grave-keeping note

29. New handle

29. New handle

We can only wait for an opportunity.

Half a month later, Master Yi told us that he was going to go into the mountain, hoping that we would be honest.

After Master Yi left, the second master told me that this was an opportunity, but I don't think it's that simple.

I walked to the door, and the second master stood in the middle of the yard.

"There is a black one on that door. You slowly untie it."

I looked carefully and saw the black line, which was like hair. I carefully untied it, put it aside, and opened the door. I heard a strange sound. I closed the door again and looked back at the second master.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard a strange sound."

"Listen again, what's the sound?"

I opened the door again, and then I shouted, and the three-inch jumped out. He jumped into the yard and stared at the second master.

The second master actually laughed. I don't know what he laughed. What he was most afraid of was three inches. Did the second master go crazy again?

The second master squatted down slowly, and I saw his hand bleeding and falling on his head. Three-inch Ding wanted to avoid it but did not dodge. The blood soaked on the three-inch Ding's head, and for a moment it was red.

The second master grabbed the three-inch Ding in his hand and went straight into the room.

I followed up, and the second master asked me to dig on the ground. Halfway through the excavation, the second master came in, which shocked me and the second master. I didn't expect that the second master would come back.

I thought the rickly master would be embarrassed, but he didn't. He looked at me and the second master and I smiled.

"Lao Zhang, you have some skills. I really underestimated you."

The second master ignored the rickly master.

"Are you still digging?"

Sometimes I do this, asking this kind of second-handed words.

"You still dig a fart."

I left with the second master. The second master held three inches in his hand, and we went straight to the old lady's grave. The second master jumped into the grave, picked up the bones, wrapped them in clothes, and went back to the small building.

He put the bone into a black jar, put three inches in it, then sealed it, and dug a pit and buried it in the northwest corner of the yard.

After the second master finished this, the deputy mayor came with Ji Xiaoqing, just the two of them. They came in without saying anything, so they sat there and looked at the second master.

The second master ignored them, lay there and continued to sleep.

I went back to my room, and Ji Xiao came in lightly.

"I think..."

I waved my hand.

"Don't say, it's useless to talk to me."

Ji Xiao said no. She stood for a while and then went out.

When I heard the deputy mayor and the second master quarrel, it was already dark.

I didn't expect them to quarrel. What they quarreled about was about Ling, and there was nothing else but this.

It was midnight when the deputy mayor took Ji Xiao away.

The second master called me upstairs and told me to prepare to leave this bitter place.

"Where are you going?"

"All the way north."

Keep going north, that's Inner Mongolia, which is a farther away, a barbarian land.

The second master took me away the next morning. Before dawn, we left and kept walking from the mountains. The second master told me that after crossing the mountains, we arrived at the place we were going to.

I think if you pass through this mountain, you won't be able to do it for half a month, and you can't get lost or go the wrong way.

I don't know what the second master wants to do with this hard work? We could completely bypass the mountain and take a car to get to where he needed to go, but he didn't, but chose to walk.

The road in the mountains is not easy to walk. By noon, I felt tired. The second master sat down to rest and eat.

"We can choose other ways."

"Only this way can get to that place."

I don't believe the second master's words. He is very stubborn.

In this way, we walked for nearly 20 days. Twenty days later, the second master told me that we would be there soon.

At this time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. After dark, we would find a place to live. Today, the second master did not stop. It turned out that he would arrive soon.

At nearly ten o'clock, we stopped and saw a bright light under the mountain like a castle.

"The castle has existed for thousands of years. No one lives here, and no one knows it, and this is our hometown. Our ancestors have lived here for nearly a thousand years. This is the Xinla people, a nation that no longer exists."

I was stunned there. The castle looked magnificent. The high tower in the middle looked beautiful. The wind bell rang, soft but transparent.

The second master and I went down and walked on the stone road to the castle with a strange feeling.

"We don't want to enter the castle now, just live in the stone house outside the castle."

"We can find a more comfortable place to live."


I don't know why it doesn't work, and I don't want to ask. This is the virtue of this second master.

We entered the cabin and it was very exquisite.

After dinner, the second master and I fell asleep. We were so tired that we didn't have the heart to study anything.

