grave-keeping note

25. Number of windings

25. Number of windings

I guess it's not that he is not sure, but that he is not at all. The boy actually pressed his hand on the wall, and the horizontal wood fell down. I was shocked and jumped up and took a few steps back. Then, pillars rose from the water one by one, half a meter apart, just stepping on it.

I was stunned for a long time and tried it. It was nothing. I stepped over. This was much more stable than Hengmu. I went there, but Li Fu didn't know what was going on. Look back at me.

When I walked over, I felt a little cold. There were no words on the wall at all. I couldn't see them standing here. No wonder Li Fu didn't see the words.

I saw eight button-like protruding blocks on the wall. One has been pressed down, and this product is bold enough.

"Which one do you want to press next?"

I didn't say anything. I sat down, took out a pen and a notebook from my bag, and wrote down the words I saw. My memory is very good, and I can basically draw it. I can only say that it was drawn, which is ugly.

I handed it to Li Fu, who locked his eyebrows and took the paper.

He looked at it for a long time.

"It's Manwen."

"What is written?"

"Three does not press six, press the door does not press nine, press nine does not press two, press two does not press five, press five does not press four, press four does not press three, press three does not press eight, press eight does not press one."

After Li Fu finished speaking, I was a little confused. What do you mean? Like a formula.

I can't hear it. This is really the same thing as the eight buttons.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"I pointed to the wall."

Li Fu looked at the wall and then reached out to touch it.

"Nothing, don't lie to me."

"There are some things you can't see."

Li Fu believes this.

"What does this mean?"

I shook my head. In fact, I have figured out that these things look messy. In fact, it's just one sentence. If you press the order, you don't press double, and if you press double, you don't press the order.

Li Fu looked at those buttons there, and he also knew that it was really about the buttons. He stood there and looked. More than ten minutes passed, but he still didn't understand. I guess he had entered a dead end.

I stood up and looked at the first number he pressed. It was six, and the other was still three pairs. I reached out to press it. The boy jumped away and was ready to run.

I looked back at him.

"Are you running?"

After saying that, I turned around and pressed the three buttons down. What I didn't expect was a small cabinet coming out of a place on the wall. I was so scared that I thought it would be the door.

Li Fu was also shocked. He leaned against the wall and trembling. I really wanted to go up and kick him.

I walked over and looked in. There was only one book. In such a big cabinet, there was only one book. I reached out and picked up the book, and a note fell out.

I picked it up and took a look at it.

"Leave quickly."

That turned out to be New Lavin. Originally, I didn't understand these words. It was Gu Ye who taught me word by word, and I actually learned it.

I ran away. Li Fu reacted fast enough. He ran wildly with me. After passing the hot pool, I ran to the spiral staircase and ran all the way to the outside of Ling, which was very smooth. As soon as we came out, the stone door closed, and then there was a huge noise, and the whole cave was shaking.

I continued to run, and Li Fu followed me.

I stopped when I really couldn't run. Li Fu was more than ten years older than me. He was so tired that he was about to vomit blood. He leaned against the stone wall and stretched out his tongue, with sour water in his mouth. He may run too hard.

When I stood up, Li Fu said

"Let's rest a little longer."

He didn't even want to ask me what had happened. I had to sit down again and wait for Li Fu.

Li Fu slowed down for 20 minutes before standing up, and his leg was still shaking.

After we came out, we separated and went back to our respective homes.

I went back to the antique store and wanted to take out the book from my arms. When I touched the book, it was gone. I panicked and wanted to look for it, but after thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. Li Fu didn't ask me what I took from that cabinet.

This is really strange. This guy will never let go of such an opportunity, and he didn't ask me what happened.

These are all strange things. As soon as I thought about it, I understood that Li Fu took the book away. This wizard still has this little trick.

I called Li Fu, but he didn't answer. I went to his house and was not at home.

I peed when I came back. I didn't read that book, and there was no word on the cover. I think it should be a very important book.

Maybe it is a book about the new man, because the words on the note are New Lavin, and I am also surprised about this. In Manling, I found a book about the new man, which must say that our new man and Manchu people have an inseparable relationship.

I didn't expect that Li Fu would come the next day and throw the book on the cabinet.

"What a broken book."

I opened it and took a look. It was indeed New Lavin.

"You don't understand, do you?"

"Cut, there is no text that I don't understand."

I don't believe it.

I was a little surprised that Li Fu actually said the general content of the newcom.

"Don't be surprised. When your second master asked me to teach him to recognize Manwen, he taught me new Lavin. This is the condition. Although I don't know much, I can still generally understand it. It's just a book recording a war. It's useless to me. I thought it was about Shuiling."

