grave-keeping note

52. Host of Moon Temple

52. Host of Moon Temple

I feel strange. I returned to the antique store, and Ji Xiaoqing was still sitting there reading a book. I picked up my bag and left.

"Are you going back to Xinla City? Take me with you."


I turned around and left. Ji Xiao stood there quietly. I went into the mountain and found that the man was following me. It seems that I can't go back to Xinla City.

After an hour on the mountain, I returned, and Ji Xiaoqing had already left. I called my second master's mobile phone again, and his mobile phone was turned on.

"Second master, come to the antique store once."

The second master arrived in half an hour, followed by Li Fu.

"What did you do?"

"I'm going to catch the black water man."

I was stunned for a moment. These two are probably crazy. Blackwater people are not easy to mess with.

"Did you see the man standing across the street when you came in?"

"I didn't notice."

After saying that, Li Fu opened the door and took a look across the street.

"I saw it."

The second master did not move.

"It seems that our trouble is not over yet. The black water man has hidden, and the Taoist priest has also hidden. I don't know what cards they are going to play next."

I told the second master what happened to me. The second master looked at me and said.

"You go back to Xinla City."

"I don't think so. I can't go back. If you tell me again, I have to transport you back to Xinla City."

The second master stared at me.

Li Fu sat on the sofa and looked at the book that Ji Xiao threw here. The door opened, and the man actually came in and stood at the door.

Li Fu jumped up and was fine, which shocked me and my second master.

"Since you're in, sit down."

The man took a few steps and didn't sit down. The second master jumped up suddenly and kicked the man down. The man fell to the ground. We were all shocked that he was a black water man.

"Kid, if you want to catch it, you can't catch it. You came to the door."

Li Fu rushed over and held down the man.

"Let go."

The second master said something, and Li Fu was stunned for a moment and let go of his hand.

"Get up! You must have something to do with it."

The black water man got up and was still standing.

"I've been paying attention to you. Your new people have hatred for our black water people. We invaded your territory and there was a killing. We are sorry about this, but then again, this matter is over. We opened Shuiling, also to have a piece of our place. The mayor promised us, Shuiling After opening, give us a place to live. Your new people have their own city, but we black water people travel around, and the days are miserable.

"It's not your place in itself. You should go back to Black Water. That's where you should stay."

After the second master finished speaking, he stared at the black water man.

"We have been white for more than 100 years. This belongs to us. Don't overdo it. We black water muskers can still defeat you."

The black water man seems to be very strong.

"But let me tell you, I'm the gravekeeper. If you dare to go to Shuiling again and see what will happen, you have a symbolic memory, and we have a preface number. I think you also know the epile number."

Black water people are obviously a little nervous.

"You should also know the symbols."

The atmosphere seemed to be a little wrong. After saying that, the black water man turned around and left.


The second master said to me. I went out to follow the black water man and walked down the street, and he knew that I was following him. I don't think I can keep up with this black water man. Sure enough, there is no shadow on the second street.

I was about to go back, and the second master called.

"Go to the Moon Temple."

I went to the Moon Temple, and the incense of the Moon Temple was still very strong. I hid in a corner and didn't know what the second master meant by asking me to come.

The black water man unexpectedly came. When he entered the Moon Temple, he directly entered the house. I was confused. Does this host have any dealings with the black water man?

The second master and Li Fu also came up for a moment.

I pointed to the house. We went in and the host was there. The black water man was not there, and the second master looked around.

"Where's the black water man?"


The host pretended to be stupid.

Li Fu, the second guy, went up and gave two big mouths, which made me feel pain. At that time, the host was confused and stared at Li Fu. The second master was laughing badly.

"Where are the black water people?"

The host glanced at the east wall and said nothing.

"Let's go."

The second master didn't touch the wall. There must be a dark room behind it.

After we came out, I asked the second master.

"Why don't you go to the black water man?"

"You can deal with a black water man. Those are all in it, and we can't deal with them. Do you think the black water man is a loser?"

"The Taoist priest is probably also in it."

Li Fu finished speaking and looked at me.

That day, I went to his antique store with my second master, and Li Fu went back.

"Second Master, be careful of Li Fu, he is not a good thing."

"Li Fu just wants something in Shuiling. The purpose is very simple. Whoever can open Shuiling will be close to him."

The second master answered a phone call and came in alone.

The second master didn't say anything, and the man didn't say anything. The second master got up and picked up a box from the cabinet and gave it to the man. The man handed a card to the second master and left.

I know they have contacted in advance, but I still think it's strange. What kind of business is this? It's a little abnormal that there is not a word.

After the man left, the second master handed me something, a little ghost's pendant, let me hang it around my neck, and then let me get out of here.

When I returned to the antique store, Ji Xiaoqing was talking to a man.

"Buying things, come on!"

I glanced at the man, but I didn't see it. He looked at a porcelain bowl, which was the bowl of Master Yi's house. It was a real thing, but it was not too long, more than a hundred and ten years.

"How much is this?"

"Two thousand."

The man hesitated for a moment.

"One thousand."

"I'm not selling cabbage."

