grave-keeping note

50. The difference of painting coffin

50. The difference of painting coffin

I don't know if I can hold on for a long time, but it won't be long. My hand was hurt when I had to let go.

The highlight is like a child who has been caught for too long, jumping and jubilant in the dark. There seems to be no fear.

The second master and I stared at the bright spot. If it disappeared in the dark, we would have no place to find it.

The bright spot finally fell on the stone wall and did not move. It was bright and extinguished, and my heart was painful. We dare not move, because it's better not to move this thing before we figure out a way.

Ten minutes, the bright spot seems to be resting. It suddenly jumped up and almost jumped out of my and second master's heart. It jumps around in front of our eyes and keeps repeating.

The second master and I looked at it, and I understood that it was repeating three numbers, 243, and the second master was also very sure. After the bright spot disappeared, I looked at the second master.

What exactly does

243 mean? Is there the number 243 in this channel? The second master muttered these three numbers.

The second master patted his forehead and made a very loud noise, which scared me.

243 Bridge."

"What bridge?"

"243, two meters and four meters and three meters, starting from the middle, climb two meters, retreat four meters, and enter another three meters."

I think this is a little suspense. I still did what the second master said. After this is done, I still stop here and nothing has changed. I looked at the second master and felt that the second master was playing me.

When I was about to talk about the second master, I turned around, just like a TV. I changed a channel, and I was sweating. I was on the bridge.

I stood up. There was water under the bridge, flowing slowly, and there were two channels on both sides. I stood in the middle of the bridge and didn't dare to wait for the second master. The second master came and he looked around.

"A mausoleum actually got a bridge, which is really a little confusing."

The second master stood in the middle of the bridge and did not get off the bridge. I could see that he was hesitating.

"I think this bridge is a little evil. It seems that we are neither left nor right."

When I was hesitating, the second master's behavior shocked me. Didn't I say that the second master was a madman. He actually stood on the bridge railing and jumped down without hesitation.

The second master jumped into the water and made me confused, almost with his head down. The second master pulled me up, and I choked a mouthful of water and coughed.

"You jumped down and didn't tell me."

I said to the second master.

"I wanted to squat on the bridge rail to see what was on the shed, but I didn't expect it to fall down. Why did you jump down?"

I really, really wanted to strangle the second master. He jumped down. I thought something had happened, and I jumped down in a panic.

My second master and I climbed the bridge and could only climb the bridge. There were walls on both sides, and we climbed up.

"What do you see on the shed?"

I looked up and didn't see anything.

"There seems to be something. Now I can see it clearly, no."

I turned my head and looked at him for another second, and I would die.

The two of us stood on the bridge, with passages on both sides. The second master hesitated. Look at this side and there. The second master knew that this choice was to die in life, which really made people hesitate.

In the end, the second master chose to go to the left. I asked him to give me a reason, which is related to life, and I have to give a reason anyway.

"I want to give you a fart."

At such an old age, it's really out of tune. If I hadn't seen him old, I would have gone up with flying feet, electric cannon and Rose knife.

The second master entered the left passage. He walked carefully, and I stood still on the bridge. The second master stopped after walking more than ten steps, but he didn't move.

I'm more nervous than him standing on the bridge.

The second master hasn't moved for a long time. I'm a little scared. If the second master really has something to do, then I don't want to go out.

"Second Master--"

I "nnoated" and shocked myself. The second master was shocked and leaned against the wall. He stared back at me, and I was afraid that his eyeballs would fall off.

"What am I nonsense? It scared me to death."

"What are you doing? Stay motionless, I thought something had happened to you?"

"I'm listening to the sound, as if there is a sound."

I stood on the bridge and didn't know what to do.

The second master came back and stared at me.

"It's your turn."

I've never seen anything out of tune as the second master. I got off the bridge, but on the other side. The second master was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. At this moment, no one was sure which side was safer or right.

I trembled as I walked. This is inside Shuiling, which is even more dangerous. In fact, the gravekeeper did not know the structure of the mausoleum. If he knew, he would not be alive.

When I walked into the passage, I felt a sound, a strange sound. I haven't heard it. I don't know what came out there, like knocking.

I walked slowly forward, holding the wall, and I was ready to run back at any time.

The channel is very dark, but I can see clearly that the new eyes are really useful at this time.

The passage was not straight. When I walked 20 meters, I turned the corner. I didn't know what was going on there. I stayed for a while, and the sound was very clear. I thought, just like the second master just now, standing there listening carefully and motionless. However, I still can't hear what the sound is.

Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder.

