grave-keeping note

6. Box coffin

6. Box coffin

I have put on my diving suit. When the leader said something, I jumped into the lake. They ran over and let me go ashore. I ignored them and dived into the water.

At the bottom of the lake, I saw the boat. When I got into the boat's warehouse, there was no second master. I began to be nervous. The boat began to move. I got out and followed the fresh corpse boat. It swam to the east stone wall and stopped. Slowly the stone wall opened. The boat went in. I hesitated for a moment. When I was about to enter, the second master rushed out. He Draw it up.

We swam ashore, and the archaeologist captain hugged the second master. I don't know what that means.

The second master said coldly.

"Tomorrow morning, you choose another team member and come down with me."

The second master and I drank in the tent and didn't let other people in. He told me that they had found the entrance, but they didn't enter the main mausoleum. It was just a second mausoleum. After he let them in, they stopped caring about it.

I knew that the second master would not let them enter the mausoleum.

In the morning, the second master talked with the archaeologist captain. He only took him into the mausoleum. He didn't care about anything else, and nothing in the future. The archaeological captain couldn't make a decision, and finally asked the leader for instructions.

The leader agreed.

The second master took me and the archaeological captain. A team member went down and arrived at the stone wall. The second master patted the stone wall with his hand, and the stone wall staggered. We went in and entered the mausoleum through the waterway. It was very big, the second master said.

"Our task has been completed. When we leave the mausoleum, just shoot the stone wall."

"Can you stay and help us complete the task?"

"No, I'm all bullying teachers and destroying my ancestors."

The second master insisted, and I could see that the captain and team members were very nervous. The second master took me out. After going ashore, he talked to the leader and left.

When we returned to the village, the second master called me upstairs, opened a picture and let me see it.

I looked at it for a long time before I realized that it was a picture of the underground palace.

"Where is the underground palace?"

"I designed it for the ancestral tomb."

I was stunned. The second master had such a plan. No wonder he got so much money.

The underground palace map is divided into eight parts. It looks like a whole, but it is actually eight separate tombs. Each cave has a different mechanism. There is an annotation below. The organ is not physical, all mysterious, that kind of martial arts, and even evil things such as witchcraft.

I know that this thing is the life of the second master. He used all his things, which can be said to be the ultimate.

"I want to be good, but in addition to money, I also need people. I'm afraid such a big project is not that simple."

The second master looked at me and didn't say anything. He took me into the mountain the next day. After walking into the mountain for an hour, he stopped and said.

"This is this place. In front is the Green Dragon Mountain, and behind is the water of Yuanbao. Now we are standing in the Dragon Cave, which is the land of Yinsun."

I think the second master's idea is good, but I'm afraid it's not that easy to implement. After we went back, the second master put away the map and never mentioned this matter again. It is estimated that it will be difficult to implement.

Li Fu also came to the leader.

"Mr. Zhang, two people have gone in for two days, and there is no movement at all, and our positioning system is not working well."

"I said that I can only do this, and I can't do anything else."

"Mr. Zhang, if you don't help us with this matter, I'm afraid those two will be like Professor Liu."

"It's none of my business."

The leader was a little afraid and looked at Li Fu.

"Second Master, you should help others to the end of this matter."

"Li Fu, you are not the most fucking thing. I'm a gravekeeper. You're torturing me. Get out of here immediately."

They left, and I looked at the second master.

"They will come again."

The second master was angry.

"Let's see how I treat them."

The second master went out, went to the opposite grave, sat there and cried, and the crying came here. The sadness made me feel uncomfortable.

When the second master came back, he sprinkled a layer of things in the gate and told me.

"You can't walk through the wall."

"What is that?"

"The old lady's ashes, she said that she would help me if she died. This time I let them know how powerful the old lady is."

I trembling as soon as I heard it. This old lady is really evil.

The next day, Li Fu and the leader came again. They entered the yard. After sitting down, there was no reaction. I took a look at the second master, and the second master smiled evilly.

Li Fu's face changed after sitting down for five minutes.

"Second Master, you are poisonous enough."

Li Fu ran away, and the leader was stunned there. He talked with the second master for two hours. The second master still disagreed, but he could let me have a look.

Li Fu completely ran away. He disappeared. I don't know what the second master said.

My leader and I went to the lake. The lake was calm and nothing happened. The calmer it is, the more disturbing it is. Moreover, the municipal TV station does not stop reporting on the situation of entering the mausoleum.