When I got up in the morning, I came out and was stunned. The castle was indeed very majestic. In addition to the tallest tower, the four-story stone buildings built on the mountain were full of mystery, and the windows were full of hanging vines. The road to the four-story building is made of stone.

The second master pointed to a window in the east and said.

"That's the room. Don't go in the other rooms."

I feel that this castle is very strange and a little scared. We went along the stone road and entered the room. The room was dark but very dry. It could be seen that it was well ventilated and the design was very reasonable.

There are daily necessities in the room. Those things are very novel. I suddenly thought of one thing.

Ten years ago, I was fascinated by those adventure books. In fact, one of the books is about a city, the disappeared castle, a new La people, which is a nation living in the mountains. These people all have strange feelings. They can feel what is going to happen and have never been missed. However, no one can find this nation because they can feel what is going to happen in three days, so no one can access the castle.

Is this the mysterious castle?

The second master was looking for something in the room. On a wall, there was a concave square place with some strange things on it, and the second master stood in front of it. When I went there, the second master reached out and picked up something.

"This is the thing."

This thing is very strange, like a hand, but it's not used. It's black. I don't know what it is.


"This is the feeling of the new La people, or something that predicts that something will happen in three days, called a new hand-in-handed."

It turned out that the second master came to look for this thing.

The second master and I came out and sat on the stone platform outside. Looking down, this is indeed a very beautiful city.

"This is our hometown. Although we have never lived here, our ancestors have lived here and we are descendants of the Xinla people, but we have lost the ability to predict what will happen in three days, and there are only 32 of us."

I didn't expect that I would be a descendant of the Xinla people. My household register can write Han people, and the second master wrote Manchu people, which is really a strange thing.

Maybe this Xinla people don't admit it, or they themselves want to hide that they are Xinla people.

The second master came this time to get the new hand. He probably needs this ability to predict. In fact, I think I should have it. It's a good thing to know everything that will happen in three days.

I want to go to other rooms to have a look. It is full of mystery. This is an ancient city that has disappeared in history. This ancient city is located somewhere in Changbai Mountain. Now I can't tell where it is. We have been walking for more than 20 days, and I have long turned to it.

The second master stared at me and told me.

"Don't plan to go to other rooms. I warn you, and the tower. You have to stay away. We'll stay here for a day and we'll leave tomorrow morning."

I woke up at night. The second master was not here. I came out and didn't see the second master. I don't know what the second master did.

I was suddenly shocked. On the day I came, I saw a room with a light, that kind of oil lamp. It showed that there must be someone. The castle that had disappeared for thousands of years, even the ever-old lamp, would not be lit for thousands of years. I shavered for a moment. It seemed that there were still people living here. It should be a Xinla people.

I looked up, and the light in that room was still on. I went to that room, the middle room. I leaned over and wanted to look through that small window.

"Come in!"

is the voice of the second master. He actually knew that I was coming. It seems that the new hand is not a false transmission. This ability of the Xinla clan is recorded in that book.

I went in, and the second master stood with his back to me. I also saw a man, but it was covered with a cloth. I couldn't understand what he said. What did the second master said in the same language as him.

More than ten minutes later, the second master and I came out.

"Let's get out of here immediately."

The second master suddenly decided to leave early. I don't know what happened.

The second master and I went back from the same road until dawn, and the second master sat down to rest.

"You have too many things to do. I'm worried about what will happen to you staying there. Your curiosity is too heavy."

This is the reason why I left early. In fact, I really want to know that castle. There is too much mystery there, and I won't forget everything there. What's more, it's the castle I knew ten years ago. It really exists. I simply don't believe that all this happened is true.

The second master took out his new hand and looked at it, and then shook his head.

"Second master, is there anything different from others besides this predictive ability?"

"Yes, there is only one. Our hearts are on the right."

I was stunned for a moment, but it was not mentioned in this book.

We walked for more than 20 days before returning to the small building. On the day I went back, I went to the city. I told the second master to go home to see my parents. In fact, I went to the hospital. What the second master said was true. My heart was really on the right, which made my heart feel shifted. I always thought that my heart was on the left. The face is no different from other people, but he grows on the right side.

I believe this time about the second master's statement, and I also believe that I am a new person. But I don't have the ability to attract new people. Maybe it's degeneration. He hides in some part of his body, not just a new handle.