grave-keeping note

28. The Coffin

28. The Coffin

I stared at Li Fu.

"Don't look at me. What I said is true, but I won't tell you at this time. By ten o'clock, you will know everything."

I have some doubts about what Li Fu said. If he wants to enter other tombs, this is very likely, but I'm afraid it's terrible to enter that tomb. Even Zhengfei and Zuogong ping can't do it. Can he do it?

I don't know. When I drank it until 12 o'clock, my tongue was a little big. Because I don't believe that Li Fu can enter the tomb. Unless he knows the lady's bed in the Wan room, he can't enter.

Li Fu was also clear that he dried the last glass of wine and went into the room. More than ten minutes later, he came out, and then looked back into the room. My heart thumped. Is there anyone in the room?

Sure enough, a man came out of the room. I jumped up and was about to run away. Li Fu grabbed me and smiled sinisterly.

This person turned out to be Li Fu's father.

Li Fu's father has died for several years, and suddenly came out again. It's not surprising that he is not scared. When his father died, I came and looked at the coffin with my own eyes, which was absolutely not wrong.

"Don't be afraid. I invited my father out."

I went to his eighth uncle, and he played like this. He didn't let his father live under the soil. He tossed it out, which was simply terrible.

"You are too unfilial, aren't you?"

"My father told me before he died that he could help me once."

My sweat came down, the wizard's house, which is full of strange and evil.

Li Fu's father didn't say anything and walked forward, which was a little mechanical, but it looked normal.

Li Fu and I followed, and it was also fable in the middle of the night.

Li Fu's father actually went to the compound, and walked through the back door, went straight into the yard, then entered the Wan room, lying on Miss**, and my sweat came down.

I looked back at Li Fu, and he smiled strangely.

His father is gone, Li Fu said lying on the lady**.

"You can do it later."

I didn't say anything. After Li Fu disappeared, I left the compound and called the second master.

When the second master came, he was a little shaken and a little drunk. I told the story, and the second master was excited.

"This bastard."

I don't know whether the second master scolded Li Fu or his father.

The second master went around to the back door and stayed there.

"Why don't you go in and have a look?"


At dawn, Li Fu and his father did not come out.

"Second master, will everything be all right?"

"What can I do? It's a good thing that the two of them can come out alive.

A day passed, and it was very calm. As soon as it was dark, the door opened. Li Fu poked out his head and scared me. He held something, just like a thief. When he saw me and the second master, he was stunned. The second master's hand was so fast that he held Li Fu's head with his arm, dragged it aside, and then Li Fu's father came out. This guy was even more ruthless, holding four or five things, and I don't know how he took it.

I want to go there. The second master waved his hand and won't let me go there.

Li Fu's father disappeared. The second master let go of his hand. When Li Fu was held hostage, he didn't say a word. I thought he was out of breath!

After the second master let go of him, he gasped like a cow for a long time.

"Old Zhang, if you strangle me, my father will kill you."

"Your mouth is quite hard. Let me tell you, your boy is a little too much. I guard this tomb. Are you still moving? I don't care if you touch the emperor's tomb. That's why you can't move.

Li Fu rolled his eyes, didn't say back, and left.

The second master asked me to hold something and follow him.

I followed the second master, and the second master went straight to the mountain.

What I never expected was that the second master stopped at a grave in the back of Li Fu's house.

"Whose grave?"

"Li Fu's father's."

I was stunned. Li Fu's father was buried in his ancestral grave. How could he be here?

"Li Fu is so smart. When his father was alive, he also offended many people. It was not safe to hide in his ancestral tomb. He put it in the back mountain, a lonely grave. No one would have thought that it was Li Fu's father, and he could see it every day."

I was stunned. Li Fu really has a lot of intentions.

We were talking when Li Fu came up. He approached and said.

"Second master, anyway, you can't dig my father's grave."

"He took something into the grave. I have to take it out."

"Don't, second master, for the sake of your years, let him go."

"What do you think?"

Li Fu jumped up at once.

"Old Zhang, don't do anything terrible. Do you think I'm afraid of you? Let me tell you, we don't have to know what's going on when we work together.

Li Fu was so angry that I was stunned.

"Get out of here."

The second master asked me to go to Li Fu's house to get the shovel. I came back with a shovel, but Li Fu was missing.

"Where's Li Fu?"

"I ran away. I don't know what to do."

I'm a little worried. Li Fu said that he still has some Taoist eyes.

"Don't be stunned, dig."

I began to dig, and an hour later, the coffin was exposed. The second master took a look and said.

"Good coffin, this old man died unyieldingly."

The second master took the shovel and cut it hard. After a coffin board opened, the second master said.

"Go and take down the coffin board."

I'm nervous. Li Fu's father was still walking. Don't pull me in.

"It's okay."

The second master said it was okay. He went up and sat there smoking.

I lifted the coffin board and looked in. I was stunned. The bottom was full of bones. I didn't expect that the wizard would have such a method. Those five things are underneath, and I went down and got them up.