"It really disappoints you. You wizard have become a thief."

Li Fu smiled evilly and turned around and left.

I found that Li Fu's eyes were not idle since he came into the store. I looked around. I don't know what he was looking for. I guess there was nothing good.

After Li Fu left, I closed the store and read the book. This is a book about a war, and Li Fu is right. The war was quite tragic, and it also surprised me very much. The book is recorded in detail and is a handwriting. It seems that this person experienced the war in those years.

Gu Qian, the author of this book, should have something to do with Gu Ye, right? That's what I think. In addition to recording the war, the book also records the lives of many new people in detail. I record it below.

The new people have gradually become stronger. From a wandering nation to a settled life, they have slowly developed and grown. The new people grow because they have their own lifestyle.

When the new Laren first built Xinla City, they sent 200 people outside to learn various skills, which is the most important reason for the rapid progress of the new Laren.

In addition to this, the heroism and strength of the newcomers have also been cultivated since childhood. Three months after the birth of the newly pulled boys, they were made to hang on the stick every day. The stick is on the edge of the cliff. If they can't grasp it, they will fall to pieces. The time to grab it starts from ten minutes. By the age of eight, the arm strength of these children is amazing. They can fly around in the tree, because there is A pair of strong arms.

Of course, one of the ten children who fall down is the most sad time for the mother and the most painful time for the father. At the age of eight, they will have to experience two years of living in a cage with wild animals.

Those beasts and eight-year-olds put them in an iron cage. Either the beasts kill them or they kill the beasts. The beasts change once a day.

Two years of life, seven out of ten people who have survived are already very good.

After the age of ten, they will get on horses. Those horses are wild horses. When the wild horses are not enough, they will catch wild donkeys. They will be tied to wild horses or wild donkeys for a year. It is an extremely painful life not to get off horses or donkeys. There is another layer less that survived.

Eleven years old is the time when they can read and learn knowledge and skills. This is their happiest time. By the age of 16, they will begin to protect their homes.

In the past five years, they have to learn the number of prey, which is very large, and what they have learned is not the same. They have their own capabilities.

This kind of training has made the new pullers from weak to strong. During the most prosperous period, the new pullers were more than 50,000. I thought that the new people would occupy the world in the end.

Just say that the virgin, who is good at riding and shooting, is finally subdued.

However, no one thought that a war would completely destroy the new people, which was really called the end of this disaster.

Gu Yuezhen, the patriarch of the new man, accepted a war in order to get more materials. He knew that the new man was an invincible man.

At that time, Xinla City was indeed very strong, but materially scarce. In order to achieve greater development, the patriarch Gu Yuezhen accepted a man's help to defend Tulun City.

The conditions given at that time were to defeat, ten thousand iron weapons, ten thousand carriages and horses, ten thousand silk fabrics... In short, we were extremely lacking. The patriarch Gu Yuezhen did not sleep for three days and finally agreed to this war.

At that time, Li Chengliang sent 2,000 troops to attack Tulun City. The patriarch was also on guard. After all, it was the first real battle. He sent 2,200 of the best soldiers in Xinla City into Tulun City.

In fact, there is no suspense in this war at all. Victory is definitely victory.

Gu Yuezhen learned at that time that Nurhachi was just a poor boy who pulled a group of gangsters to fight against the country. Although he formed a certain scale when he attacked Tulun City, it could still be said to be powerful.

Gu Yuezhen also went to the battlefield at that time.

The tearing was in the birch forest of Tulun.

Maybe it was an accident. Li Chengliang said that he sent 2,000 troops, and after the victory of the war, he said that he won 20,000, which inspired the soldiers on other battlefields, which was an important reason why he successfully captured Suoyang City.

Nurhachi is very good at building momentum. Originally, he thought that a poor boy, a gangster, did not know any military tactics, but he dared to play with his life. In fact, it is not. Nurhachi is a person with many intentions. If it sounds good, he knows the art of war, war, and even an army. The family.

In that war, Li Chengliang sent 2,000 soldiers to attack the city. The patriarch did not defend the city at all. He rushed out with 2,000 new warriors. Li Chengliang's 2,000 armored warriors, but in 20 minutes, all of them were killed, which showed the bravery of the new men.

But what the patriarch did not think of was that after the death of 2,000 iron armor, 10,000 soldiers were killed from each side and surrounded the newly pulled soldiers.

They killed until dark, and 2,200 new warriors and patriarchs were shot together, and everyone was pierced with arrows. There are only 10,000 of Li Chengliang's 40,000 soldiers left. If the most important thing is not to shoot, it is estimated that there will not be much left of Li Chengliang's 40,000 soldiers.