grave-keeping note

47. Skin jade hand

47. Skin jade hand

I asked Na Wan, what about those old people in Xinla City?

"I'll help you, but I hope it will work."

Nan left and didn't let me follow.

The second master has been walking for half a month. That Wan is the person on the road, and he can probably walk in another way.

After Na Wan left, I began to worry. The second master looked down on Na Wan the most and said that she was a fox.

I know that the second master hates Na Wan because of Gu Ye. He regards Gu Ye as his own daughter. Can he not feel sorry? I hope they don't have any conflicts.

When I was upset, Li Fu came, and I didn't get angry. Because I can't take advantage of it. He even has a face.

"That's really not what I told the Blackwater people."

Li Fu talked about this.

"Then how did you know about my skin and jade hands?"


"Don't do this or that. I think you are afraid of death. My two ribs are broken. You know that Wan is back. Are you afraid of her?"

Li Fu's face is pale.

"Get out! I won't embarrass you, and I won't let Na Wan come to you."

When Li Fu left, there was water on the ground, and this guy actually peed into my room. It seems that Li Fu is really scared, and he doesn't know what he is thinking all day.

Na Wan came back four days later, she said.

"Where are the second master going back?"

"How did you persuade him to come back?"

I think it's strange.

"I said that Shuiling still needs you. It's impossible for you to stay in Laoxin Lacheng. What's more, how long will you stay in Laoxin Lacheng?"

The second master said he agreed to come back.

I don't think it's that simple, but I didn't ask again.

When Na Wan asked about my tomb, I said it.

"It's a pity for that tomb."

"What do you plan to do?"

"It's okay to be with you. I won't care about the rest. Only you won't be hurt."

It's a surprise for me to see Na Wan so open. I thought Na Wan would not let go of the Black Water Man.

If so, I am relieved. Such a plain life is also the best choice. Over the years, I have made a lot of trouble.

Na Wan and I fell in love with a villa in the scenic garden, which is a villa on the mountain, a single one. Thatwan means that we live here. I'm a little hesitant. Over the years, almost all the money earned has been spent on more than 100 old people. They spent a lot of money instead of seeing a doctor.

Na Wan smiled, withdrew the bracelet from the hand bowl and handed it to me.

"Isn't that okay? I haven't bought anything for me. In the end, I still..."

That Wan took my hand and smiled.

"You! I've thought too much."

I called a customer I used to know. This is a woman in her 50s. She is very careful and I don't want to get into any trouble.

We made an appointment to meet at 202 Ancient Building Hotel in the ancient city in the evening. I hesitated to take Na Wan. That Wan meant not to go. She went back to Xinla City to wait for me.

I met the customer in the evening. In fact, we didn't know each other's names and only left a phone number. I put the bracelet on the table. The eldest sister took a look and didn't reach out. Then she looked at me and said for a long time.

"In addition to this, I want something else."

I was stunned for a moment.


"skin jade hand."

After listening to it, I sweated. This time it was a big deal, and she actually knew this skin jade hand.

"Where did you know?"

After I finished speaking, put away the bracelet.

"I heard it."

She didn't want to say it, so I got up and said.

"We have never known each other."

I got up and left. This makes me feel scared. *Antiques are illegal. These things are carried out in secret, and it is normal for customers to need them. However, the abnormal thing is that she mentioned the skin jade hand, which makes me feel strange.

The woman didn't chase it out.

I went back to Xinla City and told the matter, and then Wan thought about it for a moment.

"It's okay. This can't be concealed. Sooner or later, everyone will know."

I took off my skin jade hand and handed it to Na Wan.

"You'd better keep this!"

"This thing is good for people's health. You can wear it. No one will give it to you. It's okay."

Na Wan put it on for me and took my hand and said.

"Go to bed early!"

This made me uneasy. The next day, the woman called me and mentioned the skin jade hand again.

"If I want to live, don't mention it."

I hung up the phone. This makes me feel uneasy and unhappy.

Na Wan and I stay in Xinla City every day. Basically, we don't go out, and the villa has become a shadow, but I've been trying to figure out that something from Li Fu's place was stolen from the tomb. I knew about this, and he thought I didn't know.

She said to Na Wan that day that she had something to do when she went out. She didn't ask anything.

I went out to find Li Fu. He was not at home and didn't know what to do. I called him, and he actually answered and told me that he was at Ji Xiaoqing's house.

I was stunned. What did he do at Ji Xiaoqing's place?

I went there, only Li Fu and Ji Xiaoqing were at home.

"What are you doing here?"

I'm a little angry.

"It was Ji Xiaoqing who asked me to come here. The child is sick."

