grave-keeping note



I watched the second master's head hit a prominent square stone. There was no sound. The second master shook it and looked at it in terrible pain. I want to be happy, but I don't dare.

"Little bastard, you can see it and don't tell me."

When I went there, the second master covered his head and grinned. It's not big here, similar to the bottom, but there are a few protruding stones. I can see that, like the teeth of the key, I still can't find a mechanism that can move the key.

We turned around a few times and didn't find that it was a strange thing.

We went back. I got into the key hole and looked at it for a long time, but I didn't find anything. When I heard the sound, the key was actually inserted into the hole.

I was so scared that I shouted, and a taller rushed out. If I had another second or two at night, I would have become a meat mud.

The whole room made a loud noise, and the room was still trembling. I'm worried that it will collapse at any time.

The room tilted, and the second master and I stood on the other side. The room was still rotating. We stood on that side from this side, and the whole room turned around, returned to its original appearance and stopped.

It's so quiet. The quieter it is, the more scared I am. I always feel that something big is happening.

"Is it so quiet?"

When I spoke, the second master almost kicked me.

The room suddenly shook again, and I shivered.

The room began to sink. After sinking three meters, it stopped and began to slide. It seemed to be moving forward, probably sliding into the mausoleum. I looked at the second master, but the second master didn't look at me at all. He looked around and was ready to jump out at any time. I stared at the second master closely and followed him at any time.

The room stopped, and the wall that the second master had just leaned against fell down, very slowly. Obviously, it was controlled by an organ. The second master also shuddered at the sudden appearance of the situation.

We stood still. After the whole wall fell down, we saw a passageway, which was luxurious. This was the most luxurious place I had ever seen. Not to mention bright, the whole passage was probably made of crystal. Citrine, green crystal, amethyst and black crystal were divided into four sections.

I stepped in, and the second master grabbed me and didn't let me go.

"Don't be reckless. Did you see the end of the passage? There seems to be something squatting there."

"I can't see it clearly, so I have to go in and have a look."

We took a few steps forward and didn't enter the passage. We still couldn't see clearly. It really seemed to be something squatting there, but we couldn't see it.

The second master stood there and looked left and right, which made me upset.

"You go there, and I'll be here to observe the situation for you. If there is a situation, I'll call you."

It's me again, what else can I do?

I tried to move forward step by step. The passage was really beautiful. The light emitted by those crystals made me feel that I was in heaven. When I thought of heaven, I felt that it was not a good thing.

When I got to one-third, I still didn't see clearly what was squatting there. In fact, it was so close that I could see it clearly, but I still couldn't see it clearly, because it must be unfamiliar to me. If there was a dog squatting there and stood in the position of the second master, it would be I can see clearly.

I'm not sure what it is. I stopped and felt that it was very terrible.

"Why did you stand still?"

The second master asked me.

"I don't know what that is. I'm not sure."

"Go forward, if it's a man, go ahead."

This guy just wants to kill me. I walked slowly. In fact, I could completely choose to go back, but I still walked forward.

I almost finished the whole passage, and I saw clearly that it was a beast that I had never seen at all. Manling has always been very strange. I'm afraid that Yongling's dragon is also the only one in the world, and there are also several mausoleums, which are also very unique.

I turned around and waved my hand to the second master and asked him to come over.

The second master came over and stood with me.


"I haven't seen it."

"It's okay, but it's just a decoration. I guess it's like a dog, guarding the door."

The second master said it was okay, but he didn't go there and looked at me. I think it's like grabbing him and throwing him over. I couldn't help it. That's really unfilial. I won't beat or scold in my 70s.

When I walked over, I really didn't know the thing, and it made people sweat. That thing is so disgusting that its hair stands upright and sweats coldly. I avoid this thing and walk aside. The hall here is not big, but it is very luxurious. It is all crystals of various colors. The crystals are almost the same size and may be carefully selected.

At first glance, the second master was fine, and he became bold and looked around. There was nothing special.

"What is this place?"

"I really haven't seen this kind of mausoleum pattern. I don't know where it is."

The second master didn't know that when we were looking left and right, the monster suddenly came with such a voice. The cry was very loud and strange that we had never heard it at all.

I was so scared that my stomach twitched, and the second master jumped more than three feet high, "Oh, my God!" I shouted twice.

The monster actually shouted. Damn it, he just wanted to kill us. The monster screamed and did not move. I walked slowly over for a long time.

When I was more than a meter away from the monster, I stopped. That thing actually screamed. I think it's a black thing. How can it be called? I was thinking about it, and the thing actually turned my eyes around. I leaned back and fell down, rolling and climbing against the wall.

