grave-keeping note

30. Xinla people

30. Xinla people

When I got home, my mother mentioned Ji Xiaoqing. I knew what she meant and wanted me to marry Ji Xiaoqing as soon as possible. However, I hesitated now, and I can't see Ji Xiaoqing more and more clearly.

Three days later, I returned to the village. The second master sat in the yard drinking.

I still want to go to that castle, although it's far away. The second master fiddled with the new handle, and I thought it was a little evil.

"Second Master, can you predict what will happen in three days?"

"In fact, we have dressed up this ability to predict, and this new handle may awaken this ability hidden in our bodies."

I felt very strange when I held the new handle. I couldn't say what it felt.

The second master took the new hand over and put it in his arms.

I don't know if the second master's predictive ability will be awakened. I think it's magical.

It was very quiet this week, and no one came. I thought the deputy mayor would come again, but he didn't come. Maybe they came up with some good idea.

The second master and I were drinking in the yard that day.

"There are fallen leaves, and winter is coming again."

After saying that, the second master killed the wine.

"Every winter in the bitter cold land in the north will last for six months."

"The land of barbarians, the bitter cold land, someone will come tomorrow."

The second master didn't match the meaning before and after. He jumped too fast. I was stunned for a moment before I figured out. It seems that the second master's ability has come out. Let's see if someone will come tomorrow.

The next morning, someone knocked on the door, and the second master's predictive ability came out.

I went to open the door, and I was stunned. It turned out to be the man wearing a list in the castle. I still can't see his face. I can only see his eyes, which are also small and can't see the content.

I let him in. He went upstairs and closed the door.

The man stayed for an hour and then left.

"Second Master, what is he doing here? Is he a newcomer?

"You will know slowly in the future."

The second master didn't tell me and went upstairs to sleep. I'm surprised. What is this person doing here? That's not a short distance. There must be something wrong.

The second master got up in the afternoon, asked me to lock the door, and then jumped in through the wall. It seemed that the second master knew that someone was coming.

As soon as I came in and sat for a while, someone knocked on the door. My second master and I didn't say anything, and the man actually jumped in. When I looked out through the crack of the window, it turned out to be Li Fu.

What on earth is Li Fu going to do? Why is the second master afraid of him? He also asked me to lock the door outside.

Li Fu pushed the door and came. The second master came out, took a stick, and slamed at Li Fu. Li Fu dodged and climbed over the wall and came out.

"Old Zhang, just lend me that thing for a few days."

"Get out of here."

The second master was so angry that he jumped around in the yard. After Li Fu left, the second master was still scolding there.

Li Fu must have borrowed the six-shaped and six-heart thing from the second master.

When the small building was surrounded by some people who didn't understand the truth, the second master and I were already by the lake, and the second master knew that these people were coming.

Those people by the lake are still tossed around.

I can't think of any new tricks. I don't know what the second master's plan is. He has always wanted to shut down this mausoleum, but there is nothing he can do.

This gravekeeper is really miserable. Without these things, maybe we can live quietly. The second master suddenly jumped up.

"Go back, go back, someone entered the ancestral tomb."

I was stunned for a moment and ran back with the second master. We entered the yard and it was very quiet. Those people left, and nothing seemed to have happened. The second master went straight to the backyard, and he did not intend to enter the ancestral tomb.

The second master stood at the well, and the well water flowed out. When outsiders came in, the well water would overflow. The second master told me. Sure enough, people went into the ancestral tomb.

"Stay here, bring the table, bring the wine, and cook some food."

I finished all this, and my second master and I sat there drinking.

It was dark, and the well was still flowing, flowing out of the yard along the waterway. I don't know when that person will come out, I don't know who is below, and the second master doesn't know that his prediction ability is not so great.

"Second master, lend me that new hand."

"Get out of here." The second master rolled his eyes.

I'm an ass, I really want to beat him up.

I stayed with the second master all night, but the man hadn't come out yet. The second master seems to be very patient. If I had gone down to mutilated that product.

The sun rose and the well water did not flow. The second master stood up at once, and the two of us held sticks.

A man came out of the well. That person turned out to be Li Fu's father. My second master and I were stunned. The old man was dying, and he still had this strength. That must have been pretended.

When the second master's stick went down, the old man withdrew again.

The second master threw down the stick and said.

"If you stay here, he won't dare to come up for a while."

The second master went back to sleep, and I stayed here. The second master didn't come until the afternoon.

"Go to sleep!"

As soon as I went back to sleep, I heard the backyard jumping. I jumped up and rushed to the backyard. There is nothing left in the backyard. The speed is fast enough, and the well water is also coming out, indicating that the people in the well have escaped.

