grave-keeping note

50. Mitsubishi coffin

50. Mitsubishi coffin

We climbed to the top of the mountain, and there was a grave there, which was almost flat. The second master stood there and looked for a long time.

"This man has been dead for more than 30 years, and I buried him back then."


"I don't know who a tramp is."

I think it's strange that this place is not suitable for burying people at all. It's full of stones, but this pit can't be dug out in ten days and a half months. If you bury it somewhere else, dig a hole, but it will only take two or three hours.

"Why is it buried here?"

"When I buried him, I knew that it would be useful in the future. This position is a wound. Buried here, it will never be peaceful, and it can't be reincarnated. Just leaning here and accumulating resentment for 30 years, I just want to use it one day and use it today."

"What are you going to do?"

"It's interesting to put it on the territory of the Black Water Man. This corpse of resentment will help me, and he will thank me for my burial.

I was stunned. The second master has been full of worries in his life.

The second master took out the shovel and asked me to dig it.

Ten minutes later, the coffin was exposed. After pried open the cover of the coffin, he took out a glass silk bag, picked up the bones and put them in. The second master stood on my back and went to Yincun.

That day, the second master tossed around all night on the second floor, made a little noise, and then said a few words, which made me scared all night.

In the morning, the second master told me that when he returned to Xinla City, he would sleep here.

When I went back to Xinla City, Gu Ye told me to take the children to the park.

After Gu Ye left, I went into the room and slept.

I know that the second master still wants to bring Ji Xiao back. He hopes to have another child or more for him. Originally, the second master did not want to treat Ji Xiaoqing like that, but the second master was worried that the Xinla clan would perish, which was the most tragic thing.

I'm afraid it was for Ji Xiaoqing to get the bone this time.

In the middle of the night the next day, the second master suddenly called me and asked me to go to Yin Village.

When I went there, there was no light in the small building.

When I entered the compound, I felt something strange. I stood in the yard and didn't go in.

I listened to the movement without any movement. After standing for ten minutes, I slowly walked in.

When I saw the second master sitting in a chair and looking at me, I felt something was wrong and a little abnormal. I stood there motionless. Unexpectedly, Na Wan came downstairs, saw me and smiled at me.

I didn't expect that Wan would come, and it seemed that the second master would sit there without moving.

"Why are you here?"

"Let's go out and talk."

Na Wan and I went to the yard.

"Actually, I shouldn't have come here, but I still came. I made Ji Xiao's light walkway."

I was stunned and haven't spoken for a long time.

"I know you will be heartbroken and unhappy, but Ji Xiaoqing can't control me. I'm afraid you and the second master will be in trouble. The second master got the bone this time and wanted to break Ji Xiaoqing's body. If I didn't let him do it, he was anxious with me, and I took him..."

"Na Wan, I don't know how to say this. I love you, but there is nothing wrong with Ji Xiaoqing. If you let her walk the way, you will ruin her.

"Ji Xiaoqing has destroyed herself. She has always been trying to enter Shuiling and get close to you and the second master, so you won't be too soft."

I don't want to argue with that Wan anymore.

"You let the second master go."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him. I want him to get the attached number of the Zajia compound. He doesn't help me. Please tell me."

"I will try my best, as you know, second master, a very central person."

Nwan let the second master go. I don't know how she used to keep the second master still.

The second master jumped up and tried his best. I stopped the second master.

"Second master, don't be impulsive. There is no good fruit."

The second master scolded and turned around.

"Second Master, don't toss around."

I asked Na Wan to go out and wait for me. After that Wan went out, I said.

"Second Master, we can't handle that Wan, but she won't hurt us. This time, you can help her get the attached number down."

The second master said he didn't agree.

"If you don't help her, then I don't care about you. You know the gentle method. Zhengfei has said it several times. I hope you don't be so stubborn."

The second master finally agreed. After he removed the attached number in that Wan room, he scolded me as a bastard. I was so angry that I couldn't say a word.

That day, after the second master left, she said a few words to me and left.

I went back to the small building. The second master was not there. I entered the ancestral tomb. I saw that the glass silk bag was there, opened, and the bones were all inside. When I went back to Xinla City, the second master didn't let me enter his house and scolded me.

Gu Ye pulled me back to the house and said.

"Why did you provoke the second master? He was so angry that he scolded me.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just a madman."

I didn't say the reason, and Gu Ye didn't ask again. In fact, I can't say such a thing. The second master stayed in the room for two days and came out, as if he was still angry.

He went out, but I didn't follow him. If he knew, he would go crazy again. I didn't expect that the second master's temper would be more strange.

That day, Li Fu asked me to go to Shuiling, and he waited for me at the tree hole.

When I went there, Li Fu was already there.

"Why did you come here?"

"What's so urgent?"

