grave-keeping note

22. Manipulator

22. Manipulator

He turned around the stone in vain. The second master moved the stone to the bottom of the stairs, and then stood there and jumped up and down, not knowing what to toss.

Suddenly, the hand stretched out. It was so fast that I almost caught the second master. I grabbed the stone with my hand, and it got stuck, and then I heard the sound of squeaking. I was stunned.

In less than half a minute, the hand broke, and the second master laughed. This guy is still a little tricky.

I climbed up with the second master in my arms, and the second master took me up and went up. If it was broken and the stone was stuck there, I looked at the second master. The second master shook his head and looked at me.

"Spmash the edge."

It's me again. When I got that stone just now, my hands had blood blisters. I looked at the second master and stretched out my hand.

The second master shook his head and smashed it himself. After a few times, the stone moved. The second master and I pushed the stone down, and the second master asked me to drill through it first.

I got over, and there were also steps, but I didn't go down. There were many organs in the mausoleum that you couldn't think of, so I had to be careful everywhere.

The second master crawled over and pushed me down at once. I rolled down. When I got up, the second master also came down, and I turned my face at that time.

"What are you doing? Even if you can't come, you don't have to push me. Let me tell you, I've had enough of you. Go out and leave immediately. Don't come to me.

The second master gave me a blank look and didn't take it seriously.

The rooms here are dark rooms one by one. Each dark room has no door, only a few small openings to look in. I knew that it was not a good thing. I leaned low and squatted in the dark. Those small mouths were definitely not good small mouths.

The second master also dodged the position facing the small mouth, turned around, and leaned against the wall to smoke. The second master asked me for a flashlight. I threw the flashlight over and looked at him.

The second master threw away the cigarette. He slowly stood up, aimed at the small mouth of a room, and lit it with a flashlight. He didn't turn his head. Seeing that there was no response for a long time, the second master slowly looked in.

"Do you understand what that little mouth is doing?"

My words shocked the second master. He turned his head and roared at me.

"Shut up."

The second master slowly looked in again. He looked at it for a long time, changed his mouth, still tried, and then looked in. When he saw the last room, I thought there should be something wrong.

As soon as the second master put his face over, he jumped away and shouted.

There was a "bang" in it. I only saw the light, only heard the sound, and nothing came out.

The second master covered his face and squatted down slowly, and I knew there was something wrong. I ran over and looked at the second master without seeing the bleeding.

"What's the matter, Second Master?"

"It hurts."

I asked him to put down his hand, and his face turned purple. I don't know what's going on.

"It has become purple."

The second master didn't say anything and recovered for a long time, but the purple was still there, as scary as a ghost.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know, but there is someone in it, this room."

After the second master said that, he handed me the telegram, which meant that I should go to see it. I won't go to see it. I got a big purple face. How can I meet people when I go out in the future?

"See who it is?"

"I haven't seen it clearly yet. I don't know what's going on. It's just like this."

I sat aside, and the second master looked at me. If I don't go to see it, I won't listen to the second master easily. It's definitely not good.

"Go and see if it's Professor Liu. If so, we will find a way to take people out and then leave."

"I'm going to go. Anyway, you're all like this. Don't hurt me anymore. I still want to find a wife!"

The second master jumped up and rode on me with a single electric cannon. This two-hand man was actually full of strength. I was beaten, wiped the blood on my face, pointed to the second master and said.

"Lao Deng, I tell you, I'm giving you a face. If you want to hit me, I won't hit you on the head without a question mark. I don't care if you call me second master."

The second master was stunned, and I leaned aside and stared at the second master.

The second master picked up the flashlight and walked over there.

I want to stop it. I know what I just said was heavy, but that guy shouldn't have come up with an electric cannon, which made me confused and risked that.

The second master went over and was probably angry. He looked inside and looked back for a long time.

"It's Professor Liu, but he is dead and rotten."

The second master looked in front of that room. I didn't move. The second master looked at it for a long time, shook his head, and then looked at the small mouth. The small mouth was only half the size of his head. It was impossible to get in, but Professor Liu could go in, that is, there was an entrance, but why couldn't he get out?

I turned around and looked around. When I looked back again, the second master was gone, and I was so scared that I jumped up.

"Second Master, Second Master..."

"I'm here."

The second master's voice came out of the small hole. I ran over and the second master held a flashlight.

"How did you get in?"

"I don't know, I came in with a sway."

I'll go, this bastard. It seems that there must be something wrong with this wall. I can't get too close.

"Look, can you come out of it?"

The second master looked inside for half an hour and didn't find the exit. I knew it was over. If Professor Liu could come out at the beginning, he would have come out. Professor Liu is an expert in archaeology and has seen various tombs and mausoleums, and his experience is also quite rich.

I looked in, and the second master sat in the corner smoking.

"Second master, give me your clothes."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll get you a crown!"

"Get out of here."

The second master's voice, like a beast, scared me back several steps. I saw that I had to find a way out. I slowly patted the wall. Suddenly, my hand was empty and I jumped away. I knew it. It was a shadow wall with a shadow door. You didn't see anything. If you leaned against it, you would lean in at once. After entering, the door over there would be locked and locked. It's impossible to come out.

So that's it. I broke out in a cold sweat. I sat in the corner thinking, but I couldn't figure out a way.

"Second master, give me a cigarette."

The second master handed me the cigarette.

"Pump against the wall."


"It's too rushing to push you down."

