grave-keeping note

56. No one cooking smoke

56. No one cooking smoke

Li Fu went to talk to the director for a long time, but he didn't know what he was talking about. Anyway, the director was very happy.

The director called dozens of people and began to look for coffin bricks. Half of them passed, found 100 pieces, and then began to change bricks. Li Fu pulled away the replaced bricks, and the ancient city opened the gate again.

The mayor's face began to look good again. On TV, with a spring face, I also knew that he was still calculating Shuiling, but he didn't know that the water coffin appeared in Shuiling, which was definitely not a good thing.

The second master drew the drawings and let me see them. It was not professional at all, but he generally drew Xinla City. The second master said.

"I won't show up, and you can't show up. You can find someone to cover this Xinla City, and now."

I took the drawings drawn by the second master and found a friend of mine. This boy is engaged in engineering. After reading the drawings, he was happy.

"This drawing has to be redesigned, but it is detailed."

"I'll leave this job to you, the land in the west of the city."

My friend was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he didn't expect that I could get that land.

He didn't ask much, just told me, don't worry.

After the engineering team over there entered, the mayor drank with me in the Second Master Emperor's Building, which was not good.

When the mayor mentioned the matter of Shuiling, the second master pulled his face down.

"You can find black water people and Taoist priests for this matter."

"I talked to them, and they are also afraid that you will stop them in the middle. I hope you don't stop them."

The second master didn't speak, and I couldn't speak. This meal was really uncomfortable. The second master drank too much and I carried it back. The second master didn't spit that day, and I also knew that he would not spit. This Shuiling just couldn't be opened.

Li Fu came up with the idea of closing the coffin, and he came to me.

"I think about the knife of the thousands of captains every day."

"If you don't want to live, go. Didn't you see it? Are they all police? As soon as you move, there will be countless gunholes on your body.

"Then I think it's better to forget it. Let's go to the Moon Temple later."

Li Fu suddenly changed the topic, and I knew that his purpose was to go to the Moon Temple. Actually, I also want to see it.

Li Fu and I went to the Moon Temple. In just a few days, the Moon Temple has been dilapidated, and the Moon Tomb has grown a lot of grass. Li Fu stood in the hall and looked at Guanyin without saying anything.

I went to the house, and Li Fu followed me in.

I pushed the wall and opened it. There was indeed a dark room behind it. This dark room was probably built to escape for life. The living in the dark room is very full. Black water people and Taoist priests have lived here for some days. I don't know where they have gone now.

I think they must still have contact with the city, otherwise the mayor would not have said that that day.

Li Fu and I came out of the dark room and saw the Taoist priest standing in the room, which scared me, and Li Fu also shivered.

"You old man, there is no movement at all. It scares me to death."

The Taoist priest stared at Li Fu and said to me.

"Tell your second master that I live in this month's temple. He burned my temple, and I will live here. Tell him not to disturb me."

"You can live as you like. It has nothing to do with us."

Li Fu and I left, and I thought about it. The Taoist priest suddenly jumped out and did not hide. He had to live in this temple. This is where the monk lives. It's also a little interesting.

I went back and told the second master. The second master just nodded and asked me how Xinla City was doing.

What about the foundation? I guess it's almost winter, but I don't think there are many new people, dozens of people, and it's hard to say whether they are willing to come here or not.

"You like talking so much."

I stared at the second master and left.

When I returned to the antique store, Ji Xiao was there.

"The second master talked to me today. We have to be together and have a child."

This stunned me for a moment, and I knew what the second master meant.

"But we can't have children, you know."

"Don't worry about this. I hope you can be with me, because I love you and you love me."

I sneered and said.

"It used to be, but not now."

Ji Xiaoqing didn't leave at night. She got into my bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night and went to sleep on the sofa.

When I got up in the morning, I went to the construction site, and I watched the situation there at any time.

I went to the construction site for a long time and went to the lake. I like it. It is quiet and the water is still green. I don't know when the water coffin will appear again, maybe a hundred years, or more.

Of course, Li Fu is looking forward to its reappearance. If it appears again, Li Fu will never let go of such an opportunity. When I was about to go back, I saw the black water man standing opposite the lake and looking at me. I was excited and left immediately. I didn't want to meet the black water man alone. I didn't know them very well.

I returned to the antique store, took the thirteen faces from the shelf, and looked at the thirteen faces. Sure enough, through the temperature of my hands, each face was changing, laughing, crying, happy, or angry...

This thing is indeed a work of art. It can be seen that the black water people also have their own culture. Of course, this is something they have accumulated for thousands of years. Just like our new people, they also have their own culture.

Now, depending on the situation, black water people also want to integrate into the city, hoping to have their own place. The second master also thinks so. Although the paradise is good, there are also its bad places.

I'll call the second master.

"Second Master, I want to go back to Xinla City and pick up Gu Ye and the children."