"The black water man is underwater. I don't know what he is doing. Do you see if there is a pipe over there? It's ventilated. In a moment, we will go over and plug the pipe to kill this bastard."

I saw a pipe tied under the tree. Li Fu and I went over. Li Fu grabbed a handful of soil and put it in little by little. This boy was too damaged. If you blocked it, it would be over. He actually put the soil in it. I don't think it would be too uncomfortable.

The black water man came out of the water and scolded us when he saw Li Fu and me. Li Fu laughed and ran away with me.

"What are the Black Waters going down to do?"

"I don't know, it's probably a matter of the attached number."

I know that my second master and I took out a black heart from the Mitsubishi coffin last time.

The second master suddenly appeared in the tree hole, carrying the bag containing bones.

The black waterman ran away after going ashore. The second master took off his clothes and seemed to be ready to go into the water.

The second master carried the bag into the water and came up 20 minutes later. It seems that he put the bag into the Mitsubishi coffin. After the second master left, Li Fu asked me.

"What's in that bag?"

"If you want to know, you can go down and have a look. Maybe it will be useful for you."

Li Fu stared at me. After Li Fu and I separated that day, I went back to Xinla City. The second master did not come back. It seems that he went to Yin Village. That day, Gu Ye told me that the second master cried by himself in the room.

I was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that the second master was sad for me to the end.

Since that day, the second master has been alone and has never asked me to go out with him. Maybe that's good. I went to Zha's house in Yincun that day, and I wanted to be quiet there and think about my future.

Think about what I have done over the years? I'm not only a little scared. I think I should stabilize my life and give my child a good future, but these messy things are all entangled, and the second master is still old. At this time, I took Gu Ye and the child away from him, which is obviously a little strange.

I didn't figure it out on this day, and I have to continue to live. It seems that this matter is endless. Maybe it will be like this in the future.

I returned to Xinla City. The second master was in the room. I stood at the door and listened for a while. He was chatting with a person. I couldn't tell who this person's voice was, not what I was familiar with.

At dinner, the second master took a boy in his twenties.

"This is my apprentice. From now on, he will live in Xinla City, in the east room on the first floor. I hope we will be like a family in the future."

I didn't say anything, and Gu Ye didn't say anything. In fact, I can see that Gu Ye is very unhappy, and I am not happy. It is more or less insecure for you to make a stranger live at home.

That day, I entered the second master's room, and the second master had a cold face.

"Second master, it's not right for you to do this. I don't care about your apprentice, but you can't let him live here. An outsider lives here. I feel very uncomfortable."

"This is my business. Xinla City is also my city. If you don't want to live, go out."

The second master actually said such a thing. It seems that the fate between me and the second master has arrived.

When I go back, I will talk to Gu Ye.

"We will move out tomorrow and pack up."

I went to the room over there and cleaned it up.

The next day, when I took Gu Ye and the children to leave, the second master stopped me and said.

"Leave you and Ji Xiaoqing's child."

"You can't take this child. You can't take care of it without Gu Ye."

"This is my business."

"This is my child, and you have the right to take it away."

The second master said nothing more, and I took them away.

When we went back to that house, Gu Ye told me.

"I always feel that it's not good. The second master is also in his 70s, and there must be no one to take care of him."

"He has an apprentice, so don't worry about it."

I'm very unhappy. What on earth is the second master going to do?

I finally found out that this apprentice was an outsider and had no parents.

That day, I was flying and found me.

"What are you looking for me for?"

"I know you are separated from your second master. I think we can cooperate and get seven layers for benefits."

"Zhengfei, do you have a fart in your head?"

I didn't expect Zhengfei to have such an idea.

Zhengfei heard me say this and shook his head and left.

I don't know how to face what the second master did. If I don't care about the second master's affairs from now on, maybe this is a good thing. I told Gu Ye what I thought. Gu Ye didn't say anything. Obviously, she disagreed.

That day, I went to Zha's courtyard and thought about all this. Na Wan came in, and she took my hand and said.

"I came to see you and knew you would be here."

I told the matter with the second master, and then Wan thought about it for a moment.

"That's good, otherwise there will be too much trouble."

That day, Wan stayed late and left, and I didn't go home, so I slept in that Wan's room. At dawn, I found a fatal problem. It's that the door of this house is misplaced. There must be nothing wrong with this. It's a staggered position. I didn't move or move the door.

I jumped out of the window and called Li Fu.

When Li Fu came over, it began to rain. Maybe this was the last rain, and it will soon enter winter.

I told Li Fu about the situation, and Li Fu looked at it for a while.

"If you really come out of this door, in fact, you don't go out and walk in to another place. I'm afraid you won't have a chance to come back."

"What would that be?"

"It should be another world. I don't know what it is."

I didn't ask who did it, and Li Fu probably guessed like me.

On that day, I began to have a fear of the Zha family compound. That day I went to the compound, and I saw the five Nade.