I jumped up and shouted. When I looked back, it turned out to be the second master.

The second master was also shocked.

"You reacted too much."

I didn't say anything. I knew that the second master was revenge. It was intentional. At this time, everyone knew it. If you don't be scared to death, you will faint.

"What did you hear?"

"Sound, I don't know what the sound is."

The second master listened carefully and said for a long time.

"It's a sound, I don't know what it is."

I turned the corner and didn't want to stay here with the second master. Turning around, I regretted it. Instead of shouting, I stopped there and was dumbfounded.

The second master followed me, and he was also stunned.

In front of me is a hall with bones hanging, one by one, more than ten centimeters, no more than thousands of them.

The second master did not move forward.

"It's a bone wind chime, a human rib."

I also stand there and don't move forward. There must be a reason why the second master doesn't go.

"I'll see if we go back."

When the second master said this, he obviously knew something and was afraid.

The second master and I returned to the bridge.

"What's going on? We can go there, and the other side is the passage.

"Bone wind chimes, it's not so good. If you think about it, I guess you have to leave a rib."

I shaped for a moment, and I felt that the second master was talking nonsense.

"I don't really believe it."

"If you don't believe this kind of bone wind chime, when you go back, you can find a bone and hang it in the room to test it to see what will happen."

"So what can happen? But it's just a dead bone."

"After hanging for a week, you will find that you have one less rib. Such a person exists, one less rib, and you think it is born. That's not like that."

I don't believe it, so I decided to go back and try it.

In the end, the second master entered the passage on the other side. I didn't follow up. Now I'm going to leave separately from the second master, and then both of them will not be scrapped.

The second master walked slowly. After walking more than ten meters, he stopped and looked up. I didn't know what he was looking at. After looking at it for a long time, he turned around and waved his hand at me.

I walked over and saw that there was no road ahead, but there was an open hole in the ceiling. Looking in, I couldn't see anything.

"I'll ask you to go up."

The second master stood down and rode on the second master's neck. I couldn't bear it, but it was more dangerous.

I climbed up and looked inside. There were four passages in it, and I pulled up the second master. The second master looked at it for a long time.

"It's really troublesome, non-stop trouble, and four are even more difficult to choose."

"You are a gravekeeper and should know what to do."

"I guard the tomb, but I don't know more about the situation than you. I just rely on the hardships and what I have seen, but I haven't seen many things here."

The second master is a little annoyed. I know that it's really uncomfortable to encounter such a thing. If it hadn't been for Ji Xiaoqing, maybe I wouldn't have come in. It's too late to regret now.

I looked at the four channels, which were not straight and curved, and I couldn't see the situation inside. I think such a choice is a little difficult. It's better to just pick one and finish it.

I stood up and got into a channel. Anyway, that's what it is. There is no basis for your choice. Choosing is the same as not choosing. This is what people often say, life.

The second master didn't come in with me. I kept walking in and turning around. I actually turned around. The channel was not straight. It seemed to be wrapped around the other four, just like a maze. At this time, I knew that I was in trouble.

I sat down, rested for a while, and called the second master, as if the voice could not be heard.

An hour later, there was no voice of the second master, and I knew that the second master would be the same as me even if he came in.

When I saw the picture of the coffin on the wall, it was about four hours later. The picture of the coffin is very strange. The lid of the coffin is open, and there seems to be something inside. I can't see it.

One coffin by one, painted on the wall. Although they are all similar, the shadows inside are different. Obviously, the contents are different.

The coffin is painted the size of a palm on the wall, and I look a little hairy. If I go further, there will be no coffin picture.

I don't know when I will go. If I walk in these four passages, it's not very big. I will understand it after walking a few more times, but I find a fatal problem. I always encounter new places, not what I have walked through.

Four hours have passed, and I'm starting to worry. When I stopped to sit down to rest, I suddenly heard the sound of water. I jumped up at once. If there is a sound of water, I think there is hope.

The sound of water is only a short while, and then it's gone. I actually smelled urine, and I suddenly thought of the second master.

"Second Master..."

I shouted, and I saw the second master coming from the other side. He was really peeing just now.

The second master was obviously tired of walking. He sat down and smoked.

"What should I do?"

"As long as you have the strength to leave, there will always be a day when you can go out."

I took a look at what was in the bag and could deal with it for a few days.

"I saw the coffin on the wall."

I said to the second master. The second master was stunned for a moment and looked at me.

"Where is it?"

"It's the latter part."

"Became me."

I went back. An hour later, I stopped and shook my head. In fact, that part of the road was only more than 20 minutes. I sat down, and the second master said nothing more.