grave-keeping note

43. Westwood flower

43. Westwood flower

That thing is actually there. Li Fu drove to pick me up.

He told me in the car.

"That thing is in that village, but I don't know the specific location. Laowo Village has two mountains, three stones, three big stones without roots, and the wind will shake, and there is Xiling Mountain, which grows a kind of western wood flower, rare flowers, and a temple hanging on the top of the mountain. Of course, there are monks there. Now Only the temple was left.

Actually, I know all this, because I have been there. The scenery there is indeed beautiful. The four-eyed spring water is very strange. It can still flow in winter and never freezes. This is a beautiful mountain village.

After entering the village, we parked our car in the grass, got out of the car and crossed the wooden bridge to Xiling Mountain. I think if the auspicious coffin was really in the village, it would be much bigger in Xiling Mountain. As for why, I can't explain it clearly. Li Fu also thinks so. It took us more than two hours to climb Xiling Mountain. The mountain is really high, and the vegetation is lush, and it is troublesome to walk.

When I got to the top of the mountain, I didn't see the western wood flower. I have never seen this kind of western wood flower. It is a rare species that is almost extinct. It is said that the person who sees it will be happy for a lifetime. Maybe I am an unfortunate person and can't see it at all.

The top of the mountain is indeed hanging a temple, which is said to be suspended. In fact, it is the top of the mountain surrounded by hanging walls. On one side of the wall, there are iron hands embedded in the wall and all the way to the top. Looking at it makes me feel a little scared. I'm afraid that this monk's nerves nerves were not so good that he actually got a temple on this top, Jane It's impossible to figure out the reason.

"Go up."

Li Fu looked at me after saying that.

"I'm afraid this handle is not safe."

Li Fu went up and said a few times.

"It's very strong. There should be no problem. I'll go up first."

Li Fu really climbed up, and I followed him up, and his legs were shaking. The top of this mountain is indeed too small, but it is 50 square meters, and a temple has been built. The temple is only more than 20 square meters. It is really difficult to figure out how the materials for building this house were transported back then.

The door of the temple is locked. The old-fashioned heart-piercing lock has windows, but the inside is covered by curtains. It is tight and can't be seen inside.

"We have to find a way to get in."

I'm afraid that the villagers here will find us and beat us out. Perhaps, this temple is a kind of sustenance for the villagers. I looked around and didn't find anyone.

Li Fu took out a small hammer from his bag, and I knew he was prepared.

After a few hammers went down, the lock opened and opened the door. It turned out to be very clean. I knew that there were always people coming to clean it up, which made me more worried that something would happen. The villagers were not easy to provoke. Their legal awareness was very weak, especially in villages like this, the clan system did not seem to have died out.

When we went in, it was the same as the things in the temple. Although it was small, it was not messy. The coffin was really there, intact, and it was almost gone.

When I looked at this auspicious coffin, I really couldn't figure out what was wrong with this auspicious coffin. Anyway, it made me stand in awe.

Li Fu looked at the coffin and told me for a long time.

"The lid of the coffin is really strange. It turned out to be a lock. When carving, it directly forms a lock with the bottom. I'm afraid it's not easy to open it."

I looked at it for a long time before I understood that it was indeed like that. I needed a key. Where is this key?

When we leave, I always feel that someone is following us, but I don't know who is following us. Leaving Laowo Village, Li Fu told me that your yin and yang Tonghui should be put in this auspicious coffin. Maybe everything can be cracked. That's what the carving master meant at the beginning, but he died before he could make it, or something else happened.

Actually, that's what I thought at the first sight of the coffin. I just couldn't figure out why the yin and yang Tonghui should be here. Why did they run to the Mongols? I don't understand this.

If you want to put this thing in, you have to find the key, which is also a difficult thing.

In the end, I still met the son of the sculptor surnamed Liu. There are more than a dozen works of Master Liu in his family, each of which is a boutique, which is indeed a good thing.

I asked about the coffin, he said.

"That was damaged by my father to the Municipal Coal Pavilion, which has nothing to do with me."

"I want to know about your father's life."

"I'm sorry, I was in college at that time. I didn't know anything. When I came back, he was dead."

I didn't get anything. Lao Liu's wife died in the second year. I'm afraid I can't understand this. Looking at Lao Liu's son, he doesn't seem to be such a shrewd person. I'm afraid he doesn't know much.

When I returned to the antique store, the second master sent me the Yinyang Tonghui back.

"Don't put this thing there. I can't sleep."

"What? What did you hear?

"I always hear people walking at night."

I was stunned for a moment, and I also heard it, but I couldn't see anyone. I was a little hairy. When the second master left, he was still unhappy.

I'm going to take this Yin and Yang Tonghui to Laowo Village. The mayor's secretary came. I know him. He said that the mayor invited me to drink. I knew it was almost the Hongmen banquet.

When I went there, the mayor and a group of people sat there. Some I knew and some didn't know each other. The mayor just introduced me to them and didn't introduce them to me.