The second master didn't know where he went. Did he chase people or were they taken away? I trembling in my heart.

The second master should be able to know that someone will come and chase him out.

I climbed over the wall and chased along the road behind the mountain. I chased for an hour and didn't catch up. I felt something was wrong. I went to Li Fu's house. If I want to find the second master, I have to go to Li Fu's house. Li Fu's father may have been able to take away the things from his ancestral tomb. Li Fu has always wanted the six-shaped six hearts.

The next day, I went to Li Fu's house. I didn't go in and hid in the distance to see the situation. It was very quiet until dark.

After dark, I climbed over the wall without lights, but it can't be said that there is no one in the room. Li Fu's babies are here, and they can't leave people.

I approached the window and heard a whisper. It was very light. I couldn't hear it, but it must be two men. I looked through several rooms, and there was no one except that room.

I went back to the yard and hid in the corner.

The two people in the room came out, not Li Fu or Li Fu's father. Maybe these two people are relatives of the Li Fu family.

Two people opened the room and turned over. I think I guessed wrong. Maybe they came to Li Fu's house to steal something. In this village, no one doesn't know Li Fu's family. He is a big thief. I don't know how many people are thinking about it.

I wanted to leave here and go out of the door. Just as I was about to move, a man rushed in and made me tremble. He shouted softly inside.

"People are back."

The two ran out.

After they ran away, I was ready to leave. One person came in. It was Li Fu, just one person. It was really strange. I suddenly stood up and scared Li Fu to death, "Oh my God!" One sound.

"What are you doing?"

"The thief entered your house just now. I drove it away for you. Do you want to see if you have lost anything?"

Li Fu was stunned for a moment.

"There's nothing to lose in my house. I have to guard against it when it's your boy."

"Li Fu, where's your father?"

"I'm sick and hospitalized. I just came back from the hospital."

"Are you sick? I think there is something wrong with the head.

"Don't talk nonsense, say something quickly."

"I think you should know something."

Li Fu stared at me and turned into the room. It was useless for me to pester him. I turned around and left. I waited outside. It's impossible for Li Fu's father not to come back.

The next day, at dawn, Li Fu left with something.

I followed him. He really went to the hospital. I followed him up. Li Fu's father was really hospitalized. I went to check the time. It was the hospital where I lived today, so it must be Li Fu's father who came out of the well.

I called the second master's mobile phone, but it didn't work. Where will the second master go? This is a strange thing.

I want to find the second master as soon as possible. I always feel that the second master has been brought somewhere by Li Fu.

I returned to Li Fu's house again. There was no one at home. The room was turned upside down. I walked around and found nothing.

I dug out the stone slab with a shovel in the yard, and then went down. There was still no way to open the door. I guess this is an iron house, which is less than one meter thick and half a meter thick. I'm afraid it's very difficult to enter.

There is no keyhole on the iron, and I don't know how Li Fu and the others got in.

I came out, recovered, sat in the yard and thought about how to do it. I couldn't figure out a way. The disappearance of the second master made me feel weird. The second master stayed in the yard and there was a movement. It took me to go out for only a few minutes.

I left Li Fu's house and returned to the small building. I looked in the backyard and found nothing. I took out the compass and found the benefits at the entrance. I entered the ancestral tomb. In fact, I don't like this ancestral tomb very much. It's gloomy and uncomfortable.

When I walked in, Li Fu's father came in for six hearts.

I walked to the house, and the door lock had been smashed. I went in, and the place with six hearts was empty. My heart trembling. It seemed that Li Fu's father had won.

I came out of the ancestral tomb, and I think I have to go to Li Fu's father. When I went to the hospital, Li Fu's father was discharged from the hospital. Only then did I know that I had been cheated. I think the one in the basement of Li Fu's house should be empty.

They disappeared completely.

At this time, I feel that something may happen to the second master. I'm worried, but I don't know where the second master will go.

I found Ji Xiaoqing. Sure enough, Li Fu disappeared. Maidi came over and asked me about my second master.

"Stay away."

Maidi was stunned for a moment, and then stared at me. I went up to an electric cannon. The foreigner covered his face and squatted down. Someone rushed up to catch me. Ji Xiao stopped him gently, and she asked me to leave quickly.

I left the lake. I don't know where to go. I can only go back to the village. As soon as I entered the village, Master Yi appeared and stopped me.

"Is your second master missing?"

"Yes, I can't find him."

"I want to know where he is, but I don't know if you agree?"

"What can I do?"

"Come home with me."