car.

I went back to the village and went to bed.

There was no movement in the morning. I think the second master must not have come back. I sat in the yard, and the door opened and closed again. A piece of human skin appeared on the stone table in the yard, with words on the skin, and the second master also appeared.

I was very popular at that time.

"What are you playing?"

"That skin is on me, I will be like this, and I don't want to be like this."

"What is this?"

"The corpse text."

I was stunned for a moment, and the corpse was actually written in human skin.

"What's the use of it?"

"Of course it's useful."

The second master took the skin, and the person was gone.

After he went upstairs, I followed. He put down his skin and someone appeared again. He lay on ** and fell asleep.

I look at the human skin. I don't know the words on it. The words are not full text. I really don't understand it. I picked up the human skin, and I was gone. I couldn't see myself in the mirror.

I hesitated for a moment and left with human skin. I thought this was interesting and I went home.

Before dawn, I went into my room. Ji Xiao slept gently and asked for my**. Everything here became hers. She was wearing underwear. I watched and thought about it for a long time. I stole one of her underwear. I don't think I'm from this family anymore. I have to get out of here.

I went to the tree hole. I don't think I have a place to go. I'm not going to let the second master find me again. I want to disappear completely in this world.

I was in a daze. I didn't know what to do next. I lost my home and couldn't go back now, and I didn't want to follow the second master like this. I didn't have a goal to be a gravekeeper. I know that I definitely can't do this job. I'm at a loss.

In the afternoon, I sat there drinking. I saw the second master coming and I dodged. The second master probably saw me out of the tree hole and the leaves on the ground were moving. He knew that I was here. I left immediately. The second master couldn't keep up with me for a while.

I don't know where I'm going. In fact, I really want to go home, but when I get home, Ji Xiaoqing, I can completely tell her the truth, but she is an orphan. Professor Liu raises her. Now Professor Liu doesn't know whether she is alive or die, and she really has nowhere to go. The most important thing is that I love her. With her.

I think I should go to Li Fu's house. There are many rooms, four sets, and there are only two men, and I also want to know how many good things there are in Li Fu's dark room.

I went to Li Fu's house. The old man was at home. I found a room and lay there. The old man didn't find me. Li Fu didn't come back until dark.