The second master and I left with something in our arms.

There are a total of six things, and the second master took them back to Xinla City.

"Do you want to send these things back?"

"No, you can't get out of the coffin. If this thing comes out, there will be no coffin, otherwise it will be bad for the living."

I didn't know there was anything else to say.

"These things seem to be one set."

"Yes, A, B, Ding Wu Ji, Geng Xin Ren Gui, this is the ten concubines. What do you think these things look like?"

"Animal, but I can't see what it is."

"You don't know these animals, and I don't know them. These are animals thousands of years ago, but now they are extinct. A, B, B, Wu, Gengxin, are just ten animals, which used to be animals, but now there are six, and four, one of them is not in the tomb. As for where they are, I don't know yet."

I looked at these six animals. The more I looked at them, the more I sweated. They seemed to be smiling at you, sinisterly. I'm going to lose face. If I look at it again, I have to run away.

The second master looked at these six animals, and the more he looked at them, the more he liked them. I can't stand it anymore and go out.

I didn't see Gu Ye or the children. I went to Yin Village, and the Zhajia compound was still open. There were still so many people, which was a little messy. When I sat in the big stall and drank beer, Li Fu came and sat down and said.

"Your second master is too meteoric. Just dig it. You have to bury it!"

I thought Li Fu would play with us, but he didn't.

"Actually, if a person dies, there is nothing. The bones are all the same when thrown there. They are all a handful of soil."

Li Fu actually said this, and I looked at him in a cold sweat. It seemed that the boy's hatred was in his heart. I knew how he valued the burial of the corpse. I also laughed and said.

"If I die first, you can help me bury my bones in a pot and plant flowers."

Li Fu was stunned, and then opened his mouth and smiled. The mouth was too big, so I paid special attention to it today.

I'm happy to guard against Li Fu. That day, Li Fu told me about the tomb, he said.

"This is the largest tomb I have ever seen in my life, and it is an imitation tomb. The top and bottom are actually the same. I just hate that I have too few hands in the warehouse."

After he finished speaking, he was still happy.

That day, after drinking until midnight, Li Fu left, and I went to live in the small building. I've always wanted to go into the tomb, but I don't know what's going on. She has been guarding there. I knew that it was guarding the tomb of that family. There has been no news from Zuo Ping.

The next day, I went to the compound.

Someone was in the yard, in a pile, holding drills. I was shocked. They were drilling holes for explosives. I jumped up at a height. They actually used explosives. I know that the blasting technology of directional depth is very powerful now, so if they set the depth, the tomb will be uncovered. That's really It's too scary.

I called the second master, and he heard that he didn't say anything for a long time.

The second master came to see this situation and scolded Zuogong ping, which was too insidious.

Li Fu called Sister Zhi and told her that if this didn't work, the tomb would be destroyed.

Sister Zhi said that she could not take care of this matter, and the province took over.

Li Fu told me to stay here and call immediately if there is any situation.

The second master went to the province, and he met an old governor who had retired. He wants to talk to the current governor through the old governor.

When it was almost dark, several cars drove to the door of the compound. The second master got off the car first, and I ran down.

The person who came is really a governor, a deputy governor.

Zuo Fair immediately reported the situation, said the front and back, and then said.

"This is the best way. Now the deep technology is quite mature, with an error of no more than three centimeters, and there is basically no problem."

This was very convincing, and the deputy governor thought about it for a long time.

"Lao Zhang told me about this. Do you understand the structure of that tomb?"

Zuogong ping was stunned for a moment.

"I believe in your technology, but you don't understand the structure inside, and I'm afraid it will destroy that tomb. This is also the largest tomb in China and the largest tomb of the people."

"The point we blasted is like drilling a small hole in a large pipe and then going in."

Zuogong ping said so, and the second master became angry.

"That's just based on your imagination. You don't know anything about the tomb. As soon as you blow up the tomb, everything will be destroyed. That tomb is not an ordinary people's tomb. The structure in it is not inferior to the official tomb."

The second master's eyes are red.

"You are the gravekeeper, and you guard the tomb for that house. I don't think you told the governor about this, did you?"

The deputy young master said the same way as the second master.

"In this way, you go back to write a written material, show the evidence, and then have a meeting to study it for three days."

The blasting stopped for the time being.

The second master and I went to Yincun and asked me what to do?

"It's enough to show strong evidence."

"I'm worried!"

The second master didn't say anything to worry about. I asked. He didn't say anything, just shook his head.

The next morning, the second master said.

"Then write the materials! Take the camera and go to the tomb."

It seems that the second master was forced to do nothing. In fact, the second master and I didn't know that we had entered a shocking bureau.

The second master and I went to Na Wan's room and entered from the lady's bed. The second master at this entrance told me that not everyone could enter. Li Fu went in. Without his father's body, it would have been impossible to come in at all. If he dared to lie on Miss** again, I guess his legs would be gone.