This guy is still joking at this time. This broken cigarette is really exhausting. I smoked twice, and my stomach smoked and spit out sour water. I threw away the cigarette, took off my trousers, pulled them into strips, and tied them together. I don't know if this method works.

I slowly leaned over and threw the cloth outside. I stuck it to the wall and it was inside. I pulled the cloth, and the second master was stunned when he saw me.

"Second-hand, why did you come in? I'm still counting on you to find a mechanism outside. How's it now?

I pasted the wall again and came out. This trick really works. It's like a door with cloth and can't be closed. I asked the second master to fix Professor Liu's body.

The second master knew that I had a way, and he asked me to go in and get it.

"Do it! It stinks. It's not completely rotten yet.

I don't pay attention to the second master. If you don't make me go in.

The second master finished the body. I looked in from a small mouth, and the second master wrapped the body with his own clothes. I went in and let the second master grab the rope, and we came out.

The second master put down the body and covered his nose.

"It's so fucking stinky. You'll carry it later."

I gestured behind the second master to strangle this guy.

The second master turned around and wanted to go back from the steps, but he looked over and shrank his head back.

"I can't go back. I have to find another place."

If you can find it, you should have found it just now. It seems to be troublesome. The second master sat there thinking about something, and suddenly he jumped up.

I seem to be used to it.

"When I go in, the door out should be inside."

I was stunned for a moment.

"There are thirteen rooms in total, and one of them must be a channel."

"When you enter this room, it is still a shadow door, and then go in, there is a passage."

"Yes, you're right. Pick up some cloth strips to prevent accidents."

I looked at myself. There was only one pair of underwear, and the second master had to take off his trousers. After receiving the cloth strips, the second master asked me to carry Professor Liu on my back. I followed closely. Sure enough, one by one was connected. When I went to the last room, there was a door, but it couldn't be opened. It was like a painting. The second master touched and said.

"It was actually painted."

I put Professor Liu down, walked over and touched it. It was painted and lost his face.

"Do you dare to do it?"

The second master looked at me after saying that.

"I dare not, I'm not as bold as you."

I want to say that he didn't squat, but I dare not.

"Plip the cloth in."

I was stunned. If I pull in and the door on the painting won't open, we will die in this last room.

The second master pulled the cloth, and I was shocked. I wanted to go out, but the second master didn't give me a chance. The ramen was fast, and he did it quickly.

The cloth was pulled in, and there was no response at all. The second master was a little confused.

I really want to strangle him. I sat against the wall in the corner. The second master turned around, and it would be like this when he was hairy.

"Second Master, don't turn around and stay well. We will only die here like Professor Liu, but it's not bad."

The second master came over and gave me a few feet, and I stared at him.

"What are you staring at? Stinky mouth."

The painted door actually opened. Damn it, the painted door can be opened. I went to take a closer look. It was painted with chalk. I was stunned. It seemed that it was not painted by ancient people. It should have been painted by Professor Liu. He found this door, but why didn't he go out? It was strange. I found the chalk head, which was not wrong.

I went out with Professor Liu's body on my back. This is indeed a general strip. In the past, it was a pool. I dived from the pool and went to the lake.

We arrived at the lake in the middle of the night, and the fresh corpse boat was next to us.


"You also get on that boat. We can't control it."


The second master shouted at me. The second master climbed into the boat first, got the body on the boat, and pulled me up.

The ship was still empty. The second master went down to open the warehouse, which was also empty. He asked me to put Professor Liu's body in it. I don't know what it means.

"Town boat."

I don't understand that this evil ship can be suppressed.

"Fresh corpse boat, no corpse empty, those fishermen on the sea know that they are very afraid of such a boat. They want to sacrifice to avoid disaster. I have always wondered how this ship came to this lake."

So it's like this, but it's scary enough. I'm not afraid of Professor Liu's body, but because of this strange ship, I don't know when it will appear.

The second master actually got a flag and sat in the bow, which was really deadly. The light on the shore was first one, and then it turned on. I guess this position, the second master on the ship could not be seen clearly on the shore, and he must have been in a panic.

The second master is happy in the bow of the ship, and the "cooing" music shows that he is laughing badly.

This goods is hairy on the shore, and the small cannon is coming to blow up the ship. The second master got into the water as a tall man, which is forced.

"We, we..."

The cannon is not fired. This cannon is powerful enough to hit the water, and the water is more than ten meters high. The second master floated up and looked at me.

"What's going on?"

I ignored him, stretched out my hand and pulled him up. The boat leaned against the shore, and the second master jumped to the shore and scolded.

"Which bastard can shoot? Want to blow us up!"

The leader came over and said he was sorry. I'll go. If this gun is hit, it will be over. If you say sorry, it will be over. The second master was so angry that he stalked his neck.

"Professor Liu's body is under the boat."

Several people jumped on the boat and carried Professor Liu's body down. Ji Xiaoqing got out of the tent. I didn't expect that he would still be here.

Li Fu came out. I was stunned for a moment. The second master saw Li Fu turn his head and didn't want to talk to him.

Ji Xiao gently jumped on Professor Liu's body, and I turned my head.

The second master said something to the leader and then waved to me. I left with the second master, and I will look back if I don't go far.

"You'd better go back. Ji Xiaoqing has no relatives. Professor Liu is her adoptive father. Now you are the only one. Go back! I took a look at myself and only wore underwear.

The second master returned and told the leader that a set of clothes came later. I put it on. The second master patted me on the shoulder and then shook his head again. I don't know what that means.