grave-keeping note

23. Three-hole porcelain edge box

23. Three-hole porcelain edge box

They thought there was a geological problem, and the experts came and didn't figure it out. I don't think it's a geological problem, maybe for other reasons. Li Fu called and told me that the guideway over there was finished and only stopped for three days. Now he is ready to open the dam and draw water into the channel.

I went there that day and stood there to watch. I don't know how long it will take for the water in this lake to attract light. Looking at the four leads, it may not take long. Now a guideway has been opened.

I began to worry that after the lake is released, then Shuiling is bound to be brought out. I can't guess what will be found. Even the city's working group doesn't know that they are like facing a big enemy.

TV has been reporting that although the water in the tap water has been strengthened by the water plant, it is still muddy, and the people are also panicked.

Someone from the province came. I didn't expect that someone from the city called me away.

I was taken to a temporary office by the lake. Several leaders of the city were there, as well as two leaders in the province.

"This lake is muddy, what's the reason?"

"This is an expert's business. I really don't know."

"This is related to the health of the people of the city. You have to think about the overall situation."

The mayor has been persuading me. This is forcing me to go underwater to have a look. I don't think I can do anything about it.

Finally, they proposed the second master, and I told them that I couldn't find the second master.

That day, the mayor was very angry and slapped the table and scolded me as an asshole. When I came out of this temporary office and left the lake, I felt the strangeness of the lake.

I know something big is going to happen.

That night, Li Fu called me and told me that there was a tree hole by the lake. The lake came out and all of them were under martial law. You circled from the mountain to the tree hole, and there was no one to guard it.

"What happened?"

"You will know when you come here. It's magnificent and exciting."

Li Fu was a little overexcited, and I was worried that he would have a cerebral hemorrhage.

I packed up my things and went over. Li Fu was drinking beer in the tree cave. I looked at the lake and was stunned. The whole lake was covered with black square boxes the size of a palm, one by one.

"What is that?"

Li Fu handed me a beer.

"I'm not sure what that is, but it's a porcelain edge box burned 300 years ago with three small holes on it. I don't know what it is. I saw the box in this lake. One of them is worth at least thousands of yuan, and this time it's big."

Li Fu, the bastard, knew how to recognize the money. I saw that no more than 100 boxes had been brought by him.

I took it over and looked at it for a long time. There were three small holes, but there was no water in it. I shook it, and there was something inside.

"What's in it?"

"I don't know, if it's a good thing, it's more valuable."

"You will recognize the money in one day."

I raised the box and fell on the stone. Li Fu screamed in horror.

"You bastard."

The box was broken, and there were bones inside. I shivered, and Li Fu was also shocked.

"Damn, it turned out to be a square box coffin."

We were talking when someone was coming over there.

"Run, someone is coming."

I whispered that Li Fu, a bastard, took the bag and put a box in it.

I ran away as a tall man. If those armed police were caught, they wouldn't care about it. Li Fu and I ran back to the store. He took out the box and he actually packed more than ten.

Those boxes are on the counter, and they look scary.

Li Fu is very interested.

"I'll go back in the middle of the night tomorrow and get some more."

"You want money and death. There is no problem for the police to catch you and sentence you for ten or eight years."

Li Fu stared at me.

"It's not that unlucky."

"It seems that something big is going to happen. I have to go to the mausoleum."

Li Fu jumped up and scared me.

"You MD, you run away."

"Bring me one."

"If you are not afraid of death, you can go."

I think Li Fu is a person who can cooperate.

I began to prepare things to go to the lake tomorrow night.

During the day, Li Fu and I passed by. The whole lake was under martial law, and hundreds of people were salvaging these things. I think those leaders seemed to be very excited. The box of this lake is estimated to be worth hundreds of millions.

Li Fu patted his thighs with heartache.

I looked around and there was no place to go down. There was only an armed policeman in three steps. It was the first time I saw such a big scene. Li Fu reminded me of the hole. When we went there, we also guarded it.

I think I have to go through that waterway, the place I went in with the second master last time. I don't want Li Fu to know yet. I went back and told him that I couldn't go down.

Li Fu was very disappointed and made me think of a way. I told him that there was no way.

When it was dark, I went out of the door with my bag on my back and walked over there.

After I entered the mountain and arrived at that place, Li Fu appeared. He smiled badly.

"I knew you had a urethra."

"Li Fu, you son of a bitch."

I just want to enter the waterway with Li Fu and walk along the waterway.

We went to the stone gate, and everything was almost the same as last time.

I stepped on the stone and waited for the water to open the stone door.

Li Fu was a little overexcited. Maybe he finally waited for this day.

After the stone door opened, Li Fu and I went in. I knew that this was a locked room, just like a computer room. Only by opening this door can we enter.

As soon as we entered, I heard an abnormal noise. I jivered, and Li Fu became nervous.

"What's the sound?"

"I don't know."

I stood there and looked around. Li Fu also slept around and looked around, like a thief. This time I saw the face of the tomb robber.

The sound is not tight or slow. After a while, it makes people's nerves almost break.

When I ran out, Li Fu was still looking there stupidly.

He reacted and ran out. The stone door was closed at once. This time, it was not pushed with water. I knew that the mechanism was different every time.

This is the strangest thing about Shuiling, so that you can't prevent it.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Cut, I don't know what you're running?"

