grave-keeping note

10. Thousands of coffins in the fog

10. Thousands of coffins in the fog

Nothing happened this night. I went to the ancestral tomb to see the second master. When I came out, I went to Xinla City. Everything was fine there, and Gu Ye went early.

Then I was going to go to the antique store, but at this time Li Fu called and asked me to go to Shuiling.

When I went to Shuiling, there were already many people there, and I knew something had happened. When I passed, the water was very calm, and it seemed that things had passed. Li Fu came over to me and pulled me aside.

"The three people are from the province. What should they do?"

"What just happened?"

"The fog rises first, and there are about a thousand coffins hidden in the fog. The fog disperses, and the coffins are gone."

I was stunned for a moment and didn't ask again.

"I'm afraid your trouble is coming. The second master is a gravekeeper. Although he can die for a hundred days, after all, he is a dead person."

I know this very well. I seem to be looking forward to the second master helping me, and Li Fu's words woke me up. I took over the second master's class. It seems that I have to guard this Shuiling. I'm afraid I can't keep it.

The mayor finally came to me for a big bowl of tea, and I knew there would be such a day.

The mayor introduced the three people I saw in Shuiling and told the provincial Shuiling working group. I knew that I was afraid that I really couldn't avoid it.

"This time, I just want to talk to you. Your second master is dead, and I also sympathize with you. Now you are the only gravekeeper. The water mausoleum is guarded by your second master. Experts have given me advice on this. That brand is, your second master will definitely tell you something. When you open the water mausoleum, you should also realize that How much value will it create? Don't stay in the old ideas. Of course, our provincial leaders won't let you do it for nothing.

I have heard this more than a hundred times. I used to refuse. If I refuse it again this time, I'm afraid the consequences will be very serious. They will talk about it in Xinla City and the new people.

"Give me time to prepare. Shuiling is not an ordinary mausoleum, which you know better than me."

"No hurry. If there is any need or requirements, we will definitely do it."

I was in a daze when I went back to the antique store. What should I do about this? I also know little about Shuiling. The second master has told me something, but after all, he only knows a little.

I don't know how much the second master knows. Think about it, what he does is not really to open the water mausoleum, but to protect the water mausoleum.

I'm in a dilemma, which is really a very troublesome thing. I called Li Fu and got two cases of beer.

"This is really difficult. From my point of view, after opening, it will indeed turn the economy of the city upside down. As you can see in Tulun City and the ancient city, the Chinese people are crazy now, traveling desperately, as if there is today and no tomorrow."

"The second master has been guarded all his life and came to me to open it. It seems that I'm so sorry for the second master."

"Actually, I can't say something. I want to open it. Of course, we should be together. I'll be your assistant. You know my purpose. I just want to have a look."

Li Fu's words are true. What he pursues in his life is the tomb and mausoleum. He has reached a realm and enjoys it. This has made me hesitate until a week later, and I haven't decided yet.

I went to the small building of Yincun and entered the ancestral tomb. I hope the second master can give me some advice. When I opened the lid of the coffin, the second master was not in it. It seems that the second master has a lot of things to do. For him, these 100 days may be the busiest 100 days.

No one could explain the illusion of thousands of coffins in Shuiling, and the people also panicked. Shuiling was quiet for a period of time and finally began to be weird again.

I've been dragging this matter, and the police found me again. It's still about the household registration. It seems that the mayor put something for them and put pressure on me.

I called the mayor.

"You prepare a wetsuit, an expert group, and something for emergency use."

"Okay, I'll ask them to do the household registration as soon as possible and finish it in three days."

The next day, the mayor's secretary found me and told me.

"Everything is ready. When will you go to Shuiling? I will transfer someone to you about your words."

"Then eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Gu Ye didn't say much about my opening of Shuiling, but he didn't want me to touch Shuiling, which would be very dangerous. I don't want to touch it, but if I don't touch it, I'm afraid the 56 people in Xinla City will have to run away.

I called Li Fu here to discuss going to Shuiling.

"Go in from the lake and see what's going on first."

I looked at Li Fu after I finished speaking.

"I'll listen to you. I'll be your assistant."

Li Fu didn't give me a suggestion, and I can only move according to the situation.

The next day, when I went there, there were more than 20 people standing on the shore.

"It's real."

Li Fu made such a sentence, and I stared at him.

After we went there, I changed into a wetsuit, Li Fu also changed, and the diving team also went down with us.

"Let's take a look at the situation first. When we need you to get off, we can go down."

Li Fu and I dived down and went under the water. Everything was normal. We went to the suspension wall in the west. The passage of the suspension wall was still there. I think we can only go down from here.

After we came up, I asked Li Fu.

"What do you plan to do?"

"I think I can only go in from there."

I sat on the shore, and the leader of the Shuiling group asked me.

"How's it going?"

"It's okay to go down, but it's hard to say what will happen."

I smoked, the lake was foggy, and it was getting bigger and bigger. The people on the shore did not speak, and there seemed to be a kind of pressure. I thought the illusion would still appear, but it did not appear, and the distance of two meters on the lake could not be seen.

Li Fu suddenly stood up and called me aside.

"I think the two of us should go to the center of the lake."


"Maybe, then we will have a chance. If we enter through that dark road, we may not reach the center of Shuiling."

"What opportunity?"

"I don't know about this either. I feel it."

"Well, that's the speedboat."

I called the team leader over and told me what I thought. The team leader hesitated for a moment.

"Everything is up to you."

Li Fu and I got on the speedboat. Originally, we were driving the speedboat, but Li Fu actually had to drive by himself. I was a little worried that something would go wrong. Li Fu said he would.

