grave-keeping note

51. Flowing pendant

51. Flowing pendant

When the five Nade saw me, he was angry.

"What else are you doing here?"

"Of course, it's for your young lady's business."

"That has nothing to do with me. I hope you don't come to me again."

Na Wu Nade was probably scared by Na Wan last time.

"I need something."


"The good trees in your house."

Nanade was shocked. He never thought that I would know Liangmu.

Good wood is a kind of tree that grows on the snowtop of Changbai Mountain. It is no longer available in that family.

"How do you know that my family has good trees?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I'm just borrowing it."


The Wu Nade refused me decisively. I know that he will definitely refuse me, not to mention his value, mainly because this tree can drive away anything evil.

"You don't have to give it to me, but if your lady comes back, I'm afraid..."

"The robber."

The five Nade's faces are twisted and deformed.

The Wu Nade took me into the backyard of the old house, where the door was made of wood and locked. He played for a long time before opening the lock. The lock was a little rusty. Obviously, the Wu Nade did not always enter the backyard.

The backyard is actually the ancestral hall for the ancestral tablets.

There are two good trees on the offering table.

The five-year-old took one and handed it to me.

"Get out of here!"

"No, two."

"Don't go too much. If you force me again, I'll kill you now."

"It's not certain who dies."

The five Nade was probably so angry that he threw the good wood to me. I took it and left. I saw that Wu Nade's lips were bleeding.

I took Liangmu home and put it in the bedroom room.

Na Wan told me about this good wood. If you want to come and put it at home, you can be invable. Of course, I also know that this thing will be more useful. I just hope my children are safe and the ancient leaves are safe.

That day, I absolutely didn't expect that Ji Xiaoqing would stand in the garden downstairs and look up. Maybe I wanted to see the child. I hesitated for a long time, but I still didn't take the child down. Ji Xiaoqing was still blue-faced and purple. It seems that Na Wan has never changed her mind. She can control Ji Xiaoqing. I think Ji Xiaoqing is very pitiful, but there is nothing I can do.

That day, Ji Xiaoqing stood downstairs for half an hour and then left. Although she wore a very low hat and couldn't even see her face, I could still recognize her.

After Ji Xiao left lightly, I wanted to beg Na Wan and let Ji Xiao belittle him. I could try to convince Ji Xiaoqing that the past was over. He could live with Gong Xiaogang and live a normal life. Shuiling had no practical significance to her.

I don't know if I can convince thatwan. I didn't tell Gu Ye about this idea. I can't let Gu Ye know too much. It will be very painful. In fact, it is not a good thing to appear.

When I was staying at home, Li Fu called.

"Go to that compound quickly. It's very lively this time. There's a sea of people there. They're all running there!"

"Isn't it gold?"

"What are you thinking about?"

I hung up the phone and went to the Zajia compound. I saw Wan sitting on a chair in the compound in a red skirt from afar. I'm a little surprised. What did Wan do when she suddenly ran to the courtyard? Did you go to clean up the five virtues? I think it's a little evil.

That compound has begun to clear people out. It's really too messy. It's so crowded that people are going crazy.

I entered through the back door. When I walked to Na Wan, she smiled at me sideways, and I asked in a low voice.

"Why are you here?"

"The five are dishonest again. He actually destroyed my room with Zhengfei."

"You don't plan to live here. If it's destroyed, it will be ruined."

"That's right, but that's where I nourish my spirits."

I don't know what Na Wan said, but looking at Na Wan doesn't seem to be anything.

The five ran away early, and Na Wan was waiting there. I knew that the Taoist priest might be in that compound, and there were even black water people, but no one dared to come out.

"You should leave here. There are too many people here."

That Wan looked at me.

"I'll listen to you."

That day, Na Wan took my hand and walked out of the gate. This time it was a mess. I didn't want to do this, but Na Wan took my hand and didn't let go.

Na Wan and I went to Zha's courtyard, and I told them about the door.

That Wan said.

"It's okay. I've already done it. It must have been done by those five kids."

The other day, I mentioned Ji Xiaoqing. I asked Na Wan to let Ji Xiaoqing go, but Na Wan did not agree. She was not very happy.

"Actually, I just looked at Ji Xiao's pitiful and thought about the child."

Na Wan shook her head and said something else.

The next day, I went to the newspaper. Gu Ye saw the photo of me holding hands with Na Wan and was stunned for a long time. In the end, Gu Ye talked to me.

"You can't do that with Na Wan. She is different from us. Then you will die."

"It's not as serious as you said. In fact, that Wan is very kind and doesn't hurt everyone."

"After all, people's roads are different."

"I have nothing to do with Na Wan. She just asked me to help her and guard the tomb of that family. After all, the second master has something to do with that family and helps that family collect the tomb. We can't lose trust."

I feel shameless for the reason I said. However, Gu Ye didn't say anything.