I stared at Ji Xiao.

"The child went to the hospital when he was ill. Why did he talk nonsense to him?"

Ji Xiao said for a long time.

"It's strangely ill."

I pulled Li Fu out of the house and said.

"Li Fu, you don't have to worry about this matter. I thank you. In addition, I want you to have one thing, that is, the lead painting you took out from that tomb."

Li Fu was stunned for a moment and hesitated for a long time.

"What do you want to do?"

"I need money."

"You need money, ask me for this? Na Wan is back. What did she have?

"Li Fu, I don't care about what happened last time. If I tell that Wan about your matter, I guess your life will be gone. You know who Wan is. She killed you, and you don't have to pay for your life."

Li Fu trembling and thought about it for a long time.

"For the last time, if there is a next time, I will fight with you."

Li Fu is gone.

After I entered the room, I asked Ji Xiaoqing.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. The child was sick the day before yesterday, and his voice changed. He always said something strange and went to the hospital, but I couldn't see the problem."

"So you are looking for a wizard. You know who Li Fu is. Call me if you need anything in the future."

When I leave, I will tell Ji Xiaoqing that I will come tomorrow.

I went back and talked about this to Ji Xiao, and she thought about it for a long time.

"It may be the revenge of that soul, that is, the soul you put in the bottle. Let me tell you, the child's soul is very pure, don't provoke, and the child's ghost, which is difficult to provoke."

"What should I do?"

"Actually, Li Fu has a way. If you don't want to use him, I have to go, but Ji Xiaoqing doesn't like to see me."

I hesitated for a moment.

"I'll bring the child here tomorrow."

I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I always had to pay back what I owed, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

The next day, Li Fu called me and asked me to pick up something. After I got back the lead painting, I took the child to Xinla City. The child was seven years old, and some inexplicable words came out from time to time.

After I went back, Na Wan looked at the child and said for a long time.


"Is there any way?"

"Drive out, but I'm worried that this soul will take away the child's things."


"Maybe it's wisdom, maybe it's feeling..."

"Is there no other way?"

"That's the only way. If you owe it, you have to pay it back."

I didn't expect this at all.

"Can I replace it?"

That Wan shook his head.

"Li Fu may have a better way."

"You don't have to go to him. His method is the same."

That day, Na Wan asked me to go out. I stood in the corridor. The child's screams made me at a loss. Ten minutes later, Na Wan asked me to go in, and the child's face was pale.

"It will be fine for two days. I don't know what's going on now?"

I let the child stay with me. Ji Xiaoqing came twice. A week later, the child returned to normal and did not find normal. I asked that Wan.

"Did you lose nothing?"


"But I can't see anything abnormal about the child."

"That's because you didn't find it, so you don't have to worry too much."

That day, I sent my child back. He was husturing to go home. I wanted to stay with my child for a longer period of time to cultivate my feelings. But the child is very strange to me, which makes me very uncomfortable.

The day after the child was sent away, the second master came back with someone. Na Wan went to the antique store and stayed. I chatted with the second master for more than an hour, and the second master seemed to be very unhappy.

That day, I left Xinla City and went to the antique shop. Na Wan cooked for me, I drank, and Na Wan looked at me. Her gentle eyes made me feel that this was the happiest moment.

After dinner, I let Na Wan see the lead painting. After she looked at it, she was stunned for a moment.

"Li Fu stole it that he followed me in, but only this time."

"Look at what's drawn on the painting?"

I really haven't looked at it yet.

When I looked at the painting, I was stunned. It was a girl whose legs were cut off.

"What does this mean?"

"The person in the painting is me. In the Zajia courtyard, I spent the most painful day."

"How could this happen? What happened to the family that year?

"I'll tell you later, just keep this lead painting! Sell the bracelet."

I hesitated for a moment and agreed.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen to the Zha family. What happened? The second master didn't mention it. He should have known it. He just said that the Zha family died of infectious diseases.

I didn't ask any more that day. The next day, I contacted a collector and called him out. After looking at the bracelet, he said for a long time.

"How much are you going to pay for this?"

" 2.4 million."

This is exactly the money sold by the villa.

"This is not the only number."

I was stunned.

"How much is that worth?"

"I won't talk about it. If you sell it, you have to give me three days to raise money."

I agree. When I returned to the antique store, the second master was actually there. That Wan sat aside and looked at the second master.

"Second Master, why are you here?"

"There's nothing wrong with the skin and jade hand that opened Shuiling. I want to give it to me. That's not that family's stuff, and my things are in the tomb."

I was stunned and looked at Na Wan and her expression. Obviously, she didn't want to give her skin jade hand to the second master.