The two of us rushed into the fog and arrived at the center of the lake. Li Fu stopped the speedboat.

It's so foggy that you can't see anything.


I said.

"Wait a minute."

The two of us are smoking in a speedboat. Li Fu looked a little nervous. I knew that something would happen.

Suddenly, the water coffin appeared and I shudled.

Li Fu is very excited.

"I think the two of us have to go into the coffin."

I don't agree with Li Fu's idea. I think it's a matter of death. The most important thing is that I can't afford to die now.

"I think we'd better not go in."

"Maybe this is an opportunity."

"I'm not sure it's not an opportunity."

Li Fu didn't want to run in a hurry. He jumped into the water. I was stunned for a moment and jumped into the water. Li Fu climbed into the water coffin, and I followed him in. I thought maybe this was an opportunity.

After we went in, I immediately felt cold and cold. Li Fu was also trembling, which I didn't expect. I thought I should go out, but it was late. The water coffin was covered. I pushed the coffin lid, which was soft and couldn't be pushed.

"Don't push, save some effort."

I think he will die in this coffin this time. Li Fu doesn't seem to be nervous. Maybe he really feels bad, but he doesn't look like it.

The water coffin sank into the water. I began to feel a little nervous, and so did Li Fu.

"If it goes on like this, we will both die."

"Don't worry, we won't die here."

I suddenly shouted, which shocked Li Fu. I saw the second master and swam this way.

Li Fu suddenly became nervous. The second master swam to the water coffin and pushed the water coffin with his hand. The water coffin suddenly broke and melted into the water. The two of us fell into the water at once, and the second master gestured and asked us to follow him.

We arrived at the hanging wall, entered through the dark road, and we poked our heads out of the water, but it only took three or four minutes.

It turned out to be a few square meters of sub-lake by the lake.

"You two don't go back and leave here immediately."

After saying that, the second master turned around and left.

Li Fu and I were still there.

"Your second master is not dead. That's not an illusion, it's real. I touched his hand, and there is still temperature. I was thrilled, and the second master exploded to death. What does that mean?

I couldn't figure it out. I heard from the second master. Li Fu and I left Shuiling and ran away. Li Fu took me into the mountain. Two hours later, we went down the mountain. It was a natural village with more than a dozen families.

"I think the second master is right. We should hide it."

I don't know whether it's right or wrong to hide. Those people can only think that the two of us are dead. Maybe this is a good way.

Li Fu pointed to a house and said.

"That's what I built."

When we went in, I looked at the house and fell down.

"Is this also called a house?"

"It's good to protect from the wind and rain."

When we went in, the room was in a mess.

Li Fu looked at me and said.

"Stay here. I'll get something to eat and drink."

Li Fu went out, just such a house, dark and very uncomfortable. Li Fu came back for more than an hour. He held a basin and was steaming.

He put the basin on the kang and took out two bottles of wine from his pocket. At first glance, it was of inferior quality.

The pot is stewed. It's messy. There are all kinds of dishes. It's a little disgusting, but you have to eat it.

"How long are we going to stay here?"

I asked Li Fu.

"That depends on when your second master will let us out."

Li Fu began to eat, and I also ate it. It looked messy. It tasted really good. That day, I drank too much, and Li Fu also became big.

When I got up in the morning, I had a terrible headache. Li Fu told me what it was called a stuffy donkey.

I went to the mountain and Li Fu sat in the yard.

I met a firewood man in the village and he asked me.

"Brother Fu's cousin, right?"

I said "um" and I didn't want others to know who I was. Two hours later, when I returned to the yard, Li Fu fell asleep. I stabbed him and woke up.

"I don't want to stay here anymore."

"It's up to you. Anyway, don't let those people know that you are still alive, otherwise there will be more trouble. You can also see that the second master doesn't want us to enter Shuiling, but it's a strange thing that he died."

I don't want to talk about the second master, and I will know it gradually. Li Fu ran in the middle of the night. He didn't know where he went and didn't come back in the morning. I felt that something was wrong.

until the afternoon, Li Fu had no shadow, and I knew that Li Fu would definitely not come back. I walked along the village road, which is probably on the east side of Shuiling.

The path bends around like chicken intestines. I decided to walk along the mountain road. After dark, I went back to the antique shop and waited for the second master there.

It was past nine o'clock in the evening when I entered the antique store. I jumped in through the window and left a window for myself. I always do this, which is called leaving a way for myself.

I didn't turn on the light and sat in the dark. I heard laughter. I almost didn't scare me to death. I jumped up and jumped to the door. Looking back, it turned out to be the second master.


The old man sat in the room and didn't say a word. This son of man pissed me off.

"I knew you would come back."

"Second Master, you did something wrong. You didn't tell me to blow it up. I almost cried to death."

"Crying? I didn't listen."

That's right, I didn't cry.

"What's going on?"

"The black water man and Taoist priest are trying to kill me. If they want to kill me, I can't escape, and I will blow it up. They will take action against Shuiling recently."

"Why didn't the mayor look for them?"

"The conditions offered by the black water man and Taoist priests made the mayor very unhappy, and they also tried to enter the mausoleum, but failed. The mayor determined that you and I were the only people who opened the water mausoleum."

So that's what happened.

"Black water people and Taoist priests are probably in the Moon Temple. Why don't we do it first?"

"Don't provoke black water people."

I don't know why the second master didn't let me provoke these black water people.

"We'll leave here in a minute. It's not safe here."

"Where are you going?"

"Just follow me."

The second master ate with the package and wine.

I didn't expect that the second master would take me to that tomb.

"This place is too evil. I don't think it's a good choice."

"But it's safe."