That day, Gu Ye was not very happy. I left Xinla City to go to the antique shop, where I haven't been there for a while.

After I went in, I began to wipe the dust. After cleaning up, I made tea, sat there drinking tea, and came in alone to buy antiques.

"There are no real goods here. If it's just for fun, you can choose one."

"I'm here to sell things."

This woman in her twenties drove a car worth more than a million yuan. I looked out at the car and knew that she was a rich man.

She took it out and wrapped it in paper. When I opened it, it turned out to be a pendant, like a pendant like water. She put it on her neck, and it felt like water flowing. It also looked like water flowing. This is the thing of that family. The second master told me that it turned out to be worn on that Wan's neck. Everyone's everything I know that the fall is a treasure.

I didn't expect to see it here. I touched it for a while and knew it was true.

"This is a good thing. How can you be willing to sell it?"

"If you don't like it, sell it."

This woman doesn't want to tell me why.

"You make an offer."

"I don't know how much this thing is worth. I gave it to me."

She didn't say that it was given by her husband. It seems that this woman must be taken care of.

"I'll give you 10,000 yuan."

The woman looked at me and said.


"I'll add 2,000 at most."

This woman agreed. It seems that she really doesn't know how much this thing is worth. It's a priceless thing. Maybe she can change it to another city. The woman and I went to the bank to withdraw money, and the woman drove away.

I went straight to the tomb. When I didn't get close, I sat under the trees on the mountain and looked at the tomb. I knew that I would know that I was coming. Sure enough, within ten minutes, that Wan came out. It turned out that the people guarding here withdrew, and that Wan made them feel dangerous.

When she saw me, she came over.

"Why did you come today?"

I took out the pendant, but I was stunned.

She picked up the pendant, slowly hung it around her neck, and then smiled.

"Where did you find this thing?"

"A woman came to my store to sell it, and I accepted it."

"Thank you."

I didn't ask how this stream was lost. In fact, this is also normal. After all, Nawan has died for a period of time.

I didn't expect that a man would come in the next day.

"Give me back the pendant."

"Are you?"

"I'm that woman's man."

"It's impossible to get back what was sold."

"She doesn't know how much money that thing is. You understand and shouldn't lie to her."

"What's your name? What do you mean by fraud?

"I won't talk nonsense to you."

The man went out and he called outside. Ten minutes later, the woman came and stood beside the man. The man seemed to scold her. Then the police came, and they entered my store together.

I know that this boy is rich and the relationship should be more complicated.

The police will take me away when they come in.

"What do you want to do?"

"You are a liar."

A policeman said.

"Don't talk nonsense, one sells and the other buys. What is a liar?"

That woman has been silent.

"Anyway, you have to go to the bureau with us."

"Get out of here."

The policeman got angry and wanted to do it. Suddenly, a policeman grabbed the policeman and whispered something. The policeman's face was wrong. Then they hurried out and left the man and woman here.

Men and women are stunned. They probably realized something and turned around and left, leaving a little flustered.

I thought about it for a long time and figured it out. Maybe they recognized it. I was the person who was with Na Wan.

I shook my head.

I didn't go home that day. I know that Gu Ye is still angry. Maybe there is really no way to solve this matter. I can't forget it. I can't control myself when I was there.

I have been drinking beer, but the door is not closed. In the middle of the night, the second master came in.

I didn't expect that the second master would come.

"I want to talk to you."

"Sit down!"

"You can't have anything to do with that Wan, which will hurt Gu Ye. Besides, you are a newcomer."

"These have nothing to do with it. I will still be the same for Gu Ye."

"You are not good. Na Wan finally hurt you."

"This is my own business."

After a few words, the second master jumped up, probably trying to beat me, but he controlled it. He scolded me and left.

I think it's best that everything will slowly calm down.

Actually, I know this is a little too much.

That day, Gu Ye called me and asked me to go back. After I went back, Gu Ye said.

"The second master came and asked me to take my child back to the old new city."

"It's none of his business. You are my wife, and these children are also my children. He doesn't count."

"I don't want you to be too unhappy. It's not good for you to recognize. After all, the second master is in his 70s."

"I think it's old and confused. It's too domineering."

Gu Ye shook his head and didn't say anything more. He couldn't convince me, and she couldn't convince the second master.

I know that there is nothing we can do about it sooner or later.

That day, Li Fu came. Li Fu and I went to Tulun City for a drink. I like the pickled cabbage stewed sausage there. Li Fu said that he would leave here and stay outside for a while. He couldn't control this matter. In the end, his life was gone, and it would be boring.

I think so. I don't know who is the ultimate winner this time. It's hard to say. Li Fu lost his hands, which is a painful thing. If he loses his life again, it will be even more boring.

Actually, I also want to quit, but I didn't tell Li Fu.