When I was about to go down, I found a shadow behind the leader. I looked closely and found that it was the old lady's. It was half empty. I trembling.

"I won't go down today. I'll go down tomorrow morning."

The leader was a little angry, but he still resisted. He knew that there was nothing he could do.

In fact, I'm waiting for the old lady to cripple the leader, so I don't have to go down. Things are not as simple as I thought. The leader had nothing to do until dawn, and I had to go down.

When I went down, I asked a team member to follow me. The leader did not agree, and an expert was sent to follow me. The expert was also nervous, which I could see.

I'll go down and the expert will follow me.

When I arrived at the stone wall, I patted the stone wall. After staggering it, I went in. The expert followed, crossed the waterway and took off my diving suit. I looked around, an empty stone room of dozens of square meters without a door. But the archaeological captain and the team member were not in this stone.

"There is a door here. Look for it."

The expert and I looked around but couldn't find it. When I looked up, I saw a pattern, which was an eight-pole picture. I don't like this kind of picture the most. I think something will always happen.

The expert also saw it, and he asked me what I meant.

"It's boring."

"Mr. Zhang, don't be emotional?"

"Do not float me, I will fly."

I know that he is a virtual me. In their eyes, people like me are bullshit. The expert looked at me and smiled. He looked up at the eight-pole map and kept thinking about it.

In fact, I have also been thinking about it. The second master told me that it is simply a great success, and everything is actually not so complicated.

What did the expert draw on the notebook?

I asked him to show me. He handed me the book, which was full of numbers. I almost vomited after reading it. This is the expert. I asked him to give me the pen. I remember the second master said that the eight poles are born with each other.

Since I live right, I will draw one on the ground.

I took the strokes and drew the eight-pole map. This broken thing is still a little troublesome for me. Looking at the drawing, I was sweating profusely and finished it in an hour, and I don't know whether it's right or wrong.

The expert looked at me, and I knew that expression was strange.

I just finished painting, and it opened well under my feet. A big stone slab couldn't fall down at once. The expert shouted, which was extremely horrible.

We fell into the water. I don't like water very much. From hanging out with the second master, we always deal with water.

I swam to a platform to rest. I don't know how deep the water is.

This time, the eyes of the experts looking at me seem to have changed a little, my vanity has been a little satisfied, and people have this kind of disgusting thing.

I pointed to the water and said.

"I don't think there is anything above. There should be something below."

The expert looked at me and understood that the educated person was, no need to explain, he hesitated and still went into the water. I think it's popular. I'm afraid of water on long roads and ghosts on short roads. I don't understand this water at all. I'm afraid.

The expert was also extremely nervous. He jumped into the water and choked. After a long time, he recovered. He took a look at me and pierced it.

When the expert came up, he was so panicked that he almost didn't know how to swim. He struggled to come up.

"There are things, square boxes one by one, countless, staggered."

I know that it is a box of coffins. People who are not heavy are buried in it. The small box is only 400 to 500 centimeters. The bones of those dead people were smashed and put in, full of resentment.

After talking to the expert, the expert trebleed. I don't think he should be afraid to this extent. They should have seen more things. Probably the reason why this mausoleum is always dead, so he is afraid. People are afraid of death, which is understandable.

"Have you taken a closer look at it? How is the box coffin placed?"

"I'm scared to death. Let's watch it."

At this time, I heard that this expert was a southerner. When I was nervous, Southern dialect came out.

"Go on."

The expert listened to me and almost shouted.


"Go down."

I'm almost speaking in the tone of a leader. It's really a pleasure to command people. No wonder everyone wants to be a leader, especially an expert.

The expert didn't know what he muttered. It was probably in English. I couldn't understand it. Of course, that was definitely not a good word. I stood up and kicked him down. He shouted and scolded me again in the water.

The expert dived again, and when he came up again, he took pen and paper to draw for me.

I finished reading it and thought about it for a long time. Those boxes of coffins turned out to be a device, but there was a point in each product of crying. I don't know what that means.

I thought that there was something wrong with these four points, and I took a look at the expert.

"I'll go down."

After all, he is an expert and is very smart.

"Bear these four boxes of coffins."

I pointed to the four dots in my mouth. It's normal for him to look at me and suspect me.

The expert went down. He took a box of coffins at a time. Once he went down, and I opened a box of coffins. It was not a bone, but a grain-like thing. There was only one, the size of a nail, which seemed that the box was so big. I put this thing in my pocket. I'll go back and ask two. What is the master?