The second master stood on his side and didn't know what had happened, but he was so scared that he jumped to the wall and stared at me with wide eyes.

"This guy's eyes turned around."

"You make a fuss, whose eyes don't turn?"

"That's an ornament. Who knows if he can move?"

As soon as my voice fell, the guy shouted again, which was louder than just now. I was not afraid, but just shouted, his eyes turned around. What else do you have? Guizhou donkey is exhausted, isn't it?

I was thinking, I went, the thing actually moved, and the walking posture was too strange. I jumped, walked, twisted, stretched out, and it was uncomfortable to look at it. If people walked like this, it would really make people feel uncomfortable.

The second master and I leaned against the wall and felt that the wall was safe. The guy turned his head and ran to the other wall. When he was about to reach the wall, the door opened and it stopped. There was a secret door there. The stone wall was so fine that there was no gap, which showed how strict the engineering requirements were at that time were.

The inside of the door was dark. I looked in. The straight passage was very small, similar to this monster. We probably had to climb over. I looked at the second master.

"Don't look at me. It's useless. I can't see the situation inside. It's dark. Only you left in front."

"It's like a dog hole."

"You have to enter any hole, and there is no other passage."

I got in, and the second master followed me. He had a head against my buttocks. As soon as we entered, the monster screamed. The second master's head suddenly arched me. The speed was too fast. When I stopped, I looked back and the door closed.

"The door is closed."

"I heard it."

The second master couldn't see it, but he heard it.

We had to climb forward and climbed for ten minutes. It was a wall.

"Second Master, I think we have been fooled. This place seems to be like a prison. We may be trapped here."

The second master didn't say anything, turned around and crawled back and forth. I knew that climbing back was the same result. I'm right. I climbed back and couldn't open the surface. I think it's over this time.

"Do you know the name of the beast?"

The second master is always backfire, and this bombardment has torn you apart.

"What's your name?"

"The trapped beast."

I was stunned. It turned out that there was really a trapped beast, not a general meaning of sleepiness, that is, prison, trapped us here.

If the second master had thought of it earlier, we might not have come here. I'm afraid there is no way out this time.

"What should we do?"

"Think if you don't move, and die if you don't move."

The second master's words really make people angry. I don't want to talk to him. I sat there in a daze. The second master smoked. This guy smoked at any time. I was annoyed by the smell of smoke.

When the second master drew halfway, I looked inside and got a bright spot, and I was excited. The second master was also excited, and the smoke fell on his clothes. It was probably hot and pulled all the time.

The bright spot lit up for a while and then went out. After a while, it lit up again, but the color was different.

"What is that?"

"I don't know. Go and have a look."

I was in front of me. It was impossible for both of them to change their positions, and they turned around desperately. I had to climb forward. When I climbed over, there was nothing. The light never brightened again. The second master asked me to stay here, and he climbed back.

He can see the light over there, but I can't see it here.

The second master stroked something at me, but I didn't understand. I looked back at the second master. He kept drawing, and then he was anxious and stopped smoking there.

I had to climb back. I climbed back, and the second master stared at me.

"It's as stupid as a pig."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't see where that bright spot is. I can see it. Let me tell you, cover it with your hand. I draw that position."

When I was ready to go back again, the highlight was gone. The second master saw it. After being stunned for a long time, he reached out and gave me a brain cannon, which made me howling.

This guy's hands are so dark that they make my tears flow out.

I sat there with the second master and waited, but an hour later, the bright spot never appeared again. Maybe I missed the chance to live like this.

I feel very depressed.

When the second master pushed me, I was awake, and I could fall asleep. The second master asked me to look at the front, and the bright spot appeared again.

I climbed over quickly, and I have never been so fast. I think if people are at stake, they must exert the greatest energy of instinct.

When I got there and looked at the second master's gesture, I covered the bright spot. That's what I thought. When I felt my hand hot, I knew that I didn't cover the bright spot, but the bright spot was in the palm of my hand.

I'm panicked and don't know what to do. The second master climbed up to me, and the palms of his hands were getting hotter and hotter. I was afraid that my hands would burn.

The second master climbed over.

"How's it going?"

"It's getting hotter and hotter in my hand."

The second master was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect it to be like this. He was stunned for a while.

"Give me this thing."

"No, just tell me what to do."

"I don't know what to do, so I asked you to give me this thing and let it run away again."

"I think it's better for me to hold it."

The second master is not arguing. He looked around. In fact, it was very dark here. He didn't think it was as good as me. I looked around and there were stone walls.

I don't know what it is in my hand. Maybe it doesn't exist at all. It's getting hotter and hotter.