"I think it's better to wait a little longer. This new city has been built and will be picked up tomorrow spring."

What the second master said is not unreasonable, but I miss them. This separation is more than a year. Finally, I still agree with the second master's idea.

Ji Xiaoqing still comes every day. These days have calmed down a lot. With Ji Xiaoqing, I can also walk around Tulun City, the ancient city, and the Moon Temple. What I want to do most is to stay at home.

Zhajia has always been a mental illness. My curiosity has not decreased so far. Anyway, it has increased, but it is better to hide.

At night, Ji Xiao fell asleep. I went to Zha's house and jumped into the yard of Zha's house. It can be seen that the Zha family was also popular in those years. I don't know why it failed like this. In fact, this is also normal. There are only a few people left in the end of the new La people, and they are about to be exterminated. This is not sad. This is a normal law.

I stood in the corner of the yard and observed everything in the house. It was quiet, quiet, without any movement. I walked slowly. The building of the house was completely full, the window paper was pasted outside, and there was a cradle hanging children in the yard.

Everything is finely done. When I walk to the last yard, I stand there. The front, left and right rooms look more exquisite. This should be the upper room, where the elders live.

When I opened the door, I chose the main room and went down to my door. I walked to the door and stood for a long time without any movement. I gently pushed the door, and the two doors opened. There was no dust, spider webs and so on, which made me trembling. Unless someone came to clean it often, it wouldn't be like this.

I didn't go in. In such a situation, I can't go in. I'm not sure that there is anyone in it, so it's dangerous to go in.

I gently pulled up the door again and turned to go out. When I was about to leave, I heard a cough and the old man's cough. I was shocked. The sound was obviously coming from the room. The second master said that there was no one, and I'm afraid the second master was lying.

I stopped and heard a cough coming from the side room. I walked over slowly. If it was a human, there was nothing to be afraid of.

I approached the room, and the cough was still still there. I poked my window finger a little and looked inside. Nankeng and Beikeng, a typical full style, were neatly folded, long strips, falling on the kang cabinet, and there was a pillow on the right side, and there was no one on the bed. But there was also a cough, which was really strange. I looked in from another angle. There was really no one. A kang table was placed on the north kang. There was a brazier on the top of the table. There was no one, and the cough was still there.

I hesitated for a moment, opened the door, and stopped coughing.

I went in and stood at the door and looked in. I still didn't see anyone. I couldn't help but be a little nervous. The cough was obviously from this room. At this moment, there was no one, which was really strange.

I didn't feel very well. I came out backwards, pulled up the door, jumped the wall and went out.

I went back to the antique store. It was almost dawn and I fell asleep on the sofa. When she woke up, Ji Xiao gently covered me with a quilt, and then she cooked.

Actually, if there were no such messy things, maybe Ji Xiaoqing and I would have been together, but these messy things would make everything messy.

In the afternoon, I went to Yincun again, and the cooking smoke of the family rose again. This is a little evil. The cooking smoke is indeed different from normal cooking smoke.

I sat on the opposite mountain and looked at the Zha's house. The cooking smoke kept coming out. I jumped up and went to the Zha's house. I didn't believe that I couldn't understand what was going on with the Zha family? If there are living people, they will always come out. It is impossible not to come out.

I jumped into the yard and went to the house with cooking smoke. I opened the door. There was no burning fire in the stove outside. Everything was deserted. I came out and looked at the chimney. The cooking smoke had stopped. I entered the house again. It was almost the same as the house. There was still no one. It was a little strange.

I'm not going to look at all the rooms, so that there will always be trouble. I just want to figure out whether there is anyone in this family.

I stood in the yard and coughed no longer sounded.

I was thinking about it, and the "coo-dong" sound scared me. I looked back and saw that it was Li Fu, and Li Fu was also scared and shivering.

"Your boy is here."

"You don't care. You don't see anyone, so you jump in."

"There is no one in this family. They are living and don't want to come here."

I stared at Li Fu.

"Have you found anything?"

I shook my head.

"You are stupid and strange phenomena appear. Do you know that even in the tomb, this village is fucking strange, building the tomb in the yard or in the room."

"How many tombs in this village have not been stolen?"

"I never steal the tomb of Yin Village. I can't afford to play with these people. Although I'm a wizard, I can't afford to play with them."

"Have you been injured?"

"You're right. I was almost disabled by Mr. Yi, so since then, I have never thought of the tomb of Yincun. However, this time I can do it. There is indeed no one in this family, and I have also found out."

After Li Fu finished speaking, he went in and entered the room one by one. The doors were opened, but nothing was found.

"Where will the tomb be, guess?"

Li Fu, who can't find this guy, actually let me guess.

"I don't know. You can't find a grave robber, let alone me."


When we got to the backyard, the backyard of the Zha family was full of fruit trees and all kinds of fruits on it. The backyard was hundreds of square meters. It seemed that the Zha family was also a fastidious person in those years.