That day, the mayor didn't mention Shuiling until I went home. He just talked about how he came all the way from a young man who went to the countryside to the mayor.

I don't know what the mayor means today.

When I fell asleep, I took a look at the yin and yang. This broken thing made me very uncomfortable.

At night, when I heard footsteps, I got up. I sprinkled white noodles on the ground and sat at the table drinking beer. When it was almost dawn, footsteps appeared, leaving footprints on the white face, and then there was no sound.

I think the footprint is a man's footprint. I called Li Fu, and Li Fu said after reading the footprints.

"What is this? Think about it, I can get two for you every day. Let me tell you, almost every person's room will have them.

I looked at Li Fu and said.

"Isn't it so evil?"

"The world of the dead and the living, the world of the living, the world of the dead and the dead, in fact, these two worlds are mixed and indistinguishable, you and me, so it's not surprising that many unexpected things will happen in the world where people live together, and things that you can't understand will happen."

Li Fu said so, I think it makes sense, that is, when there is no such thing, he will hear some voices from time to time in the middle of the night. Probably, he is used to it, and no one should come back, because nothing strange happened.

I told Li Fu that I wanted to send this thing to the temple in Laowo Village.

Li Fu told me that no, you'd better go to the Moon Temple. This has something to do with the temple and seems to be a little interesting. Moon Temple is also Moon Temple.

I finally went, carrying the yin and yang together. The host let me into the room. I put down the things and opened them. The host looked unhappy.

"The temple is a quiet and clean place. Isn't it a little too much for you to bring this thing?"

"You think too much, I just asked you to help me."

"I can't help you with this."

"I think you should know something about the temple in Laowo Village, right?"

After I said this, I stared at the host's face, and my expression changed. I was shocked, angry and happy. I didn't know what it was. The host kicked me out. At that time, there were many people outside. Their expressions were surprised and the host was angry.

I came out and felt that Li Fu was taking care of me, this bastard. I called Li Fu and he said with a smile.

"Are you really going to the host?"

I don't understand what this means. A week after seeing Li Fu again, he told me that the coffin was missing and I didn't know where it was shipped.

And the newspaper also reported that someone saw the auspicious coffin. When the police went there, the auspicious coffin disappeared. A mysterious thing made a lot of noise among the people. This matter also involved Shuiling, saying that the auspicious coffin had something to do with Shuiling, because of Shuiling, the whole city has also been restless over the years and was called by the outside. Sitting in a ghost city.

But it is because of the ghost city that the tourism industry has developed. Those people are simply crazy. They come to the ghost city to find ghosts and excitement. The director of the Tourism Bureau also appeared frequently. On the leaflet sent to major travel agencies across the country, he specially wrote ghost cities and got several ghosts. Probably people need excitement so much that they run here. At least there is a Tulun city, an ancient city, which supports this tourism industry.

I went to the ancient city, where there were long queues, and Tulun City was even more chaotic. It took three days to control the number of people.

The mayor was not in a hurry to let me go to Shuiling again. He probably felt that he had developed, so he was not in a hurry. With this performance, he could completely climb to another level.

Of course, some strange things do happen in the ancient city from time to time.

When Ji Xiaoqing appeared again, I was sitting on the ancient wall and looking, and she came over and said.

"The Mongolian is in Xuande Inn in the ancient city."

The ancient city has returned to its original appearance. Its names are all called that, and the ancient city people wear ancient clothes. I entered the Xuande Inn and entered the Mongolian room. He sat there reading a book. I was stunned for a moment. I thought he should not read.

It seems that he knows I will come.

"You gave me that thing. I should tell me why. It's very troublesome."

"I am also entrusted by others. I must do what that person entrusted me."

Who? One of my friends, in fact, we have only known each other for three days. I don't know who it is or what his name is. I only know his surname Liu. When he gave me this thing, he told me that after his death, there would be a person in our village, that is, Gan Qika. Look at this person's eyes. The left eye and the eye are small. Give this thing to him, for sure.

I was stunned. This was just pulled up. If Lao Liu wants to give me something, just give it to me directly. Why bother to go around such a big circle? Something will definitely happen here.

"Since that's the case, has he told him anything else?"

"No, that's all."

"Then why don't you show up, don't tell me clearly, and always follow me."

"Actually, I'm also quite strange and want to know the truth."

I stared at him and turned around and left. I have never met such a confused person, but this person is a trustworthy person. If you put it with me, you will let me sell it. This thing is probably worth some money.

After I left the inn, I returned to the antique shop. Li Bao called and said that the coffin was probably in the village of the second master.

"How do you know?"

"Let's ask."

I don't think Li Fu is honest. If you could find out, the police would have found it long ago. Now the police in the city are looking for this auspicious coffin.

I went to the second master's small building, and the second master said.

"Don't always come here in the future."

"Actually, I don't want to come either. This time, I think you should release ancient leaves and children. Xinla City is really not suitable for their life. There is no education and no culture..."