"I just feel like something is going to happen."

"What should I do now?"

I stared at Li Fu without saying anything and sat there in a daze. Li Fu stepped on the stone and didn't respond. After toling there, he was so tired that he gasped.

"There's nothing we can do."

"Aren't you a grave robber? There should be a way."

I made fun of Li Fu, but he was not angry and was still thinking about the door.

I don't think there is any chance. Since the stone door is closed, I'm afraid it's impossible to open it.

"Go back."

I got up and left.

"Don't go! Let's figure it out again, maybe there's another way."

I ignored Li Fu. I just walked out of ten meters, and Li Fu shouted so loudly that I almost fell into the water. I went back to have a look. I was also stunned. The stone door actually opened.

Li Fu jumped up. I went back, which was strange. I didn't expect it to happen.

The door was opened this time, but it was strange. It was not the stone room that had just entered, but a direct passage. Li Fu wanted to go in, so I pulled him.

He looked at me and said.

"It's okay. Whether it's the tomb or the passage of the mausoleum, there is basically no big problem. This is just an external channel."

"This is Shuiling."

I looked in. Li Fu didn't know that I could see something in the dark. In the deepest part of the passage, there was something like a human standing there. I didn't know what it was, but I still hesitated.

"What are you looking at? It's dark and you can't see anything.

"I don't think it's very safe. I still want to leave."

"Can such a good opportunity be missed? What's more, you are a gravekeeper. You have to guard this mausoleum for your second master. When you move the lake over there, that situation happened. At least you have to understand what happened.

Li Fu does persuade people. I'm moved, yes! The second master is old. It's time for me to replace him. I also need some experience.

I decided to go in. I walked behind and Li Fu walked in the front. In fact, I should walk in the front. Li Fu was impatient and walked in the front. I didn't tell him that there was something like a human in front, standing at the end.

Li Fu couldn't see the far away. He walked slowly and carefully. I had to follow slowly. I couldn't let him know that I could see things in the dark.

I almost arrived at that human-like place, and I saw clearly that it was a person, alive, going to his eight uncle, which scared my heartbeat again, eight times a second.

Li Fu also saw it. He shouted "Fuck" and was stunned that there was no place to move.

The man didn't move. I'm worried that there will be a problem. There is such a person here. There is nothing else to say except for the people who come in.

Li Fu stood still and met the man. Li Fu asked with trembling for a long time.

"Who are you?"

It's a little changed. There was no response there, so I pushed Li Fu.

"Don't push me."

Li Fu's face is so sad.

"If you don't go, I'll go."

Li Fu made way. I slowly leaned over. When I was more than three meters away, I saw clearly that he was indeed a person, but he didn't seem to be a current person. He didn't seem to evolve well.

This person suddenly said something. I was scared to death, "Oh, my God!" One, his eighth uncle, this guy actually spoke, and I haven't understood what he said.

Li Fu leaned against the wall, indicating that he was very nervous.

We have been deadlocked, and the man in ancient clothes did not move again.

"Is this alive?"

Li Fu asked me nervously.

"You will know when you touch his breath."

"I'm not going."

I leaned forward a little further, and the man spoke again. I still don't understand.

Li Fu pulled me and asked me to go back.

Li Fu and I came out.

"The man asked for the password."

I was stunned for a moment, but he actually understood.

"What did he say?"


Li Fu knows this. Many of the tombs he stole are full of tombs. He studies full culture and is above experts.

"The password?"


"I don't know. It was a password hundreds of years ago. I can't guess it, but I wonder how this person is like a living person?"

"That's a living corpse. It's said to be alive. In fact, it's dead for a long time. There is a kind of oil on the body. That kind of oil can keep the body from rotting and can speak, but it's only five sentences. This is called five sentences of corpse, but if you don't give it wrong, the door will not open, and there are even organs."

I stood up and said.

"Go back."

Because, I know, the probability of masking the password is almost too small, and I don't take that risk.

"You can try it."

"Go ahead, I'll wait here to collect your body."

Li Fu also hesitated, but he didn't leave and sat there.

"I think I can be confused. I have a password. Maybe it's right."

"Maybe? This may kill us."

Li Fu advised me to follow up, but I firmly disagreed. When Li Fu wanted to go in, I still followed him, and I didn't know what I thought.

We approached the five-sentence corpse again, and the body asked for a password.

Li Fu suffoed for a long time before he came up.

"Ry chicken."

Fuck you, it's just a joke. Is this boy scared? Or are you scared? Unexpectedly, such a sentence came out, and I was about to run away. He actually grabbed me at once and looked at the reaction of the five corpses.

I heard the sound of the door opening, and I was a little confused. That's right, is this true? The door behind the five-sentence corpse really opened.

Li Fu's "haha" smile scared me so much that my soul flew away.

"You son of a bitch, can't laugh at this time?"

"I'm happy. I didn't expect it to be true."

"What do you think?"

"At that time, the least food was food, and soldiers should all want to eat roast chicken."

What is his theory? Anyway, I can't figure it out. When we went in, Li Fu actually pushed the five corpses, and the five corpses fell down and came out of the last sentence. I still don't understand.

"What do you mean?"


This guy also curses. When we walked in, the passage was dripping, and then it was under the lake. Probably the waterproofing was not done well, and it was a little leaky.