The man put down the bowl and muttered.

"I'm sick."

Then he turned around and walked away.

"You're only fucking sick."

I scolded this man when he went out.

When Ji Xiao left, I fell asleep. After waking up, I had a meal and turned on the TV to watch TV. There was a show about Shuiling, saying that the water quality of Shuiling was good and suitable for drinking.

I don't know what they are playing. I went to Shuiling. When it got dark, I still sat in the tree hole and looked at Shuiling. The Shuiling was silent. I knew that it was not quiet. After the Shuiling was blown up, it was not destroyed. Instead, water was born. The problem of drinking water for the whole city was solved at once. This seems to pose another difficult problem for the mayor.

But I know the mayor will not give up.

I went to Tulun City from Shuiling. Tulun City is still open. There are still many people visiting here, and there are long rows of stalls outside. I found a restaurant to sit down, ordered two dishes, a few bottles of beer, and sat there to drink.

After drinking a bottle, Li Fu sat next to me. I don't know when he came over.

He picked up a bottle of beer and drank it.

"Why are you here?"

"I come every day, you see."

He lifted his clothes and there was something in it. It was an old thing.

"If you sell this thing, you can sell it. It's a disaster to keep it. Maybe one day when the police come, they will not only confiscate everything, but also go to prison."

"Your thing is not clean."

"Your second master's things are even more unclean."

I don't want to talk about clean or unclean things.

After drinking the fourth bottle of beer, I heard a strange sound, and I was stunned. Li Fu is still drinking there. He has drunk the eighth bottle.

"Did you hear anything?"

"This is Tulun City. Don't be surprised that strange things have happened. Such things are too normal in the underground ancient city for thousands of years."

"Sword sound."

"Norm, there are many arsenals in Tulun City. If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look."

I know that there are many weapons and swords there, but I heard the sound of the sword a little strange, dragging the ground. I saw a man dragging his sword to us, so I stood up, and Li Fu also stood up and looked back.

"Damn, it's really evil."

Li Fu cursed.

The man wore a hat, pressed very low, and wore ancient clothes. Step by step, he walked slowly. Those tourists watched the bustle and thought it was dressed up by the Tulun staff, but I didn't think so.

Li Fu and I looked at it like that, and the man came to us with a sword and stood still.

"Brother, have a drink."

Li Fu probably fainted and suddenly said this sentence.

The man didn't move. I wanted to see his face. When I was about to squat down, the man raised the sword and ran away. Li Fu followed. The man didn't move and held the sword like that. No one understood what was going on.

We ran more than a thousand meters and stopped.

"What's going on?"

"I guess it was dressed up by the ancient city staff to tease us."

I don't want to explain, just take it! I went back to the antique store and felt very tired, so I fell asleep.

Who knows, when I got up the next morning, the sword was on my table. I thought, it must have been done by a black water man.

I opened the door and looked out. There was no one. I sat there. Anyway, there were too many strange things happening. I didn't have to think too much and look at it step by step.

Strangely, the man who bought the bowl came in again at nine o'clock. He looked at me, picked up the sword, looked at it for a long time and said.

"Do I want this?"

"This is expensive."

I don't want to sell it at all.

"You bid."

"Fifty thousand."

The boy didn't bargain and put down his sword.

"I'll withdraw the money."

I think this boy will probably not come back. Unexpectedly, he ran back in ten minutes, then patted the money and left with a sword.

What's faster is that after half an hour, the boy came back. He stared at me without a sword in his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"I took it home and put it on the table. When I went to the toilet, it was gone. You are the gravekeeper and played with me."

"You know that I'm a gravekeeper, but I really didn't take it. Call the police!"

The boy really called the police. The police came and took both of us away.

I told you about it, and the police looked at me suspiciously. Finally, they let me go and told me that they would call me at any time and not let me leave the city. The man insisted that I was insidious, saying that I was a gravekeeper, and the police said they would investigate.

The most unfortunate thing is that when I returned to the store, the sword was placed on the counter. Isn't this playing with me? My sweat came down. I felt strange when I looked at the sword. I called Li Fu.

Li Fu came and looked at the sword and said.

"The sword held by that man is really evil. You gravekeepers are willing to attract such a thing."

"What should I do now?"

"Go find that man."

"Bullshit, isn't this killing yourself?"

"Call your second master to come."

I called the second master here, and he said after looking at the sword.

"The sword cast by the people of Xinla City took this kind of sword in the war in Tulun City."

I told the matter before and after. The second master didn't say anything and had a gloomy face. What the fuck was that the police came in at this time. I hid my sword under the counter. The policeman's eyes were easy to use. When he saw it, he came over and took out his sword.

"You played well. You sold the sword and stole it back and bought it again. You have a good business experience, but this amount is not small. Even if it is 50,000 yuan, it is enough for you to squat for a few years."

"I really didn't steal it back. I'll give him back the sword or money now."

Don't you think it's a little late? This sword must belong to others.

I went to his eighth uncle, and this matter was posted like this. What do you say? Who believes it? Even if I am a policeman, I don't believe it.